In this episode of Positively Sexy, we explore the transformative power of affirmations in enhancing our intimate relationships. I recite sexual partner affirmations designed to manifest profound love, trust, and passion. From fostering deep emotional connections to celebrating the beauty of physical intimacy, these affirmations are a powerful tool for cultivating a relationship filled with love, respect, and mutual fulfillment. Join me as we embrace the power of positive thinking and witness the transformative impact it can have on our intimate experiences. Subscribe now and share with your friends to spread the love!
Unlock the path to healing hips from stored trauma in this empowering episode. Gain insights, tips, and holistic approaches for fostering well-being and releasing tension. Join me on the quest for greater freedom and healing.
Journal Prompts and Exercises:
Reflect on any sensations or emotions that arose during the healing hips exercise. How did it feel to focus on this part of your body, and did any memories or thoughts come up? Write about your experience. Explore the idea of liberation from stored trauma in your hips. How does this concept resonate with you, and in what ways do you envision your life changing as you embrace healing in this area? Write down any insights or intentions. Consider how you can incorporate practices for hip health and emotional well-being into your daily life. What simple actions or rituals can you adopt to continue the healing process for your hips? Jot down practical steps and commitments to yourself. -
Join me in this empowering episode of Positively Sexy as we explore the art of manifesting abundance through the lens of positivity. Discover how to embrace empowerment, cultivate a positive mindset, set intentions, take aligned action, radiate gratitude, and fully embody abundance. Get ready to harness the magic of manifestation and step into a life filled with limitless possibilities. Journal Prompts:
1. Reflect on your vision of abundance: Take a moment to envision the life of abundance and success you desire. Describe it in detail, including the various aspects of your life such as career, relationships, health, and personal fulfillment. How does this vision make you feel? What steps can you take to align your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with this vision?
2. Explore limiting beliefs: Identify any limiting beliefs or self-doubt that may hinder your ability to manifest abundance. Write about these beliefs and reflect on their origins and impact on your life. Challenge these beliefs and explore empowering alternatives that align with your desires. How can you reframe your mindset to support your journey towards abundance? 3. Celebrate milestones and successes: Reflect on past successes, milestones, or moments of abundance in your life. Describe these experiences and their significance. How did you manifest these positive outcomes? How can you replicate or build upon these successes in other areas of your life? Write about the lessons you’ve learned and the empowering beliefs you can carry forward on your journey. -
Skip past me talking about my life: 9:00
Sorry for not posting in over a year ya'll! Life has been lifeing and I fell off. But that's ok because I'm back!
In this episode we talk about starting over or starting a new chapter in your life. We explore ways that you can make small changes that will overall lead you to your ideal self!
This episodes journal prompts:
1. Reflect on your higher self: Take a moment to visualize and describe your highest self in detail. What does your ideal version of yourself look like physically, mentally, and emotionally? What are the qualities and traits you possess? How does this version of yourself interact with others, handle challenges, and pursue your dreams? Write about the characteristics you admire and aspire to embody.
2. Explore your barriers and limiting beliefs: Reflect on the barriers or limiting beliefs that have held you back from fully stepping into your highest self. Are there any fears, doubts, or negative self-talk that arise when you think about becoming this version of yourself? Write about these barriers and challenge their validity. What steps can you take to overcome them and cultivate a mindset that aligns with your highest potential?
3. Plan your new chapter: Imagine your life as a book or a TV series, with each chapter representing a new phase of growth and evolution. Reflect on the current chapter of your life and the characters and aspects that no longer serve you. Write about the changes you need to make, the habits you want to cultivate, and the people or situations you may need to let go of to create space for your new chapter. How will you embrace this journey of becoming your highest self? -
Join us on a journey of sensual self-discovery with 'Mindful Sensuality,' a guided meditation episode that invites you to embrace your erotic self through the power of mindfulness. Through soothing guidance and a focus on presence, you'll learn to cultivate a deeper connection with your body, tap into your sensuality, and awaken a profound sense of self-love and empowerment. Immerse yourself in this transformative meditation experience and unlock the limitless potential of your sensual being.
These affirmations will help you build them confidence and manifest your best sexual awakening!
In this episode we recite affirmations to feel sexy and sensual during your hands free orgasm experience!
Hello! This is the 5th episode of my podcast Positively Sexy! In this episode I explain and walk you through how to have energy and breathing orgasms! Positively Sexy can be found on all major podcast streamers! https://linktr.ee/fayerenee
Hey ya'll! In this episode we recite affirmations to help manifest and attract the love we desire and deserve!
This episode is about my personal self love journey and that being single doesn't mean you can't still date!
This episode has daily affirmations to help you on your sexual wellness journey. Listen to them before you go to sleep, when you are getting ready for a date, or any time you need a confidence boost and a reminder that you are a sexual deity!
This is my very first podcast!!! Welcome and Thank You for listening! This episode is about some of the ways that I have increased my sexual wellness on my sexual journey.