This podcast is designed for swim coaches and swimmers (and maybe even swim parents) who are not satisfied with the surface understanding and want to dive deeper into concepts to understand more, to swim faster and to make our sport better. Whether you swim breaststroke, freestyle, butterfly or backstroke we all want the same thing: to be better and faster.
Get your MOJO ON! Champions talk with Champions about topics that are interesting and important to Masters Swimmers, or anyone that wants to be inspired. We explore what makes a champion in sports, but most importantly in life, through deep questions, fun quizzes and an authentic desire to inspire others. Co-hosted by two world record setting masters athletes, Kelly Palace and Maria Parker, each bring unique experiences to the show. You'll benefit from their insightful perspectives as they talk with champions, coaches and experts.For more visit
The White Line Podcast is a podcast for runners. This podcast will tell stories of some the great athletes we have in our area or athletes close to us. Enjoy and send me feedback to [email protected]
Tune in weekly for expert insights on endurance training, cross-training, and performance, tailored specifically for masters-aged cyclists and runners. Hosted by coach Peter Glassford and author Molly Hurford, who each bring 20+ years of experience to help you enhance your performance and overall health.
A podcast for everyday endurance athletes aspiring to improve and achieve their best in sport while balancing the rest of life. By Alicia Golden, a small business owner, running and triathlon coach and Kate Plourd Johnson, an everyday athlete who strives to fit in training to a busy life. Over 20 weeks Alicia and Kate dive into the ins and outs, and ups and downs of training for an Ironman Triathlon in real time.
Představujeme vám sportovní svět Bez frází. Otevřeně, lidsky, pomocí inspirativních osobností a jejich příběhů. Jsme prostor, jehož cílem je kultivovat české (nejen) sportovní prostředí. Podcast Forum Bez frází moderuje Šárka Černá, která se za mikrofonem setkává s názory a životními zkušenostmi těch, kteří se nebojí mluvit, protože mají o čem vyprávět.
"Jak běhat zdravě a s láskou k běhu"?
Povídání (nejen na dobrou noc) o všem kolem běhu, od prvního nazutí tenisek až po maraton. Se mnou i mými hosty.
Přes 20 let na běžecké dráze, trenérka, máma 3 dětí, držitelka medaile Fair play od Českého olympijského výboru.
Certifikace: Trenér kondičního běhu 3. tř (ČAS), Vědecký základ sportovního tréninku (MUNI), Cvičení pro těhotné (Fitness Institut) -
Podcastová série v režii klubu HC Letci Letňany zabývající se aktuálními i dlouhodobými tématy (nejen) uvnitř hokejového prostředí. Hosté se skrze své názory konfrontují v panelové diskuzi, čímž otevírají celospolečenské problémy sportovního světa. Rozdílné pohledy přitom odpovídají na mnohé komplexní otázky...
Pro water skiers and Ski or Die co-founders Elizabeth Montavon and Stevie Island bring their outspoken and irreverent opinions to the masses. Follow them as they discuss their experiences on the pro tour, debate hot topics in professional water skiing, share the do’s and don’ts of cross-training, and explore what makes a winning mindset. This show will change the way you see competitive water skiing.