In today's episode, we look at Maurice Ravel's most popular composition: Bolero. Despite being an instant success, the writer never held it in quite the same regard as the public. Let's examine some key aspects of the score, and consider why Ravel may have been dismayed by its popularity.
For more information: whaviland.com/podcast
Happy piano playing/learning!
For this week's piano podcast episode, let’s investigate the concept of 'rubato' in music, and discuss why I think it matters.
For more information: whaviland.com/podcast
Happy piano playing/learning!
Saknas det avsnitt?
For this week's piano podcast episode: some reflections on a 15 year musical project, started by the possibilities of YouTube; and why creativity is good for the soul.
For more information: whaviland.com/podcast
Happy piano playing/learning!
Something slightly different this week! I thought we'd discuss my eight favourite recordings to take with me, should I ever be marooned on a desert island. As some of the pieces are original works, we'll also discuss elements of the individual compositional processes, and inspiration behind the works. I hope you enjoy the show!
For more information: whaviland.com/podcast
Happy piano playing/learning!
Mind totally blown this week by my discovery of the existing powers of artifical intelligence to create seemingly endless new music. Let's delve into the topic, and what I think will be the first of many episodes on the subject of AI.
For more information: whaviland.com/podcast
Happy piano playing/learning!
In this podcast episode of Piano Key A to G, we'll look at one of the most famous pieces of music in the Classical piano repertoire: Erik Satie's '1st Gymnopedie'. What's special about this composition? And can it be re-fashioned [with a few tweaks!] into an alternate, 21st Century work?
For more information, please visit: www.whaviland.com/podcast
Happy piano learning/playing!
In this episode, let's talk about bringing old masterpieces into the 21st Century!
For more information, please visit: www.whaviland.com/podcast
Happy piano learning/playing!
Let's explore this fascinating and fairly uncommon musical interval, known by many names, including the 'Devil's Chord'. Why is it rarely used in its true [harmonic] form in Western music?
For more information, please visit: www.whaviland.com/podcast
Happy piano learning/playing!
Greetings piano podcast listeners! I hope 2025 is getting off to a good start. In today's episode, we'll be looking at my favourite film score: John Williams' 'Superman', and considering a number of elements, including leitmotif, which add to the drama and excitement of Richard Donner's groundbreaking superhero movie. I hope you enjoy the show!
For more information: whaviland.com/podcast
Happy piano playing/learning!
Happy New Year everyone! Join me for a quick musical January episode, where we consider some positive New Year's Resolutions for 2025. Please do let me know your resolution plans!
Happy piano learning/playing!
Let's take a brief look at the music of Cole Porter, specifically an unusual piece structurally: Begin the Beguine!
For Part Two of our Christmas piano podcast, let's delve into one of the darkest of carols: The Coventry Carol. What is special about this piece of music?
Merry Christmas everyone. Happy learning/playing!
Let us take a brief look at the magic of Franz Gruber's 'Silent Night' - my favourite Christmas carol. What is the enduring importance of this festive classic, in our modern world?
For Episode Six of my piano podcast, let's take a look at a wonderful online resource for obtaining free public domain scores: The Petrucci Music Library. I thought this would be an excellent subject for a short podcast show, because in the New Year, I want to do a series of episodes, looking at specific scores and their interesting features. Of course, it's always nice to have music books/collections, but sometimes people may not have the means to afford them. This online resource has been invaluable to me over many years, and it occurred to me this week that some people may not know about it. I hope this information is useful, and a little entertaining, to you!
For more information, please visit: www.whaviland.com/podcast
Happy piano learning/playing!
For Episode Five of my piano podcast, we're answering a listener's query about the inner workings of the instrument. I felt this would fit neatly with a short summary of the piano's evolution, specifically from its closer ancestors: the clavichord, and the harpsichord. What exactly drove the increases in physical size, and the keyboard's dynamic potential? How did these changes affect the composers of the time? Why are some note's strings multiples, and others not? And what exactly do those three pedals do? Grab a coffee, or glass of wine, and accompany me, William Haviland. on a fascinating musical journey!
For more information, please visit: www.whaviland.com/podcast
Happy piano learning/playing!
In this episode, we'll investigate cadences in music - exactly what are they, and how can we recognise and use them?
As always, happy piano learning/playing!
Episode three of my new piano podcast deals with basic chords [triads] and their possible 'inversions', or put another way, the rearranging of their constituent parts. We consider some examples, and attempt to analyze how the music changes when we use chords in their root, first, and second inversion positions. What is the purpose of inversions - why should we use them in our music?
Happy piano playing!
Episode Two of my new piano podcast deals with the subtle but profound distinction we hear and feel in Western music, caused by the simple change in the third note of the diatonic scale - creating a ‘major’ or ‘minor’ atmosphere. We will explore the meaning of the terms, and compare compositional examples.
If you have not yet caught the Introduction or Episode One of this piano podcast, please do so if you have time, because they lay the foundations for what we are discussing today! And if you are enjoying the show so far, do please leave me a rating, thumbs up, or comment - perhaps let me know in which part of the world you are listening?
Next week, we will continue the discussion, by analysing chord inversions, and attempting to understand how this simple re-arranging of note order affects the intent, and our subsequent appreciation, of the music we’re listening to.
Happy piano playing/learning to everyone!
For Episode One of my new piano podcast, I thought the Harmonic Series might be a suitable place to start, because it is the scientific underpinning of our entire tonal system, expounding eloquently the pre-ordained. mathematical relationships between notes of the scale - be they harmonious, or dissonant, in nature. I shall attempt to break down what exactly is meant by the Harmonic or ‘Overtones’ Series, and offer an explanation as to why our scale is divided into twelve equal intervals, forming the basis of our diatonic - major and minor - understanding of music.
Unbeknownst to most of us, when we listen to a particular note, or ‘tone’ - for example, as played on the keyboard of a piano, bowed against the string of a violin, struck on the side of a bell, blown through a flute, or even sung by a vocalist - we are actually hearing a long and unique series of interrelated tones, possessing sympathetic vibrations with one another, on the factual basis that each sound wave oscillates at multiple divisions at once. These multiple frequencies, at the fundamental, half, third, quarter, and so on, cause harmonics, or overtones, thus giving each particular note its individual quality or ‘timbre’.
When a low C on the piano is struck, with a frequency [in Hertz] of 65, it also produces faint, related overtones, at each multiple above, thus 65, 130, 195, and so on. This in part explains the richness and complexity we hear in low base notes, as our ears [consciously or otherwise] are able to pick out elements of the Harmonic Series.
If you have an acoustic or digital piano to hand, or if you are just moderately interested in the instrument: grab a drink, and sit down with me for half an hour, as we unpick the extraordinary, fascinating divinity of sound!
For further information, please visit my website: whaviland.com/podcast
Greetings piano enthusiasts, and welcome to the introductory episode of my new piano podcast: Piano Key A to G! I'm William Haviland, and it's lovely to have you with me.
We're going to take a weekly journey together, discussing various musical elements related to the keyboard - be it melody, harmony, history, all with a view to better understanding the great compositions - whether Classical, popular, folk, and so on - that we've inherited.
I will be sharing my thoughts on a multitude of musical works, each time attempting to uncover what makes them special. If you are a beginner or more experienced player, just a piano fan, or perhaps someone considering picking up the instrument, this podcast will have something for you.
If you enjoy the show, please subscribe for future content. And mostly importantly... Happy playing!