It's fascism season in America again, so we're celebrating with the fashest satire of all. To help us get in the spirit we're joined by special guest Jordan Carroll (@jordanscarroll.bsky.social), author of Speculative Whiteness: Science Fiction and the Alt-Right. We discuss whether satire really works on fascism and why fascists are so keen on a genre that seems like the opposite of everything they value.
Speculative Whiteness: https://www.upress.umn.edu/9781517917081/speculative-whiteness/
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Music by Thomas Smith: https://seriouspod.com/
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Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/
Content Preview: Listener Q and As!
We're doing engineering, what could go wrong?! Thoths! That's what. Or did Thoth go wrong? Maybe all of this is entirely how it should go, maybe Mud is a savior for all Bobkind. Join us and find out, as we parse the messy balance of raising an AGI.
Not till we are lost: https://www.amazon.com/Not-Till-Are-Lost-Bobiverse/dp/B0CW2345TV
Superintelligence: https://www.amazon.com/Superintelligence-Dangers-Strategies-Nick-Bostrom/dp/0198739834
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Music by Thomas Smith: https://seriouspod.com/
Sibling shows:
Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/
Content Preview: Starship Troopers and Satirizing Fascism
Saknas det avsnitt?
The Bobs are back in town! We're back with book five, Not Till We Are Lost, another middle book in the bobiverse series. In this episode we cover all the plots that aren't Thoth related, and discuss the theory that there are really only seven stories out there in the world, and that's why the Bob books feel like seasons of Star Trek. Enjoy!
Kurt Vonnegut and six basic plots: https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20180525-every-story-in-the-world-has-one-of-these-six-basic-plots
Seven basic plots: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Seven_Basic_Plots
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Music by Thomas Smith: https://seriouspod.com/
Sibling shows:
Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/
Content Preview: Bobiverse book five and advanced AI box problems.
Here it is, the culmination of all of Star Trek, after this episode we can hang up our captain's badges and retire to a simple life of bloodworm stomping. This is arguably the best Star Trek Episode in the best Star Trek show there is. It is, indeed, Klingon as hell. We cover what it teaches us about collective virtue and other more advanced takes on virtue theory. Enjoy, or experience bij!
Lower Decks 5.4: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27336119/
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If you have time, please write us a review on iTunes. It really really helps. Please and thank you!
Music by Thomas Smith: https://seriouspod.com/
Sibling shows:
Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/
Content Preview: Bobiverse book five and advanced AI box problems.
The fact that nobody ever asks anybody if they're "feeling lucky" in this movie feels like a mistake worthy of a creepy evil luck hug. I really enjoyed this movie the first time I watched it, and after five years of being obsessed with non-superstitious luck, it's nice to come back and reflect on the weirdness that is superstitious luck. Enjoy!
Intacto: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intacto
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If you have time, please write us a review on iTunes. It really really helps. Please and thank you!
Music by Thomas Smith: https://seriouspod.com/
Sibling shows:
Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/
Content Preview: Lower Decks: A farewell to Farms and Collective Virtue
Break out your plumbuses folks, it's time for another weird ass trip through some cool ass shit. We're talking about season one of Scavangers Reign, a show that pairs perfectly with Alien Clay and several other things we've covered recently. We discuss the nuances on distinguishing between parasitic and symbiotic relationships, and how we moralize about those ways of being, particularly when we compare them to social versions like colonialism vs. socialism. We also get into the culturally charged issue of "ways of knowing" or "indigenous ways of knowing". Plus all the fun flubjules in your orifices kind of stuff. Gotta get those flubjules.
Scavengers Reign: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scavengers_Reign
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If you have time, please write us a review on iTunes. It really really helps. Please and thank you!
Music by Thomas Smith: https://seriouspod.com/
Sibling shows:
Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/
Content Preview: Intacto and Superstitious Luck
If you think about it "dance your cares away, worries for another day" has a horrifying ring to it when the cares in question concern the reproduction of systemic hierarchies through legitimizing narratives about the "natural" order. Is the Doozer motto "work your cares away, dancing is for another day", are they really expressing their authentic preference or merely a preference bred into them through generations of domestication by their Fraggle overlorders. OR, did an ancient, advanced Doozer society in fact domesticate the Fraggles to distract the Gorgs from feeding on Doozer, only to become a sub-altern species in the heirarchy that formed after the collapse of the golden age of Doozer/Fraggle relations. OOOOOR, is that itself just a speciestist mytho-historic narrative constructed by Fraggle scholars as yet another level of social control?! And what does all of this have to do with animal rights and paternalism in environmental ethics?! Let the music of the colonizers play and find out, down in Fraggle Rock!
Fraggle Rock 1.6: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0778238/
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Music by Thomas Smith: https://seriouspod.com/
Sibling shows:
Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/
Content Preview: Scavangers Reign Season One and parasitism vs. symbiosis.
::sends show notes psychically through the spore mind::
Alien Clay: https://www.amazon.com/Alien-Clay-Adrian-Tchaikovsky/dp/1035013746
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Music by Thomas Smith: https://seriouspod.com/
Sibling shows:
Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/
Content Preview: Fraggle Rock 1.6 The Preachification of Convincing John and Ecological Paternalism
Awwww yeah, we're back in the Tchaikovskyverse doing a hecking socialism crossbred with philosophy of mind. Most importantly, there's tentacles!
Alien Clay: https://www.amazon.com/Alien-Clay-Adrian-Tchaikovsky/dp/1035013746
Low-road Capitalism article: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/08/14/magazine/slavery-capitalism.html
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If you have time, please write us a review on iTunes. It really really helps. Please and thank you!
Music by Thomas Smith: https://seriouspod.com/
Sibling shows:
Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/
Content Preview: Alien Clay and the Complexity Theory of Consciousness
Today's topic is a super easy one, when is terrorism ethical! We're talking political violence in the past, present, and gloriously unified Irish future. Enjoy, and please don't hate us, we are but simple space philosophers!
Star Trek: The High Ground (ep3.12) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_High_Ground_(Star_TrekTheNext_Generation)
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If you have time, please write us a review on iTunes. It really really helps. Please and thank you!
Music by Thomas Smith: https://seriouspod.com/
Sibling shows:
Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/
Content Preview: Alien Clay and low road capitalism
Omg, next set of listener Q and As is gonna get us to the big 40. Love you listeners!
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If you have time, please write us a review on iTunes. It really really helps. Please and thank you!
Music by Thomas Smith: https://seriouspod.com/
Sibling shows:
Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/
Content Preview: Star Trek Next Generation : The High Ground (ep3.12) and justified terrorism
Yussssss! Y'all went hard on us this time that's what we's appreciates about you. Thanks so much for all the support!
Listener Survey: https://rutgers.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8ih4oa8ZSUaT0Cq
Music by Thomas Smith: https://seriouspod.com/
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If you have time, please write us a review on iTunes. It really really helps. Please and thank you!
Sibling shows:
Queersplaining: https://www.queersplaining.com/
Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/
Content Preview: Listener Qs 38
If there's two words you'd associate with our show, I hope they would be spider and head. We're doing a 2/3rds excellent 1/3rd deeply flawed movie that hits a lot of our sweet spots but ultimately fails to get that final gold star. And we're talking about the nature of emotions and whether it would be better if we could control them, and also testing on criminals etc, everything you'd expect watching this opal in the rough.
Spiderhead: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiderhead
Listener Survey: https://rutgers.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8ih4oa8ZSUaT0Cq
Music by Thomas Smith: https://seriouspod.com/
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If you have time, please write us a review on iTunes. It really really helps. Please and thank you!
Sibling shows:
Queersplaining: https://www.queersplaining.com/
Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/
Recent appearances:
We haven't been anywhere recently and we want to be so if you know any good shows you think we should guest on him them up with the suggestion!
Content Preview: Listener Qs and As!
One pod. One post. One shtick. One hole. One golden take on masculinity. (it's a kind of madness)
One shaft shaped sword that shows the way.
No moral man would want to play. (it's a kind of madness)
That bs misogyny inside your mind.
Is just patriarchy making you blind. (it's a kind of madness)
Getting woke takes an eternity.
With shit like Highlander from society!
Is gender a kind of madness?
(it's a kind of madness)
There can be only none!
This shtick that lasts a thousand years.
Will soon be lulz! (it's a kind of madness)
Highlander: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091203/
Listener Survey: https://rutgers.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8ih4oa8ZSUaT0Cq
Music by Thomas Smith: https://seriouspod.com/
Support us at Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/0G
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If you have time, please write us a review on iTunes. It really really helps. Please and thank you!
Sibling shows:
Queersplaining: https://www.queersplaining.com/
Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/
Recent appearances:
We haven't been anywhere recently and we want to be so if you know any good shows you think we should guest on him them up with the suggestion!
Content Preview: Spiderhead and Emotional Manipulation
What is there to say about Men? A movie so pregnant with ideas it's practically bursting at the orifices with symbols coated in fresh nightmare fuel. Been sitting on this gem a long time and the bear vs. men discourse gave us the perfect context. So, get ready for the most us content ever as we discuss Schrodinger's rapist and social dominance orientation!
Men: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men_(2022_film)
Listener Survey: https://rutgers.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8ih4oa8ZSUaT0Cq
Music by Thomas Smith: https://seriouspod.com/
Support us at Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/0G
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If you have time, please write us a review on iTunes. It really really helps. Please and thank you!
Sibling shows:
Queersplaining: https://www.queersplaining.com/
Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/
Recent appearances:
We haven't been anywhere recently and we want to be so if you know any good shows you think we should guest on him them up with the suggestion!
Content Preview: Highlander and Male Meaning Making
Welcome to the Void Vault, the best of all possible vaults! You're so lucky you were born into this vault, especially because you can't leave. But why would you, everything in this vault is totally fine, you are absolutely NOT a test subject for some undisclosed social psychology experiment, especially not an experiment involving the development of new orifices. While you wait to see our totally safe doctors about that weird itching sensation, enjoy our discussion on the super good Fallout series and the popular but maybe ethically questionable concept "laboratories of democracy". Enjoy, and remember, please keep your responses honest, this is for scientific posterity.
Fallout: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallout_(American_TV_series)
Listener Survey: https://rutgers.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8ih4oa8ZSUaT0Cq
Music by Thomas Smith: https://seriouspod.com/
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If you have time, please write us a review on iTunes. It really really helps. Please and thank you!
Sibling shows:
Queersplaining: https://www.queersplaining.com/
Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/
Recent appearances:
We haven't been anywhere recently and we want to be so if you know any good shows you think we should guest on him them up with the suggestion!
Content Preview: Men and Schrodinger's Rapist
If you think about it, on the downsizing principles this is like a years worth of content, and two sentences is endless show notes. Or something, I dunno, the scaling doesn't really make any sense, much like the conceptual map surrounding altruism. Enjoy!
Downsizing: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1389072/
Listener Survey: https://rutgers.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8ih4oa8ZSUaT0Cq
Music by Thomas Smith: https://seriouspod.com/
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If you have time, please write us a review on iTunes. It really really helps. Please and thank you!
Sibling shows:
Queersplaining: https://www.queersplaining.com/
Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/
Recent appearances:
We haven't been anywhere recently and we want to be so if you know any good shows you think we should guest on him them up with the suggestion!
Content Preview: Fallout and Laboratories for Democracy
Once again, IT IS THE LEGEND! We return to the desert planet to train another faithful, and we're not stopping till we've made everyone super depressed again about the horrors of colonialism but also the horrors of de-colonialism. It's horrors all the way down folks! Enjoy, and stay tuned for Dune Messiah!
Dune Two: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DunePartTwo
Listener Survey: https://rutgers.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8ih4oa8ZSUaT0Cq
Music by Thomas Smith: https://seriouspod.com/
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If you have time, please write us a review on iTunes. It really really helps. Please and thank you!
Sibling shows:
Queersplaining: https://www.queersplaining.com/
Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/
Recent appearances:
We haven't been anywhere recently and we want to be so if you know any good shows you think we should guest on him them up with the suggestion!
Content Preview: Downsizing
Dear listeners, there are few joys as wonderful as providing y'all with unknown little gems filled with quirky body horror and a deep commitment to the bit. This movie made my transhumanist orifices quiver with joy. Enjoy our discussion of the extremely mid concept that is "naturalness".
The Pod Generation: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15768848/
Listener Survey: https://rutgers.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8ih4oa8ZSUaT0Cq
Music by Thomas Smith: https://seriouspod.com/
Support us at Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/0G
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If you have time, please write us a review on iTunes. It really really helps. Please and thank you!
Sibling shows:
Queersplaining: https://www.queersplaining.com/
Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/
Recent appearances:
We haven't been anywhere recently and we want to be so if you know any good shows you think we should guest on him them up with the suggestion!
Content Preview: Dune 2 and Feminist Decolonialism
Listeners, have we got a story for you. Two Lovecraftian podcasters so far up their own allegorical asses they do a podcast about a movie about a podcaster doing a Lovecraft. It's meta all the way down folks, so naturally we're talking memetics and the ethics of content creation. Enjoy!
Monolith: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monolith_(2022_film)
Listener Survey: https://rutgers.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8ih4oa8ZSUaT0Cq
Music by Thomas Smith: https://seriouspod.com/
Support us at Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/0G
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Email us at: [email protected]
If you have time, please write us a review on iTunes. It really really helps. Please and thank you!
Sibling shows:
Queersplaining: https://www.queersplaining.com/
Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/
Recent appearances:
We haven't been anywhere recently and we want to be so if you know any good shows you think we should guest on him them up with the suggestion!
Content Preview: The Pod Generation and Naturalness
- Visa fler