
  • In this episode of the Powerful Marketing Tips podcast, we delve into the lesser-known ways of measuring business growth and success with our special guest, Aditya Varanasi. Aditya, who spent 14 years at PepsiCo pioneering digital media strategies for brands like Cheetos and Lay's Stax, shares his journey from corporate America to founding his own business, Awarity, as well as key learnings that are relevant to all businesses.

    💭 Quotes:

    "People need to see you an average of seven times before they take action.” (00:04:46)"Our mission is to make world-class advertising accessible to everyone." (00:07:37)"Think of your advertising strategy as a way to reach new customers in an efficient manner and stay with them throughout the customer journey." (00:10:50)"Stick with a plan that you feel like even if it's only 75% solid, stick with it. You'll see better results with that consistency than you will from just trying to change every week and not knowing if the change is meeting customer needs." (00:15:57) "If you neglect it and you say, I'm only going to do what I can measure to have immediate results, you're going to end up doing very little and your competition is going to build their brand over time." (00:21:24)

    ⌛ Timestamps:

    [00:04:46] Importance of Full Customer Journey

    [00:12:18] Simplicity in Advertising Messaging

    [00:14:32] Metrics for Measuring Advertising Success

    [00:21:14] Brand Awareness and Long-term Growth

    [00:28:37] Advice for New Business Owners

    🔗 Links:

    Connect with Aditya Varanasi:

    Website: https://www.awarity.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adityavaranasi/

    💡 Join the Powerful Marketers Hub to connect with marketers and entrepreneurs from around the world: https://powerful-marketers.com/hub/

    ⭐ Give feedback on this episode: https://powerful-marketers.com/podcast/

  • Feeling lost at sea with your marketing efforts? You’re not alone. Many businesses jump straight into action without a clear plan, leading to diluted efforts and subpar results. To reduce overwhelm and ineffectiveness in marketing, you must have a solid decision making framework. Don’t know how to get started? No worries, in this podcast episode, Mari-Liis and Laura from Powerful Marketers share the main steps that help you gain clarity and build an effective marketing strategy.

    💭 Quotes:“When you are all over the place, you overwhelm yourself and also your potential customers.” (00:01:21)“The clearer you become with who you can serve and how you can serve them, the easier it is for those people to find you.” (00:02:31)"In a crowded marketplace, clarity is really what sets you apart better than anything else." (00:06:14)“And I know that marketing can feel like a puzzle, but it's actually quite simple because it is all about building this know, like and trust.” (00:08:34)“There are many little details that need to be clarified in order for your marketing to run smoothly. And also don't forget about the metrics table because you need to measure what is happening and what is working, what is not.” (00:11:42)“A successful strategy takes time to yield results, right? So stay committed and be ready to adapt changes if needed." (00:13:40)⌛ Timestamps:

    [00:02:14] Clarity, Focus and Their Impact on Marketing Success

    [00:07:41] Strategy Building Tool: Step 1 (Gaining Clarity)

    [00:10:10] Strategy Building Tool: Step 2 (Client Journey Flywheel)

    [00:11:09] Strategy Building Tool: Step 3 (12-Month Marketing Plan)

    [00:12:03] Strategy Building Tool: Step 4 (Metrics)

    🔗 Links:Download the Strategy Building Tool + 12 Month Marketing Plan: https://powerful-marketers.com/12-month-marketing-plan/Join the Powerful Marketers Hub: https://powerful-marketers.com/hub/ Please give us feedback on this episode: https://powerful-marketers.com/podcast/
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  • Approaching different personalities in sales and marketing is crucial for success in the business world. In this podcast episode, Mari-Liis Vaher from Powerful Marketers interviews Terry Bean, an experienced leadership speaker and coach, on the importance of understanding and adapting to different behavioral types. Terry introduces the concept of the four primary drivers of behavior and shares how to recognize and leverage these drivers to effectively engage with different personality types and tailor marketing strategies to meet their needs and preferences.

    💭 Quotes:

    "We're going to take a deep dive into all of that and kind of give you a cheat code for communicating the right way with the people you're communicating with." (00:02:27)“If you're in a negotiation with someone that is a high fire element, it's probably going to be a win-lose scenario where they're going to seek to win and they don't care that you lose. So, not a very empathetic group of people, but definitely the type of people that in crisis management, you want someone who is high fire in charge. They are decisive, they are quick, they will get people moving.” (00:10:14)“If we're trying to communicate with water folks, if we're trying to sway them, we want to talk about how we're bringing people together. We want to talk about community. We want to talk about how it's going to help the betterment of society. Right? Because that's their drive.” (00:16:17)“If you're trying to engage an air person, you want to give them enough detail so they're not bored, but not so much that they're just like, I'm out, doesn't matter. But you want to show them how they're going to acquire learning, how they're going to acquire growth, right?” (00:22:32)"Earth people need facts. They need case studies. They need lots of detail and lots of social proof." (00:27:27)

    ⌛ Timestamps:

    [00:10:19] Fire element characteristics[00:16:26] Water element characteristics[00:19:10] Air element characteristics[00:26:59] Earth element characteristics[00:36:25] Elements in organizational culture

    🔗 Links:

    Connect with Terry Bean:

    Website: https://trybean.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/terrybean/

    Other links mentioned on the episode:

    Free assessment: https://trybean.com/behavioralelements Special offer: Assess, Analyze, and Apply: https://trybean.com/besessions

    💡 Join the Powerful Marketers Hub to connect with marketers and entrepreneurs around the world: https://powerful-marketers.com/hub/

    ⭐ Please give us feedback on this episode: https://powerful-marketers.com/podcast/

  • Sales are a crucial part of every business, but most businesses struggle with finding the right approach. In this episode, Mari-Liis Vaher from Powerful Marketers leads the discussion on the art of selling without the aggressive tactics that often leave a bad taste in both the seller's and buyer's mouths. Our special guests, seasoned sales professionals Bob Burg and Jeff C West, authors of "Streetwise to Saleswise," share their insights on creating positive sales experiences.

    💭 Quotes:

    "The challenge is it really doesn't matter how good the product or service is if you're not able to effectively communicate the message to others." (00:10:26)“A sales professional, by the very nature of what they do is simply discovering what that other person does need, does want, does desire and helping them to get it." (00:14:14)“It's what I define as a fusion point. And it's that moment in time when positive emotion and logic merge and combine." (00:16:14)“Well, you know, in my opinion, marketing is what creates the environment, the culture that when you reach out in a sales process, they're willing to listen and they're willing to say yes to you." (00:20:19)“Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people's interests first.” (00:25:12)“Giving and receiving are not opposite concepts. They're simply two sides. It's a balance.” (00:27:33)“It's 100% about how that prospect's life changes, either personally or professionally, and how their life gets better.” (00:37:49)“AI's a great intern. Just don't let it be the one who's in charge.” (00:48:06)

    ⌛ Timestamps:

    [00:10:04] Inspiration Behind "Streetwise to Saleswise"[00:19:15] Sales and Marketing Alignment[00:24:08] The Five Laws from "The Go-Giver"[00:29:51] Creating Fusion Points[00:47:45] The Role of AI and Technology in Sales Relationships

    🔗 Links:

    Connect with Bob Burg:

    Website: https://burg.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bobburg/

    Connect with Jeff C West:

    Website: https://jeffcwest.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffcwest/

    Other links mentioned on the episode:


    💡 Join the Powerful Marketers Hub to connect with like-minded marketers and entrepreneurs around the world: https://powerful-marketers.com/hub/

    ⭐ Please give us feedback on this episode: https://powerful-marketers.com/podcast/

  • Employer branding is crucial for attracting top talent to a company. In fact, employer branding and marketing efforts must be aligned, as the image a company projects through its marketing directly impacts its ability to attract and retain quality employees. In this podcast episode, Mari-Liis Vaher from Powerful Marketers interviews Laura Kassin, CEO of a recruitment company Personalileidja, that specializes in helping small businesses find the right talent for their needs.

    💭 Quotes:

    “Asking feedback is something that you should do in every stage. Even if you're doing the recruitment campaign, you can ask for feedback. For example, why did you decide to apply? What have you heard about us? What do you know about us? And when the campaign is over you can ask for feedback like how did you like the recruitment process, how can we improve it?” (00:04:21)“So you need to have a really clear picture in your mind as a leader about who it is exactly that you want to find. It's exactly the same as in marketing. You need to have this perfect persona in your mind.” (00:06:53)“Of course, yeah, it depends on the role, how many steps you need to have. But something I definitely recommend is first, of course, an interview. And there are some nuances about that. You should always have like a prepared, let's say, like a base document where you have the same questions, the same script that you want to ask everybody. And then, of course, some practical tests as well, and something to test the personality.” (00:08:30)“Nowadays you don't have to take one full-time employee. You have so many other options. You can use virtual assistants, you can have part-time people, you can have independent partners who are, you know, subcontractors basically.” (00:10:37)“If the person has a growth mindset and they share your company values and they have a good attitude, then they can learn anything. And, you know, most of the time there's always something that you need to teach.” (00:12:52)“So for me it's quite pointless to go and waste the whole interview on what have you been doing in your previous jobs. What you should be asking is what kind of results have you been producing in your previous jobs. What kind of long-lasting value have you done, achieved, created? If you leave your current job, what is going to stay there to remind everybody of what a great employee you were?” (00:16:25)“Everything starts from within. So, for example, if you have a product as well, you can have the best packaging, the best ads, the best marketing. But if the product itself, it sucks, then, you know, word is going to travel and people are not going to buy it soon anymore. And with the workplaces, it's the same thing. If the culture is rotten, then people are going to know about it.” (00:28:28)

    ⌛ Timestamps:

    [00:02:06] Why Employer Branding Matters?

    [00:06:25] How To Recruit The Right Talent?

    [00:15:15] Interview Questions And Scenarios

    [00:21:49] Practical Tests In Recruitment

    🔗 Connect with Laura Kassin:

    Website: https://personalileidja.ee LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-kassin-personalileidja/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/laura.kkassin

    💡 Join the Powerful Marketers Hub to connect with Laura Kassin and other like-minded marketers and entrepreneurs around the world: https://powerful-marketers.com/hub/

    ⭐ Please give us feedback on this episode: https://powerful-marketers.com/podcast/

  • Understanding and engaging clients is crucial for the success of any business. It involves building strong relationships with clients and prospects, fostering loyalty, and turning potential clients into long-term partners. By understanding what makes people tick and using effective communication strategies, businesses can overcome challenges in client engagement and improve productivity. In this podcast episode, Mari-Liis Vaher from Powerful Marketers interviews Alan Stevens, an international profiling and communication specialist. His expertise in human pattern recognition has made him a sought-after specialist, regularly featured in national television, radio, and the world's press.


    "Your facial features tell us everything about your personality." (00:06:50)"Well, I'm talking about personality, how somebody likes to think and process, not what they're thinking and processing." (00:19:20)"Because if we don't connect with them, like tune our transmitter into their receiver, the other person's not comfortable." (00:22:23)"Yes, if I can read the person, I know how to talk to them the best way, I can really connect with them, I can therefore find out more about what they really need and what they really want, and then I can then show that I've got a service that will provide that, removing their worry, removing their stress, saving them time, saving them money or making them money, and giving the emotional feelings that they want. And the person goes, well, I might be paying $10,000 for something, but I'm making five, 10 times that amount in the return." (00:29:47)“If I talk about you to other people, 80% of people will listen to me. If you talk about yourself to the same people, the statistics show that about 7% will listen to you. That's why advertising doesn't work really well because they haven't got to know and like you at that point.” (00:32:33)“No, you put your staff first. You treat them in a way in which they feel that they belong, they contribute, they're valued, because everybody needs that to be productive. And then they will be the ones who actually deal with your customers. So when you put your staff first, you're actually putting your customers first.” (00:33:33)


    [00:04:26] Understanding Human Pattern Recognition[00:10:48] Live Demonstration of Profiling[00:20:39] Benefits of Profiling in Business and Marketing[00:34:08] Utilizing DISC Profiles in Conjunction with Face Profiling


    Connect with Alan Stevens:

    Website: https://www.alanstevens.com.au LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/readingfaces/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReadingFaces/

    💡 PS! If you’d like to learn more about the topic, then you can find the link to Alan’s free course inside the Powerful Marketers Hub: https://community.powerful-marketers.com/

    🌟 Please give us feedback on this episode: https://powerful-marketers.com/podcast/

  • Curious about how to navigate the marketing landscape in 2024? Tune in to this episode to discover the top 5 marketing trends expected to happen this year. Mari-Liis Vaher, the co-founder of Powerful Marketers, delves into each trend, highlighting key opportunities and ways to overcome possible obstacles.


    (00:01:18) Trend #1: Relationship-Driven Marketing

    (00:02:34) Trend #2: Mix and Match AI-Driven and Real Interactions

    (00:04:33) Trend #3: Ethical and Sustainable Marketing

    (00:05:38) Trend #4: Marketing and Sales Alignment Through Data Analysis

    (00:06:58) Trend #5: Content is Still King, but Social Proof Is Queen

    📖 Read the blog post on the same topic: https://powerful-marketers.com/top-5-marketing-trends-in-2024/

    ✅ Join the Powerful Marketers Community: https://community.powerful-marketers.com/

    ✍️ Leave feedback: https://powerful-marketers.com/podcast/

  • Most people start a business with the hope to gain more freedom, yet often find themselves drowning in a sea of responsibilities. In this podcast episode, Mari-Liis Vaher from Powerful Marketers interviews Nick Cramp, a seasoned professional with three decades of entrepreneurial experience. As a coach, Nick primarily works with adolescent leaders, who are leaders of businesses that have been successful but need to transition to maintain that success and become less dependent on the owner-founder. Tune in to the episode to find out how to stop being the biggest bottleneck of your business.


    "My book is also my philosophy, which is better before bigger." (00:02:27)“And I think that's what keep businesses small is that desire or the need in the owner to control too much.” (00:04:47)“I think the structure needs to evolve where their role becomes smaller and they grow these other roles around them so that they can dip in and out of those areas, but the accountability for that area sits with somebody else.” (00:07:09)“Yeah, the second thing is that we haven't actually laid down an organizational playbook. We haven't articulated well enough what we want to happen at each stage in the business, because it's in our head and we do it naturally. And we expect other people bizarrely to understand what we understand without telling them.” (00:12:28)“We half-delegate which is like being partially pregnant. It just isn't a thing. It's either their responsibility or my responsibility and it's far easier if it sits with a single person rather than it being a joint situation.” (00:18:37)“The best leaders are the ones that have objectivity from a detached viewpoint." (00:24:32)“I think the four steps are important because you owe it to yourself. I think you owe it to yourself, but you also owe it to your future self.” (00:29:05)


    [00:07:09] Organizational structure needs clarity and flexibility.[00:07:09] Playbook with clear guidelines.[00:18:20] Delegate accountability for effective leadership.[00:23:46] Objective detachment in business.


    Connect with Nick Cramp:

    Website: https://www.nickcramp.com/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickcramp/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nickcramp/

    Join the Powerful Marketers Community: https://community.powerful-marketers.com/

    Please give us feedback on this episode: https://forms.gle/i83qkduH6dpRLytk8

  • Networking for referrals can be a valuable strategy for business owners and professionals looking to expand their reach, increase visibility, and create potential partnerships. However, many people find themselves overwhelmed by networking and frustrated by the lack of referrals they receive. In this podcast episode, Mari-Liis Vaher from Powerful Marketers interviews Frank Agin, a thought leader in business networking and professional relationships since 1997. Frank shares his insights on 3 common mistakes people make when networking.


    "There have been studies done at Harvard. It was done over years and years. But loneliness is worse for your health than smoking. We need people in our lives." (00:03:01)“We do business with those we know, we like, we trust.” (00:08:32)"And it's entirely possible that there are people out there, they're known, and they're liked, but people don't necessarily trust them. And I always tell people there's really two aspects to trust. One aspect of trust is they have to believe in your honesty. And then the second aspect of trust is that they have to believe in your reliability or your capability.” (00:09:58)“[My parents], they knew me. They liked me. They trusted me. I never got a referral from my parents. Never. You know why? Because I never explained to my parents what a good referral would be for me.” (00:13:57)“But if they don't know how to recognize opportunities, you're not going to get a referral." (00:14:32)“And I tell people, it's your job. If you're looking for referrals, it's your responsibility to get the people around you to understand what it means. It's not their responsibility to learn all about you.” (00:17:40)“And we need to empower people with that language. When you see this, recognize me. When you hear this, recognize it could be a good opportunity for me.” (00:29:04)“But the exercise I give in my organization is, what I tell people is, don't tell me what you do. Don't tell me you're a marketer. Tell me when you do it.” (00:33:36)


    [00:02:53] Why should we network?[00:07:53] Mistake #1: There is no relationship[00:12:55] Mistake #2: Failure to create recognition[00:24:07] Mistake #3: Not knowing how to talk about what you do


    Connect with Frank Agin:

    Website: https://frankagin.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/frankagin/

    Join the Powerful Marketers Community: https://community.powerful-marketers.com/

    Please give us feedback on this episode: https://forms.gle/i83qkduH6dpRLytk8

  • As a business owner or marketer, you surely understand the importance of generating leads to grow your business. But how can you attract high-quality leads and stand out from your competitors? The answer lies in offering valuable resources, called lead magnets, that capture the attention and contact details of your target audience. In this podcast episode, Mari-Liis and Laura from Powerful Marketers explore seven powerful lead magnet ideas that can help you generate quality leads and nurture them into loyal customers.


    “A lead is someone who could potentially be a great fit for your business and vice versa.” (00:01:16)“And as you get their emails, you can keep on building that relationship and nurturing that relationship until they are finally ready to become your customer.” (00:02:29)“So when you build your own email list, you will have the power to decide how you communicate to them, how often you do that, and of course you can choose what kind of messages you send them.” (00:03:38)“Gathering emails is very crucial, but I just want you to think of the way that you gather those emails because there are a lot of laws and regulations about privacy and data protection as well.” (00:04:18)"So definitely think regarding your own business, is there a template or a tool that you can build that makes your customers or potential customers' lives a lot easier because people are actively searching for solutions like that all the time." (00:07:50)“And just to recap, what we talked about were templates and tools, video courses and webinars, ebooks and white papers, product trials, strategy goals, quizzes and tests and giveaways and discounts.” (00:16:36)


    (00:06:09) Templates & Tools

    (00:08:06) Video Courses & Webinars

    (00:10:30) Ebooks & White Papers

    (00:12:02) Product Trials

    (00:13:12) Strategy Calls

    (00:14:14) Quizzes & Tests

    (00:15:37) Giveaways & Discounts

    Join the Powerful Marketers Community: https://community.powerful-marketers.com/

    Please give us feedback on this episode: https://forms.gle/i83qkduH6dpRLytk8

  • Embracing advertising for business growth is crucial in today's digital age, however for most business owners the ever changing landscape of digital ads is too overwhelming. In this episode, Mari-Liis Vaher from Powerful Marketers interviews Janet E Johnson to discuss the challenges and frustrations of running digital ads and how to make advertising money count. Together, they explore strategies to avoid common pitfalls and achieve measurable results in marketing efforts. Tune in to learn how to navigate the world of digital ads and maximize your advertising ROI.

    Janet E Johnson is an ad agency owner, coach, worldwide speaker and podcaster that specializes in helping business owners get a return on their investment. She has generated millions of dollars for clients with their Online Sales Funnels, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok advertising.


    “What I found was that the return on investment was much more difficult to get with doing just posting compared to doing ads. Because with ads, you can learn from the data and the analytics and you can shift and scale it up to really know and make that profit." (00:02:59)"AI and the algorithms got so smart lately that the possibility of using a broader audience and letting the ads do the work for you can happen as well.” (00:04:57)“So if you have the goal of a conversion or a purchase even, then they're more likely to find people that would actually convert or buy.” (00:07:06)“Well, I mean, the ads will work from the get go. I mean, they're going to work, but they could be really expensive.” (00:09:33)“The more budget you have, obviously, the faster you get the data." (00:09:50)“As for budget, it does depend on the size of the company. For TikTok ads, for instance, and even with Facebook, I recommend no less than $20 a day. But it really should be more like the recommended to start, I typically say we want to start between $30 and $50 a day.” (00:14:38)“What I will say is, if you really want a business that is going to be consistent and scale, even to the level that you want, you really, really, really should embrace advertising, the ads, because you can learn from the data, you can learn along the way, it's the only thing that really provides consistency compared to the organic side of the social media.” (00:20:33)


    [00:04:19] Target audience expansion[00:07:18] Testing is crucial for successful advertising[00:10:59] Dynamic ads vs normal ads[00:13:21] Timeframe for seeing ad results[00:20:12] Embrace advertising for consistent growth


    Connect with Janet E Johnson:

    Website: https://www.janetejohnson.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janetejohnson/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janetejohnson/

    Join the Powerful Marketers Community: https://community.powerful-marketers.com/

    Please give us feedback on this episode: https://forms.gle/i83qkduH6dpRLytk8

  • In this podcast episode, Mari-Liis Vaher from Powerful Marketers interviews Michelle Lee Myrter, who shares her journey of rebuilding her life after losing her job and how she became an expert in building relationships. Michelle discusses the BANK system, which is a reverse-engineered personality science based on buyology (the science of buying behavior) and core values, and explains how it differs from the well-known DISC model.

    Michelle is a business coach and trainer, and an international professional speaker. She has 28 years of experience in sales and marketing for a multi-million dollar company. After losing everything, she built a very successful company and direct sales business by using the BANK system she now teaches other people.


    “And what happened is my life transformed. I was able to grow my company, which was my main goal from zero to 2.2 million in less than three years. But the biggest change that happened was this changed my life with my children. It saved my relationship with my oldest son." (00:02:39)"BANK is reverse engineered. personality science, and if you line up DISC and BANK, they're exactly the same, only completely different. And the reason they're completely different is because it's not based in psychology. It's based in buyology, the science of buying behavior, and it's based on core values.” (00:05:39)“Every person is made up of all four. So it depends on the order that they're in. That makes them the unique person they are.” (00:08:03)“The biggest mistake that entrepreneurs and business owners make is that they speak in their own code, even in relationships with your spouse or your child. We're speaking in a way we understand. It's not the person's job sitting across from us to try to figure out and interpret what we're saying. It's our job to communicate clearly so they understand.” (00:10:04)“Every code is important, and every code can be successful. Sometimes it takes more to get into action for certain codes." (00:21:16)“It's all about the person sitting across from you. The better you can become at understanding it's not personal, it's personality. People matter. Everyone deserves to be seen, heard and understood.” (00:24:42)


    [00:05:38] The Difference Between DISC And BANK[00:06:30] Blueprint Personality[00:06:49] Action Personality[00:07:10] Nurturing Personality[00:07:24] Knowledge Personality[00:07:24] How To Communicate With Different Personality Types?


    Connect with Michelle Lee Myrter:

    Website: https://codebreakertech.com/ref/michelle.myrter/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-myrter/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michellelee_721/

    Get your complimentary B.A.N.K. ™ report: https://my.bankcode.com/?ref=michelle.myrter

    Join the Powerful Marketers Community: https://community.powerful-marketers.com/

    Please give us feedback on this episode: https://forms.gle/i83qkduH6dpRLytk8

  • In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses are constantly looking for ways to streamline their marketing processes and maximize their revenue. One powerful tool that can help achieve these goals is email automation flows. By automating certain tasks and following up with contacts, businesses can ensure consistent engagement, personalized communication, and increased conversions. In this podcast episode, Mari-Liis Vaher and Laura Kukemelk from Powerful Marketers will dive into the world of email automation flows, exploring their benefits, common use cases, and best practices.


    "Email automations are trigger based emails that you set up once. And every time a new contact meets the condition that you have set for that flow, they will receive the email or a series of emails." (00:01:31)“If you are gathering feedback, do not forget about adding good feedback on your website and to your other channels because you can show that to your potential customers also.” (00:06:08)“So just think of ways that you can make your customers' lives easier by just popping up right before they need you.” (00:11:22)“Make sure that you send them to the appropriate next step and not just spam them, because that's the potential danger with those email automations that they become irrelevant and or too frequent if, you know, the customer is in multiple flows at the same time.” (00:13:56)“If you are already gathering those contact details for giving them access to a tool or a download or a template or a book, then make sure to keep nurturing that contact because if you are only sending them one email like here's your download, then the relationship goes cold very quickly.” (00:17:14)


    (00:02:53) Birthday Emails

    (00:04:25) Feedback Emails

    (00:11:51) Event/Webinar Emails

    (00:08:11) Abandoned Cart Emails

    (00:17:11) Lead Magnet Download Emails

    (00:18:26) Newsletter/Membership Welcome Emails

    Join the Powerful Marketers Community: https://community.powerful-marketers.com/

    Please give us feedback on this episode: https://forms.gle/i83qkduH6dpRLytk8

  • Your online presence can make or break your business, at least when it comes to first impressions. In this episode, Mari-Liis and Laura from Powerful Marketers talk about building a reliable brand and its importance for achieving long-term success. Whether you're just starting out or looking to strengthen your online presence, this episode will serve as a valuable reminder of the essentials.


    “Because with an oversaturated marketplace, you must be perceived as a reliable brand in order to stand out and get your target audience's attention.” (00:00:13)“Go over your website through the perspective of a potential client who doesn't know anything about you yet.” (00:06:54)“The most important part is to remember the consistency and recognizability of your social media platforms because these are the cornerstones for online credibility. So whether it’s your website, social media profile or email communications, this cohesive appearance helps your brand really shine.” (00:09:10)“A well established and consistent online presence saves you money, time, nerves, your resources in the long run for sure.” (00:13:32)“Your online presence really is the first touch point for potential clients. So make sure it really reflects your professionalism and the value you offer, really.” (00:14:06)


    (00:01:08) The Importance of Brand Reliability for Business Success

    (00:04:17) Optimizing Email Signature and Website for Client Engagement

    (00:08:58) Promoting Business Online: Importance of Consistency and SEO

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  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various industries, and marketing is no exception. In a recent podcast episode, Mari-Liis and Laura from Powerful Marketers, discuss the use of AI in marketing in 2023 and explore its impact on the industry. This blog post delves into their insightful conversation, addressing common concerns, and highlighting the potential of AI as a game-changer in marketing.


    “AI actually learns from you and it really adapts to your inputs.” (00:03:21)“From psychology we know that we all love to buy things, but we don't like to be sold to.” (00:02:31)“I would suggest to think of AI as your new employee. Maybe at first, of course, it takes time for it to understand your communication style and your expectations, but eventually it can really increase the productivity of your copywriters and other team members that you have.” (00:03:52)“The key is to ask the right questions and also provide relevant information.” (00:04:42)“Be prepared to play around with it a little bit and train it and give it feedback over and over again. And it will become wiser and it will become stronger.” (00:05:28)“AI cannot strategize, offer these human connections, emotional intelligence or critical thinking. So the output can be only as good as the input is.” (00:06:08)“Think of AI as your assistant, not as somebody who can do things for you entirely, but they can assist you. So if you know what you need, you have to be very precise with your communication, which is a skill that you also need in human interactions. So if you know what you need, then AI can really be helpful there. So approach AI with that mindset of collaboration.” (00:08:20)


    (00:00:31) AI: The Game Changer for Marketing and Business

    (00:01:55) Embracing Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Productivity in Marketing

    (00:04:41) How to Train AI?

    (00:07:21) Use AI in Personal Life As Well

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  • Business owners invest significant time and resources into attracting potential customers to their products or services. However, it can be frustrating when those potential leads fail to convert into paying clients. In this podcast episode, Mari-Liis Vaher and Laura Kukemelk from Powerful Marketers explore the reasons why potential customers may not convert and provide actionable solutions to improve conversion rates.


    “But that brings us to the first reason why your potential customers are not converting and that is lack of service centric mindset. And what that means is that you as a business owner are only focusing on pushing your business, your product, your service, and you are not actually focusing on what the customer needs.” (00:01:47)“From psychology we know that we all love to buy things, but we don't like to be sold to.” (00:02:31)“So your product or service is most likely amazing and very excellent and there is real value. But many businesses struggle to showcase that value in a way that the audience would actually understand.” (00:03:21)“There are so many scammers out there and people don't know really who to trust. And in marketing we know that it's all about knowing, liking and trusting the brand or the service or the product that you are offering.” (00:04:01)“For any business, in any industry, it makes so much more sense to focus on retaining your customers instead of constantly trying to acquire new ones. Because it is so much more cost effective to keep your existing customers, keep them happy, keep them satisfied, so that they would keep coming back to you and of course refer new people to you as well.” (00:04:54)


    (00:01:45) Lack of Service-Centric Mindset

    (00:02:25) Sales Pressure

    (00:03:12) Lack of Understanding the Value

    (00:03:55) Lack of Trust

    (00:04:45) Poor Customer Service

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  • As a business owner, your primary goal should not only be linked to generating profits, but also to provide value to your audience. In this podcast episode, Mari-Liis and Laura from Powerful Marketers explore how challenges can be an effective tool for engaging your audience while fostering their growth. By offering structured and purposeful challenges, you can provide quick wins, inspire your audience, and lead them towards achieving their goals.

    At Powerful Marketers, we have divided the challenge experience into three key phases: planning, implementation, and results.

    Day 1: Planning Phase: On the first day, help participants clarify their goals, outline necessary steps, create action plans, and set expectations for the challenge.Day 2: Implementation Phase: Dive into the challenge tasks, guiding participants in putting their action plans into motion. Provide resources and assistance to overcome obstacles.Day 3: Results Phase: Focus on evaluating progress, setting metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and helping participants develop sustainable habits beyond the challenge.

    By embracing the power of challenges, you can not only engage your audience but also provide immense value, inspiration, and the guidance they need to achieve their goals. Challenges create a supportive environment that drives growth and transformation, not only for the participants but also for your business.


    “And as business owners, we not only need to focus on ourselves and our growth, but also on helping our clients make progress.” (00:01:39)“First of all, it creates this supportive environment where they can really dedicate uninterrupted time for the most important topic or the topic you are actually challenging there. But most importantly, they will take time to focus and there are no distractions because you as a host can really walk them through this topic and help them get things done.” (00:02:20)“By providing this structure and this support, you can really help your clients make meaningful improvement.” (00:04:33)“You can use that no matter what industry you are in today. Just think about your audience and the type of events or challenges that might bring some value to them.” (00:05:41)


    (00:00:43) The Power of Hosting Challenges for Business Growth

    (00:02:51) The Structure of a Three Day Challenge

    (00:04:38) The Impact It Can Have on Your Business

    Join the Powerful Marketers Community: https://community.powerful-marketers.com/

    Please give us feedback on this episode: https://forms.gle/i83qkduH6dpRLytk8

  • As a business owner, navigating the world of online metrics can be overwhelming. With an abundance of data available, it can be challenging to make sense of what truly matters and how it aligns with your business goals. In this podcast episode, Mari-Liis Vaher and Laura Kukemelk from Powerful Marketers explore the complexities of social media metrics, the importance of focusing on the right ones, and how to measure success in a meaningful way.


    “Well first of all, all of those social media likes and comments and shares. They are very nice of course, and they show that you are doing something right. People are noticing what you're doing, but they don't mean business closed, so it may not contribute to your bottom line.” (00:01:47)"There is no way to know for sure which metrics are correct and which are credible because different channels tend to show you different numbers because they want to show you great numbers so that you would keep coming back to their channel." (00:02:10)“My advice would be to just focus on the value and the consistency and the results will eventually come if you do the right thing.” (00:03:54)“So as a business owner I would say make sure to follow just a few main important KPIs for your business and see where the trend is actually going because yes, those vanity metrics are nice to have. It gives you a great feeling if you have many clicks and impressions. But if nothing really happens in the bottom line then you shouldn't maybe put your resources into this channel.” (00:08:19)"So remember, different channels may provide varying numbers. So it's important to establish those reliable sources of data that you can track repeatedly and consistently and understand what really impacts your business and its success." (00:08:58)


    (00:00:59) Marketing Metrics for Business Owners: What to Measure and Why

    (00:05:55) Most Common Social Media Metrics To Track

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  • In this episode, hosts Mari-Liis Vaher and Laura Kukemelk from Powerful Marketers delve into the secrets of effective time management. Discover the importance of managing oneself, not just time, and gain practical insights through three essential steps for completing important tasks consistently. From discipline and calendar utilization to efficient task management and realistic expectations, these marketing professionals share valuable tips to reduce anxiety and increase productivity.


    “It is through our actions, that we give time meaning, whether it is a minute invested or a minute wasted. Of course, not everything goes as planned.” (00:00:11)"It is okay not to be perfect. What is important is to know how to get back on track and move towards your goals." (00:00:29)“Nobody is managing your tasks and your time but you. So if you're not doing it very consciously, chances are that it is going to be causing you more significant problems than you might have even considered. So we want to talk about planning for a second.” (00:01:41)“If you keep failing yourself, you keep damaging your self confidence and this can really quickly lead you down the negative path where you feel like they're never in your control.” (00:02:26)“Make sure to add to your calendar those most important tasks. These are the things that serve your biggest goals and really help you grow your business.” (00:05:04)“Don't be overly attached to the results, just focus on the activities that will bring those results.” (00:08:15)“Most people don't have a problem with working hard but managing yourself is a problem for many.” (00:09:51)


    [00:01:16] The Importance of Planning and Time Management

    [00:04:17] Efficient Task Management Tips for Marketing Professionals

    Join the Powerful Marketers Community: https://community.powerful-marketers.com/Please give us feedback on this episode: https://forms.gle/i83qkduH6dpRLytk8
  • In this podcast episode, Mari-Liis Vaher from Powerful Marketers interviews Wayne Reuvers, an expert in multi-location digital marketing. Wayne emphasizes the importance of localized digital presence. He highlights the significance of personalized marketing for each specific location, as most people spend their disposable income within 15 miles of where they live and work. By incorporating city names into ads and buying media locally, businesses can increase response rates and lower costs. Overall, Wayne provides practical tips and insights for businesses looking to establish localized digital presence.

    Wayne is the Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of LiveTechnology Holdings and LiveRetail. He has successfully invested in and built multiple subsidiaries and successfully exited 6 businesses having created over $110 million in wealth for the investors.


    “About 85% of a consumer's disposable income will be spent within 15 miles." (00:02:54)"We traditionally just see an ad that just talks about the product and has a headline and that's it. By adding the name of that city, the response rate will go up by a minimum of 30 to 40 per cent and typically four to five times.” (00:03:36)“Whether you're apparel companies like Nike and Unilever, Procter & Gamble, you're all bidding against each other. So you're paying for a premium. On the other hand, when you buy that same set of criteria - so someone is interested in a product within the age range, income level, et cetera, but within six or seven kilometres or 10 or 12 miles around an area, you have no competitive bidding against you for those criteria. So the cost of your media is typically 60 per cent less.” (00:04:46)“As a local business, the most important thing you have, and we always hear it, is location, location, location. And the reality is you need to make sure you market that location. So every ad you run has to include the name of a city or town because people that recognize that will respond and be engaged much higher.” (00:07:17)“When you buy your advertising, you need to hyper-target it. And in digital, the more targeting elements you have, the better it is because you reduce your cost because you remove competition." (00:07:38)“The reason you want those carousel ads is they help with engagement. So on social media sites, you can click on an ad and go to the website or buy something, do whatever you need. You can actually interact with the ad. You can slide it across and that gets people engaged. They can like the ad, which gives you free exposure. They can share the ad, which is even more valuable because people only share ads to applicable other people that are interested in the ad.” (00:19:27)“Social media is at least 60 to 120 per cent more effective when you're doing localized advertising.” (00:19:59)


    [00:04:43] Hyper-targeting advertising.[00:12:40] Pre-built ads with AI.[00:15:00] Reducing Cost of Ad Production.[00:17:59] Social Media Advertising Techniques.[00:24:52] Crowdfunding a Business Opportunity.


    Connect with Wayne Reuvers:

    Websites: https://livetechnology.com and https://liveretail.com/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wreuvers/Join the Powerful Marketers Community: https://community.powerful-marketers.com/ Please give us feedback on this episode: https://forms.gle/i83qkduH6dpRLytk8