A quick message to you before celebrating Independence Day if you are in the USA.
Have a great holiday weekend or great weekend if you are outside the USA!
God Bless and keep fighting the good fight!
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I am aiming to podcast once a week and for more content, see the links below:
X (Twitter)
Porn Free Millennial Substack
Mac’s Musings Substack
Mac’s Musings Medium
To support all my projects in one place, visit Colorado Mac
Benefits of becoming a Paid Member!
Stay up-to-date and get early access
You won’t have to worry about missing my recovery journey and valuable tips to quitting porn. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox and you get full access to my archived articles!
15% Discount on $40 1 Hour Momentum Building Sessions
Conquering this bad habit and breaking free of the chains that bind you is all about creating and maintaining positive momentum in your life!
These sessions will be geared towards finding that spark in you and getting that fire roaring so that you can strive towards positive growth in your life and the chains of captivity behind!
What to expect in our sessions:
Personalized One-Hour Zoom Call: Engage in a focused, one-on-one session tailored to your unique challenges and how to build positive momentum towards your goals.
Identify Obstacles: Work together to pinpoint what's holding you back, whether it's personal, professional, or emotional.
Action Plan Development: Collaboratively create a practical and achievable action plan to move forward and gain momentum.
Clarity and Direction: Gain clear insights and direction on how to tackle your issues effectively.
Motivation Boost: Get inspired and motivated with strategies and encouragement tailored to your needs.
Expert Guidance: Benefit from my experience and expertise to help you navigate through your current challenges.
Accountability: Establish a sense of accountability to ensure you stay on track with your goals.
Flexible and Convenient: Enjoy the convenience of a Zoom call from the comfort of your own space.
Follow-Up Support: Optional follow-up sessions to ensure you maintain progress and continue building momentum.
Join the crew
Be part of a community of people who share your interest in quitting porn and reclaiming their life.
When you join the crew, you have access to my member only chat and will have access to the Ask Me Anything monthly podcast that will be geared towards answering your questions and discussing topics that you want to talk about!
Get full access to Porn Free Millennial at pornfreemillennial.substack.com/subscribe -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Thanks for listening to this podcast about Lord of the Rings and conquering challenges!
I am aiming to podcast once a week and for more content, see the links below:
X (Twitter)
Porn Free Millennial Substack
Mac’s Musings Substack
Mac’s Musings Medium
To support all my projects in one place, visit Colorado Mac
Benefits of becoming a Paid Member!
Stay up-to-date and get early access
You won’t have to worry about missing my recovery journey and valuable tips to quitting porn. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox and you get full access to my archived articles!
15% Discount on $40 1 Hour Momentum Building Sessions
Conquering this bad habit and breaking free of the chains that bind you is all about creating and maintaining positive momentum in your life!
These sessions will be geared towards finding that spark in you and getting that fire roaring so that you can strive towards positive growth in your life and the chains of captivity behind!
What to expect in our sessions:
Personalized One-Hour Zoom Call: Engage in a focused, one-on-one session tailored to your unique challenges and how to build positive momentum towards your goals.
Identify Obstacles: Work together to pinpoint what's holding you back, whether it's personal, professional, or emotional.
Action Plan Development: Collaboratively create a practical and achievable action plan to move forward and gain momentum.
Clarity and Direction: Gain clear insights and direction on how to tackle your issues effectively.
Motivation Boost: Get inspired and motivated with strategies and encouragement tailored to your needs.
Expert Guidance: Benefit from my experience and expertise to help you navigate through your current challenges.
Accountability: Establish a sense of accountability to ensure you stay on track with your goals.
Flexible and Convenient: Enjoy the convenience of a Zoom call from the comfort of your own space.
Follow-Up Support: Optional follow-up sessions to ensure you maintain progress and continue building momentum.
Join the crew
Be part of a community of people who share your interest in quitting porn and reclaiming their life.
When you join the crew, you have access to my member only chat and will have access to the Ask Me Anything monthly podcast that will be geared towards answering your questions and discussing topics that you want to talk about!
Get full access to Porn Free Millennial at pornfreemillennial.substack.com/subscribe -
If you or someone you know is struggling, this is for you: Smiling Despite. God will smile upon you despite all that goes wrong, and I want you to know that.
Earlier this week, I wrote this poem and created a video using AI for editing. I also used AI to clone my voice and read the poem I wrote.
I'm discovering endless possibilities for creativity and inspiration through this growing technology and software.
If you're curious about the product I used and the process behind creating this video, feel free to reach out!
Get full access to Porn Free Millennial at pornfreemillennial.substack.com/subscribe -
My goal is to encourage you to write your own break-up letter with your bad habit and/or addiction. Whether it be porn, gambling, alchohol, drugs, etc…writing a break-up letter, when you are ready, solidifies your stand against this toxic energy in your life. God Bless and take courage!
Here we go…
(This letter was written almost a year ago on May 15, 2023)
Looking back, I can see that our relationship had some benefits, I can acknowledge that.
You taught me about my body and the thrill of pleasure. At the early age of 10, I could see what beauty looked like fully revealed and accessible. I gained so much wisdom for being so young.
You educated me about different techniques and positions which made me feel like the master. Someone with confidence, with skill, with power.
You were there to numb me where I did not want to encounter my trauma. The pains too deep to behold. You were the one who took them away, you provided me shelter. You provided me a place to hide from the monsters lurking in my mind. No person could do that for me.
You gave me the attention that I always deserved. You provided me anyone at my beck and call, fully undressed and ready to serve any of my needs.
You taught me how to be a man. How to take what is mine and how to demand attention. I deserved every second of it. I truly felt unstoppable at times.
You became my god, I worshipped every time you blessed me with your presence. You intoxicated me with ecstasy.
I started to realize…
That it was all a lie…All of it!
You turned me into something I never dreamed of becoming…
The monsters in my mind, incarnate.
From a lover, to a slayer.
From a builder, to a destroyer.
From a Christian, to a demon.
All of the trust I placed in you because of the powers you gave me…
All the lies I told to protect you, to defend you…
All of the times I betrayed the ones I loved, just to be with you…
You never loved me.
And you know what…
I never loved you.
You manipulated me.
You embarrassed me.
You desecrated my temple and my connection to my true God.
You transformed me into a liar, a robber, an adulterer.
You pillaged my integrity and raped my innocence.
You took everything from me.
Because of our relationship and your control over my mind…
My marriage ended.
My family separated.
My faith splintered.
My life was nearly taken by my own hand.
But you know what?
I’m breaking up with you, but you aren’t breaking up with me. I’m not done with you.
I’m coming for you.
I’m coming for revenge.
I’m coming to pay you back.
I’m coming to win the hearts and minds of others with truth and love.
I’m coming to end your reign.
Your reign over innocence.
Your reign over intimacy.
Your reign over trust.
Your reign over productivity.
Your reign over the true beauty of others and their God-given radiance.
Your reign over love and passion.
Your reign over living in the present and enjoying what is natural, what is real.
You are not a person.
You are not a website.
You are not a business.
You are a mind virus from the chasms of hell.
You are a deceiver.
You are a murderer.
You are a snake, and I’m coming to take your head off.
Your enemy,
Let’s take the fight back to porn, join me!
Interested in personalized support? Reach out for a free consultation on 1:1 coaching by emailing pornfreemillennial@gmail.com.
Substack subscribers enjoy a 25% discount!
For more content, follow me on
Let's navigate temptation together, one step at a time.
Take a Stand and Fight the Good Fight!
Get full access to Porn Free Millennial at pornfreemillennial.substack.com/subscribe -
In this interview, Sir Silver Star shares his story and approach to overcoming adversity by living a fulfilling life.
Sir Silver Star is a software developer and content creator who loves video games and tech.
Please check this important conversation out and share with others!
Thank you and keep fighting the good fight!
Sir Silver Star can be found on Twitch, Youtube, TikTok, and X.
If you are interested in 1:1 Coaching: Email me at pornfreemillennial@gmail.com for a free consultation.
For more content:
Substack - https://pornfreemillennial.substack.com/
Medium - https://medium.com/porn-free-miillennial
Get full access to Porn Free Millennial at pornfreemillennial.substack.com/subscribe -
In this episode, my brother and I discuss the FASTT Check-In method that is an incredible accountability tool that you can use on a daily basis for porn use recovery (or other forms of healing and self-development). This method was initially developed by Dr. Milton Magness for sex addicts and their partners, but can be applied to many areas of life. This check-in strategy has been a critical part our recovery. If you or someone you know is struggling with porn use, this episode is a must watch & share!
Show Notes: X Account:
You can find my podcast on Apple/Spotify.
Porn Free Millennial Publication: Substack/Medium
Porn Free Millennial: Episode 7 (FASTT Check Ins) & 13 (Breaking Free Together: The Powerful Role of Brotherhood in Recovery - With My Brother, Noah
Other Porn Free Podcasts: Porn Free Radio Finding Traction FASTT Check-Ins -> Developed by Dr. Milton Magness, referenced in Episode 106 of Porn Free Radio
Accountability Software: I Am Sober - https://iamsober.com/en/site/home -> My Group is called Road to Recovery - send me a friend request to join! Covenant Eyes -
Accountable2u -
Concepts: Flow State - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - https://positivepsychology.com/mihaly-csikszentmihalyi-father-of-flow/
Get full access to Porn Free Millennial at pornfreemillennial.substack.com/subscribe -
This discussion marks a significant milestone in my life. Just over a year ago, my divorce was finalized, and my future seemed uncertain. It felt like the life I had built was crumbling around me.
Throughout my recovery journey, Vern has been my guiding light. His mentorship has elevated me to new heights, helping me navigate challenges and discover my true potential.
I cannot stress enough the importance of having a mentor who believes in you and supports your growth. I invite you to join me in celebrating this milestone and to share this post with anyone who may benefit from Vern's wisdom and guidance.
Together, let's inspire others to unlock their potential and strive for greatness. Enjoy and spread the love! ❤️
Here's how to find Vern!
1:1 or Group Coaching: https://www.bandofbrothers.care/regular-joes
Finding Traction Apple:
Finding Traction Spotify:
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Get full access to Porn Free Millennial at pornfreemillennial.substack.com/subscribe -
In this discussion Dr. Gregory Borse provides his opinion on the evolution of porn throughout the dawn of time from ancient civilizations to the present day and its effect on culture and society.
Dr. Borse is a Professor of English and Philosophy, University of Arkansas at Monticello and also achieved his PHD in English from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.
Dr. Borse can be found on X under @GregoryBorse and he also has a Substack publication at https://gregoryborse.substack.com/.
Credits: Capcut for Editing. Intro/Outro - Beast Mode - ROKKA
Get full access to Porn Free Millennial at pornfreemillennial.substack.com/subscribe -
This is my first interview on this channel/podcast and it is with my little brother and best friend, Noah.
In this interview, we talk about our relationship as brothers and how our bond has grown stronger over the past year since we became each other's accountability partners.
This is Part 1 of a two-part series.
In Part 1, we discuss why community, brotherhood and accountability are so important to healthy recovery and living into your full potential. I
n Part 2, we will discuss how we hold each other accountable on a daily basis and why that is so effective to maintaining sobriety and moving towards a way of living that is healthy. Come join us and fight the good fight!
Intro/Outro: Beast Mode by Rokka
Please like, subscribe, and share to spread the message!
For weekly written content, check out my Substack
Spotify Podcast
Apple Podcast
Regular Joes Coaching Group - Led by Vern Tompke
I Am Sober App
Porn Addicts Anonymous
Get full access to Porn Free Millennial at pornfreemillennial.substack.com/subscribe -
Get full access to Porn Free Millennial at pornfreemillennial.substack.com/subscribe -
Get full access to Porn Free Millennial at pornfreemillennial.substack.com/subscribe -
In this episode, I talk about keeping things simple this year and having active commitments in 4 areas of your life in order to build strong momentum and for holistic well-being this year.
1. Physical Health
2. Spiritual Health
3. Relationships
4. Passions
Credits: Movie editing: @clipchampcom
Intro & Outro: All Hyped Up @clipchampcom music
Reference items: 1. My Substack Article: Wednesday Wisdom: Active Commitments - https://pornfreemillennial.substack.com/p/wednesday-wisdom which references also my FASTT Check-In Article (https://pornfreemillennial.substack.com/p/fastt-check-ins) and podcast episode FASTT Check-Ins (Apple/Spotify).
2. Influential Podcasts: Finding Traction & Porn Free Radio (Spotify & Apple)
3. Coaching Groups: https://www.bandofbrothers.care/regular-joes - lead by my mentor Vern Tompke, host of the Finding Traction podcast
Get full access to Porn Free Millennial at pornfreemillennial.substack.com/subscribe -
Get full access to Porn Free Millennial at pornfreemillennial.substack.com/subscribe -
For more information on how trauma/addictions can imbed themselves in DNA - Epigenetics Series: Is Porn Addiction Genetic? - https://drtracygapin.com/epigenetics-series-is-porn-addiction-genetic/
Sobriety App: I Am Sober -> Group Name: Road to Recovery - https://iamsober.com/
Email me at: PornFreeMillennial@gmail.com to meet on Zoom for free coaching.
Get full access to Porn Free Millennial at pornfreemillennial.substack.com/subscribe -
For additional sources of content, check out:
FASTT Check-In Substack Article with Feeling Wheel Document: https://open.substack.com/pub/pornfreemillennial/p/fastt-check-ins?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Other Podcasts: Porn Free Radio, Finding Traction
Groups - Websites: Recovered Man, BandofBrothers.Care
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Get full access to Porn Free Millennial at pornfreemillennial.substack.com/subscribe -
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