Maria Teresa Frezet is a Life Alignment Practitioner using the 'Way Of Simplicity,' a Gene Keys Guide, translator and proofreader of the Italian translation of the Gene Keys book: ‘Le Chiavi Genetiche.’
The Pioneer Series are conversations with awakened individuals from all walks of life who are dedicated to help create a Real Home World. For more info visit the Podcast Homepage: https://journ.tv/category/pioneers-of-the-great-awakening/
Learn How to Awaken Your Deepest Purpose in Life and Bring Your Unique Genius Into the World— https://pearlplanet.net
Matthew Ashdown is a teacher, writer, gene keys guide and the current team manager of the gene keys dream arc. He leads workshops, one-on-one sessions and online group support sessions drawing on a background in personal training, myth, meditation and kriya yoga.
The Pioneer Series are conversations with awakened individuals from all walks of life who are dedicated to help create a Real Home World. For more info visit the Podcast Homepage: https://journ.tv/category/pioneers-of-the-great-awakening/
Learn How to Awaken Your Deepest Purpose in Life and Bring Your Unique Genius Into the World — https://pearlplanet.net
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Anna-Monastirskaya is a Human Design and Gene Keys Guide. She specializes in Neurographics—a method based on psychology and neurophysiology of working with subconscious programs by drawing special graphical algorithms.
The Pioneer Series are conversations with awakened individuals from all walks of life who are dedicated to help create a Real Home World. For more info visit the Podcast Homepage: https://journ.tv/category/pioneers-of-the-great-awakening/
Learn how to Awaken your Deepest Purpose in life and Bring Your Unique Genius into the World — https://pearlplanet.net
Rebecca Paris is a Portrait Painter, Gene Keys Guide, Relationship and Spiritual Consultant and Marketer raising consciousness through self-actualization tools, holistic healing and ascension/embodiment techniques.
The Pioneer Series are conversations with awakened individuals from all walks of life who are dedicated to help create a Real Home World. For more info visit the Podcast Homepage: https://journ.tv/category/pioneers-of-the-great-awakening/
Learn how to Awaken your Deepest Purpose in life and Bring Your Unique Genius into the World — https://pearlplanet.net
Mark Bentley is a Gene Keys Guide and Gene Keys Ambassador. He helps lead retreats for Gene Keys Publishing.
The Pioneer Series are conversations with awakened individuals from all walks of life who are dedicated to help create a Real Home World. For more info visit the Podcast Homepage: https://journ.tv/category/pioneers-of-the-great-awakening/
Learn How to Awaken Your Deepest Purpose in Life and Bring Your Unique Genius Into the World — https://pearlplanet.net
For more info visit: https://journ.tv —The Personality is Dishonest because this is exactly how it survives, by hiding. The Personality hides in its agendas, but they're easy to unveil when you know what to look for. The Personality will say it's something and sell it as that but as you feel the opposite, you know it's a lie. When you use this in yourself and for other's propositions, you will always know the truth. Does it make your heart sing?
Nicole Strychaz is a Copywriter and founder of The Awakened Professional. She helps Spiritual Entrepreneurs create Magnetic Content by blending traditional marketing strategies with the Gene Keys, Human Design, and intuitive insights.
The Pioneer Series are conversations with awakened individuals from all walks of life who are dedicated to help create a Real Home World. For more info visit the Podcast Homepage: https://journ.tv/category/pioneers-of-the-great-awakening/
Learn how to Awaken your Deepest Purpose in life and Bring Your Unique Genius into the World — https://pearlplanet.net
Pioneers of The Great Awakening Series — Session 27: Karina Jermuss — Karina Jermuss is a Business Trainer & Consultant and a Certified Business, Personal & Team Coach. She is the founder of the: Tu et Mundus Academy. Her area of focus is the conscious and subconscious mind, NLP, brain structure, and the influence of quantum physics on our everyday lives.
The Pioneer Series are conversations with awakened individuals from all walks of life who are dedicated to help create a Real Home World.
For more info visit: https://journ.tv/category/pioneers-of-the-great-awakening/
Learn how to Awaken your Deepest Purpose in life and Bring Your Unique Genius into the World — https://pearlplanet.net
For more info visit: https://journ.tv — The bio-machine was carefully designed so that it would reproduce no matter what and continue the genetic evolution of the species. This process involved dealing with the understanding of the 2nd & 3rd seal dynamics which manifested as physical attraction based on fear of the unknown withheld in order to maintain power over each other. This is the source of Dishonesty and it's the foundation of tribalism and the organizing principle of governments.
For more info visit: https://journ.tv — Holding back from life, holding the Truth is the strategy of survival of the Personality. Because information brings the capability to succeed in action—these are the types of genetic mutations that have prevailed in the evolution of our bio-machines for millions of lifetimes; however, we are reaching a point in which the Individual (point of Attention of God) is reclaiming command of the direction of the evolution of the bio-machine/personality and is now manifesting a depolarized higher-octave spiral revolution.
Pioneers of The Great Awakening Series — Session 26: Danielle Kane — Danielle Kane is a Soul Center Healing Hypnoterapist and a Quantum Healing Hypnoterapist (QHHT) and the podcast host of 5D All Day on Spirit Calling originally ignited from The Conscious Broadcast.
The Pioneer Series are conversations with awakened individuals from all walks of life who are dedicated to help create a Real Home World.
For more info visit: https://journ.tv/category/pioneers-of-the-great-awakening/
Learn How to Awaken Your Deepest Purpose in Life and Bring Your Unique Genius into the World >>> https://pearlplanet.net
Pioneers of The Great Awakening Series — Session 25: Stjarna — Stjarna is a web developer and astrologer specializing in natal, synastry and composite chart readings. She studies astrological transits and how they affect humanity both on a societal and personal level.
The Pioneer Series are conversations with awakened individuals from all walks of life who are dedicated to help create a Real Home World.
For more info visit: https://journ.tv/category/pioneers-of-the-great-awakening/
Learn how to Awaken your Deepest Purpose in life and Bring Your Unique Genius into the World — https://pearlplanet.net
For more info visit: https://journ.tv — Looking from the outside, we don't know what is enlightenment because as seekers, we're manifesting time and space between the now and our idea/image of enlightenment in the future. Bliss is the same as every other Siddhi: the consequence of allowing our identification with the personality to dissolve into the infinite Attention of God now.
For more info visit: https://journ.tv — The rhythm of life is the flow of creation, to be honest with your true rhythm—with your Authentic Inner Drive—will lead you to your next experience, and the next, and the next until you listen to the wind brush the leaves of the trees, and the rhythm of the river, and witness 15 minutes of the glorious sunset and there's nothing else but that right here; there's no time anymore, the body was left parked under a tree.
For more info visit: https://journ.tv — Allowing our Attention to be Present with Shadows of the Ring of Seeking (the outward seeking,) for a solution for our longing, which is the space in between the now and manifestation; when we allow these Shadows to be, we are loving them as they are and love transforms everything. We find infinite energy flowing through us but only if we give it to us in the shape of the other. This is the Gift of Vitality.
For more info visit: https://journ.tv — Our Life Force is the Divine Light of Creation, which is Now: the infinite forever Expansion of God through each and every one of us. By embracing the low frequency expression of our Life Force; the nature engineered pressure push of Dissatisfaction, we allow Love to unravel its higher frequency form of expression within us: Vitality.
For more info visit: https://journ.tv — We can't Repress our Dissatisfaction because it's the lower frequency vibration of our Vitality, our life force—life is designed so it can't be repressed, otherwise it would've never happened. What we do instead with this Shadow is React to our Dissatisfaction by Interfering with the Natural Flow of expansion in our lives and of the universe through us.
For more info visit: https://journ.tv — Personal Development is the disease of our times—that is, if at its core, it operates within time. If it does, then it endeavors to reach a Future and this is what keeps it from reaching it, even if it appears to reach it. If instead, it operates in the Present, then its goal is expansion for its own sake not to better the self. This attempt at bettering the self is the Shadow of Dissatisfaction.
For more info visit: https://journ.tv — Presence is the Frequency Vibration of Consciousness itself. The ancient Sages who realized the I-Ching called this 58 hexagram (Gene Key): "The Joyous Lake." When we experience nature, we have the opportunity to listen to the frequency of Presence; this is what some call: "Nature Spirits," these are the aspects of ourselves that we sometimes are able to remember and have a glimpse of.
For more info visit: https://journ.tv/category/pioneers-of-the-great-awakening/
The Pioneer Series are conversations with awakened individuals from all walks of life who are dedicated to help create a Real Home World.
Session 24:
Ben Gioia is a 4X, international, bestselling author of "Influence With A Heart®" Book and Method, podcast and radio host. He's a book coach, business strategist, and publishing advisor. Ben's teachings are used by more than 80,000 people around the world.
Learn how to Awaken your Deepest Purpose in life and Bring Your Unique Genius into the World >>> https://pearlplanet.net
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