
    Nissan 20, 5784

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence



    הגנה מפני אלגוריתמים ומחבלים

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    In this message I want to alert you to the Coercion of Algorithms PLUS the Imminent Threat of Terrorism. However, I specifically want to inform you HOW to PROTECT yourself against both.

    AI runs off of algorithms, but not all algorithms are AIneither are they all the same. They’re developed with different goals and methods. An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end.

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the capability of computer systems or algorithms to imitate intelligent human behavior.

    Most of us are familiar with China's Social Credit System and the CCP's ubiquitous use of surveillance. Online behaviour is monitored … and algortihms are KEY to everything. So HOW does this fit into Geopolitics, Israel and the End Times? Keep reading or listening.

    Plus: Information to PROTECT you from terrorist attacks and chaos … even in Israel.



    הגנה מפני אלגוריתמים ומחבלים

    For years the Chinese government has been using technologies to control its citizens in frightening ways. The internet is highly censored, and each person’s cell phone number and online activity is assigned a unique ID number tied to their real name. Facial-recognition technology is also increasingly widespread in China, with few restraints on how it can be used to track and surveil citizens.

    The {China] Supreme People’s Court maintains a blacklist of people who the government alleges did not comply with court judgments, for example by not paying fines, but also things like failing to formally apologize to someone they are found to have wronged. Being on the blacklist now comes with harsh punishments. You might be unable to purchase high-speed train tickets, fly on an airplane, or send your kids to a private school. The government has prohibited more than 20 million plane tickets from being purchased.


    An algorithm is a a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end.

    The definition of an algorithm is “a set of instructions to be followed in calculations or other operations.” This applies to both mathematics and computer science. So, at the essential level, an AI algorithm is the programming that tells the computer how to learn to operate on its own.


    What China and the CCP does “leaks” over to the Israel and other countries. Online behavior is already a BIG part of what is monitors, and algorithms are KEY to everything. The basic goal is to process the vast Israeli dataand data from other countriesto create individual ratings which will determine YOUR access to most things … from travel to jobs.

    A plan released just recently by the Beijing municipal government dictates that personal creditworthiness points will be used to reward and/or punish individuals―and companies―by granting or denying them access to public services like healthcare, travel, and employment. High scoring “Green Channel” people can more easily access social opportunities. Those who actions are disapproved of by the state will be restricted …even to having passports revoked.

    One high profile system, which has already been used in USA for years, is Sesame Creditcreated by Ant Financialan offshoot of the Chinese online retail giant Alibaba.

    Using a secret algorithm, Sesame Credit constantlys scores people from 350 to 950. WARNNG: It's ratings are based upon info such as “interpersonal relationships” and “consumer habits.” Being friends with “low rated” people is NOT good … and buying video games gets you marked down!

    Algorithms fuelor dictateHOW these surveillance tools operate … and AI facilitates the operation!


    You can speak all you want to … but just not in a public forum: like a local School Board Meeting OR on Social Media. [Just look back to what has happened since January 2021.] USA citizens actions are going to be monitored more and more. How many of the people arrested for alleged Jan 6th crimes never were in the area but some communication or relationship supposedly “tied” them to that event. Look at how the Government is atttacking Elon Musk who “healed” X (formerly Twitter) and exposed unfounded censorship by Government influence on the previous Twitter.

    Across the world, governments have invested heavily in setting up a surveillance infrastructure. There are millions of cameras, but no one to monitor them 24/7. However, artificial intelligence (AI) can process every frame and present real-time analysis. The reason AI is making a vast impact is because of its self-learning capabilities. AI is constantly learning and improving. Error is minimized with every iteration and moves closer toor even better thanhuman error.

    Algorithms “attempt” to influence you now whether you realize it or not. Surveillance of travel, purchases, relationships, recreation and spendingand soon thoughtswill be the next encroachment into YOUR life. In the USA the Biden Adminiistration is already funding cognitive research to develop HOW to influenceand thereby change—people's thinking. One way they will do this is by influencing what people SEE, HEAR and FEEL on News, Social Media and Entertainment … and by training people and shaping policy through NeuroScience. Read or listen to Smart Cities … Or Are They by Prince Handley [focus on “What To Watch Out For” at the end.]


    That's a very good question. It is the programmer who inputsinfluences—the algorithmic outcome (the answers) and many times with BIAS depending on the desired outcome: political, financial, spiritual or other ideological opinion or bias.

    Look at the recent example of Google AI Gemini which would NOT allow a “white person” image on certain searches for George Washington. Gemini responded to a prompt for “a portrait of a Founding Father of America” with images of a Native American man in a traditional headdress, a Black man, a darker-skinned non-White man and an Asian man, all in colonial-era garb. Elon Musk accused Google of pushing a pro-diversity bias into its product. Experts have long warned that AI tools therefore have the potential to replicate the racial and gender biases baked into that information.

    Evidence of racial bias in Google Gemini, Microsoft Copilot, Meta AI and ChatGPT has been proven. Google's public apology after its Gemini artificial intelligence (AI) produced historically inaccurate images and refused to show pictures of White people has led to questions about potential racial bias in other big tech chatbots. Gemini was asked why showing a picture of a White person was bad: "racial generalizations" have been used historically to "justify oppression and violence against marginalized groups."

    Let me interject here. We are NOW at the entrance to the End Times. As we progress farther into the Last Days many demonic forces will be loosedmany are already herelook at what has happened SINCE January, 2021. Lots of algorithms will be formulated (written) not only with ideological “bias” … BUT with demonic anointing: either by demonically inspired people OR by hybrid beings. And there will be increased demonstrable BIAS against Jews and Israel.



    One whose DNA has been changed by genetic manipulation (synthetic biology)
    A product of conception via sex between a fallen angel and a human woman.


    There is a NEW form of eugenics—not only being espoused but heavily financed in research—to create super-humans via genetic modification of human genes in eggs, sperm and early-stage embryos.

    Heritable genome editing changes genes in eggs, sperm, or early embryos to try to control the traits of a future child. Such alterations would affect every cell of the resulting person and all subsequent generations. Read the book Enhanced Humans: Mystery Matrix by Prince Handley.

    The Nephilim [giants or fallen ones] that were destroyed by the Flood in Noah's day died; however the demons from Fallen Angels that inhabited them did not. You can read later in the Book of Numbers (Chapter 13:33) in Torah that they [the Nephilim] were back after the Flood. Again read my book: Enhanced Humans: Mystery Matrix.


    Yes! In addition to Coercion of Algorithimswhile we're talking about things that can mess your life upthere are external attacks from terrorists and enemy agents (both individual and foreign governments) that can set you back to the 1800's literally. Things like EMP attacks that can shut down your automobile, your electronic devices, your hospital emergency centers, your military and police communications, your banks … and critical supplies.

    In the aftermath of an EMP event, individuals and communities may face several challenges:

    Loss of Communication: The disruption of communication networks can isolate communities, making it challenging to coordinate emergency responses and receive critical information.

    Limited Access to Information: Without functioning electronic devices, access to news, weather updates, and emergency alerts becomes limited.

    Transportation Disruptions: Modern transportation systems, which rely on electronic controls, may experience malfunctions, affecting travel and logistics.

    Financial Transactions: Electronic payment systems can be disrupted, requiring a shift to alternative forms of payment during recovery.

    Hospital and Emergency Operations: Electronic and necessary medical procedures plus critical supplies along with crisis communication.


    Glad you asked. Study carefully [read or listen] to “Code Red: EMP Threat Urgent Priority” by Prince Handley. Then prepare by making sure you have the following on hand:

    Electricy (Power)

    Money (Cash, Gold, Crypto)


    Faraday Cage (or other EMP shielding equipment)

    NOTE: Gold outperformed both Stocks & Real Estate by over 80% since the year 2000.

    NOTE: Don't let a crisis keep you from the medicines you need.

    EMP Preparedness for Electronic Devices and Communication

    To enhance resilience and mitigate the impact of an EMP on electronic devices and communication networks, consider the following preparedness strategies:

    EMP Shielding: Invest in EMP shielding for critical electronic devices to protect them from damaging pulses.

    Backup Power Sources: Have backup power sources, such as solar chargers or hand-crank generators, to keep essential devices operational during power outages.

    Communication Alternatives: Establish communication backup plans using non-electronic means like two-way radios or signal mirrors.

    Data Backups: Regularly back up important data to physical storage and store in an EMP protected Faraday bag.


    The effects of an Electromagnetic Pulse on electronic devices and communication networks are significant challenges in a technology-driven society. Understanding these effects empowers us to take proactive measures in EMP preparedness. And do NOT forget the impact of an EMP on transportation systems and the steps individuals, their neighbors, and communities can take to enhance their resilience in this critical area.


    Defense customers and manufacturers alike know that it’s those actors who can reliably access intelligence and act on it first who have the advantage. That's where AI and algorithims play a very important part. But what about IF those systems are being directed against Israel or USA by rogue terrorists OR enemies from within or abroad. As of January 2024, more than 7.2 million migrants had illegally crossed into the USA over the Southwest border during U.S. President Joe Biden's administration—a number higher than the individual populations of 36 states. This is WHY Israel needs to control Gaza AND to beef up intel from her Arab neighbors on all fronts!

    A foreign government can easily provide an individual terrorist inside Israel ... or near Israel ... with both the materials and the expertise to implement an EMP attack in LOCAL Israeli areas. This is NOT to mention EMP attacks aimed at Israel from outside her borders. [Again reference my teaching: Code Red: EMP Threat Urgent Priority” to see how an attack can be launched from a beer can! But think about HOW non-EMP [other type] attacks programmed with algorithms and directed at specific geographic OR technocentric operations by AI can cause chaotic rupture in society!


    If you want to learn about “AI” go to Prince Handley's teachings at the University of Excellence. The following teachings will also give you an IDEA of HOW AI may be used in the End Times by the antiChrist (FALSE messiahnot the REAL Messiah) and his Global Director of Religion: the False Prophet. This will cause a chaotic rupture in geopolitics while fulfilling prophecy in the End Times.

    There's More Than Artifical Intelligence - Part 1

    There's More Than Artifical Intelligence - Part 2

    There's More Than Artifical Intelligence - Part 3

    There's More Than Artifical Intelligence - Part 4

    There's More Than Artifical Intelligence - Part 5

    There's More Than Artifical Intelligence - Part 6

    There's More Than Artifical Intelligence - Part 7
    The 4th Industrial Revolution & New AI - Part 8

    Hopefully you've gained some enlightenment as to what forces may be shaping your future.





    Stop using Google / Gmail for your private email communications.

    I recommend:
    Proton Mail or Signal or Telegraph for private communications and text and email. All of these are FREE. I use them all. I like the layout of ProtonMail best for email and you can use Proton Mail for DOUBLE encryption. Also, you can make international phone calls FREE on Telegram and Signal. I like Telegram for layout with image and graphic communications, ether personal or with channels you implement with 1,000's of followers. Telegram has a great history of NOT bending to government requests!


    Get off the grid as much as possible but prepare for chaos!

    Take EMT / EMS Training.
    Set up communication cells: Friends, Neighborhood, Community, Synagogue.

    Familiarize yourself with bartering. Have items you can trade for what you need.

    Make sure you know Yeshua personally … so you can PRAY and get direction.



    ADONAI, I am not sure I know you personally.
    Please forgive my sins and help me to live for you.
    Please reveal to me IF Yeshua is really Israel's Mashiach.
    If He is, then I ask Yeshua HaMashiach to save me
    and take me to Heaven when I die.
    Show me the way every day, and help me to help others.”


    If you prayed this prayer, start reading the Tanakh and Brit Chadashah every day (start in the Book of Yochanan in Brit Chadashah). Find a Messianic Synagogue that believes in MIRACLES. Pray every day. Tell God what you need. Ask Him to lead you.

    Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai

    Your friend,
    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence

    Copyright © 2024 by Prince Handley


    Rabbinical & Biblical Studies
    [Scroll down past English, Spanish and French]

    The Believer's Intelligentsia


    Shevat 8, 5784


    with Prince Handley



    אזהרה נבואית לישראל

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    In this message I want to alert you to the Preparation of the TEN KINGS that Bible speaks about several times not only in the Tanakh (the Old Testament_ but in the Brit Chadashah (the New Testament).

    These Ten Kings are a KEY element concerning End Time Prophecy … and they MAY be on the scene now. They may NOT know what role they are to fulfill
    or even have a faint idea concerning prophecybut they will be KEY in helping the FALSE MESSIAH (the antiMashiach) come into power. They will actually persuade the leaders of the nations AND leaders of the New Global Governance to elect the antiMashiach (AKA “Beast”) to the office of Global Leader.




    The Holy Bible mentionsor alludes to“Ten Kings” in different places; however in five main areas:

    Daniel 7:23-25 “The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom. After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue three kings.”

    Revelation 13:1-2 “It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns,”

    Revelation 17:3 “beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns.”

    Revelation 17:12-14 “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.

    Revelation 17:15-18 Then the angel said to me, “The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages.The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to hand over to the beast their royal authority, until God’s words are fulfilled.The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.”

    These TEN KINGS have an important part to play in End Time Geopolitics with Satan.



    There is already a “push” towards Globalism by many
    international bodies and groups like WEF, CDC, and the UN.

    I want to ALERT you to a development
    that many are NOT aware of … Regional Globalism.


    You can study my reachings on Globalism at the University of Excellence under One World.

    The Holy Bible prophesies Globalism (which has been in the works for decades) and which the Holy Bible alludes to as a Global Key for the End Times (study Revelation Chapter 13) when the New Global Leader (the False Messiah or anti-Mashiach) takes control for seven years.

    However, I want to ALERT you to a development that many are NOT aware of: Regional Globalism. There is a “breaking away” by many nations that are in the Globalist movement to Regional conglomerates that meet their needs more specifically: by trade, by ideology, by self aggrandizement and by military protectionism.



    There is NOT a common global consensus.

    Instead of a common opinion, many countries
    want to align with “like-minded” countries.

    Other counties that specifically meet their needs
    or provide trade and economic advantages.


    The West (including the USA and EU) are being “left behind” in this regard.

    So what is the REAL reason for this Regional Globalism?

    ANSWER: It is preparing the stage for the Ten Kings [Ten World Leaders] which major prophecy foretells.



    The TEN KINGS do NOT come into authority until either right before OR
    at the same time as the New Global Leader (the antiMashiach = FALSE messiah)

    These TEN KINGS align with the antiMashiach and yield their power to him.

    The antiMashiach needs the TEN KINGS to help him gain Global Control

    We do NOT know if the TEN KINGS are revealed
    before OR when the “Time of Jacob's Trouble” starts.


    The arch-enemy of Israel―and of humankind―will throw everything he can at Planet Earth before his prophesied demise by Mashiach. The Jewish prophet Yochanan [John] in Brit Chadashah (Hebrew New Testament), Chapter 17, shows that the New Global Governance Leader―the FALSE messiah (NOT the REAL Messiah)―will join to himself [at first be part of] ten geopolitical leaders to assist in his End Time policies. We also have record in this in Tanakh of the same in the Book of Daniel, Chapter Seven, verses 23-25.

    These ten kings are ten geopolitical entities that have NOT existed before
    . They will make up a global alliance newly organized out of which the FALSE messiah will evolve. They will assist the New Global Leader in the―foolish and failed―attempt at opposing the return of the REAL Mashiach.

    Could some of the powerful executives of MNC’s (MultiNational Corporations) provide the “work source” for the “10 Kings” referred to ten times in the Holy Bible?

    In Tanakh,
    Book of Daniel, we read, He … will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over people and will distribute the land at a price.” (Daniel 11:39, NIV.) This is from a portion of Daniel’s prophetic description of the implementations of the New Global Governance Leader―the FALSE mashiach (anti-Mashiach).

    Daniel prophesies that “elites” of some status will receive mega rewards for their support of this end-time incarnate spirit of Satan
    . Specific KEY people who acknowledge him and accept his authority will receive a reward of land. “Land” in its Aramaic form used here would also include “economic domain, property or geographic area.”

    These “elites” are bought off for their loyalty … and made rulers over many! Then they assist the antiMashiach by giving
    transferring tohim their authority and power.

    HaShem gave us prophecy so we could know where we are at ... know where we are going ... know what's happening today ... and know what's happening in the future! Our job is to listen and obey … to work with Him in obedience for the protection and salvation of Israel. PRAY, ask the LORD what He would have YOU to do.

    It's time for The Institute (the Mossad) to utilize agents who are filled with Ruach HaKodesh to initiate cyber infiltration of MNC (MultiNational Corporation) leaders and CEOs in order to monitor activity with regard to global and geopolitical control.

    As time progresses, any systemic anti-Israel relationships of Multi National Corporations that have highly positive correlation of linear regression will be “highly suspect” as to End Time enemies of Israel.

    Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai

    Your friend,
    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence

    Copyright © 2024 by Prince Handley


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    Kislev 17,5784

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence



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    Hamas is doomed … and so are ALL of Iran's terrorist backed organizations. But there's more! The clergy, military, and political strength of Iran will be destroyed. Iran will become a nation that serves the God of Israel. You can bank on it because God Almighty said it.

    If you listen or read my Sunday night messages on Social Media you will learn HOW this will happen. In this teaching I will discuss what is in the future for Israel AND the background of the Palestinians. I have several Arab friends: they are ALL for Israel and none of them are for the Palestinians who support Hamas.



    Israel—whether realizing it or not—is going to win a major conquest over Muslim nations in the Middle East. And not just win … but plunder them, reaping great resources! No, I am NOT talking about the Ezekiel 38 ‒ 39 victory. I am talking about a conquest possibly before that: one that could happen at any time. Actually, there will be at least three (3) major Middle East conflicts that involve Israel in the future (See my teaching on Israel's Future Wealth).

    Conquest over Muslim forces in Middle East;

    Ezekiel 38 ‒ 39 victory; and,

    Battle of Armageddon.

    NOTE: It is possible that the above two [#2 and #3] may be incorporated in one war; but two different conflicts (battles) when the Mashiach appears. That is, Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39 could be the same event combination as Armageddon. They both include earthquakes and hail. However, I believe they will be separate conflicts for the reasons I present below.

    Most people familiar with Bible prophecy realize there will be a conflict in the Middle East—fought in Israel—where G-d Himself will be “set apart” in the eyes of the goyim: the nations. When it is over, the whole world will realize that the conflict has been won by the LORD G-d.

    And, probably many of the people familiar with this prophecy in Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39 realize that it is NOT the same conflict as the Battle of Armageddon. This fact is very clear in that:


    In Ezekiel 38, G-d sends earthquake(s), overflowing rain, hailstones and fire … plus disease and blood … upon Israel's enemies. Also, Israel's enemy goes into confusion and fights with each other.

    In Ezekiel 39, 83% [five-sixths] of Israel's enemies are either destroyed or overcome. And [one-sixth] 17% of the enemy forces are sent back to their home lands. [This translation is NOT in many NEWER versions but it is found in the King James Version.]

    In the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation Chapter 16) we read of a great earthquake affecting the whole earth and hailstones the size of 100 pounds. However, there is NO mention of disease (pestilence) and blood; nor of fire and burning sulphur like in Ezekiel 38.


    In Ezekiel 38 Israel is at peace in the land, brought back “Brought back out of the nations dwelling safely.” [Ezekiel 38:8] Also, the commanding enemy forces who attack Israel are from the North: parts of Russia, Turkey, Iran (all North of Jerusalem) with some allies in the North-East African region.

    In the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16) Israel is NOT at peace … and we read that the whole world is involved as Israel's enemies. It appears that this fits the time frame of “Jacob's Trouble” during the last 42 months of the Great Tribulation: the last half of Daniel the Prophet's heptad of seven years. [Daniel 9:27 and Matthew 24:15]

    Then they gathered the kings [of the whole world] together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.” [Brit Chadashah / Revelation 16:13-14,16]





    and the Jews did not steal the land from the Palestinians:

    There has never been an independent Palestinian state. A self-identifiable, self-ruling and recognized Palestinian entity never existed until the Arab Palestinian national movement in the 20th century.

    The "Palestinians" were invented in the 1960's to distract from the fact that the Jewish State was a tiny sliver of land surrounded by huge and hostile Arab states. Before that, Palestine was the name of a region, not the people.

    Between World War I and II, part of Palestine's land was owned by absentee landlords who lived in Cairo, Damascus and Beirut. The Jews legally purchased land from absentee landowners living in Arab capitals.

    The Jews actually went out of their way to avoid purchasing land in areas where Arabs might be displaced. They sought land that was largely uncultivated, swampy, cheap and without tenants.

    The Arab Higher Committee called for the Arab Muslims of Palestine to leave the area in 1948, so that the Arab states could crush the Jewish state by war without Arab civilians. The plan was that they would be able to return home in a matter of weeks. Instead, the Arab states lost the war, and began claiming that Israel existed on stolen land. It wasn’t until a couple of decades later that the Arab Muslims of the region began to refer to themselves as the Palestinian people.

    Israel offered the Palestinians 97% of the land they claimed to be fighting for in 2000, making Israel the first and only country ever to offer them a state. This offer was rejected with no counter-offer. A similar offer was made in 2008 with the same result.

    Israel voluntarily withdrew from Gaza in 2005, removing all soldiers and civilians, giving full control to the Palestinians in hopes of peace. The terrorist organization Hamas now controls Gaza and has launched over tens of thousands of missiles indiscriminately into Israel, resulting in multiple wars in the 21st century.

    And, the Muslim people of British Palestine were granted a homeland… the Kingdom of Jordan. The PLO messed that up by revolting against the Jordanian government.

    So now you know that the Jews have a wonderful future despite all that has happened to them in the past, including the Nazi Holocaust, the 1948 Arab attack, the 1967 Arab attack, the 1973 Arab attack on Yom Kippur, and the October 7th 2023 Hamas attack from Gaza.

    Israel wins, my friend … and you can WIN, too … IF you know the Mashiach of Israel personally: Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah). Look at some of the prophecies He fulfilled that were written in Tanakh centuries before and check out His fulfillment of these. What do YOU think would be the probability of fulfilling ALL these prophecies. Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled. (Scroll down past English, Spanish and French.)

    Just PRAY this prayer ~

    Father in Heaven, I ask you to reveal to me IF Yeshua is really my Messiah. I want to know Him. Please forgive my sins and take me to Heaven when I die.”

    Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai

    Your friend,
    Prince Handley
    University of Excellence

    NOTE: Scroll down for ALL previous podcasts last 10 years


    Rabbinical & Biblical Studies
    [Scroll down past English, Spanish and French]

    The Believer's Intelligentsia


    9th of Tevet 5783

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence

    האם תזהה את משיח השקר


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    האם תזהה את משיח השקר



    10th of Elul, 5782

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence



    האינטליגנציה המלאכותית החדשה

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    WARNING: What you are about to learn will challenge your intellect. It will also enlighten you to “behind the scenes” activity that is happening today … and affecting your FUTURE.

    We will discuss the
    4th Industrial Revolution (IR-4) and WHY―unlike the previous three Industrial Revolutions―it will be dangerous.

    People can lose their rights, their jobs … their lives as a result of traveling “uncharted” waters. Even more dangerous will be the result of our developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) that lives in Cyber Space that we do NOT really understand.



    The 4th Industrial Revolution will be more of a radical change than the first three even though they were”shockers” in their inception. Civilization has journeyed the route and use of fire, agriculture, the wheel, electricity, mass production, synthetic chemicals, the internet, block chain, self-driving cars, AI growing people in laboratories, and downloading our brains into computers.

    Let's examine the first three Industrial Revolutions and see from whence we have journeyed.


    First Industrial Revolution was marked by a transition from hand production methods to machines through the use of steam power and water power. The implementation of new technologies took a long time, so the period which this refers to was between 1760 and 1820, or 1840 in Europe and the United States.


    Second Industrial Revolution, also known as the Technological Revolution, is the period between 1871 and 1914 that resulted from installations of extensive railroad and telegraph networks, which allowed for faster transfer of people and ideas, as well as electricity. Increasing electrification allowed for factories to develop the modern production line.


    The Third Industrial Revolution, also known as the Digital Revolution, occurred in the late 20th century. The production of the Z1 computer, which used
    binary and Boolean logic, was the beginning of more advanced digital developments. The next significant development in communication technologies was the supercomputer.


    The Fourth Industrial Revolution is the trend towards
    automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies and processes which include cyber-physical systems (CPS), IoT, industrial Internet of Things, cloud computing, cognitive computing, and artificial intelligence.

    The combination of machine learning and computational power allows machines to carry out highly complicated tasks
    . Also, in cooperation with Smart Factories.

    NOTE: Computerization and digitalization were building blocks leading us to IR 4.0

    The Smart Factory is no longer a vision. While different model factories represent the feasible, many enterprises already clarify with examples practically, how the Smart Factory functions.

    The technical foundations on which the Smart Factory―the intelligent factory―is based are cyber-physical systems that communicate with each other using the Internet of Things and Services. An important part of this process is the exchange of data between the product and the production line. This enables a much more efficient connection of the Supply Chain and better organization within any production environment.

    Within modular structured smart factories, cyber-physical systems monitor physical processes, create a virtual copy of the physical world and make decentralized decisions.


    Artificial Intelligence has brought us a long way. However, AI may take us too far. The “danger zone” is when it will be able to think on the same level as a human. To develop a construct upon which to investigate, let's examine the three different TYPES of AI.


    Artificial intelligence is a computer system that can perform complex tasks that would otherwise require human minds—such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

    The majority of these machines rely on deep learning and programming, which helps “teach” them to process vast amounts of data to recognize patterns and carry out actions. It is essentially recreating the human mind in machine form, similar to what is being carried out in Smart Factories today (as well as other areas of processing and bio-development).

    Artificial Intelligence works on a supervised learning system, where various sets of data are provided to the machines, to learn from examples. This helps AI to classify objects or predict the results. AI performs intelligent tasks, but its reach is very narrow and limited as it can only provide an outcome that is already programmed. It cannot make unpredictable decisions on its own, like a human brain can.

    AI is also referred to as Narrow AI [ANI] or Weak AI. This type of artificial intelligence is one that focuses primarily on one single narrow task, with a limited range of abilities. If you think of an example of AI that exists in our lives right now, it is ANI.


    AGI technology would be on the level of a human mind. Due to this fact, it will probably be some time before we truly grasp AGI, as we still don’t know all there is to know about the human brain itself. However, in concept at least, AGI would be able to think on the same level as a human, much like Sonny the robot in I-Robot featuring Will Smith.

    Artificial General Intelligence, on the contrary, is the intelligence of a machine that could perform all the intellectual tasks performed by human beings. It possesses the ability to analyze a situation on its own and take a calculative decision, like humans can, without having to be programmed in advance. We are actually nearing that in some of our Smart Factories. As I noted previously, within modular structured Smart Factories, cyber-physical systems monitor physical processes, create a virtual copy of the physical world and make decentralized decisions.


    This is where it gets a little theoretical and a touch scary. ASI refers to AI technology that will match and then surpass the human mind. To be classed as an ASI, the technology would have to be more capable than a human in every single way possible. Not only could these AI things carry out tasks, but they would even be capable of having emotions and relationships.

    NOTE: The evolution from AGI to ASI would in theory be much faster than it is taking us to get from ANI to AGI right now, since AGI would allow computers to “think” and exponentially improve themselves once they are able to really learn from experience and by trial and error. If a transition to ASI ever happens, the exponential growth that is in theory expected to occur at this point is often called an Intelligence Explosion … SINGULARITY!

    NOTE: We should ensure a safe and ethical functioning of AI in all fields and make it a priority in further development. However, once systems start “thinking” on their ownwith NO knowledge of Godwhat are the limits?!


    The future Global Leader
    [Antimashiach / FALSE messiah] … along with his False Prophet … will demand the populace to take a digital “mark” on their right hands or forehead that will “connect” them with a Smart System: without which they can neither BUY nor SELL.


    Brain modification allowing receptors to gain access to—or receive messages from—paranormal and Satanic occult sources.

    Downloading—via the transfer of artificial intelligence (AI) information—through brain-machine interfacing, a desire for the “Mark of the Beast.”

    Corrupted spermatozoa which could fertilize an ovum producing a hybrid being: a non—other than normal—human life form. [Think: Nephilim]

    Receiving fallen—demonically anointed—influence via psycho-neural pathways.


    I have alerted you to what the New Global Governance Leader
    AntimashiachFALSE messiah will use in the End Times. Teach AND prepare your children and grandchildren about what is and will be happening. Make sure that YOU and your progeny are prepared for Heaven. Here is HOW you can be sure >>> HOW TO WIN … FOREVER

    Baruch haba b'Shem A

    Your friend,
    Prince Handley
    University of Excellence


    Rabbinical & Biblical Studies
    [Scroll down past English, Spanish and French]

    The Believer's Intelligentsia


    28th of Tamuz, 5782

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence



    נבואת ישראל נוכחית ~ מודיעין סודי

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    In this teaching we will discuss prophecy that is currently evolving for fulfillment. Recent meetings in Iran between Russia, Iran and Turkey are a KEY to God's Prophetic Time Clock. Plus we will discuss secret intelligence concerning Russia. And summarize with End Time geopolitical revelation … including Mossad.




    Iran, Russia and Turkey met recently in Tehran as Partners, Competitors and Opponents. The leaders of ALL these three countries have disagreements with the USA and Israel. What did they hope to accomplish as a result of these meetings?

    All three nations conflicted on Syria. All three countries have in the past made statements concerning their views of a New World Order.

    The REAL “Elephant in the Room” was NOT even mentioned by major media … even Christian media! All three of these countries are MAJOR PLAYERS in the future attack on Israel.

    Turkey has in recent years been anti-Iran—anti-Shia—because Turkey has 90% Sunni Muslims versus 10% Shia (Iran is Shia). But recently Turkey is warming up to Iran. WHY? Turkey suffered massive power cuts to industrial customers in January 2022 at an unprecedented level never seen before after the country’s natural gas supplies dipped following a disruption of imports from Iran.

    One item of super interest between the three countries was Syria. Russia and Iran are against any purported plans by Turkey tor military action in Northern Syria which is at Turkey's border.
    Also, Iran’s presence in Syria has been more visible. Iran wants to keep its influence in Syria, maintain the connection with Iraq, and keep the Shia Belt running from Iran to Lebanon.

    There is also the issue of which country takes LEADERSHIP in becoming the regional hub
    in terms of transit routes (land, rail and energy). Turkey is working on the so-called “Middle Corridor” (from China to Central Asia, Caucasus, Turkey and on into Europe). Iran is trying to work its way through Russia to its north and the areas to its south.

    However the BIG KEY in all these meetings was the diplomacy and relationships of the three countries to cajole with one another. WHY?
    They have one “hidden” goal: to defeat and control Israel. They want the wealth of Israel. And in the not to far-off future they will desire it even more! See Israel's Future Wealth by Prince Handley.

    According to the Prophet Ezekiel,
    Turkey (Togarmah) will one day ally itself with the Islamic confederation led by Iran (Persia) and will also join forces with Russia as a participant in the Gog-Magog War.

    When you see these three (3) forces
    Turkey, Iran and Russiameeting and planning together, it is ONE MORE STEP forward towards a tripartite cohesion for an attack on Israel. Just as Ezekiel prophesied, Russia, Turkey, and Iran will one day align to form a confederacy (with others) to attack Israel. (Read Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39.) This Ezekiel 38-39 conflict does NOT have to be in the core of the End Times. It MAY beand could bewell before Armageddon!

    NOTE ALSO: An attack against Israel from Iran may be well BEFORE the conflict of Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39!





    1. Russia, Turkey, Iran with two (2) North East African areas will form an alliance to attack Israel. This we know for sure.

    2. God will defeat this alliance of Magog and others on the hills of Israel, and leave only 17 percent of them.

    3. It will take seven months to bury the dead bodies, and seven years to burn the implements of war (probably radioactive elements).

    4. The victory for Israel will be so great and miraculous that ALL nations will realize that the God of Israel is LORD.

    5. There will be an earthly Kingdom established―after another great VICTORY when Messiah wipes out all the enemies of Israel at Armageddon―where the Messiah rules from Jerusalem. All nations and their leaders must be subservient to Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah).


    Realize that
    BEFORE the LORD wipes out the Magog Alliance on the hills of Israel (Ezekiel 38 and 39), there will be an attack PLANNED upon Israel by Iran. This is evident by Iranian posture and declarations, by Intel, and by present geopolitical climate. This attack is imminent. However, I believe that Israel will attack Iran in the near future to avoid this.



    Right now, Israel is in the position of a woman with a child in her womb, awaiting the promise of birth: the prophetic promise when the child will be exalted to the place of destiny. Meanwhile, Israel must defend herself
    and the promiseuntil the day when God Almighty will defeat the the Magog Alliance.

    Let me give you an example
    : If you know your relative automatically WINS the lottery in "X" years and will give it all to you, wouldn't the practical thing to do be to keep them alive until they WIN?! YOU can HELP keep Israel alive NOW, until the battle where God destroys Iran with Turkey, Russia and their allies. HOW? Through prophetic decrees IN FAITH based upon GOD'S WORD.


    Russia is afraid of the RADICAL Islamic Shiites (core base is in Iran) causing trouble in Russia in the big five Muslim-Russian areas
    . Therefore, it was advantageous for Russia to strike a deal with Iran to control the Shiites: to stop them (at least temporarily) from causing problems in Russia.

    1. Iran agrees to NOT cause problems in Russia.

    2. Iran receives nuclear help and training from Russia.

    3. Also, a military commitment from Russia to back Iran in case of war.

    This emerging confluence of Islamic power structurewith Turkey as the centroidwill be an even greater united force against Israel in the future.


    Even though Turkey
    at this time has made "temporary" peace with Israel, she will in the future join with Russia, Iran and North East African alliesin an attack upon Israel to take a spoiland be defeated so severely that only 17% of their ground forces will remain. NOTE: Remember, the Ezekiel Chapter 38 conflict is a different war than the FINAL Battle of Armageddon where Messiah defeats the nations gathered together against Israel by Satan.

    : There is a substantial period of TIME between the conflicts of Ezekiel 38 and Armageddonactually, Armageddon will NOT be a conflict as the LORD will destroy all His enemies speedily!

    n that time frame BETWEEN the two conflicts, Babylon the Great Harlot will become a center of Islamic commerce and religion. (Listen to New Babylon Global Commerce Center by Prince Handley). New Babylon will in some way be aligned quite probably organically with Turkeybut possibly located geographically in the Western Coastal sector of Saudi Arabia near King Abdullah Economic City.

    Israeli leadership must be mindful that the Tanakh specifically, and in numerous places, declares that ALL the nations which Messiah fights against when He returns
    at the Battle of Armageddon) are Islamic. (We know this by reason of geographical and etymological description).

    Baruch haba b'Shem A

    Your friend,
    Prince Handley
    University of Excellence


    Rabbinical & Biblical Studies
    [Scroll down past English, Spanish and French]

    The Believer's Intelligentsia


    10TH of Adar I, 5782

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence



    עדות כתבי הקודש למיקום המקדש

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    This is Part Three in a Series to develop a construct proving that the Jewish Temple was NOT on the traditional location (referred to as the Temple Mount), but was in the City of David.

    We will discuss the following: Scriptural evidence of where the Tabernacle and the Temple were located in the old City of David (at Mount Zion) in the area of Gihon Spring.



    The construction of the Third Jewish Temple could begin immediately IF the Jewish leaders ... and the Temple Institute ... understood that the First and Second Jewish Temples were NEVER located on the Dome of the Rock Complex; Haram al-Sharif.

    This is Part Three in a Series to develop a construct proving that the Jewish Temple was NOT on the traditional location (referred to as the Temple Mount), but was in the City of David. In this message we develop the construct that the First and Second Jewish Temples were located on the original Mount Zion in the old City of David in the area of Gihon Spring―NOT at what is commonly referred to as the Temple Mount area (Dome of the Rock … or … Haram al-Sharif).

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    138 UN Nations adopted a resolution that referred to Jerusalem’s Temple Mount solely by its Muslim name of Haram al-Sharif … one of seven resolutions passed November 4, 2021, that single out or condemn Israel, with ZERO condemnations on the entire rest of the world (including China, North Korea, Iran and Russia).

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    According to Scripture the Temple has to be in the confines of the old City of David―NOT in the area commonly referred to as the Temple Mount, or Haram al-Sharif (muslim Dome of the Rock platform).

    Nevertheless, David took the stronghold of Zion (that is, the City of David)” [2 Samuel 5:7] This shows that Zion is within the City of David.

    Arise, O Lord, to your resting place, You and the ark of Your strength … For the Lord has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His dwelling place.” [Psalm 132:8,13] The “ark of Your strength” is the Ark of the Covenant. The Temple will house the Ark … and Zion is God's chosen place for that … as well as the Temple placement.

    Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord. To the house of the God of Jacob … For out of Zion shall go forth the Law ...” [Isaiah 2:3] “Mountain of the Lord” is the Temple at Zion.

    Sing praises to the Lord, who dwells in Zion.” [Joel 3:21] The Lord dwells in the Temple at Zion.

    Now Solomon began to build the house of the Lord at Jerusalem … at the place that David had prepared on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.” [2 Chronicles 3:1] The Temple will be built in the explicit confines of the City of David (which is the same boundary of the Jebusite city.)

    The stronghold of Zion―Metsudat Tsion―is located in the narrow perimeter of the 12 acre parcel of land known as the City of David. If Scrpture is our primary source there is NO other place the Temples can be located but within the geographic area of the stronghold of Zion.

    Professor Birch from England rediscovered the real Zion at the lower edge of the southeast ridge in the City of David during 1875 to 1888. And … check this out:

    Now Solomon began to build the temple at the house of the Lord at Jerusalem …
    at the place that David had prepared on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.”
    2 Chronicles 3:1

    The threshing floor (see 2 Chronicles 3:1) is KEY to identifying the temple location
    . Its connection to Zionin the City of Davidcertifies to the evidence of the true temple location.

    Baruch haba b'Shem A

    Your friend,

    Prince Handley
    University of Excellence


    Location of the Jewish Temple ~ Part 1

    Location of the Jewish Temple ~ Part 2


    Rabbinical & Biblical Studies
    [Scroll down past English, Spanish and French]

    The Believer's Intelligentsia


    Shevat 8, 5782

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence



    מיקום היסטורי ואמיתי

    Prince Handley 24/7 Commentary (FREE) > BLOG



    In this session we will discuss several items that reveal difference between the currently referred to area of the Temple Mount … AND … where the First and Second Temples (including the Roman rebuild of the Jewish Temple on those locations) were actually located.

    We will discuss the following:

    Size of the Temple compared to Dome of the Rock Complex = Roman Fortress Antonia.

    Eye witness certifications of both the location of the Jewish Temple AND destruction of the Jewish Temple.

    Location of the Temple as certified by the Holy Scriptures.



    The construction of the Third Jewish Temple could begin immediately IF the Jewish leaders ... and the Temple Institute ... understood that the First and Second Jewish Temples were NEVER located on the Dome of the Rock Complex or Haram al-Sharif.

    This is Part Two in a Series to develop a construct proving that the Jewish Temple was NOT on the traditional location (referred to as the Temple Mount), but was in the City of David. In this message we develop the construct that the First and Second Jewish Temples were located on the Ophel mound just to the north of the original Mount Zion on the southeast ridge.


    Titus Flavius Josephus, born Yosef ben Matityahu, was a first-century Romano-Jewish historian and military leader, best known for The Jewish War, who was born in Jerusalem—then part of Roman Judea—to a father of priestly descent and a mother who claimed royal ancestry.

    Born AD 37/38, Jerusalem—died AD 100, Rome—was a Jewish priest, scholar, and historian who wrote valuable works on the Jewish revolt of 66–70 and on earlier Jewish history. His major books are History of the Jewish War (75–79), The Antiquities of the Jews (93), and Against Apion.

    Josephus' works are the most thorough histories of the period that we have. So long as we retain some skepticism, his writings provide the greatest insight into what happened to the Jewish people during a five hundred year period.


    Josephus lived in Jerusalem BEFORE the destruction, DURING the destruction, and AFTER the destruction of the Second Temple.

    According to the historian Josephus Flavius, hundreds of thousands of Jews perished in the siege of Jerusalem and elsewhere in the country, and many thousands more were sold into slavery.

    Texts by Josephus mentioned that Herod stated dogmatically that his Temple (though enlarged to be double in size of the former Temple) was still located in the same general area as that of the former Temples.

    The eyewitness account of Eleazar―who led the final contingent of Jewish resistance to the Romans at Masada―stated that the Roman fortress which had long been in Jerusalem was the ONLY structure left by 73 C.E.

    In other words, Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) was right:

    As Yeshua left the Temple and was going away, his
    talmidim came and called his attention to its buildings. But he answered them, “You see all these? Yes! I tell you, they will be totally destroyed—not a single stone will be left standing!” [Mattiyahu (Matthew) 24:1-2]



    The stones of the Roman Fortress (Fort Antonia) were left standing where the Dome of the Rock Complex (Haram al-Sharif) is NOW located … referred to commonly as the Temple Mount area.


    The Dome of the Rock is built on top of the Foundation Stone, which is sacred to both Jews and Muslims. According to Jewish tradition, the stone is the “navel of the Earth”—the place where creation began, and the site where Abraham was poised to sacrifice Isaac.

    The Temple which existed in Jesus' day (and where the First Temple was previously located) was NOT located on the area referred to NOW as the Temple Mount (Dome of the Rock Complex or Haram al-Sharif).

    Both the First and Second Temples were located on Ophel mound over the area of the Gihon Spring.

    The Jewish people knew
    up to the period that Islam emerged, even to the time of the Crusadesthat the southeast ridge was the location of their "Mount Zion" and the site of all the Temples built in Jerusalem. Indeed, modern scholars realize that this is true for the real location of "Mount Zion," however, these same scholars and religious leaders fail to place the "Temple Mount" at that "Mount Zion" on the southeast ridge where it obviously belongs.

    The Holy Scriptures clearly place the 1st and 2nd Jewish Temples over and around the Gihon Spring on the southeast ridge (on top of the original "Mount Ophel") in Mt. Zion, City of David. But scholars and religious leaders continue insisting (and even dogmatically demanding) that the Temples of Solomon, Zerubbabel and Herod were centered within the parameters of the Haram esh-Sharif.









    The dimensions of the Temple (with its unique shape and characteristics) could NOT be the same as Fort Antonia―Haram al-Sharif = Dome of the Rock Complexwhere the “current” Temple Mount is located.

    The Haram al-Sharif (current Dome of the Rock Complex referred to as the Temple Mount) also fits within the average size of a Roman camp (50 acres), while the temple complex described by Josephus was only nine acres--typical of other Roman-Greco temple complexes of the period.

    The size of the Fortress Antonia―based on Josephus and other evidence―show that around 6,000 soldiers were housed there … PLUS 4,000 support personnel. It was like a small city with roads, bakeries, brothels, court rooms and barracks.

    Herod built the fortress to protect the Jewish Temple. He named it for his patron Mark Antony (83–30 BCE). The fortress housed the Roman garrison of Jerusalem.

    Also, IF—as some “Temple Mount proponents argue”—Fort Antonia was at some other location than the present Haram al-Sharif (Dome of the Rock Complex), then WHY were NOT the Herodian stones from Fortress Antonia found together at another location AND WHY do BOTH Josephus AND Eleazarwho led the final contingent of Jewish resistance to the Romans at Masadacertify as eye-witnesses that the Roman fortress which had long been in Jerusalem was the ONLY structure left after the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus and his forces.

    Josephus mentioned the utter ruin of the Temple and all the City of Jerusalem, but he gave no reference that the Haram al-Sharif was ordered to be retained or that Titus and his general staff commanded those walls should continue to remain intact. But they have survived unto our modern times. Through the centuries those 10,000 stones have remained in their original positions making up the four walls of the Haram [confines of the Roman Fortress Antonia] as a prominent and dominant architectural facility in the City of Jerusalem.


    Tradition holds strong that the current Temple Mount is the original location of the Temples; however, the testimony of eye-witnesses who were at Jerusalem before, during and after the diestruction of Jerusalem certify otherwise. In addition—and certainly more importantly—is the prophecy of Yeshua that “You see all these? Yes! I tell you, they will be totally destroyed—not a single stone will be left standing!”

    The First and Second Temples {of Solomon and Zerubbabel) were located on the Ophel mound just to the north of the original Mount Zion on the southeast ridge. We will investigate more concerning this in our following sessions.

    I trust this teaching will add insight into the REAL location of the First and Second Jewish Temples … AND … where the Third Temple may be built.

    Baruch haba b'Shem ADONAI.

    Your friend,

    Prince Handley
    University of Excellence


    Rabbinical & Biblical Studies
    [Scroll down past English, Spanish and French]

    The Believer's Intelligentsia


    Tevet 7, 5782

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence



    עדי עיניים

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    The construction of the Third Jewish Temple could begin immediately IF the Jewish leaders ... and the Temple Institute ... understood that the First and Second Jewish Temples were NEVER located on the Dome of the Rock Complex; Haram al-Sharif.

    This is Part One in a Series to develop a construct proving that the Jewish Temple was NOT on the traditional location (referred to as the Temple Mount), but was in the City of David.




    I want to talk to you today about a brand new series that I want to present to you. I want to talk to you about the Third Temple in Jerusalem … and specifically about where the Third Temple will be (should be) built.

    In a previous podcast teaching, I taught about Third Temple: Timing and Terrorists. We talked about the timing of its construction on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and the effect of terrorism with relation to its construction. Plus the question that nobody asks!

    Just to give you a brief background, the New Global Governance leader will appoint a Head of Global Religion who will be the False Prophet, who persecutes Jews and real Christians.

    The Head of Global Religionthe False Prophetwill demand people worldwide to worship the new global governance leader, who will be the FALSE messiah referred to in the New Testament as The Beast.

    The False Prophet will construct an image of the Beast and demand the populace to worship the image. Also, after the Third Temple is completed about 42 months later in the middle of the seven year covenantthat's the seven year treaty that the anti-Christ Beast will make between the Jews and Palestiniansthe New Global Governance Leader (the anti-type actually of Antiochus Epiphanes IV who in 168 BCE sacrificed a sow on the altar in the templewill go into the temple and declared that he is God (just like Antiochus IV did).

    He will profane the temple. So after the temple is builtaround 42 months into the seven year covenant (about halfway through)the anti-christ FALSE Messiah will go into the Third Temple and declare that he is god. He will blaspheme the REAL GOD.

    The Bible tells us in the
    Book of Daniel Chapter 11, verse 31:

    For the day will not come until after apostasy has come and the man who separates himself from Torah has been revealed. The one destined for doom. He will oppose himself to everything that people call a God or make an object of worship. He will put himself above them all so that he will sit in the Temple of God and proclaim that he himself is God.”

    Now it's at this time that Israel will go into the time of Jacob's trouble, but Israel will be delivered at the end of the last 42 months of that seven year period when Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah appears at the end of the seven-year covenant.
    The New global governance with regional Islamic horses will attack Israel. These forces will be marshaled by what scripture calls the Beast, who is the FALSE messiah; the New Global Governance Leader.

    However, at the last nanosecond, the REAL Messiah will appear from Heaven and He will defeat the anti-Israel armies. Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) will set up his kingdom where peace, prosperity and purity will abound. Israel wins permanently.

    Now let me ask you the question that nobody asks: “Will the REAL Messiah cleanse the Third Temple which has been profaned by the the Beastthe anti-christor will He make a NEW Fourth Temple during his rule?” What do you think?

    Let me quote to you from Jeremiah Chapter 33:14: “Behold, the days are coming, says, Adonai, when I will fulfill this good promise which I have proclaimed for the House of Israel and the House of Judah.” My friend, good things are coming. But before they do, there's going to be some very bad times.

    Now let's go back to what I was talking about when I opened this segment. I want to start a new series on the Third Temple … where it's going to be located. You probably ask me,
    “Why do you say that; it's on the Temple Mount.” Wait a minute, my friend, I'm go to share some new things that I have researched … I have discovered.

    Anyway, I'm going to share some things in this new series that will completely revolutionize the geopolitics of the end times. And I'm going to share with you some things that could absolutely revolutionize thinking about “time tables” of the lAst Days … and it might even move things up a little more quickly.

    Let me share with you some interesting things. First of all, let's talk about the Temple Mount. In a mass of over 375 literary descriptions from several versions of the Bible, and the Talmud, and other Jewish sources, plus pseudepigrapha and Apocrypha. They all demonstrate the First and Second Jewish temples stood in the city of David above the Gihon Springs … and NOT where the Dome of the Rock (the Temple Mount) is located now. Not where many scholars say the Temple was located. I'm going to verify this, and I'm going to give you lots of teaching on this'

    I'm talking about
    the traditional view (current belief) that many hold about the Temple Mount or Haram Al-Sharif as compared with Josephus' description that the Roman Fort Antonio was where the Dome of the Rock is now … and NOT the location of the Jewish Temple. Now, why am I saying that? Because I would rather believe what a person who was there when Jerusalem stood, when the temple stood … and was there when Jerusalem was destroyed … and was there after Jerusalem was destroyed.

    I would rather hear what Josephus has to say. Josephus is probably the most popular Jewish historian of the ages. I would rather listen to what he says than what some 21st Century “scholars?” and rabbbis might say about ithe Temple location (be they Jewish or Gentile).

    To give you a little background of Josephus ... he lived in Jerusalem. He was there, during the destruction ot the Temple. He saw it after the temple was destroyed. And he was even given the records, the Jewish records of the construction of Fort Antonio by king Herod.

    He was also given the Roman records of Jewish wars. What happened, when they happened, and where they happened.
    Josephus is impeccably accurate. He's a first century eyewitness observant. And not as I said, a 21st century guesser! Josephus definitely said that the Jewish temple was in the City of David, not where people think it is now. Now, why am I sharing this? And why is it so important in this series we're getting ready to cover?

    Here's why? If the Jewish people understand that the Temple never stood on the Dome of the Rock complex (or what they call the Temple Mount), then the construction of Third Temple could begin immediately in the city of David on the Southeast Ridge of Jerusalem.

    Tradition is probably stronger than historical fact. In other words, tradition is stronger than what an eye witness named. Josephus said! Only something supernaturalmaybe some NEW archaeological findingsor some other dynamic happening can change the traditionalist thinking problem.

    But my purpose in this series is to change that. Will the spirit of tradition override the spirit of truth?!
    The Temple, my friend, was not where they say it is now at the Temple Mount. It was in the City of David. There are archaeologists, historians, and academics convinced that the First and Second Jewish Temple NEVER stood on what is recognized NOW as the Temple Mount.

    Let me tell you something to think about. If they could get Mount Zion's location wrong for so many years, isn't it possible they could get the location of the Temple wrong? So we're going to cover that in this series. We're going to discuss some important things. And we're going to delve into a lot of what Josephus, the Jewish historian, taught about where the Jewish temple stood. Okay, my friend, buckle up and hang on for the ride.

    Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.

    Your friend,
    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence


    Rabbinical & Biblical Studies
    [Scroll down past English, Spanish and French]

    The Believer's Intelligentsia


    12th of Cheshvan, 5782

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence


    יהוה נסי

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    Prince Handley 24/7 Commentary (FREE) > BLOG


    In this message we compare Game Theory with G-d's Theory! Plus discuss WHY winning your “Game” is important to your health!

    We provide some examples of Game Theory and HOW it is used in:


    Many times sickness is the result of a battle―short term OR prolonged―in which you are involved … or a series of battles. The contention―and associated tension―forms a “wall” which hinders your health!

    What happens when you use the G-d's Hebrew Name―YHVH NISSI or ADONAI NISSI―for victory?




    "When Moshe's hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it.
    Aaron and Hur held his hands upone on one side and one on the otherso that his hands remained steady until sunset.

    So Joshua overcame the Amelekite army with the sword. Then the LORD [Adonai] said to Moshe, Write this in a book to be remembered, and tell it to Y’hoshua: I will completely blot out any memory of ‘Amalek from under heaven.”

    Moshe built an altar, called it Adonai Nissi [Adonai is my banner / miracle], and said,
    “Because their hand was against the throne of Yah, Adonai will fight ‘Amalek generation after generation.”

    Torah: Exodus 17:9-15

    The strange way in which the battle was won left no doubt as to who was responsible for the victory. Only as the rod of G-d was held aloft in Moshe's hands did the Israelites prevail. The battle was not won by military might or superior battle plans; it was won by the power of G-d.

    In Exodus Chapter 17, Moshe knew that the LORD had won the battle. Moshe, Aaron, Hur and the Israelite Army were human instruments … but G-d was the real player. But, how about YOU. What battles are in front of you? And ... are they battles of YOUR own choosing? Or are they battles in which the LORD is leading you?

    If the LORD is leading you, you can call upon His NameYHWH NISSI ... or ADONAI NISSIand He will give YOU victory!



    : The correct pronunciation of Y-H-V-H was lost during the Talmudic period. The name was used as part of the Temple Service during the First Temple period. During the Second Temple period the name was not used as it was feared that the name would be misused or articulated unlawfully. As a result of this disuse of the Y-H-V-H [Yud Hey Vav Hey] the correct pronunciation of “The Name” was lost.

    HASHEM [The Name] is used instead of trying to vocalize Y-H-V-H so as to NOT use G-d's Name in vain, or NOT to say the Holy Name. Since the early Hebrew text did not contain vowels but only consonants, it is NOT known exactly how to pronounce God’s name. The word “LORD” is used for ADONAI.

    When the Masoretes wanted to preserve the pronunciation of the words used in the Bible they ran into a problem when YHWH, the proper name of the Lord that was forbidden to be pronounced, occurred. To circumvent the problem, the Masoretes inserted the vowel symbols that go with adonai, indicating that whenever the reader saw YHWH, he had to say adonai.

    Adonai is a form of the word “adon,” which comes from a root word meaning "to rule." So adon means "lord or master." Adonai is a form of adon that is both plural and possessive. Since Adonai uses singular pronouns when it refers to G-d, we know that G-d is one master, not many.

    When later readers saw the name YHWH combined with the symbols for adonai, they erroneously concluded that YHWH was to be pronounced as Jehovah.

    The all-capital LORD is the representation of YHWH, the personal name of G-d. His Name "YHVH NISSI" in Hebrew means "The LORD (is) my Banner."

    The Almighty, Blessed be Ha Shem, knows when you want or need to call out to Him for deliverance in your battle(s). Specifically, Heas Leader of the Forces of HaShemknows what YOU mean when you call unto Him with passion, need and respect!

    Simply call out, ADONAI NISSI, I need your help! Please Deliver me in this battle and give me victory!” If this offends your conscience, or religious conviction, then do as you feel is reverent and appropriate … but CRY OUT to “The LORD your Banner” for help!

    G-d is Holy … BUT He is practical. He would rather see you delivered than for you to be confused with phraseology! You can always say, “LORD I need HELP. You're my BANNER!”


    For many years I ignorantly used Game Theory in an attempt to win my battles and plan my future. If you're not familiar with Game Theory, I will give you a simple explanation. Basically, Game Theory is used for the following:

    To secure the best achievement, or most advantageous position. (In economics, battles or life situations.)

    To act or NOT act; i.e., Diplomacy or War Action.

    Mini-Max strategy: stopping the worst possible outcome from happening.

    Create an impasse, or wall by which the opponent can NOT pass or proceed.

    Let me give you some geopolitical examples
    . China has much to gain from the demise of the USA and of Israel ... and of the US Dollar, as opposed to India, who only (at this time) wants positioning on the New Global Currency as part of world economic leadership.

    However, China has plans in place for the downfall of the USA and Israel in international psychology, or game theory--similar to inter-corporate group dynamics--and based upon the Nash Equilibrium. I have written about this previously in University of Excellence briefings.

    But... the BIG determinant in all areas of life is really this: Are we going to use Game Theory or God's Theory?

    I choose G-d's Theory
    (which is NOT really a theory). We should want the complete, the best, and the constant solution!


    Many times sickness is the result of a battle―short term OR prolonged―in which you are involved … or a series of battles. The contention―and associated tension―forms a “wall” which hinders your health!

    Stress can be brief, situational
    and sometimes a positive force motivating performancebut if experienced over an extended period of time it can become chronic stress, which negatively impacts health and well-being.1

    Your body’s natural alarm system—the “fight or flight” response—may be stuck in the “ON” position. And that can have serious consequences for your health.



    Sometimes, our battles may NOT be G-d assigned.
    That is, we could be "out of G-d's will" during a short period (or longer) for our lives ... OR ... our decision making process has been (or is) faulty. In other words, are we walking daily in and with His Spirit? Are we asking for His guidance?

    Your body’s natural alarm system—the “fight or flight” response—may be stuck in the “ON” position. And that can have
    serious consequences for your health. Multiple studies have shown that these sudden emotional stresses—especially anger—can trigger heart attacks, abnormalities and even sudden death.1

    Also, the fact that
    you MAY be fighting a battle that is NOT G-d assigned can mean that you are out of G-d's will evenif temporarily―with the result being that your prayers are being hindered … prayers for healing included!


    f perchance you think the battle is of your own "choosing" and NOT G-d assigned, I have the answer for you. Ask G-d what to do ... then turn the situationthe battleover to Him.

    Especially in decision-making, it is important to know for sure!
    I have written a book which has helped many people, titled Decision Making 101: Know for Sure! When we know we are in the perfect center of G-d's will for our lives, we have confidence to call upon His Name―ADONAI NISSIfor leading, wisdom ... and victory. Like Moshe, we know we will have the victory! All we have to do is follow His instructions!

    This is where the POINT OF DECISION is so important
    . Learn to ACT towards G-d at the point of decision. My mother used to say, "You should have nipped it in the bud." We are continuously growing forests: either negatively or positively. What happens when you use ONE of G-d's Hebrew Names―ADONAI NISSIfor victory?

    If your plans fit into G-d’s plans …

    You will have G-d’s faith …

    And, G-d’s faith always works!

    Find out G-d’s plans by reading and studying His Holy Word daily: His plans for YOU, for your relationships, for desired accomplishments …and for your work.

    I trust this teaching will help you to know that YOU
    can rely on ADONAI NISSI. It has worked for me! Let Him be YOUR victory. Be free of contention and receive your healing!

    Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.

    Your friend,
    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence

    © Prince Handley 2021

    NOTE 1
    : Don't miss this SPECIAL on my 8 BOOK PROPHECY SERIES

    NOTE 2: Reference: A Beautiful Mind; the story of John Nash; movie and book, Sylvia Nasar; Simon & Schuster.

    REFERENCE: 1 Krantz, D.S., Whittaker, K.S. & Sheps, D.S. (2011). “Psychosocial risk factors for coronary artery disease: Pathophysiologic mechanisms.” In Heart and Mind: Evolution of Cardiac Psychology. Washington, DC


    Rabbinical & Biblical Studies
    [Scroll down past English, Spanish and French]

    The Believer's Intelligentsia


    21 Tammuz, 5781

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence


    משיח ~ מוסד ~ מסרים

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    In this teaching we will discuss altering of gene lines in GRIN Technology and Synthetic Biology, BUT … we will also discuss external players—other worldly beings—altering gene lines (DNA) of the human race. .

    Also, what the Prophet Daniel revealed concerning End Time economic policy as it pertains to geopolitical entities and possibly MultiNational Corporations (MNC's) in the future … and maybe today!




    Let’s look at some NEW signs that are actually OLD signs. Messiah Yeshua said:

    And as it came to pass in the days of Noah, even so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They ate, they drank, they married, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

    Likewise even as it came to pass in the days of Lot, they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but in the day that Lot went out from Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. After the same manner shall it be in the day that the Son of man is revealed.” ‒ Brit Chadashah: Luke 17:26-30

    If you study both of the Torah contexts closely that Jesus referred to—Genesis Chapter 6 for Noah … and Genesis Chapter 19 for Lot—even a casual perusal gives evidence that great wickedness was present on the earth.

    In Genesis 6:5 we read, “And the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of people's hearts was only evil continually.”

    In Genesis Chapter 19 we see that God judges Sodom because of the prevalence of homosexuality being practiced there. When the two angels from God came to Lot’s house to deliver him and his family, we read:

    But before they lay down, the men of the city, [even] the men of Sodom, compassed the house around, both young and old, all the people from every quarter; and they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men that came in to you tonight? Bring them out unto us, that we may know them.

    And Lot went out unto them to the door, and shut the door after him. And he said, I pray you, my brethren, do not so wickedly. Behold now, I have two daughters that have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing, for as much as they are come under the shadow of my roof.”

    The homosexuals in the city wanted to practice perversity on the two men who were Lot's guests―they did NOT know they were angels. This was deemed such wickedness by Lot that he was willing even to let the men abuse his own daughters in exchange for the safety of the men (the angels).

    So we see that in both contexts (Noah and Lot) there was great wickedness ... which will also be prevalent upon the earth in the End Times. The Book of Revelation, also, tell us great wickedness will be prevalent. However, there is something extra concerning the “Days of Noah.”

    And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all that they chose.

    And Jehovah said, My spirit shall not strive with man for ever, for that he also is flesh: yet shall his days be a hundred and twenty years.

    The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them: the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.

    And Jehovah saw that the wickedness of people was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of people was only evil continually.” – Genesis 6:1-5

    This brings to question: Who were the Nephilim? And, who were the “sons of God” spoken of in context here? In the Book of Job, verse 6, we read: “Now it came to pass on the day when the sons of God came to present themselves before Jehovah, it was that Satan also came among them.”

    Notice TWO (2) things:

    The Hebrew phrase for “sons of God””bnai Elohim”always refers to “angelic host” but does NOT differentiate between holy angels or fallen angels.

    It does NOT refer to humans as “children [or] sons of God.”

    Also, in Genesis 6:12 we read, “And God saw the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth.” But, Noah was a righteous man with a wife and three sons and their three wives, who found favor in the eyes of the LORD.

    Evidently the seed line—the DNA—of the human race had become so corrupt that God had to destroy the whole earth, except for Noah and his family. Possibly Noah’s faith, anointed by Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit), protected him from corruption of his DNA.

    Since we know that good—or holy—angels would NOT have been involved in the seduction or sexual intercourse with “the daughters of men,” it would have been “fallen angels.” In the Book of Jude we see more light on this.

    And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

    Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” (Jude verses 6 and 7)

    We see references to both signs of the End Times which Messiah Jesus talked about:

    The days of Noah; and,

    The days of Lot.

    However, notice that Jude mentions “angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation.” Another translation would be, “the angels that did not keep within their original authority, but abandoned their proper sphere …”—or—“the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode.”

    It is this author’s opinion that The Living Bible has an accurate paraphrase of Jude:1-4:

    Now a population explosion took place upon the earth. It was at this time that beings from the spirit world looked upon the beautiful earth women and took any they desired to be their wives. Then Jehovah said, “My Spirit must not forever be disgraced in man, wholly evil as he is. I will give him 120 years to mend his ways.”

    In those days, and even afterwards, when the evil beings from the spirit world were sexually involved with human women, their children became giants, of whom so many legends are told.” – TLB

    These giants were the Nephilim. When Joshua went into the Promised Land he and the Israelites encountered the Rephaim and Nephilim. Remember, David killed Goliath, a giant of nine feet in height.

    Here is another thing―although NOT scripture―that is worth considering: Every prominent ancient culture has stories of beings―usually referred to in some manner―as gods who interfaced with humans; that is, part human–part angel … or hybrid beings!

    Other ancient textual writings, such as the Book of Enoch, relate the belief of a mixed race of part human–part angel beings referred to as "Watchers." Several almost complete copies of the Book of Enoch in Aramaic were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, and it is clear that whoever collected the scrolls considered it a vitally important text.

    Even more intriguing is the fact that additional, previously unknown or little-known texts about Enoch were discovered at Qumran among the findings with the Dead Sea Scrolls. The most important of these is The Book of Giants.

    However, it is the opinion of this author that The Book of Giants is NOT a trustworthy source as many scholars consider the older sections―mainly in The Book of the Watchers―to date from about 300 BCE. Conversely, there are those who give credence to the Book of Enoch, as we shall next discuss.

    The Book of Enoch was still in existence centuries before the birth of Christ. It was considered scripture by many early Christians. The earliest literature of the so-called “Church Fathers” was filled with references to it. The Second and Third Century “Church Fathers”―Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origin and Clement of Alexandria―all quoted from the Book of Enoch.

    Tertullian (160-230 CE) referred to the Book of Enoch as “Holy Scripture.” The Ethiopic Church even added the Book of Enoch to its official canon. It was widely known and read the first three centuries after Christ. However, it became―along with many other books―discredited after the Council of Laodicea. Thereafter it was not disseminated until around the time of the Protestant Reformation.

    Then, there was a revived interest in the Book of Enoch. By the late 15th Century rumors began to spread that somewhere a copy of the long lost Book of Enoch might still exist. During this time many books arose claiming to be the long lost book and were later found to be forgeries.

    The return of the long lost Book of Enoch to the modern Western World is credited to the famous explorer James Bruce, who in 1773 returned from six years in Abyssinia with three Ethiopic copies of the lost Book of Enoch.

    So now ... let me ask you a question: Are the Nephilim:

    Still here?

    Coming back?

    Not only do we see TODAY the altering of gene lines in GRIN Technology and Synthetic Biology, BUT … we also have seen external players—other worldly beings—altering gene lines (DNA) of the human race in the past. WHY? The answer (with reference to Satanic motives) is the same NOW as it was THEN:

    To “hatch” a breed of rebels.

    People who will be subservient to Satan.

    Candidates for 10 Regional Leaders.

    The arch-enemy of Israel―and of humankind―will throw everything he can at Planet Earth before his prophesied demise by Mashiach. The Jewish prophet Yochanan in Brit Chadashah (Hebrew New Testament), Revelation: Chapter 17, shows that the New Global Governance Leader―the FALSE messiah (NOT the REAL Messiah)―will join to himself [at first be part of] ten geopolitical leaders to assist in his End Time policies. We also have record in Tanakh of the same in the Book of Daniel, Chapter Seven, verses 23-25.

    These ten kings are ten geopolitical entities that have NOT existed before. They will make up a global alliance newly organized out of which the FALSE messiah will evolve. They will assist the New Global Leader in thefoolish and failedattempt at opposing the return of the REAL Mashiach.

    Could some of the powerful executives of MNC’s (Multi National Corporations) provide the “work source” for the “10 Kings” referred to ten times in the Holy Bible?

    In Tanakh, Book of Daniel, we read, “He … will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over people and will distribute the land at a price.” (Daniel 11:39, NIV.) This is from a portion of Daniel’s prophetic description of the implementations of the New Global Governance Leader―the FALSE mashiach (anti-christ).

    Daniel prophesies that “elites” of some status will receive mega rewards for their support of this end-time incarnate spirit of Satan. Specific KEY people who acknowledge him and accept his authority will receive a reward of land. “Land” in its Aramaic form used here would also include “economic domain, property or geographic area.”




    HaShem gave us prophecy so we could know where we are at ... know where we are going ... know what's happening today ... and know what's happening in the future! Our job is to listen and obey … to work with Him in obedience for the salvation of Israel.

    PRAY, ask the LORD what He would have YOU to do.

    It's time for The Institute (Mossad) to utilize agents who are filled with Ruach HaKodesh to initiate cyber infiltration of MNC (Multi National Corporation) leaders and CEOs in order to monitor activity with regard to global and geopolitical control. As time progresses, any systemic anti-Israel relationships that have highly positive correlation of linear regression will be “highly suspect” as to End Time enemies of Israel.

    Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.

    Your friend,
    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence

    Podcast time: 17 minutes, 24 seconds.

    © Prince Handley 2021


    Rabbinical & Biblical Studies
    [Scroll down past English, Spanish and French]

    The Believer's Intelligentsia


    3rd of Sivan, 5781

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence


    הכלכלה ואיך לשרוד

    To LISTEN, click on center of pod circle at top left. (Click “BACK” to return.)


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    The anointing of Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) is the PRIMARY CORE SECRET OF POWER. However, there have been—and still are―many of God's People (including rabbis, ministers and business leaders) who have honored and been blessed with The Anointing, but who have failed―that is, broken down―by NOT developing and being strong in the secondary core secrets of power.

    The SECONDARY CORE SECRETS OF POWER are TIME, HEALTH and MONEY. The purpose of this teaching is to help you “glide into” and develop these areas of your life. The more we progress through the entrance of the End Times―which “entrance” we are in now―the more we will need to be strong in these areas. And … it is very simple―very easy―to operate in these areas: it just takes a little adjustment and refining of our life styles.




    Let me share with you briefly about the secondary core secrets of power … and then we'll move on to WHY you need to be shored up in them soon.


    If I steal YOUR time, I steal your life. I taught this to my children when they were young. "When you're out of time ... you're out of life: your body dies!"

    Do not forget the importance of Shabbat (Sabbath) … or YOUR “Day of Rest” because it will give you more time to be productive. That's right … if you honor the LORD by keeping one day out of seven as your Day of Rest, you will find that you get more done the other six days. (It's just like tithing; when you pay God his 10%, you will always get more back from your 90%.) Don't get me wrong though―the Day of Rest is NOT something you pay to God―it is a provision FROM God for your rest, relaxation and remembrance of His blessings.

    Often, the elements of opposition and resistance that come against you from other people―or from demonic spirit forces―will drain your time as well as your energy.

    Do NOT let frustration rob you out of your time―and out of God's blessings.

    Stop letting little things―especially “toys”―invade your time and steal your peace and productivity. How much time do you waste on social media, smart phones, tablets and stock twits that you could use effectively in REST and PRESERVATION OF CAPITAL (money). I'm NOT talking about using socIal media for the LORD or for your relaxation or for business―I'm talking about wasting time with frivolous interaction on social media. (I have 17 social media accounts but I only use one for relaxation.)

    Take time to rest, read and reflect. Above all, take time to LISTEN to God.


    You can NOT serve God effectively if you do not feel well.

    Eat right … exercise right … think right. Listen, see and speak right. Remember the three monkeys you learned about in grade school: "Hear no evil; see no evil; and speak no evil?" In clandestine op situations―like Sayeret Egoz Special Forces and US Navy Seal operations―you must learn to observe the environment: to size it up. It is the same with YOUR every day life. Stop, look and listen. What's going on? Is something “out of place” … stealing your peace? Get back on track. The faster you get back on track, the LESS STRESS you will have in life … and you will be more effective in serving God productively.

    Scriptural fasting and honoring the LORD's day, or Sabbath, contribute to a proper mental attitude, and are laws of God with built-in bonuses of health and blessing. Read Isaiah Chapter 58.


    You will access―or already have access to―purchasing power through the agency of MIRACLES ... or cash (including crypto) ... or hard asset accumulation.

    The anointing is THE PRIMARY CORE SECRET OF POWER. You must have the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Do NOT put education, wealth, social standing or social “clout” above The Anointing. After you have The Anointing, you must MAINTAIN it.

    The presence of God is to be treasured above all else. Spend time alone―listening―to the voice of the LORD. Honor the Holy Spirit. Daniel honored God and God honored Daniel. (Read the Book of Daniel.)

    There are HARD TIMES coming:

    In the economy.

    In persecution of believers (both Jewish and Christian).

    In natural calamities.

    In terrorism.

    I want to cover just one of these areas briefly―the economy. God has assigned me to help you prepare for the coming economic "adjustment!" As I mentioned above, purchasing power comes through any or all of the following: MIRACLES ... or cash (including crypto) ... or hard asset accumulation.


    Remember that I have told you that both inflation and deflation may happen: at different times, of course. It would seem that from all the money (currency) printing by the USA FED in recent years that high or hyper Inflation is inevitable. However, inflation requires both money supply and velocity. Velocity is basically the “churning cycle” of money from spender to receiver … and then that receiver spending money to another receiver … and, so on.

    The gross value of all the goods and services in the US economy is money supply times velocity. It is what is called the Gross Domestic Product, or GDP. When money supply times velocity is greater than the normal GDP then the excess manifests as inflation. While money supply has been greatly increased in recent years by the FED (via printing) the velocity, or spending by consumers has NOT increased substantially to produce inflation.

    The danger lies in what is referred to as “psychological” or “expected” inflation caused by changes in spending habits by the public AND coupled with government increased excess spending. It can very quickly spiral. I, personally, believe that we are in danger in the future of hyper-inflation. The purchasing power of your dollar would be greatly decreased in such a situation.

    WARNING: So, what's a girl to do? Prepare for BOTH inflation and deflation.

    Do NOT get yourself―or your family, business, or service for God―into a position where you are on a “gristmill” working to maintain and NOT to be creative. Georges St-Pierre, Mixed Martial Arts champion, says it well: “You can tell when your enemy is defeated mentally because he is fighting NOT to lose instead of fighting to WIN.” Are YOU fighting to maintain … or are you fighting to WIN?!

    I have listed three books below to help you with time, health and money ... through faith:

    TIME: Victory Over Opposition and Resistance

    HEALTH: Health and Healing: Complete Guide to Wholeness

    MONEY: Resurrection Multiplication

    Listen to your “peace monitor” and make any necessary changes. Schedule time to rest and listen to God, to create, to help others … and to enjoy life. God has called you to the most important task; and that task is: WHAT He has called YOU to do.

    Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.

    Your friend,
    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence

    Podcast time: 15 minutes, 48 seconds.

    Copyright © Prince Handley 2021


    Rabbinical & Biblical Studies
    [Scroll down past English, Spanish and French]

    The Believer's Intelligentsia


    12th of Tamuz, 5779

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence

    מידע דחוף על המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים

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    In this podcast teaching we will discuss the Third Temple of the Jewish People in Israel, the timing of it's construction on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and the effect of terrorism with relation to its construction. Plus … the question nobody asks!



    QUESTION: There is major discussion between Orhtodox Rabbis and other Jewish leaders concerning WHEN the construction of the Third Temple will take place. Some say that Mashiach (the Messiah) will arrive on the scene first and organize the building of the Third Temple. Others say that the Third Temple will be constructed first, and then Messiah will appear.

    ANSWER: The Third Temple will be built first, before Mashiach arrives; however, there will be a FALSE mashiach appear on the scene before the REAL Messiah appears to Israel. The Prophet Daniel was given a message by the Angel Gabriel that in the future the False Mashiach will command that the sacrifices and offerings in the Temple be stopped. This, of course, substantiates the fact that the Third Temple will be built. (Tanakh: Daniel 9:27)

    In 1,000 B.C.E. the Tabernacle of G-d was in Jerusalem (Psalm 76:2 תהילים)and knowing that Satan did NOT invent Islam until 1,700 years later ―the “power players” in Israel have a clean shot for the goal. See Israel: Prophecy and Partnership by Prince Handley.

    Over $30 million USD has been spent for items needed for the Temple service, including the sacred worship vessels and priestly garments to be worn by the Levites in Temple services. As well, over 500 young Jewish men, descended from the tribe of Levi, have been trained as Temple Priests to fulfill their duties of worship and sacrifice in the Temple.

    However, Temple service can NOT begin without the “parah adumah” (Red Heifer). Based upon Numbers 19:1-10, a red heifer without spot or blemishthat has never been yokedmust be sacrificed before the Temple can be built.

    In 1987 the Temple Institute inaugurated its “Raise a Red Heifer in Israel” program. Due to laws restricting the importation of live cattle into Israel, the Temple Institute imported frozen embryos of red angus, implanting them in Israeli domestic cows.

    This is the statute of the law that the Lord has commanded: Tell the people of Israel to bring you a red heifer without defect, in which there is no blemish, and on which a yoke has never come.” (Torah: Numbers 19:2)


    The timing of the construction of the Third Temple will have intercorrelation as follows: G-d, Geopolitics and Gas.


    Because of the return to ONE language (Binary 0-1-0-1) and ONE goal (Globalism), G-d has already planned the future destructionAGAINof the Global Sytem: Babel. [See Torah: Genesis Chapter 11 (Re: Babel).] Babylon is mentioned several times in Tanakh; Also, Babylon is mentioned several times in Brit Chadasha (the Hebrew New Covenant).

    See Babylon, Whore of the Goyim: Enemy of Israel, AND Babylon, the Harlot, Exposed – Part 2, by Prince Handley.

    Before the construction of the Third Templeand before Mashiach returnstheir will be a battle involving the “powers of the North” [Turkey, Iran, and Southern Steppe Russian areas] plus some North-Eastern African nations. This will be a battle which the LORD G-d will win so decisively that ALL the world will know it is the LORD G-d who won. It is the conflict described in Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39.


    We know from Scripture (Daniel and Zechariah) that hard times are designed by Satan's New Globalists: and directed at Israel. The New Global Governance will appoint a NEW leader: He will be the FALSE mashiach (FALSE messiah) who will deceive Israel (and deceive Jews globally). This FALSE mashiachthe future New Global Governance leaderwill make a seven year peace treaty (covenant) with Israel and the Palestinians. BEWARE!!!

    The coming Global Governance Leader (the FALSE messiah) will approve the construction of the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (probably as one of the conditions of the Seven Year Covenant between Israel and the Palestinians.) In the middle of the seven years, the New Global Governance leader will command all animal sacrifices to STOP. He will go into the Temple and act like (say that) he is G-d. (Tanakh: Book of Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 11:36-37). >>> Notice that these verses can NOT apply to Antiochus IV because the mention of the “time of the end” in verses 35 and 40 tells us that this prophecy is “jumping ahead” to the end of this present age and to the one whom Antiochus symbolizedthe FALSE mashiach: the anti-mashiach!

    15 Adar II, 5779

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence


    ישראל והתכנסות

    LISTEN to Podcast: Click on the center of the pod circle at top left. (Click “BACK” to return.)


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    At the present time there are several types of convergence operating which influence:

    Your worldview;

    Israel's geopolitical resonance; and,

    The Final Days of Planet Earth.

    Some examples of “human-sector” as well as “other-worldly” engagement would be as follows:

    Media and memes;

    Bio-ethics and life choices; and,

    Politics and Globalism.

    The above three, by nature, influence the following:

    Social media and relational patterns;

    Human gene editing (HGE / AI); and,

    Geopolitical alignments.



    Definition of meme”

    An idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture. Memes (discrete units of knowledge, gossip, jokes, and so on) are to culture what genes are to life. Just as biological evolution is driven by the survival of the fittest genes in the gene pool, cultural evolution may be driven by the most successful memes.— Richard Dawkins

    An amusing or interesting item (such as a captioned picture, image, GIF or video or genre of items) that is spread widely online especially through social media.

    The power of a meme is insane, they widespread in a matter of seconds over multiple different social media platforms. Reaching millions of people usually becoming rapidly popular on a scale of humor and relatability: both contributing factors that have the power to influence the average individual.

    Memes were used very effectively during the 2016 Presidential campaigns in the USA. Andprobablywill be used moreso in the 2020 campaigns … as well as in Israel and in Europe. But have you ever considered that memes not only influence your political alignment(s) … but also your eternal alignment?! Have you also considered that memes canand maybe created, designed, and anointed by “other than human” forces?!

    There are competitive voices seeking your vote … and there are TWO major forces recruiting YOU for a lifean eternal lifeof service: your eternal vote!


    The Institute needs to increase the number of Katsas and Marats involved with cyber and social intelligence (in comparison with KGB) especially in countries vulnerable to political change that may be critical to the peace and prosperity of Israel: such as USA and other pro-Israel areas.

    The Mossad needs to be more “Tanakh oriented.” There are LOTS of clear, easy-to-understand, prophetic KEYS to alert Israel―and G-d's People―about present and future geopolitical trends. Combining knowledge with accurate surveilance can assist Israel―and Jewish People everywhere―from unnecessary evil … at the least palliative respite when needed.


    G-d confused the language of the masses at Babel, who “were on the verge of accomplishing whatever their minds could conceive.” (Torah: Genesis 11: 6)

    Notice TWO (2) things. Their language was ONE; Their goal (purpose) was ONE. Building the Tower of BabelONE language, ONE goalresulted in G-d confusing their language, and caused "same language" people groups to migrate to different global sectors and regions. The sin of the people of Shinar was the desire to reign over the world and to determine their own destiny apart from G-d.

    ONE language, ONE goal was the first meme! Since then, communication has been the most demanded commodity in history! Remember: ONE language = 0-1-0-1; ONE goal = globalism. Binary PLUS globalism. Most people do NOT discern what's happening outsideand insidetheir “meme-fed” domain of globalism. Even though there are opposing views and voices inside the meme-bubble, those inside the meme bubble are not cognizant of the peripheral bondage. AND ... those outsideJews and REAL Christianswill increasingly become the objects of persecution. They discern and are not part of the “meme-team” ... but are obstacles to New Global Governance. Convergence from all sectors of society, commerce, and governance will become synergistic ... and ultimately reach singularity.


    Because of the return to ONE language (Binary 0-1-0-1) and ONE goal (Globalism), G-d has already planned the future destructionAGAINof Babel. We know from Scripture (Daniel and Zechariah) that hard times are designed by Satan's New Globalists: and directed at Israel. The New Global Governance will appoint a NEW leader: He will be the FALSE mashiach (FALSE messiah) who will deceive Israel (and deceive Jews globally). This FALSE mashiachthe future New Global Governance leaderwill make a 7 year peace treaty (covenant) with Israel and the Palestinians. BEWARE!!!

    The coming Global Governance leader will allow Jews to build the Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. In the middle of the seven years, the New Global Governance leader will command all animal sacrifices to STOP. He will go into the Temple and act like (say that) he is G-d. (Tanakh: Book of Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 11:36-37). Notice that these verses can NOT apply to Antiochus IV because the mention of the “time of the end” in verses 35 and 40 tells us that this prophecy is “jumping ahead” to the end of this present age and to the one whom Antiochus symbolizedthe FALSE mashiach: the anti-mashiach!

    The last half of the 7 year Treaty between Israel and the Palestinians (last 42 months) will be the WORST time of persecution the Jews & Israel have ever known … worse than the Nazi Holocaust. Whereas the Holocaust took away one out of three Jews, this next attack on G-d's Chosen People will take away two out of three Jews. (See Tanakh: Zechariah 13:8 and Jeremiah 30:6-7).


    The New Global Governance Leader will appoint a Head of Global Religion who will be a "FALSE Prophet" who persecutes Jews and REAL Christians. The Head of Global Religion (the FALSE Prophet) will demand people worldwide to worship the New Global Governance Leader (FALSE mashiachreferred to in Brit Chadashah as “The Beast”) … and will construct an image of him, demanding the populace to also worship the “image.”

    The head of Global Religionthe FALSE prophetwill also decree that people worldwide receive a "mark" or numberor number ofthe New Global Governance Leader's name: represented by “666.” Don't laugh ... it's true. Stick around long enough & YOU may be deceived by it ... unless YOU act.

    Without this "mark" or number you will NOT be able to buy or sellor possibly even trade. However, I am NOT sure how this will play out on the undergrounddark webmarket: that is a project for believers inside the Institute (Mossad). Do NOT take this "mark" or number. Refuse it! That is, IF you want to go to Heaven ... instead of Hell. It will be BETTER to have your head decapitated than to take this "mark" or number. If you take it, there will be NO deliverance by HaMashiach: the REAL Mashiach.


    The New Global Governancewith other regional Islamic forceswill attack Israel. However, at the last nanosecond, the REAL Mashiach (Messiah) will appear and He will defeat the anti-Israel armies. He will set up His Messianic Kingdom where peace, prosperity and purity will abound. If you would like to know more about the Millennial reign of Mashiachand what conditions will be like on Planet Earthstudy the many prophetic passages in Tanakh, or go here: Millennial Kingdom.

    It's how you finish that counts ... Israel WINS!

    Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.

    Your friend,
    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence

    Podcast time: 11 minutes, 34 seconds.


    Rabbinical & Biblical Studies
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    The Believer's Intelligentsia


    Copyright © Prince Handley 2019

    Heshvan 29, 5779

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence



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    The LORD G-d—whether the devil realizes it or not—is going to win a major conquest for Israel.
    And not just win … but defeat Israel's enemies so badly that the world will recognize that G-d is the LORD.

    ניצחון מן השמים


    In Ezekiel Chapter 38, there is NO mention of Israel’s neighbors joining in allegiance with the powers from the North. NO mention of:

    Saudi Arabia

    The conflict described in Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39 involves the powers from the North.

    Son of man, set your face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him,

    And say, This is what the Lord G-D says; Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:

    And I will turn you back, and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you forth, and all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armor, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling weaponry:

    Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:

    Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with you.” ‒ Ezekiel 38:2-6

    NOTICE: Magog is a people group, while Gog is a Satanically inspired leader of that people.

    Wilhelm Gesenius was a renowned German Biblical critic and pioneer of critical Hebrew lexicography and grammar. Here is his analysis of the “movers and shakers” in this passage.

    Meshech was a barbarous people known as Moschi who dwelt in the Moschian mountains; the root from which the city of Moscow [derived] its name.”

    However, Mushki (MŠK) of central and western Asia Minor, known in the classics (Homer, etc.) as Phrygia, fits very well. These people were well known to Ezekiel, and this may be the easier interpretation

    We know that Persia is synonymous with present day Iran.

    Tubal, Gomer and Togarmah represent sections of Turkey.


    Read carefully Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39. Then compare what you have read with the following synopsis. I think you will agree.

    Russia, Turkey, Iran and other Middle East and North East African nations will form an alliance to attack Israel.

    G-d will defeat this alliance of Magog and others on the hills of Israel, and leave only 17 percent of them.

    It will take seven months to bury the dead bodies, and seven years to burn the implements of war (probably radioactive elements).

    The victory for Israel will be so great and miraculous that ALL nations will realize that the G-d of Israel is the LORD.

    Thus says the Lord G-D; Are you, Gog, the one of whom I have spoken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel, which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring you against them?

    And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, says the Lord G-D, that my fury shall come up in my face.

    For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel;

    So that the fish of the sea, and the birds of the heaven, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep upon the earth, and all the men that are upon the face of the earth, shall shake at my presence, and the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground.

    And I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains, says the Lord G-D: every man's weapon shall be against his brother.

    And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone.

    This is how I will magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the LORD. Ezekiel 38:18-23


    Think about this: the players today in alignment against Israel are the same as mentioned in Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39. We know this because of the cognate forms of names used in the original Hebrew. The only difference is … they have NOT attacked yet.

    Magogthe Southern Steppes of Russia (former Soviet- Bloc countries);
    Meshech―Central and Western Asia (and part of Turkey)
    EthiopiaSouthern Egypt, Sudan, Somalia;
    LibyaLibya (may also include Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia);
    GomerNorth-Central Turkey;
    TogarmahEastern Turkey.

    The Triumvirate of Testing for Israel at this moment is: Russia, Iran, and Turkey. Russia cavorts with whomever, always seeking the balance of power: its own. Iran wants to exterminate anyone the Mad Mahdi doesn't approve, which happens to be ALL non-Muslims. And Turkey, is coming out of the closet, in preparation for her role as the headquarters for New World Governance.


    Russia has been attempting to attach its holdings in previous Soviet Bloc countries to prevent NATO encroachment into these areas. It was strategically taking advantage of the recent American president's (Obama) weakness in military experience and foreign policy negotiations.


    Iran wants to fill the void in the Middle East which resulted from the invasion of Iraq. (This also happens to be a goal of Turkey.) Iran, under the leadership of the Grand Meany and his puppet Barney Fife want to bring destruction and chaos to ALL non-Muslim people and nations.

    Iran now has the capability to produce a nuclear weapon. It has warhead capability.

    Many of America’s closest Mideast allies, particularly Israel and Saudi Arabia, have warned Washington against concluding a deal with Tehran. When Obama was President of the USA, Arab countries, in particular, worried that the U.S. would forge a closer relationship with Shiite Iran to confront radical Sunni groups, such as Islamic State and al Qaeda.

    That was folly, because as Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu pointed out in his speech to the USA Congress, “the enemy of your enemy―in this case―is (still) your enemy!”

    The MAJOR reason Iran is NOT attacking Israel right now is to give Iran TIME to produce several bombs first. A secondary reason previously was as a major bargaining chip with the USA. Iran knew the recent USA President Obama had NO military background and was without experience in war strategy or military diplomacy. Iran felt the recent USA president was weak and would easily be dissuaded with rhetoric, using his Muslim upbringing as a tool on the chessboard.

    If Iran can gain BOTH time and privilege, it will be a bonus toward their efforts. After using the recent USA President, and after gaining hard assets and other desirables earned via diplomacy, Iran was in even a better position to attack Israel. However, President Donald Trump withdrew from the Iran deal and placed hard sanctions once again against Iran. If, however, no advantageous benefits are to be realized from the USA, Iran can still attack Israel; all the while having created BOTH a situation of non-apprehension while creating more bombs.


    As I mentioned in my podcast, Confidential: Intel for Israel, (12 Feb, 2009), Turkey will be the new headquarters for the New World Governance. In due time it will become obvious that it will in effect be the (clandestine) headquarters of the NIO: New Islamic Order.

    As the Global Governance center, Turkey will come into position after breaking away from its previous European and Western associations, andas the Eastern leg of the old Roman Empireit will be the epicenter of Islamic geopolitical and financial concourse.

    Already, since I provided this information in 2009, we have seen (via Vaadat Orchim) that Turkey is parlaying and weighing her odds for partnership to her greatest advantage: Russia (and the Caucasus), Saudi Arabia, or Iran. Eitheror allof the three, as bedfellows, will still have the stamp of Islam.

    Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.

    Your friend,

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence

    Podcast time: 12 minutes, 5 seconds


    Rabbinical & Biblical Studies
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    The Believers’ Intelligentsia


    Tishri 15, 5779
    Succot Day 1

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
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    Israel—whether realizing it or not—is going to win a major conquest over Muslim nations in the Middle East.
    And not just win … but plunder them, reaping great resources! No, I am NOT talking about the Ezekiel 38 ‒ 39 victory. I am talking about a conquest possibly before that: one that could happen at any time. Actually, there will be at least three (3) major Middle East conflicts that involve Israel in the future:

    Conquest over Muslim forces in Middle East;

    Ezekiel 38 ‒ 39 victory; and,

    Battle of Armageddon.

    NOTE: It is possible that the above two [#2 and #3] may be incorporated in one war; but two different conflicts (battles) when the Mashiach appears. That is, Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39 could be the same event combination as Armageddon. They both include eartquakes and hail. However, I believe they will be separate conflicts for the reasons I present below.


    Most people familiar with Bible prophecy realize there will be a conflict in the Middle East—fought in Israel—where G-d Himself will be “set apart” in the eyes of the goyim: the nations. When it is over, the whole world will realize that the conflict has been won by the LORD G-d.

    And, probably many of the people familiar with this prophecy in Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39 realize that it is NOT the same conflict as the Battle of Armageddon. This fact is very clear in that:


    In Ezekiel 38, G-d sends earthquake(s), overflowing rain, hailstones and fire … plus disease and blood … upon Israel's enemies. Also, Israel's enemy goes into confusion and fights with each other.

    In Ezekiel 39, 83% [five-sixths] of Israel's enemies are either destroyed or overcome. And [one-sixth] 17% of the enemy forces are sent back to their home lands.

    In the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation Chapter 16) we read of a great earthquake affecting the whole earth and hailstones the size of 100 pounds. However, there is NO mention of disease (pestilence) and blood; nor of fire and burning sulphur like in Ezekiel 38.


    In Ezekiel 38 and 39, we see that the focus of the conflict is while Israel is at peace in their land … “Brought back out of the nations dwelling safely.” [Ezekiel 38:8] Also, the commanding enemy forces who attack Israel are from the North: parts of Russia, Turkey, Iran (all North of Jerusalem) with some allies in the North-East African region.

    In the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16) Israel is NOT at peace … and we read that the whole world is involved as Israel's enemies. It appears that this fits the time frame of “Jacob's Trouble” during the last 42 months of the Great Tribulation: the last half of Daniel the Prophet's heptad of seven years. [Daniel 9:27 and Matthew 24:15]

    Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.

    Then they gathered the kings [of the whole world] together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.” [Brit Chadashah / Revelation 16:13-14,16]


    In addition, when the conflict of Ezekiel 38 and 39 happens, Israel is at peace in the land with great resources. Even a casual reading of Ezekiel Chapter 38 shows that Israel’s great wealth will be what draws the powers from the North to come down against her. This brings to light another question: Where—and when—did Israel come by this great wealth?!

    The Middle East conflict …
    the Israeli-Arab dispute is at its essence thousands of years old. It is a spiritual conflict: the political aspects of which are merely the symptoms.

    The scriptures do show us that there will be a final Israeli-Arab war.


    "Then it will happen on that day that the Lord will again acquire with His hand a second time the remnant of His people, who will remain, from Assyria, from Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt, from Ethiopia, from Iran, from Babylonia, from Syria, and from the coastlands bordering the [Mediterranean] Sea. And He will lift up a signal for the nations. And He will assemble the scattered ones of Israel, and will gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth." [Isaiah 11:11-12]

    NOTICE: After the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and the Versailles Treaty of 1919 … but especially after 1948 when Israel was declared as a nation … many Jews emigrated to Israel -- to their homeland -- as a Nation of People: this was their FIRST regathering from their dispersion among the Gentile nations (the Goyim). However, in Isaiah Chapter 11 we see that G-d will regather His People a second time.

    Could this "second regathering"
    be when Messiah appears? Or, before? In Isaiah Chapter 11, verses 13 through 16, we see that:

    Israel will spoil the Islamic nations from the West to the East: from the Philistines in the West to Ammon and Moab in Jordan in the East. Again, direction is from Jerusalem. [Isaiah 11:14]

    The mouth of the Egyptian sea will be dried up. This has never happened. [Isaiah 11:15] See also Isaiah Chapter 19:5-8.

    There will be a highway of travel from Iraq through Syria and extending to Egypt. [Isaiah 11:16] See also Isaiah Chapter 19:23.

    In Isaiah Chapter 11, verses 12-16, we read a description of a war that will happen BEFORE Messiah comes to earth again (the second time). The first 11 verses tell us about Messiah's return and his rule of peace on earth. Verses 12-16 (the description of war) cannot happen during this time because Messiah's reign is characterized by peace. Another distinctive feature of the prophecy in verses 12-16 is that the war therein described has NOT happened historically. It has not happened yet!

    A war between Israel and much of the Middle East will happen, not just bordering Arab states like Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. They (that is, the children of Israel ... both Ephraim and Judah) will "fly down upon the shoulder of the Philistines (Palestinians) to the west." In context Israel will strike against Egypt and Iraq (Assyria) and "plunder the sons of the East." Israel will control these nations, and evidently, their wealth as a result of the plundering. Etymologically, the "people of the East" MAY include other Arab nations.

    It is very evident here in this passage ... see verse 14 ... that Israel will control the East Bank of Jordan (Ammon, Moab, and Edom). This happened in Joshua's time and it has NOT happened SINCE the days of Isaiah. This is a future prophecy that WILL happen!

    It is quite probable that the devastation of terrorist groups like Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Hamas, Fatah, Al-Qaeda and ISIS will be accomplished during this conflict. It may be one of the factors—if not the primary factor—that actually precipitates the conflict. Actually, many of the citizens in these Muslim nations may be glad Israel wins this conflict to deliver them from the hands of terrorist groups and leadership.

    So now we know what the “hook” is that God uses to draw the powers from the North: it is Israel's great wealth!

    The LORD says to the Northern powers: “I will turn you back, and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you forth …” ‒ Ezekiel 38:4

    The Northern powers' leader will say: “I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, To take a spoil, and to take a prey ... upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations.” – Ezekiel 38:11-12

    The Northern powers described in Ezekiel 38-39 are parts of Russia, Turkey, Iran (the North of Jerusalem) with allies in the North-East African region.

    Where—and when—does Israel achieve the great wealth that God will use to draw the powers from the North against her?

    Remember, Isaiah Chapter Eleven verse 14 tells us, “Israel will strike against Egypt and Assyria (Iraq and Syria) and "plunder the sons of the East." Israel will control these nations, and evidently, their wealth as a result of the plundering. Notice, also, that these entities that are conquered by Israel are ALL presently Muslim nations.

    PSALM 83

    In Psalm 83 we see what MAY BE a parallel description of Isaiah Chapter Elevenpossiblyin more detail as it pertains to the parties involved. Remember, the Book of Isaiah was written more recently, around 750 B.C.E … while Psalm 83 was written about 1,000 B.C.E. However, the Spirit of G-d can use writers, including prophets, at different times of writing to make declarations concerning the same events: even future.

    Keep not silence, O G-d: hold not your peace, and be not still, O G-d. For, behold, your enemies make a tumult: and they that hate you have lifted up the head. They have taken crafty counsel against your people (Israel) and consulted against your hidden ones. They have said, ‘Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.’ For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against you: The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes; Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre; Assur also is joined with them: they have helped the children of Lot. Selah.” [Psalm 83:1-8]

    For a description of the cognate terms listed in the above passage and their current identity, the following will help:

    The tabernacles, or tents, of Edom are Israel’s traditional enemies: the Palestinians and other political Arab allies: Gaza, the West Bank and Golan Heights. Also, part(s) of Jordan.

    Esau represents Mount Seir (in Jordan) from the Dead Sea south to the Red Sea (Eilat and Gulf of Aqaba).

    The Ishmaelites were not confined to the descendants of the son of Abraham and Hagar, but refer to the desert tribes east of the Jordan River, in general, like "the children of the east" (Judges 7:12) … but also in the Arabian Desert.

    The Gebalites were predominantly in or near the area of Lebanon. (Joshua 13:15)

    The Hagarenes: Hagar was Abraham’s Egyptian maid who gave birth to his first child, Ishmael (the son of the ‘flesh,’ not the ‘promise.’). Hagar gave her son, Ishmael, to an Egyptian wife so that the Ishmaelites,or Hagarenes, of Gilead and Moab were three-quarters (75%) Egyptian.

    Asshur represents the ancient confines of Assyria (present day Syria and Iraq).

    NOTICE #1: The people groups and nations listed in Psalm 83 who want Israel’s destruction are ALL Muslim entities.

    NOTICE #2: Some of the inhabitants of these geopolitical areas are Jewish and some are real Christians. G-d knows WHO are His People and HOW to deliver them. This is obvious when He knew HOW to separate Lot from the destruction of Sodom. (Torah: Genesis Chapter 19)

    In Isaiah 11:14 we read that Israel is going to experience a major conquest over Muslim nations in the Middle East and plunder them... and not just win, but plunder their resources.

    But they shall fly down upon the shoulder of the Philistines toward the west; Together they shall plunder the people of the East; They shall lay their hand on Edom and Moab; And the people of Ammon shall obey them.” [Isaiah 11:14]

    Will this happen before the battle described in Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39? Is this where Israel gathers great wealth that is the “hook” which G-d uses to draw down the military forces from the North to attack Israel … which battle Israel wins hands down because the LORD G-d fights for her?

    Ezekiel Chapter 38 tells us that when the power forces from the North invade Israel … Israel is at peace in their land ...” Brought back out of the nations dwelling safely." Notice again …

    Israel will be at peace in their land.

    Brought back out of the nations [after 1948] ...AND ... dwelling safely!

    With great wealth and resources. [Ezekiel 38:13]

    ADDENDUM: If there is NOT a conflict BEFORE the battle described in Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39 where Israel defeats and plunders Muslim entities in the Middle Eastif Isaiah 11:14 happens at a different timewe still know that Israel will have great wealth that G-d uses as a “hook” to draw the forces from the North against her. This wealth could derive from oil, technological innovation, or mineral discoveries. Read (or listen to) my teaching on G-d, Geopolitics and Gold. I am connected with the most innovative leaders in Artificial Intelligence, technology and startup companies in Israel. They are the most brilliant, creative, and productive leaders in the world and are already helping Israel to become one of the leading economic power nations in the world.

    So now you know about Israel's future wealth … more resources for Zion!

    Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.

    Your friend,
    Prince Handley
    President / Regent

    University of Excellence

    Podcast time: 16 minutes, 15 seconds

    NOTE: Scroll down for ALL previous podcasts last 10 years.


    Rabbinical & Biblical Studies
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    The Believers’ Intelligentsia


    12 Sh'vat 5778

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence


    הודעה עבור בנימין נתניהו

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    Israel and the Jewish People have suffered much at the hands of “history.” However, what most people―especially politicians and world leaders―do NOT realize is that there is a “dark force” behind the causation of these degrading elements.

    In this teaching we will expose not only the past stratagem of Israel's enemy … but also the present and future plots assigned to further deceive, harm and ensnare God's Chosen People. We will also expose the stratagem of Israel's enemy with regard to New Babylon ... and the New Nimrod.

    Key geopolitical "overlays" will be discussed with their prophetic importance today … and in the future!

    But hang on … we will furnish proof revealing the age old truth (what my mother used to say) that, “It's how you finish that counts!”



    Kush fathered
    Nimrod, who was the first powerful ruler on earth.
    He was a mighty hunter before [Lit: against] Adonai—this is why people say,
    Nimrod, a mighty hunter before [Lit: against] Adonai.
    Torah: Bereshith (Genesis10:8-9)

    And I will render unto
    Babylon and to all the inhabitants of Chaldea
    all their evil that they have done in Zion in your sight, says the
    Jeremiah 51:24

    On her forehead was written a name with a hidden meaning:
    Revelation 17:5

    Daniel and the three Hebrew children are examples of deliverance for G-d's People. More particularly, Mordecai and Esther (the Jewish heroine Hadassah), through their prayers, fasting and action kept the Jews from being exterminated by Haman in 127 provinces from India to Ethiopia.

    However, recall the mass pillage and murders done to the Jewish People under the Roman Titus and his armies [mostly conscripts and enlistees from Ishmaelite-Arabian areas in the Middle East] in 70 C.E. And that's NOT even acccounting for the genocide of six million Jews under the rule of Hitler in Nazi Germany. [Note: first usage in Bible of the word "Arabs" is in 4 Kings (Tanakh) or 2 Kings 17:11 in Holy Bible.

    Satan tried many times to exterminate the Jewish People. WHY? First, because he did not want the Mashiach of Israel to be born; therefore, he attempted to destroy the seedline of the Jewish People and thereby cut off the family line from which it was prophesied that Messiah would come.

    Before she travailed, she brought forth;
    Before her pain came, she gave birth to a boy.”
    Isaiah 66:7

    Second, because after Messiah was born, Satan did / does NOT want the Mashiach to return a second time to deliver Israel from her future travail in the Time of Jacob's Trouble and establish His Kingdom.

    Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things?
    Can a land be born in one day?
    Can a nation be brought forth all at once?
    As soon as Zion
    travailed, she also brought forth her sons.”
    Isaiah 66:8

    However, let's look at three specific historical events designed by the enemy of Israel:

    The enemy tried to destroy the Hebrew boys in Moses' day under Pharaoh.

    The enemy tried to destroy ALL the Hebrews in Esther's day under Haman.

    The enemy tried to destroy the Hebrew boys in Yeshua's (Jesus') day under Herod.

    ~ Satan will try again to destroy the Jews ~
    ~ He does NOT want Messiah to return the second time ~
    ~ WHY? Because Messiah will establish His kingdom on earth ~


    “It will come about in all of the land," declares the LORD,
    "that two thirds of the people living there will die,
    but a third will survive who live there.”

    Zechariah 13:8


    Now let's look at a quick historical background of the “Jews” and/or “Hebrews” and follow the evolution of the etymology of the names ... and while doing that we will SEE what's happening today ... and what will happen in the future.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    The name "Jew" was first used to refer to someone from the tribe of Judah. Later, after the return from the 70 year captivity in Babylon―in the time of Ezra and Nehemiah―the name "Jew" was used to refer to anyone from any of the 12 tribes. However, the tribe of Judah seemed to make up the larger portion of the remnant of Israel. The children of Israel were originally called "Hebrews."

    Concerning the term "Hebrew," it is interesting that after the Children of Israel finished wandering for 40 years, and before they passed over the Jordan River into the Promised Land, they lodged for three days at the brink of the Jordan River. Joshua, their leader after Moshe, sent officers through the camp who commanded the people as: "When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your G-d, and the priests―the Levites―bearing it, then you shall set out from your place and go after it.”

    Yet there shall be a space between you and the ark, about 2,000 cubits (1,000 yards or 914 meters) by measure. Do not come near the ark, so that you may know the way by which you must go, for you have not passed this way before." (Tanakh: Sefer Y'hoshua / Book of Joshua.)

    The Hebrew root word for "passed" used [in previous text] is "abar" [ah-var] which means "to pass over, go through, pass beyond, or to make a transition [figuratively or literally]." To arrive INSIDE your own personal Promised Land, you will have to go through a TRANSITION! The Hebrew word "abar" also means "to pass from one side to the other side."

    Interestingly enough, a derivative of the word "abar" is "ibriy" which means "Hebrew" and is the ethnic description of Abraham and his seed line, who was a descendant of “Eber”―the great grandson of Noah's son Shem.

    Genesis 14:13 / Bereshith talks about "Abram the Hebrew." Exodus 7:16 / Shemot mentions "the LORD G-d of the Hebrews." Here "Hebrews" represents a tribe of Semites (sons of Shem).

    Abraham "crossed over" the Euphrates River from Haran to Canaan, the land G-d promised him. How did he do it―through OBEDIENCE! Abraham, with his wife Sarah and his nephew Lot, had originally left Ur of the Chaldees with his father, Terah, and arrived in Haran. It's possible the LORD had wanted Terah to take the trip of faith from Haran and he may not have obeyed; possibly that is why G-d chose Abraham.

    FAST FORWARD: The extended war in Iraq played―and will continue for a while―to play an important part in End Time prophecy: 1. for Israel; 2. for the Middle East; and, 3. for the West. The result will be a paradigm shift in world commerce, geopolitics and religion. Plus ... Israel will be swept up in a vortex of persecution. But wait

    With the President of USA, Donald Trump, declaring Jerusalem as [undisputed] Capital of Israel―and with observed synergistic economic prosperity of those who agree―an emotional “brain twist” resulted at that time in Islamic nations: jealousy AND attention.

    REFLECTION: What politicians. educators and the news media do NOT realizerather, do NOT understand―is that President Trump of the USA was anointed by G-d to help Israel. That's WHY in just one year the economy of the USA surged when he was in office: corporations investing in development plus training employees; unexpected bonuses to employees; corporations returning to USA from abroad; stock market soaring to new highs.

    Dead people do not understand life; unbelievers do not understand ... nor comprehend ... the anointing: what it is; why it is imparted; and from where it originates. Donald Trump―during his office of President―was anointed as much as Cyrus was who commanded the Jerusalem to be rebuilt and the foundations of the Temple to be laid. Cyrus was a pagan ruler! Isaiah refers to pagan Cyrus as “the Lord's anointed.” (See Isaiah 44:28 – 45:7.) This prophecy―and G-d calling Cyrus by name―was 150 years before the happening!

    Remember, in Torah G-d promised “I will bless those who bless Israel.” [Several places in Bereshith / Genesis.] Even Middle East Islamic countries could be blessed if they were to “wake up” and work with Israel ... helping Israel.

    THINK ABOUT IT. Don't forget though: Ezekiel tells us that in the future Iran will―with Turkey, Russia, North East Africa and neighboring Muslim countries―attack Israel and be wiped out by G-d.

    REPEAT: There will be a paradigm shift in world commerce, geopolitics and religion. Plus ... Israel will be swept up in a vortex of GREAT BLESSING … with persecution. Israel's prosperity will be a "thorn" in the sides of her Islamic enemies. But WAIT ... Remember what Isaiah tells us will happen in the future: "For Adonai-Tzva’ot has blessed him: 'Blessed be Egypt my people, Ashur [Assyria = Syria & Iraq] the work of my hands and Israel my heritage.'

    Right now, Iraq plays a key piece―not only in the Middle East with the “tug of war” between Iran and the West―but in the prophetic puzzle (and the timeline) of the world.

    Babylon, in the land of Shinar, was the headquarters of the first world autocrat. His name was “Nimrod.” Scripture―in the original Hebrew language, and also supported by rabbis―shows that Nimrod was “a mighty hunter against―or in opposition to―the LORD.” Concerning Nimrod, See Torah, Bereshith / Genesis 10:8-9.

    Just as Babylon was the headquarters for the first world dictator―Nimrod―so the NEW BABYLON will be the headquarters of NEW NIMROD: the FINAL New Global Governance dictator: a despot and worse than tyrant.

    The New Global Governance leader will be chosen by the NWONew World Order (or whatever name the organization ascribes to itself at that time). He will be the FALSE mashiach (messiah) and the greatest enemy that Israel and the Jewish People have ever known.

    Turkey will probably become the headquarters for the New Global Governance. In due time it will become obvious that it will in effect be the (clandestine) headquarters of the NIO: New Islamic Order. As the Global Governance Center, Turkey will come into positionmay break away from its previous European and western associationsand, as the Eastern leg of the old Roman Empire, it will be the epicenter of Islamic geopolitical and financial concourse, fostering the development of New Babylon: international commercial, political and religious centre of the world. New Babylon will work in alignmentfor a seasonwith the New Global Governance leader: the FALSE Messiah.

    New Babylon will later be destroyed by a confederacy of Ten Regional Leaders―who actually support her development at first―and who align themselves with the dictates of the New Governance Leader: the FALSE Messiah.

    TAKE AWAY: Israel's leaders must pray for discernment and insight in the coming commercial, geopolitical and religious shifts. Watch Turkey, watch the UN and its evolution / transition into the New World Governance ... and watch for the New Nimrod: a man of “supposed” peace who will appear on the world stage.

    This New Nimrod will broker a seven year peace agreement―a covenant just like Daniel prophesied―and in the middle of the seven years, he (the False Mashiach) will go into the newly built Temple of the Jews and declare that he is G-d: the overspreading of abomination just like Daniel prophesied (and an anti-type of Antiochus IV Epiphanes who desecrated the Temple around 167 BCE.

    Antiochus Epiphanes is a tyrannical figure in Jewish history, and he is also a foreshadowing of the coming Antichrist. The prophet Daniel predicts an atrocity in the temple in the end times (Daniel 9:27; 11:31; 12:11.) prophecy concerning a coming ruler who will cause the offerings to cease in the temple and set up “an abomination that causes desolation.” What Antiochus IV did certainly qualifies as an abomination; however, Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) speaks of Daniel’s prophecy as having a still-future fulfillment. (See Brit Chadashah: Matthew 24:15-16; Mark 13:14; Luke 21:20-21). The False Mashiach (Antichrist)―the New Nimrod―will model Antiochus Ephiphanes in his great pride, blasphemous actions, and hatred of the Jews.

    After this―in the remaining 42 months of the seven year covenant―will be the Time of Jacob's Trouble (Jeremiah 30:6-7) ... the worst time for the Jewish People (and the believing Gentiles) ... they have ever known: mega-worse than the Nazi Holocaust under Nazi Germany. But Israel shall be saved out of it!

    For I will restore your health, I will heal you of your wounds,” says ADONAI
    “because they called you an outcast, Tziyon, with no one who cares about her.”

    ‒ Jeremiah 30:17

    With Israel’s great prosperity and ascendancy through technology, natural resources and humanitarian effortswith the wealth of the goyim (nations) coming into herwill come great persecutionagainthat will result in the the combined armed forces of the New Global Governance PLUS the Islamic enemies of Israel against Jerusalem.

    THEN ... In a nanosecond the REAL Mashiach (Messiah) will come from Heaven to the Mount of Olives and bring the FINAL deliverance and victory to believing Jews in Israel. Be ready … put your faith in Him. You can know the Mashiach TODAY ... and make sure you do, before the real birth pains come to pass from travail in the Time of Jacob's Trouble.

    Call out to me, and I will answer you—I will tell you great things,
    hidden things of which you are unaware.”
    - Jeremiah 33:3

    Come now, and let us reason together, says the LORD:
    though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;
    though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”
    – Isaiah 1:18



    Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.

    Your friend,

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence
    Podcast time: 18 minutes, 57 seconds.

    Copyright © Prince Handley 2018
    All rights reserved.

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    Rabbinical & Biblical Studies
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    The Believers’ Intelligentsia


    8 Sivan, 5777

    Prince Handley
    University of Excellence
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    הודעה עבור בנימין נתניהו

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    הודעה עבור בנימין נתניהו




    "Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim."
    Isaiah 49:12

    "Sinim" was the name of a distant Oriental region. Wilhem Gesenius, a German biblical critic and Semitic language scholar, commented that "The Arabians and other Asiatics called China Sin, or Tchin; the Chinese had no special name for themselves, but either adopted that of the reigning dynasty or some high-sounding titles. This view of 'Sinim' suits the context which requires a people to be meant 'from far,' and distinct from those "from the north and from the west."

    "And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared."
    Revelation 16:12


    God created the
    Euphrates River."The name of the third river is Tigris, the one that flows east of Asshur. And the fourth river is the Euphrates" (Torah: Bereshith / Genesis 2:14).

    The river of the same name marked one of the boundaries of the land promised by God to Abraham and to his descendants: Isaac, Jacob, and to the end of his seed
    line. In the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) it is often referred to simply as "The River" (ha-nahar). (Torah: Bereshith / Genesis 15:18).

    The Euphrates marks the north-eastern border of the land God promises to Abram:
    "To your descendants I give this land from the wadi of Egypt to the Great River, the river Euphrates" (Torah: Genesis 15:18 in the Jerusalem Bible)

    God tells the Israelites to go to the Promised Land:
    "Start out and make your way to the hill country of the Amorites and to all their neighbors in the Arabah, the hill country, the Shephelah, the Negeb, the seacoast, the land of the Canaanites, and the Lebanon, as far as the Great River, the river Euphrates." ( (Torah: Devarim / Deuteronomy 1:7).

    God (through Moses) promises the Israelites the Promised Land:
    "Every place where you set the soles of your feet shall be yours. Your borders shall run from the wilderness to the Lebanon and from the River, the river Euphrates, to the western sea." (Torah: Devarim / Deuteronomy 11:24).

    The Lord says
    "Your King will make peace among the nations; He will rule from sea to sea, from the Euphrates River to the ends of the earth." (Tanakh: Zechariah 9:10)


    The great River Euphrates is the water boundary separating the Holy Land (promised by God to Moses, Abraham, Israel) from Asia to the East. Because of dams constructed in the last century to divert water for irrigation, there are at times little or no water in the river bed. The act of the sixth angel in pouring out his vial upon the River Euphrates may have more to do with soil impaction or alignment than hydrological forces.

    However, it could be that the Euphrates River
    due to some kind of engineering or dredgingmay be fed with a network of tributaries in the future. At any rate, regardless of the Euphrates having more or less water in the future, it will be a viable variable in the logistics of the future and the Eastern "region kings" who play a key part in end time prophecy.


    In the last days their will be a major military, political, and economic force that arises from the East. This force will NOT be from just one national entity, but will be a confluence of several regional powers in the East ... and NOT from just the Pacific Rim. Direction in the Holy Bible is always oriented from Jerusalem, Israel. So these "kings of the east" can represent forces in the Near East, Middle East and/or Far East.

    This force may be an amalgamation of national and cultural social interests flowing together for advancement, protection, control and power. One or more of the region kings may be a separate entity, however, working either in cooperation with or separately from the other region kings. However, these region kings will move simultaneously or in approximation to or with each other. The timing will be in prophetical precision and It will be a synergistic force that will be in effect designed by God as "pawns" to bring about the establishment of His Kingdom on earth.

    However, even though this force from the East fits into the end time plans of Almighty God, the regional EPM (Economical - Political - Military) powers will NOT have as their goal(s) the service of God. They will in effect be drawn (inspired) by Satan to do his bidding.

    There are / will be several players in this field of "region kings." In the following discussion, we will review some of the major players; however, keep in mind, that any power adjacent to the Euphrates River and beyond (easterly) may be a candidate for this role. This would include present day Iraq, Syria, Eastern Turkey, the southern steppes of Russia (from the former USSR), Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, China, Mongolia, North and South Korea.

    We will now discuss some of the more poignant players at this present time from the "region kings" of the East. [Note: Iran will not be included in this discussion because, even though it could be included in the area of the region kings of the East, this section is more directed to the area of "Sino Asian Emergence." Iran is covered in several other sections of the
    U of E site:

    Israel and Middle East
    Islam and Its Teachings
    Turkey and Word War Three


    China's Silk Road Resurrected. “One Belt, One Road.”

    21st Century version of the ancient Silk Road traveled by Marco Polo.

    President Xi Jinping [chi-jin-ping] hosts the so-called Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Summit.

    The BRI is Xi’s $1 trillion – with a "T" -- plan to build state of the art roads, ports, pipelines and airports that will link China to 110 countries around the world and make Beijing the epicenter of world trade for decades to come.

    The initiative is a brazen attempt to seize worldwide economic leadership from the United States.

    Xi sees an opportunity to bind emerging trade partners to him by offering them access to China’s vast consumer market.

    Xi is offering a lot of money and infrastructure to a lot of recipient countries who have a pressing need for their economies to be modernized.

    China is effectively applying soft power in a very visible way. It wants to become what the USA has been until now – the leader of the world economy.

    Among the massive infrastructure projects being offered to potential partners, China wants to build a port in Pakistan, complete a China-to-Myanmar pipeline, giving it access to Middle East crude oil, and dredge and deepen the historic Greek port of Piraeus.

    For Xi, this means showing that the rest of the world is girded to China, and that all roads lead to Beijing.

    Reference: John Moody, Executive Vice President, Executive Editor for Fox News

    China's economy will be larger than that of the USA by 2030.
    China controls:

    The Port of Long Beach (on the West Coast of USA);

    Both entrances to the Panama Canal; and,

    The key NAFTA Mexican port city of Lazaro Cardenas at the southern tip of the North American Union highway. China and many other countries have wanted to take away control from the USA for many years.

    Prohibition of imports of US products are now in place unless they are based on intellectual property that is developed and/or owned in China. U.S. products cannot be sold in China unless companies give China their current patents plus their research and development of new products.

    The longtime
    consensus among government and business elites has been that as China became richer, its interests would become more like the FREE world. It didn't work out that way because China is a Communist totalitarian country striving for military and economic superiority and still tortures, kills, and imprisons Christians.

    In 1949 China began to eliminate all religious entities from their borders. When Mao Zedong ("Chairman Mao") took over power he referred to religion as "the opium of the mind."
    China, today, is still one of the most repressive forces of Christianity in the world, with many Christians belonging to the "house" churches being tortured and imprisoned.

    NOTE: The "house" churches are those NOT registered with the government. In an attempt to control Christians, the government requires that all churches register with them. The government controlled church is called the "Three-Self Patriotic Movement." Millions of born again believers are part of the "house" churches and are NOT aligned with the government authorized churches.

    There are about 12 million registered believers in the official "State" churches and over 100 million believers in the non-registered "house" churches. The Chinese government tells the registered "3 Self" churches: 1. Where they can worship; 2. Who can worship (only those over 18); and, 3. What they can teach.


    President Richard Nixon opened trade agreements with China in 1972. After Chairman "Murderer" Mao died in 1976, certain of the Communist leaders realized that to succeed in world market share they must attempt to pattern what the leading non-communist nations were doing. These leaders realized they must move toward "capitalism" to become competitive in world trade, but they decided to "code" their terminology in new language so they would still be identified as communistic. New terms, such as "market socialism" and "socialism with Chinese characteristics" were coined.

    The new economic leaders decided upon a four pronged plan of attack to help them become competitive in world trade. This plan was known as the "Four Modernizations" and included:





    They realized that their previous programs of mass starvation, torture, forced labor, and personal regimentation were achieving the opposite of motivating the "collective" Chinese people.

    In 1978 Deng Xiaoping became the key Communist leader in China mainly because of his economic expansionist plans leading China out of an abysmal position of market share production. Having been a sluggard in production due to Marxist / socialist control of manufacturing, China had been far behind the leading nations of the world until then. China decided to model other successful nations in the Far East: Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. These countries were referred to as the East Asian Tigers, and all of which were non-Communist, free market economies.

    As an indicator of how far China has come in world trade, at this time the USA purchases 40% of its consumer goods from the Chinese. China now produces two-thirds of the world's DVD's, photocopiers, shoes, and microwaves ... and that's just a small part of their production landscape.

    As for information and communications technology, China has overtaken the USA. And, China is expanding its export market from the USA, Europe, and Japan to Latin America, Africa, and third world countries. For example, China’s foreign investment in Africa has increased from $1.5 million in 1991 to $1.2 billion in 2005.

    The KEY move right now by China is to obtain security in oil and energy imports to supply its great expansion in production and standard of living. China is investing money in oil and energy projects in countries where the West (USA, EU, etc) places sanctions. (For example, countries where US companies are NOT allowed to do business.) China is also building factories close to raw materials in African countries, and providing them with foreign aid, military equipment, building infrastructure, and forming favored agreements to foster friendship. (See the News Release in "Other Resources" below as an example.)

    Major leaps in banking have been effected by China. Even Alan Greenspan said China's central bankers “just a few years removed from isolated central planning, have become major players in operating the global financial system.” Chinese central bankers now play important roles in the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) in Switzerland and in the IMF (International Monetary Fund).

    With all its increase in productivity, China has NOT become less of a threat in the area of human rights. And, it is soon planning major efforts in redistribution of wealth because of internal division in the areas of wealth and literacy between the urban wealthy and poorer citizens. Also, corruption in all levels of government is a major problem.

    China is the most populated country in the world, and has the third-largest economy. It is also the third-largest exporter. China controls (owns) over $2 trillion in foreign currency reserves. And in the worst global recession since the Great Depression, It was the only large economy that was growing in the global economic recession of 2008-2011(since the Great Depression of 1929 thru 1934).

    In 2012-2013 China overtook the USA as the #1 oil importer from the Middle East; however, more than just oil ... it is has already become the largest energy consumer in the world overall taking into consideration all forms of energy. It uses more coal than the rest of the world combined. China/ automobile production reached 16 million compared to 14.5 million in the USA recently. In the not too distant future, China may become the world's leading nation.

    Because of
    "quantitative easing" and other economic factors of the USA since 2008 that fed potential hyper inflation, the USA leaned on Communist China to purchase US Treasury Bonds. China is forced to support the US ... and recently Europe ... because these are two major markets for China's products. FACT: 83 members of Communist China's National People's Congress (NPC) are billionaires in terms of US Dollars.

    NOTICE: A multiple formation planned by Satan. At the same time as the Kings of the East are being forged militarily, politically and culturally, so is an economic front that will force itself into the New Global Governance: The formation of a global elite sector: a small group of people ... extremely wealthy and powerful ... who control political and economic sectors is in preparation for the "global equalization."


    Note: All the creditor nations are in Asia: China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and the large amounts of assets in Asia. All of the debtor nations
    (USA, UK, etc.) are in the West.


    The Shanghai Cooperation Organization – SCO

    Founded 2001: China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Tajiistan, and Uzbekistan.

    Nations with “observer” status: Mongolia, India, Pakistan, Iran.

    Will account for HALF of production of the world.


    Brazil, Russia, India, and China

    Looks like will be more than HALF of GDP on Planet Earth in 20 years.

    As India, China, and revitalized EU overtake the US, there will be a transformation of the global scene.” David Mason, The End of the American Century

    The People's Bank of China is now calling on the world to replace the US Dollar as the world's reserve currency and for the IMF to issue a new, single “super-sovereign” currency.


    India is expanding port control in Indian Ocean: Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Burma), Bangladesh.

    India has great R&D, software, services, and simulation packages and is a KEY player in world trade. Note: 25% of the world's NEW workers each year are in India.


    Pakistan's military, although smaller than India's, is greater in per capita numbers.

    Both Pakistan and India are evenly matched in missile and nuclear facilities.


    India has the second largest military manpower in the world (second only to China).

    While India has maintained an average annual growth of 8.8% in the recent years, the failure of the government to control terrorist activities recently have put a dampening effect on new business ventures. Also, India and Pakistan are nuclear sparring partners.

    China and India are the accelerating force in world markets; however, most of the key economists feel that China will be the driving force in controlling the current global economic meltdown and be the major player in economic recovery.

    Here is information on India as an Economic Super Power.

    China and India will serve as nearly twice the engine for growth as of the United States and the Euro Zone combined by 2025.


    Pakistan has a does NOT follow a "no first use" policy with regard to nuclear attack. It "will / can / probably" attack India (or anyone it want to) without notice or even aggravation by the opposing force. This is fundamentally a "super threat" because of Islamic militancy. In recent months terrorist forces have attempted to militarily encircle the central storage facilities for the Pakistani nuclear weapons armory.

    "If a purely conventional war were to take place between both these countries, India would most likely overpower Pakistan owing to its superior military technology and infrastructure, larger manpower, more territorial area and a strategic advantage in its sea and air forces. It must also be noted that a war between these two countries will matter more than India’s conventional superiority as both these nations are nuclear powers on an equal deadlock. India has maintained a ‘no first use’ nuclear policy in the lines of a similar policy by China while Pakistan does not have any such policy, considering their only hope against India is in nuclear deterrance. It would be risky for India at the present scenario to go into any aggressive war against Pakistan as the repercussions would be serious a nuclear devastation for both countries." Aby the Liberal / The Internationalist

    For the annual assessment of the military capabilities and defence economics of 170 countries worldwide, go to: The Military Balance 2017.

    For the India Military Guide, go to: GlobalSecurity.org.

    For the Pakistan Military Guide, go to: Pakistan Military Guide.


    News Release: Sat Jan 28 2012 at 3:55 pm GMT The African Union inaugurates its newly built Chinese-funded headquarters in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.

    Iraq suffers as Euphrates River dwindles: NY Times 2009-07-14

    India vs. China on Military Strength - Conventional and Nuclear.

    Nuclear Missile Forces: USA vs. China vs. Russia.

    To compare the military strength of the nations of the world - excluding nuclear capability - go to:
    www.globalfirepower.com/. You will see that China and India are two out of the four top players in the world. They rank as follows:





    Again, this does NOT take into account nuclear capabilities: the ranking above is based solely on a nation's capabilities from land, sea and air (with other statistics covering the logistical and financial aspects of waging war). But if you include nuclear capabilities, then the "kings of the east" (east of the Euphrates River) who would be formidable military threats would have to include: Pakistan, North Korea, Japan, Iran and Turkey. We are NOT including Iran or Turkey in this section, "Sino Asian Emergence," as we cover Iran and Turkey elsewhere, as mentioned above.


    In conclusion, it is evident that China and India are two of the fastest growing economic and military powers in the world. The
    Euphrates River will be dried up (maybe having more to do with soil impaction or alignment than hydrological forces).in the future to prepare the way for the kings of the east.

    Whether or not the Euphrates River has more or less water in the future (from increased flow of tributaries or from mechanical dredging) remains to be seen. But ... the Euphrates River will be a vital variable in the logistics of the Eastern "region kings" who come (or, are drawn) to the battle of the great day of El Shaddai, God Almighty. (Brit Chadashah: Revelation 16:14)

    In the last days their will be a major military, political, and economic force that arises from the East. This force will NOT be from just one national entity, but will be a confluence of several regional powers in the East ... and NOT from just the Pacific Rim. Direction in the Holy Bible is always oriented from Jerusalem, Israel. So these "kings of the east" can represent forces in the Near East, Middle East and/or Far East.

    The Sino Asian Emergence is a KEY construct in end times prophetic fulfillment. The rapid Sino Asian Emergence that is developing now is a sign of the END TIMES. In Asia ... as in other sectors of the world ... the stage is being set where the kings of the east will have their function in the final days of Planet Earth when Messiah comes to establish His Kingdom.

    Make sure you know Messiah personally … before He comes to Earth … or before you die. Be ready. If you are NOT sure you will go to Heaven when you die, then pray this prayer:

    God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, if Yeshua is really my Messiah, then reveal Him to me … and I will serve you the rest of my life. Help me to live for You, and take me to Heaven when I die. Amen!”


    "And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates;
    and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared."

    Brit Chadashah: Revelation 16:12


    Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.

    Your friend,

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence

    Podcast time: 15 minutes, 23 seconds


    Rabbinical & Biblical Studies

    The Believers’ Intelligentsia


    19 Sh'vat, 5777

    Prince Handley
    University of Excellence
    President / Regent


    הודעה עבור בנימין נתניהו

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    הודעה עבור בנימין נתניהו

    The Prophet Daniel was given a message by the Angel Gabriel that in the future the False Mashiach will command that the sacrifices and offerings in the Temple be stopped. This, of course, substantiates the fact that the Third Temple will be built. (Tanakh: Daniel 9:27)

    The Shias in Iran
    unlike Sunni Muslimsbelieve their Mahdi will appear when allah decrees it (not by causing worldwide destruction firstthe Sunni beliefas an invitation). And, the Shia “Twelvers” believe the end time conflict will be delayed until the return of their Mahdi: the Twelfth Imam.

    Since 3,000 years ago the Tabernacle of God was in Jerusalem
    and knowing that Satan did NOT invent Islam until 1,700 years later (Psalm 76:2 תהילים)the “power players” in Israel have a clean shot for the goal.

    So … what is the goal? And, how diligently should Israel work toward it?




    The goal for Israel is to move forward as the representative nation of G-d on Planet Earth … and to work in alignment with Holy Scripture (the Tanakh) so that MIRACLES and the blessing of G-d Almighty will superintend Israel's progress, protection and position.

    There areat the same timeseveral “earth related” administrations that Israel has to align with Kingdom Theocracy while waiting for Mashiach. Some of these are as follows:

    Economic Administration;

    Geopolitical Development;

    Technological Entrpreneurship; and

    Longevity of Citizenry with Increased Population.

    It is the purpose of this teaching to develop the first: Economic Administration.


    To properly administer any sector of humanitarian concourse of the marketplace, an objective “real time” observation must be made of the resultant polar extremes of sector individuals versus global interactions. Plus, a projected futurist view of “what if” options. What will be the resultsthe effect of economic decisions―upon the government's citizenry (in this case, Israelis) … and specific Global partners: extra-national entities.

    Accoridng to the Prophets, in the final battle with the False Mashiach (the anti-christ) the LORD will provide a MIRACLE win. But before that time ... RIGHT NOW ... the enemy of Israel, Satan, does NOT want Israel controlling the Middle East: either militarily or economically. Like a woman who is carrying a child in her womb with a prophetic promise, Israel has to maintain and care for the life of the child before it is born as a nation in a day (see Tanakh: Isaiah 66:7-9). And so, to protect herself, Israel MUST maintain her place in destiny. Israel MUST take advantage of every relationship G-d provides for her advantage.

    All truth … and things to come” can include truth about relationships, economy, governments, geopolitics and entrepreneurship. Israel has three (3) great assets at this time based upon truth:

    Israel's Unique Relationship

    Israel has a NEW friend: Donald J. Trump, President of the USA.

    Israel's Unique Calling

    Israelas long as it obeys the Scriptural mandates dictated by the LORD G-dwill have Divine Direction.

    Israel's Unique Door

    Israel mustas my mother used to say”Make hay while the sun shines!” How? By working in “lockstep” with the USA for the following:

    Implore the USA to make Jerusalem the home of the USA Embassy.

    Develop technological partnerships with the USA (both R&D and marketing). Israel will be helping the USA and President Trump will respond in other beneficence.

    Make settlers PART of Israel with equal and just rights as Israelis should have.

    Undo any Globalist ties (including UNESCO) that are NOT beneficial to Israel. God does NOT need help. See my report, G-d, Geopolitics and Gold dated March 1, 2016. As a matter of fact, G-d likes it when He gets the credit.


    The fall of Babylon wil be synonymous with the fall of the Global Financial Sysytem. We know from archaeological findings (financial transcripts and recordations) that the ancient Babylonians (2,000 B.C.) invented mutual funds and mortgages.

    Looking forwardvia prophecythe Brit Chadashah (New Testament) informs us that New Babylon's merchants are globally connected and influential … before their demise. Revelation 18:23 tels us:

    And the light of a lamp will not shine in you any longer; and the voice of the bridegroom and bride will not be heard in you any longer; for your merchants were the great men of the earth, because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery.” NASB


    Consult my book, Babylon the Bitch: Enemy of Israel

    for more detailed information on New Babylon.

    To pave the way for the false Mashiach (anti-Christ) system of New Global Currency, citizens will be preparedand wantanything to help them in the future. However, in the paragraph of time BEFOREthe interval before S-H-T-Fthe Time of Jacob's Trouble (The Great Tribulation), even Israel's enemies will want to do business with her.

    Israel is about to be BLESSED abundantly! And … the USA will be BLESSED for joining in her fight.


    Do NOT look for a “Ten Region Confederacy” arising from the EU, but rather a “Ten Region Islamic Confederacy”the New Islamic Order (NIO)with its hub in Turkey.

    New Babylon will likelly be a seaport city in Turkey. But why do we seemingly digress here … and WHY does Israel have to know this? Because Israel has to divest herself of any Global ties that will rob her of the blessings of Almighty G-d. Remember … G-d wants to receive the glory.

    Economic crises are normally the result of either of TWO components:

    Unstable or dishonest economies (AKA: governments); or,

    Catalytic stimulus (a precipitator).

    The final phase of globalismthe collapse of global commercewill NOT be caused by either natural or catalytic forces. It will be the resultthe effectof the wrath of Almighty G-d. See The Revelation, Chapter 18.


    Israel is at the orifice of her greatest opportunities BEFORE the Time of Jacob's Trouble (Tanakh: Jeremiah 30:4-7).

    Historically, the worst global pandemics of the past killed off between 1/4th and 1/3rd of the population (between 25% and 33% of the world's population). According to Fabius Maximus Research: “The 2nd generation after this present one will be only 40% as large as today's. The 4th generation will be only 15% as large.”

    In addition, we see that one-fourth (1/4th or 25%) of the global population is killed during Seal #4 in the The Revelation. Later, another one-third (33%) is killed leaving only 50% of the global population. (Revelation 9:14-18.)

    Israel should be cognizantand be forewarnedthat occasional “populist” uprisings, such as in BREXIT and USA recent elections, are only “temporary blockades” to New Global Governance and Commerce.

    Israel working with the USA while she canand staying aloof from the UN and Global Economic Initiativescan reap her greatest economic rewards since the days of King Solomon.



    To help YOU in your prophetic service for Mashiach and Israel, here are great resources:


    Prime Minister Netanyahu, it's time to step up to the plate which G-d has prepared for YOU and for Israel. Work withand request fromPresident Trump the items listed in Israel's Unique Door listed above. Make hay while the sun shines!

    Who knows whether you didn’t come into your
    elect position precisely for such a time as this.

    ~ Tanakh: Esther 4:14 ~

    Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.

    Your friend,

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence

    Podcast time: 12 minutes, 57 seconds


    Rabbinical & Biblical Studies

    The Believers’ Intelligentsia


    21 ADAR 1, 5776

    Prince Handley
    University of Excellence
    President / Regent


    אלוהים גאופוליטיקה וזהב

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    Why does the media confuse things so much? Do you really understand what's going on in Syria … and other places? A past president once said, “It's about the money, stupid!” So it is! In this podcast I will tell you simply what's going on in Syria … and how YOU can KNOW what's going on in the FUTURE. You need this information … you deserve this information.

    It's TIME for YOU to be used by G-d to do exploits … and then … watch G-d bless YOU.


    אלוהים גאופוליטיקה וזהב


    As I mentioned in my podcast, Confidential: Intel for Israel (12 Feb, 2009), Turkey will be the new headquarters for the New World Governance. In due time it will become obvious that it will in effect be the (clandestine) headquarters of the NIO: New Islamic Order. As the Global Governance center, Turkey will come into position after breaking away from its previous European and Western associations, andas the Eastern leg of the old Roman Empireit will be the epicenter of Islamic geopolitical and financial concourse.

    Already, since I have provided this information, we have seen (via Vaadat Orchim) that Turkey is parlaying and weighing her odds for partnership to her greatest advantage: Russia (and the Caucasus), Saudi Arabia, or Iran. Eitheror all of the threeas bedfellows, will still have the stamp of Islam.


    Turkey is the only Muslim nation in the Middle East to have formal diplomatic relations (although strained at times) with Israel. But according to the Prophet Ezekiel, Turkey (Togarmah) turns its back on the West, allies itself with the Islamic confederation led by Iran (Persia) and is a participant in the Gog-Magog War. We have seen this happen recently! Read the next paragraph!

    I asked the question in my podcast of 28 February 2009, Israel: A Plain Path, “What would it take to drive Turkey into an alliance with Iran, Saudi Arabia, and ultimately, the Russians?” Evidently, the ANSWER is, “Not much,” because in just one month from when I asked that question, Turkish premier Erdogan was wooing Iran and its radical clients, while cutting loose from the West and driving Ankara's ties with Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel into the ground. Also, Turkish president Gul was courting Russia and Armenia to build up a stake in the Caucasian and Caspian regions.

    It's been 75 years and Turkey is still being rejected by the European Union and the West … so where would you expect her to turn? ANSWER: to her Islamic relatives in the Middle East (like I said seven years ago). This will result in a quantum shift in the power balance affecting Eastern Europe and the Middle East. See more about this in the “What To Watch For” section of my book, Israel and Middle East: Past Present Future.



    Turkey may play both ends against the middle. In other words, still court the EU while committing incest with her Islamic Middle east relatives for affiliation in worldwide commerce and trade ... and ultimately becoming the Headquarters of the UN New World Governance (the NWO). Read more from 2016 here: Turkey and World War III.



    In the Tanakh Book of Ezekiel, Chapter 38, we see that Russia, Iran, Turkey, Germania and two Northeast African entities will attack Israel (after she has returned from dispersion in the nationswhich has happened since 1948). WHY? The scripture tells us, To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn your hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations ...” (Verse 12).

    What is this “spoil?” In October 2014 oil was discovered in the Golan Heights. Previous to that, in December 2010, the Leviathan gas fielda large natural gas fieldwas discovered in the Mediterranean Sea off the cost of Israel. Plus, in January 2009 the Tamar gas field was also discovered off Israel's coast.


    The oil field in the Golan Heights next to Syria is potentially a major energy find. One business siteGlobesquotes Yuval Bartov, chief geologist of Afek Oil and Gas as saying:

    We are talking about a strata which is 350 meters thick and what is important is the thickness and the porosity. On average in the world strata are 20–30 meters thick, so this is ten times as large as that, so we are talking about significant quantities. The important thing is to know the oil is in the rock and that’s what we now know.”

    The estimated size of the field, if found to be true, would make Israel a world player in the oil market.

    Currently, the only “practical” markets available to Israel―if they want to export―are Jordan, Egypt and maybe Turkey. However, Europe needs oil and gas desperately to “fill in” what is lacking from alternative energy resources―about half its natural gas comes from Russia (1/7th of its imports). The KEY supplier of gas to Europe at this time is Russia. Much of Europe's oil supply has come from Libya in the past but since the Arab Spring that has dried up.

    If and when Israel becomes a major producer of oil they will become a threat―the MAJOR competitor―to Russia and her southern step neighbors. Israel has KEY geographical significance with Europe: key potential pipeline routes under the Mediterranean to Europe.


    When Europe imposed sanctions against Russia during the Ukraine Civil War, Russia shut off the gas pipelines to EU … a major blow to Europe. Europe wants and needs an alternative pipeline to go around Russia. This leaves two options:

    Via Saudi Arabia and Jordan

    Via Iran and Iraq

    However, BOTH options go through Syria. Syrian President Assad―who allowed the Russian Navy to berth in his port at Tartus―rejected the pipeline to EU deal. This also increased his favor with Russia as a defense mechanism (a play on words). Now you know WHY Vladimir Putin wanted Assad to stay in power in Syria. “It's about the money, stupid!” Russia can block the two options for competitive pipelines.

    Now YOU can see the geopolitical chess move for Russia to move into Syria―helping Assad to say in power―and planning the next move toward the south against Israel with her new oil and gas discoveries. (Part―if not most of―the spoil Russia and her bed-partners will want to plunder according to Ezekiel Chapter 38.)


    Where does ISIS fit in to all of this? ISIS is against Assad and against Israel. Assad also maintains Syria's pivotal role on the Middle East's strategic map: He is an ally of Iran's Shiite (Shia) theocracy, he supports and arms Hamas in the Gaza Strip, as well as Hezbollah in Lebanon, thus maintaining a level of enmity toward Israel.

    ISIS followers are Sunni Muslims who hate Shia Muslims. Russia and Iran (Iran are Shia Muslims) work together in Syria. So … Assad, Russia and Iran are against Israel … but so is ISIS.


    Saturday, February 27th 2016, there was a temporary ceasefire announced in Syria but it will NOT hold. Terrorist organizations, of course, were NOT included in the talks and this leaves a convenient “out” for Russia, Iran and Assad to continue their tactics.

    Even though it's all about the money, you do NOT have to be. Do you want MIRACLES or masters? Do you want prophets or politicians? In a passage of scripture dealing with the End Times, the Prophet Daniel tells us, the people who know their G-d shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” (Daniel 11:32) Carrying out great exploits involves displaying strength and taking actions.

    אם לא תפסיק, אתה תנצח. אבל אם תפסיק, אתה לא יכול לנצח

    In my book, Prophecy, Transition & Miracles, I mention that “your life is not over … it is just beginning … if you will transition into prophetic ministry. The greatest and most overlooked service for the LORD during this entrance of the End Timesin which we are NOWis the service of creative prophetic decrees. He who leads you into this NEW transition will also lead you into the intricacies of the details. Where are the Deborah's and the Eliyahu's of today? I know one Deborah who has already been called to the scene in Israel (she is "wrestling" with this calling ... but will come to the front in due time). She is beautiful and well known ... and she will have many rewards in Heaven ... and in Eretz Israel.

    Why do you think in the Brit Chadashah in the Book of Revelation that G-d says, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.” (Revelation 18:4) This is a future prophecy dealing with the city Babylon (the Whore). My point is this, G-d can and does use prophets and angels to warn His People … in the past, the present and the future. G-d needs YOU. G-d needs you to seek His face … to listen … and to decree prophetically. By doing so you will work with G-d to creatively establish End Time decrees to penetrate the forces of darkness and bring about the geopolitical mandates of the Spirit of G-d aligned with the Word of G-d.

    G-d will give YOU a sign. You will know if this is what G-d is calling you to domaybe in addition to your other Holy assignments.

    To help you know what's going on in geopolitics (now and in the future) and how to transition into creative prophetic decrees, here are two resources:



    My friend, more important than the economy—even more important than your health—is this: If you were to die right now, do you know for sure that you would go to Heaven? If not, pray this prayer:

    G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, if Yeshua (Jesus) is really my Messiah, please reveal Him to me and I will serve You the rest of my life. Please forgive my sins. Help me to live for you the rest of my time on earth, and take me to Heaven when I die. Amen.”

    Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.

    Your friend,
    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence

    Podcast time: 13 minutes, 52 seconds.

    Copyright © Prince Handley 2016
    All rights reserved.


    If you are Jewish and live in Israel, we will send you a FREE copy of the book Babylon the Bitch: Enemy of Israel … AND … we will pay the shipping. Just send us a letter by POSTAL mail with your complete Israel POSTAL mailing address (include your Email adress, also, for confirmation) to:

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