
  • In this episode, Coach Jo and Coach Kim get vulnerable in a deep conversation about the challenges of balancing busy schedules and personal well-being. Coach Jo discusses the impact of changing routines and schedules and managing emotions, while Coach Kim opens up about her emotional and physical struggles, particularly in the wake of family loss and the struggles of family members with mental health issues.

    You’ll hear each coach describe their strategies and tools for the shiting season, from practicing mindfulness to meal prepping to getting inspired by community support. Each coach shares her inspiration and goals, from Coach Jo’s inspiration from the community and desire for greater self-compassion to Coach Kim’s position as a lighthouse for her daughters and family.

    From discussing emotional regulation to setting boundaries and focusing on what matters, listeners get to be a fly on the wall as Coach Jo and Coach Kim answer questions and share their journey towards finding balance and joy in both personal and professional life.

    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint


    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Kim 01:10

    All right. Welcome to Episode Nine of Perfectly Unfinished Conversations. And today, we're sort of excited, because that is exactly what we're gonna do. We're gonna have a conversation. Together, yeah. We're going to talk about the fact that we're heading into the last four months of 2024 and September in the gym world is quite a bit like January. It really is a time of kind of refresh. People are coming back after having the summer off. They sort of feel like they've been off the rails, much like they do at Christmas. And so, they come in refocused and ready to recalibrate. And the same goes for us as well, I think. And so basically, we created a list of questions that we wanted to pose to each other. I came up with some, Jo came up with some, and we're just going to work through the questions.

    Coach Jo 01:58

    Yea, we're just gonna have a nice, perfectly unfinished conversation today.

    Coach Kim 02:01

    Heck, yeah, Heck, yeah. So, I'm gonna go first, because first question up was mine. Where is your head at right now?

    Coach Jo 02:09

    Uh, my head is a mess, and it's only because I'm headed into a million different schedules. So, I have a lot of schedules that I'm running. I got a hockey schedule, I got a school schedule, I got sacred entry for a kindergartener. I've got the gym schedule I'm creating. We've got new class times we're incorporating into the gym. There's just a lot of schedules on the go right now. So, my brain every minute of every day is, Oh! Did I forget something?

    Coach Kim 02:31

    Yes, there's just so much. How do you manage that?

    Coach Jo 02:33

    I have a lot of Excel spreadsheets. You know me.

    Coach Kim 02:37

    Joely likes Excel spreadsheets. I like my Google Calendar. I schedule everything time block in my Google Calendar, but Jo, Jo is a Spreadsheet Master.

    Coach Jo 02:46

    Thank you. Thank you. That's how I'm managing, is that just make sure that I have everything colour-coded, because that's huge for me. I like to have things in color coordination and making sure people are communicated with that need to help at certain times. I think right now that's what's going on, is that everybody knows what's happening, because there's more than just me that's helping me right now, and we all have to be on the same page.

    Coach Kim 03:04

    Well, and you kind of had a bump in the road this week, because you…

    Coach Jo 03:08

    My babysitter got a job. So I've had a babysitter for three years, and she got a job in the field where she went to college. She's now an EA at a school, and I'm really excited for her. But it also left me with a lot of challenges, because I was grateful to have someone for three years who would be there to drive my kids, open the gym, or close the gym, pick up my kids, because my husband is gone. He leaves early in the morning. He gets home really late at night, or else he works away. So, it's been, yeah, a lot of juggling this month. So, it was kind of like a bomb kind of blew up. But, you know, like it. We'll get to it later, I'm sure, but it feels good.

    Coach Kim 03:41

    I remember those days so well, because they really are super challenging. As a mom who worked full time out of the home and by choice, because I wanted it that way. I preferred it that way. My mental health was better working outside of the home. But I remember those days where two kids, you know, you're paying for childcare, full time at first for both, then part time for one, full time for the other, and just the expense and the guilt and the struggle and the challenge, and I always talk about, like, trying to spend quality time with your kids. You do a lot, as far as sports and that kind of thing. You're really involved with your boys, but it's such a tough gig for parents to look after themselves, let alone a business, let alone their other relationships, plus still looking after their kids and their kids needs, right? And then on top of it, you're paying someone else to come in and help you to be able to live your life.

    Coach Jo 04:39

    Yeah, it takes a village. It really does take a village. And, you know, there's so many people that reach out too and are like, he...

  • Get ready for the pep talk to finally take action, start the thing, or quit the thing! Coach Jo and Coach Kim bring the inspiration, motivation, and tough talk we all need to get stuff done, stay focused, and take action that serves us rather than self-sabotages. Make sure to save, download, and bookmark this episode to return to any time you need a pep talk to do the hard but necessary things in this thing called life.

    Coach Jo and Coach Kim discuss the tough truths of letting go of perfection, choosing the hard, and taking care of ourselves. From the concept of parenting ourselves to choosing the road less travelled to achieve our goals, the ultimate choice depends on ourselves. No coach, friend, stranger, spouse, or parent is going to magically make life easier, but we all have the power to overcome and persevere with the right mindset and a good enough perspective. If you’re in need of encouragement, this episode is for you!


    Robert Frost - The Road Not TakenAndrew Coates Instagram


    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint



    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go. Welcome to the pep talk, guys. We want you to hit download and come back to this one as often as you need to.

    Coach Kim 01:19

    So we're gonna start with this little idea that maybe you're in the season. It's the season of summer, the season of kids getting ready to go back to school, the season of helping maybe aging parents or grieving someone, or you're in the season of a health crisis, or maybe you're just in the season of frustration, stuck results, sticky weight, or even just shitty thinking. Whatever season of life you're in, we're here today to send you some love. Welcome to being human. Being human means we're going to encounter tough times, hard things are going to come your way, but don't let your thinking get in the way.

    Coach Jo 02:03

    In this episode, we are going to do our best to motivate you to stay the path, start the path, or remain consistent on the path that you are on. So buckle up, bitches, we are going to inspire today.

    Coach Kim 02:19

    We're bringing the fire. We're bringing the fire. So here's a little reminder, there's nothing wrong with you, nor has there ever been. There's absolutely nothing wrong with your body, your mind, your spirit, your choices, your actions, your behaviors, or even your moods. You are and have been exactly who you needed to be to get you to where you are right this second. You are a sweet, flawed perfection, a mess of contradictions, blubbering mishaps, self doubts, stellar intention, foolish choices and deep belly laughs, just like the rest of us. You are right this moment, positioned for your own success or healing or accomplishment, you have total possibility inside of you to get whatever it is that you want. The experiences of our life have led us to adopt certain beliefs about ourselves, like we're messy, we're broken, we're a shit show, we're moody, we just can't see ourselves as anything else. It's very challenging for us to envision our own possibility, and we can also think when the world is suffering, who am I to want or ask for more?

    Coach Jo 03:45

    You know, if Kim and I had stopped and listened to every single opinion about the way we should be living our lives, we wouldn't be here doing what we love and creating this incredible life that we have for ourselves. Both of us have had to forge a new path, solo, separately, at different times. No one around us, in our circles are doing what we are doing to the level that we are doing it. We've continuously had to be brave enough to do it alone, to stand out, to choose that we matter every single fucking time. No matter the comments or quips back, no matter the looks or the eye rolls, because I'll tell you, I've had eye rolls. The beauty of this life is that it is your own life, and you get to choose how it ends up. Nobody else is in your body or gets to choose the direction of your ship. You are the captain, and it's up to you to steer it towards the life you want. The truth is, there will always be people who do not get it, who question your choices, or who try to pull you back into their comfort zones. But that's their story, not yours. Your story is about having the courage to live authentically, to pursue what sets your soul on fire, and to keep moving forward even when it feels like the world is against you. It's about knowing that you are in control, that every decision, every action, every step, is going to shape and mold your life. You get the power to create the life you want one brave, bold choice at a time. And as the quote goes, you're alive, it's time to start acting like it.

    Coach Kim 05:38

    So here's the first thing that we want to remind you of, and that is, you cannot be afraid to go alone. It's really human nature, I think, to want to bring our people with us, but this is the concept of strap your own oxygen mask on first before you help others. We have got to stop trying to bring all the people to healing or to fitness or around to our way of thinking, whatever you want to say. You have to stop trying to convince your husband he needs to eat better. You have to stop resenting your workouts because nobody else wants or stop resenting your workouts your time in the gym because nobody else wants to hear about it. You can bu...

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  • In this episode, Coach Jo and Coach Kim discuss the importance of macros (aka macronutrients) and how they affect our overall health. They start by giving listeners a basic overview of the three types of macros: protein, carbs, and fat and the vital role each plays in our body, including breaking down popular myths and misunderstandings about each macro. Then, Coach Jo and Kim get into the exciting facts about how macros communicate with our bodies, brains, and hormones—everything you didn’t know about macros but will be so happy you learned!

    Coaches Jo and Kim go beyond the simple facts of how macros affect the body and dig into the science of how each macro affects our body, how we process the energy and how we overcompensate for an imbalance of each of the three. This episode is a must-listen for anyone curious about their food choices to achieve optimal body and brain health while avoiding extreme diets and false information about food.


    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint



    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 01:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Jo 01:11

    Welcome back. This is episode seven, and we are talking about everything you didn't know about macros, what food is telling your body what to do, or food as a set of instructions to your body. All macronutrients, there's three of them, they are protein, fats and carbohydrates. There are micronutrients as well, available in your food. You know, examples such as iron, zinc or copper, but we're going to focus on those three today.

    Coach Kim 01:46

    Right, so everything that we eat is made up of protein, fats and carbs, either there is like straight up protein, which isn't available in a lot of foods, things like shrimp, tuna, a lean cut of beef is up, venison, moose, really high in protein, very little to no fat, definitely no carbs, unless you're mixing your meat with something, you know, like a sauce or something like that. So that's straight up protein. Some things are straight up fats, like olive oil or coconut oil or butter. And then some things are straight up carbohydrates, like oats, instant oatmeal, blueberries, oranges or gummy candies, honey, pop. But in order to, you know, obtain good body composition, you got to have all three in your diet. Skipping one macro might work for a short period of time, but it's really not ideal for the long term.

    Coach Jo 02:48

    Yeah, for sure. Let's talk about how to decipher what's in each macronutrient. So for every gram of carbohydrate that you consume, there are four calories energy sources per that one gram. So if you're having, say, a banana, you know, 30 grams, you would multiply that by four, and that would give you your caloric intake of just that carbohydrate. Now when we break down protein, it's the exact same as carbohydrates. It is four calories per that single one gram that you get. Now, the difference, and they're very dense when it comes to energy dense, is fats. Fats are higher. They're almost one like and a half times higher, nine calories you get per one gram of fat. Also something to consider is alcohol. And this is on the same scale when it comes to energy, because when we grab an alcoholic beverage and it says, Oh, hey, it's 100 calories only, well that might be just what it is made of, but it's not the alcohol content. I don't know why they don't put this on the label. It would be really important to, but you get seven calories per one gram of alcohol. Like I said, it's not included on your label. This is extra. So everything between these four that we just talked about, they're broke down into different categories of energy that you get from each gram.

    Coach Kim 04:22

    So let's start with protein, because, you know, Jo and I, we love to talk about the importance of protein. It is so important for our health, and it has several benefits that you might not know about or think about. First of all, protein has a higher thermic effect, which means that it can boost your metabolism and help you burn more calories. In regards to instructions for the body, its job is to build and repair tissues, make enzymes and hormones, and it supports our immune system. We tend to hope that you know that. Good sources of protein include animal proteins like chicken and beef, fish eggs, whey protein supplements, or even plain Greek yogurt or cottage cheese. Out of the 21 amino acids that our body requires and uses for optimal health, nine amino acids are essential, meaning we have to get them from our food, because our bodies cannot make them. Simply put, if you're not eating enough protein, you're not getting these essential amino acids, which are crucial for repair and growth. And when I'm talking about repair and growth, we're always talking about not just muscles, we're talking about bones, tendon, skin, hair, eyelashes, taste buds, like all of it. Everything that makes up you is made up of protein. So let's clear up a common myth. Some people believe that eating too much protein can damage your kidneys. And I think this myth started because people with kidney disease are advised to limit their protein as their kidneys struggle to filter out protein waste. But if you're healthy and active, your kidneys are fully capable of handling protein intake. Your blood pumps properly. If you're active and moving and your kidneys will as well. They're part of your detoxification. Detoxification pathway, studies show that there's really no link significantly between high protein consumption and kidney damage in people with healthy kidneys. So remember, protein is not just essential from your metabolism and muscle repair, but overall health. Please don't be afraid to ...

  • Join Coach Jo and Coach Kim as they delve into the struggles and strategies for navigating life’s challenges. You’ll learn basic tips that make self-awareness, self-care, and embracing personal responsibility both possible and manageable. They stress the importance of taking control of one’s thoughts and beliefs to achieve personal transformation and create a fulfilling existence.

    Highlighting time management, consistency, and accountability, both Jo and Kim share their personal journeys, offering valuable insights into overcoming obstacles and evolving into a better version of oneself—You 2.0. Listeners will hear compelling stories of resilience and personal growth, including overcoming adversity and reflecting on past experiences to shape a more intentional future.

    The episode emphasizes the power of choice in personal development, encouraging individuals to set boundaries, manage time effectively, and visualize their goals to manifest positive outcomes. With a focus on radical responsibility and emotional adulthood, Jo and Kim underscore the importance of intentionality in achieving desired results. Tune in to learn how to embrace change and take actionable steps toward personal and professional success.

    Resources discussed in this episode:

    Elizabeth Gilbert - Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear


    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint



    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 01:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Jo 01:10

    Hello, and welcome back.

    Coach Kim 01:12


    Coach Jo 01:13

    This is episode six.And we're going to be talking about choosing change. What's your next shift?

    Coach Kim 01:20

    So we're going to invite you to think back to a time in your life where you knew you needed to grow, or wanted to grow, you needed to become the next version of yourself. My life has been really long, I've had so many different versions of Kim-in-transition, in healing and in growth. And I, I feel pretty fortunate to have great clarity around this topic. I know that becoming the next version of yourself cannot happen without clarity, and conscious decision-making.

    Coach Jo 01:55

    Yeah, “You 2.0” is a term that we came up with to signify the decision to grow forward into the next version of ourselves. Many times, life feels dropped on us, things happen that we don't foresee or we didn't choose, trauma, loss, struggle, illness, and even grief.

    Coach Kim 02:18

    We are constantly evolving or changing in response to events and circumstances. And occasionally we discover that like waves on an ocean life just gently or violently keeps pushing us forward toward the next version of ourselves.

    Coach Jo 02:35

    While we can't choose the things that come our way, we can always choose who we will become and what we will do and what we will say and how and what we will think.

    Coach Kim 02:47

    Now, sometimes when life is pushing us forward, we one day wake up and realize we've become someone we don't really want to be. Maybe we are, we realize we're in a bad relationship or we're in the wrong job. Maybe we've neglected our body out of the desire for ease or comfort. Or we sacrifice what we really want in order to keep the peace.

    Coach Jo 03:09

    Yeah, maybe you've reached a new phase in your life where you feel yourself waking up, stomping your foot, and saying I'm not doing this anymore. Or maybe it's that slow burn a feeling that is building like something that isn't quite right inside. Something needs to change.

    Coach Kim 03:30

    So Elizabeth Gilbert has a great post from her book, Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear that says, “I've never seen any life transformation that didn't begin with the person in question finally, getting tired of their own bullshit.”

    Coach Jo 03:47

    The concept of “You 2.0” reminds us that we can take our power back at any time and consciously choose the path forward. Many of us mistakenly believe that it is what it is, or my whole family is this way or I don't deserve any better or I made my bed now I have to lie in it.

    Coach Kim 04:08

    And this is victim mentality, like the thought, What does it matter? or It's too late, or I quit,I give up it's too hard. I have no control is completely bullshit. These are beliefs and beliefs are just thoughts that we keep choosing to think on repeat. Andl although beliefs are messy and complicated, you can choose to think new things anytime you want.

    Coach Jo 04:36

    Creating the next version of you is about being able to see where you've been, see who you are right now, and then choose in advance what you're going to think and how you're going to feel and what we will do to become who we want to be in three months or six months or even two years from now.

    Coach Kim 04:55

    So, we want to start with some really kind of personal view, vulnerable reflection about past versions of ourselves. And this is like taking a look at who we have been at various times in our lives and who and what we have morphed into. I feel like I've always led a pretty public life. Like I always say, I'm an open book. And the podcast i...

  • In this episode, Coach Jo and Coach Kim dive into how social media and phone addiction affect our mental health, creativity, and relationships. They share personal stories of their own struggles with phone addiction, highlighting how it often leads to wasted time, shorter attention spans, and negative feelings from constant comparison. They emphasize the importance of setting boundaries to protect our mental and emotional well-being and offer practical tips for unplugging and creating space from technology. The conversation also touches on finding a healthy balance between technology use for work and personal growth.

    Jo and Kim also discuss their concerns about phone usage, both for themselves and their children. They explore how screen time impacts attention spans, brain development, and overall life quality, and consider the unique pressures faced by young moms in the digital age. In this episode, you’ll get tips for setting limits on screen time and creating distance between yourself and your devices. You'll be inspired by the benefits of a digital detox and the importance of being present in life, work, and relationships.

    If there is one thing you take away from this episode is the importance of being present in life, work, and relationships, and the value of unplugging from technology to foster personal growth and well-being.

    Resources discussed in this episode:

    Joe’s Social MediaAtomic Habits - James Clear


    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint



    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Kim 01:10

    Welcome back. It's episode five of Perfectly Unfinished Conversations. And this episode is all about my crazy phone addiction.

    Coach Jo 01:25

    I'm laughing because that was, that was just not practiced or anything.

    Coach Kim 01:30

    Well I don't want to. I'm always practicing speaking from the “I”, like, I can't offer up that it's “our” crazy phone addiction, because that would be speaking for you. And maybe you don't feel like you're addicted to your phone. But I have noticed that I'm resentful about how attached I am to my phone.

    Coach Jo 01:48

    Yea, I gotcha. I mean, it is that time of the age of human, where we are all looking into these little screens. And I, we could say that we're not attached to them. But when you really truly look at the bigger picture of it all, I guarantee most of us would silently put up our hand with everyone's eyes closed be like it's me. I'm addicted as well.

    Coach Ki. 02:08

    Well, so, let's talk about how this started. Why I wanted to have a podcast about this specific topic and, and it's because I was having a bubble bath, I take my phone in the bathtub. It's probably dumb. I've wrecked more electronic things in water than I…

    Coach Jo 02:25

    She has. This is her second laptop.

    Coach Kim 02:28

    But it's like relaxation, decompress time. So I run a bubble bath I get in and then I scroll and I watch and I listen and I read and I post and I do all kinds of stuff. It's just the way that it goes. And I had this moment, you know, in meditation when people talk about witnessing themselves, witnessing themselves think or witnessing themselves sitting in the room where they kind of for a flick of a second they get like a perspective where they see themself in a way, like where they're thir person. Yeah, like, it's hard to explain. But I had this moment in the bathtub where it was almost like a kind of zoned out where my vision got deep. And I could see the phone in my hand. But I could also see like the other side of the room. And I could see myself this, you know, the bigness of the bathroom inside the house inside the town inside the world. And here's me in the bathtub, staring at this black fucking screen. And I was like, it was like this was like, I don't know how to describe it. But that's kind of like, it was like witnessing myself zone out, using up my time staring into this phone falling down the rabbit hole.

    Coach Jo 3:48

    And how did that make you feel?

    Coach Kim 3:50

    Well, it was just like it. It was just the realization that I mean, it's one thing to lay in the bathtub and soak and you know, shave your legs and all that kind of stuff. It's another thing to lay in the bathtub, and then fall into the abyss of, of somebody else's bullshit or not even bullshit. I mean, there's lots of great stuff out there, but like it's wasting time. Like it was like it was this moment of like, I could be doing other things. And here I am. Scrolling, looking at other people's dumb stuff.

    Coach Jo 04:21

    You know, I've heard you say before, you know, I can easily be in a bath for up to a whole hour. You know, I just enjoy my time. Now my question to you is, is how much of that is Doom scrolling?,

    Coach Kim 04:31

    Well, yeah totally. And you call it Doom scrolling, but I don't really know what that means. Like Doom scrolling, because I'm not seeking out bad stuff.

    Coach Jo 04:39

    No, no, it doesn't mean bad. It just means like rabbit hole. You just keep getting deeper deeper, deeper and then before you know it all of a sudden you'v...

  • In this episode, Coach Jo and Coach Kim delve into the metabolic health crisis, emphasizing its roots in diet and lifestyle factors affecting both adults and children. They highlight the critical role social support plays in maintaining a health and fitness journey and underscore the importance of muscle mass for both metabolic and mental health. They stress that strength training is particularly essential for aging adults and share personal experiences of making time for exercise despite busy schedules, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing fitness for long-term health goals.

    Coach Jo and Coach Kim explore the connection between metabolic dysfunction and chronic diseases, revealing how metabolic syndrome can begin in youth. The discussion also covers the significant role of muscles as metabolic organs that burn calories and improve mental health. They honestly address the common excuses for not exercising, such as feeling too weak or intimidated, and advocate for overcoming these barriers by valuing health and making time for self-care. The episode concludes with actionable tips for improving metabolic health through exercise, sleep, and nutrition, and highlights the importance of community and support in achieving fitness goals.


    Brain Energy by Dr. Chris Palmer


    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint



    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Kim 01:10

    Alright, we're back. This is episode four of perfectly unfinished conversations. And this week we're on the metabolic money soapbox, preaching the need for humans to move. Walking more and yes, physical exercise or training. But in particular, strength building, we want to set up this podcast episode to come back to this scenario right here. Let's talk about your 75-year-old self. Say the heavens opened up the clouds parted, and your 75-year-old self floated down like Zeus and wanted to give you some feedback towards your current health and strength journey. What advice would they give you?

    Coach Kim 01:56

    So first, let's start with a bird's eye view on metabolic health, obesity, and mental health because there is no disputing that as an overall population. We are more unhealthy than we've ever been before.

    Coach Jo 02:15

    The condition of being overweight or obese and you know, also sedentary. This is not personal judgment or cognitive bias statement like this is a concern for the actual welfare of people and our health collectively. I mean, yes, it can be a burden on the health care system, but also just the burden of metabolic health on the happiness and longevity of human beings in general.

    Coach Kim 02:40

    Metabolic health is a root cause of almost every chronic disease that is currently killing North Americans, 9 out of 10 of the leading causes of death in the US and we all know that Canada and US share way more in common than Canadians would like to think they do. But 9 out of 10 of the leading causes of death in North America, I would say are fundamentally related to or directly rooted in metabolic dysfunction. Yeah, Alzheimer's disease, type two diabetes, chronic kidney disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, not to mention the link to infertility. Right. So what is metabolic syndrome or metabolic dysfunction? It's primarily a cellular energy problem. But we see it manifest with five typical symptoms, obesity, or a large abdominal measurement, high blood pressure or blood pressure that trends high high blood fat, low HDL or good cholesterol and insulin resistance, which is probably the most common thing that we are seeing, culturally societally, which would be classified as pre-diabetes.

    Coach Jo 03:59

    Yeah, you'll hear threads of this subject in future podcasts because it's the largest health problem facing people, adults, aging adults and children, children today. In addition to the development of all the chronic diseases, you know, that Kim just talked about high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, or you know, kidney disease, there are links to poor and declining metabolic health and brain health like Alzheimer's dementia, as as well as one's own mental health.

    Coach Kim 04:29

    Yeah. So Alzheimer's and dementia are now being commonly referred to as type three diabeetus. So you have type one, which is is you know, from birth or you know, yeah, type 1.5 which they consider autoimmune. And then you've got type two, which is diet and lifestyle and now type three is the classification of Alzheimer's and dementia. You know, PCOS is leading to infertility among women, and it's essentially diabetes of the ovaries. This is not an aged person problem. And something you only have to worry about as you're getting older. It's it's a condition that we're seeing in, you know, we have people who we know, in this community whose children as young as 10 are battling with this metabolic dysfunction. And so we're going to come back to it stay with us, because we're coming back to the topic of this podcast, which is ”Bitch Gotta Move”, yeah, but we want to really underline that metabolic syndrome creates these serious chronic health conditions, and it begins when you're young. It's not happening, because you're old. It's happening energetically in our cells right now. And the proof is that our children are also developing chronic health conditions that used to be only primarily seen in older or, you know…

    Coach Jo 05:56

  • In episode three of Iron Lab’s Perfectly Unfinished Conversations podcast, Coach Jo and Coach Kim discuss the dangers of perfectionism, our relationship with mirrors, and its impact on self-worth. From cultural expectations to social media pressure to generational attitudes, both Jo and Kim unpack their hang-ups about body image. By sharing impactful childhood memories and discussing the negative effect these experiences have had on their perceived self-worth, they give listeners practical advice for pushing past the negativity and learning how to love and look after themselves on a daily basis.

    Listeners will hear about the crucial role of self-love and acceptance in personal growth and transformation. Coach Jo and Coach Kim emphasize how when we focus on appreciation for our bodies—no matter what stage of life we’re in—we gain the opportunity to love, nourish, and grow our minds and bodies so we can become the best possible version of ourselves.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone struggling with body image and self-esteem. Jo and Kim give practical how-to advice for making consistent, positive mindset changes and help listeners understand they are not alone in their struggles.


    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint



    Coach Jo 00:09

    Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo…

    Coach Kim 00:14

    …and Coach Kim…

    Coach Jo 00:15

    Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered, and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim 00:27

    We're all about creating a strong support system taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life, by doing what we call b-minus work.

    Coach Jo 00:45

    We’re making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead…

    Coach Kim 00:55

    …before we're ready…

    Coach Jo 00:56

    …when we aren't feeling like it…

    Coach Kim 00:58

    …and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo 1:00

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify, so you don't miss a single episode. It’s good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Jo 01:10

    Welcome back guys to episode three of the perfectly unfinished conversations podcast with Jo…

    Coach Kim 01:16

    Hi, my BFF! And coach Kim. This episode is all about making peace with the mirror. So, we want to have a discussion about the importance of this practice. ‘Cause it's a practice.

    Coach Jo 01:30

    So, what, why would it be an important conversation to have? Because I think behind closed doors, 80% to 90% of the female population probably deals with this. And it's not talked about enough in my opinion.

    Coach Kim 01:42

    Yea, I would agree. And I'm always kind of blown away. Because if I do have a conversation with somebody, and they're like, Yeah, I just, I'm totally good with the way I look. I'm always like, hands up, sister. I don't know how you got there. But I would love to know how you have been able to, like, put zero energy or attention, and this is kind of what we're talking about, put zero energy or attention into critiquing, criticizing, examining yourself in the mirror, most often with kind of some sort of negative feedback to yourself.

    Coach Jo 02:19

    And that negative feedback sounds like it spirals down into this rabbit hole of negative self-talk and negative emotions and the stories that we say in our brain that keep happening to us. And the more you speak this in your brain, the more we just start living that way, right? you view yourself as a story in your head.

    Coach Kim 02:37

    Where have you noticed this, in conversations either, like we're going to talk about ourselves, but where have you noticed this in particular with clients? In client conversations?

    Coach Jo 02:45

    I’d say over the last decade working with clients, I have learned that most people don't deal with, like, a weight issue, they deal with a self-worth issue. Because once the self-worth issue is solved, then usually the weight issue gets solved alongside the process, right? Because it slows down the main process of losing weight because a lot of it's attached to perfectionism. And they're not good enough because they didn't do it perfect, or this way or that way. And then that just slows, like that, just slugs it right down to a slow halt.

    Coach Kim 03:18

    So, as you're saying that I'm like geez, you know, I've never thought about it specifically like that, which is why it's so good to have this conversation. For me when I think about, like, how my relationship with myself in the mirror. I've never looked at it as being related to perfectionism. But maybe that's what it is. You know, like at the root, maybe that's what it is. But definitely, the self-talk that comes with that is slow or self-defeating or self-sabotaging, you know, as a result.

    Coach Jo 03:55

    Yeah, exactly. I think self-sabotage is one of the number one symptoms of someone who deals with perfectionism, it’s just never good enough. And when they're, if someone's trying to go on any type of journey, and if they look at themselves in the mirror and they're having this battle with a mirror, it's always going to be some form of self-sabotage, negative self-talk, because they're not. They're not what they think, as in their image in their head is perfect.

    Coach Kim 04:16

    Yea, true. So where have you struggled with your own reflection, appreciating your body, being able to recognize, yeah, just the way you feel about your body, when you look in the mirror?

    Coach Jo 04:28

    You know it I think for me, it started like maybe like most girls, maybe not like most girls, but it started with the scale, actually. And the scale was always in front of the mirror in the bathroom growing up. And I was raised that every morning, you're supposed to get on the scale and see how much you weigh. As a woman. I, my brother never had to do that. But I had to do that. And I probably did not have to do that. But I thought I had to do that. Because you know, that's how my mother was raised, maybe. And I don't look at it as...

  • In Iron Lab’s Perfectly Unfinished Conversations second episode, hosts Coach Jo and Coach Kim tackle the topic of habits that are no longer working for them. Amidst all the diet dogma floating around the internet, they address commonly-held beliefs and habits that aren’t serving the purposes we want them to. They break down why those habits don’t work and then discuss what does work, and things that we should consider replacing the old habits with.

    Coach Kim and Coach Jo list habits we are very fond of because of routine or comfort that nonetheless don’t serve our fitness or health goals. Habits like drive-through food, skipping breakfast and even lunch, not getting enough protein in our diets, inconsistency in our eating, and demonizing food groups instead of understanding the needs of our bodies. They approach these habits from experience, from having done and tried every one of them along their journeys, and having discovered how little the habits contribute to their wellness and goals. In talking about what habits to switch to instead, they focus on what works for the health and strength of our bodies, exploring protein levels, the benefits of sleep, regular eating, and how our bodies function without proper nutrition, debunking common diet myths along the way.

    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint


    Coach Jo: [00:00:08] Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo.

    Coach Kim: [00:00:13] And Coach Kim.

    Coach Jo: [00:00:15] Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim: [00:00:27] We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life by doing what we call B minus work.

    Coach Jo: [00:00:45] We are making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead...

    Coach Kim: [00:00:55] ... before we're ready...

    Coach Jo: [00:00:56] ... when we aren't feeling like it...

    Coach Kim: [00:00:58] ... and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo: [00:01:00] Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify so you don't miss a single episode. It's good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Kim: [00:01:10] Here we are, episode two of the Iron Lab podcast.

    Coach Jo: [00:01:15] Perfectly Unfinished Conversations. Thank you for joining us again.

    Coach Kim: [00:01:19] Yeah, today we've got sugar-coated lies. These are the nutrition habits that just aren't working for us.

    Coach Jo: [00:01:27] So in this podcast today, Kim and I sat down, we were brainstorming, we were thinking like, what are all of the diet dogma lies that are floating around the internet or things that people think are working, but it's literally just not working for us. That was kind of the premise of this podcast.

    Coach Kim: [00:01:43] I always say, well, I recently I've been saying to my clients, like, we are fighting so hard to keep some of these habits, you know, like we just want to, we just want to fight for what we like. And the simple fact of the matter is, is that you're fighting to keep things that aren't working.

    Coach Jo: [00:02:01] Exactly. Boom. So a couple of examples that we just decided to, you know, point form right out, one of them being the high carb, high fat, and the perfect example of this is literally anything drive-through.

    Coach Kim: [00:02:16] Literally, literally.

    Coach Jo: [00:02:17] Literally anything drive-through.

    Coach Kim: [00:02:20] Your breakfast wrap, your chicken sandwich. Yeah, all of it.

    Coach Jo: [00:02:25] And a lot of that is because we want ease and we know the route or we've built the habit. If I leave five minutes early, I have enough time to turn right and get through the drive-through and get back on track, on the road, on time to my destination.

    Coach Kim: [00:02:38] Well, and it's also a happy place, you know, like our routines, the routines you have are because they feel good to you. And so if your routine includes a double double and a breakfast wrap or two, that's, you like it. And so it's going to be awfully hard to break that habit until you can come up with a new habit to replace it.

    Coach Jo: [00:03:03] Exactly. And that's just, you know, the law of habits. You know, James Carr with Atomic Habits, he has a--

    Coach Kim: [00:03:09] -- Clear, Clear.

    Coach Jo: [00:03:10] Sorry, James Clear. My fault. He's got a brilliant book. And if you have not read it, I guarantee you will just leave that so mind blown because it's our situations, it's our environments, it's, you know, the cue, the reward. And like Kim said, the reward is you just want to feel good and you have to learn to short-circuit that thought in order to choose a new habit to become a new version of yourself. Yeah, and high carb, high fat is, it's just empty crap calories that's not going to serve you.

    Coach Kim: [00:03:40] It's double the fuel. So high carb, high fat. When you look at the fact that carbs are a fuel and fat is a fuel, now you got high carbs, high fat, which are double the fuel, which is high energy density. And I don't mean energy like physical energy density. I'm talking like--

    Coach Jo: [00:03:57] -- too much gas in the tank.

    Coach Kim: [00:03:58] Too, yeah. And so remember that, you know, high carb, high fat are all the things we love. Pizza, ice cream, chips and dip, guac and tortilla chips.

    Coach Jo: [00:04:09] Like fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies out of the oven.

    Coach Kim: [00:04:12] Yeah. That's Jo's favorite.

    Coach Jo: [00:04:14] It is. I love 'em.

    Coach Kim: [00:04:16] I like tortilla chips and guacamole. Well, pretty much anything like straight-up habits that don't work for me. Like if I am ra...

  • Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, an Iron Lab podcast, with hosts Coach Jo Churchill and Coach Kim Berube. This inaugural episode is all about getting to know the hosts, what Iron Lab is about, and why the Perfectly Unfinished Conversations podcast exists. Coach Jo and Coach Kim take us into their world, showing us how they built Iron Lab and inviting us into their minds and daily lives so we can know them better, and through them, learn about ourselves.

    Coach Kim and Coach Jo come from wildly different backgrounds in terms of athleticism and sports but share a similar passion for fitness, movement, and living life. When they came together in 2022 to found Iron Lab, their combined philosophies melded together so well that the business seemed as though it was always destined to be. What they share in this episode is their vision of Eat, Sleep, Train, Live which emphasizes not just whole body wellness, but whole being balance. Iron Lab is inclusive of age, gender, size, and ability, and when Kim and Jo conceived of Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, it was a way to continue getting to know their clients and supporters on the east, sleep, train, live journey, and to demonstrate that they too are on that same journey. So join Kim and Jo to learn what drives them, what conversations they’ll be sharing, and why a “B Minus” mentality is how they maintain momentum in a world that demands unattainable perfection.

    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint


    Coach Jo: [00:00:08] Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo.

    Coach Kim: [00:00:13] And Coach Kim.

    Coach Jo: [00:00:15] Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life.

    Coach Kim: [00:00:27] We're all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life by doing what we call B minus work.

    Coach Jo: [00:00:45] We are making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead.

    Coach Kim: [00:00:55] Before we're ready, when we

    Coach Jo: [00:00:57] aren't feeling like it

    Coach Kim: [00:00:58] and without hesitation.

    Coach Jo: [00:01:00] Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify so you don't miss a single episode. [both] It's good enough. Let's go.

    Coach Kim: [00:01:11] Hi. All right. Welcome to the very first episode of Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast. Yeah, I'm Coach Kim,

    Coach Jo: [00:01:22] I'm Coach Jo.

    Coach Kim: [00:01:23] And we're super excited to have you here. We're really thrilled that finally we've got this thing up and running.

    Coach Jo: [00:01:31] It has been a little seed in our brains for probably a year and a half. And it's nice to just finally get it out here and get it going. Yeah. At least. So I guess we'll just briefly introduce ourselves. And this is our very, very first episode. It's just all about introducing you to the Iron Lab podcast, which is Perfectly Unfinished Conversations. I'm Coach Jo.

    Coach Kim: [00:01:52] We said that already.

    Coach Jo: [00:01:54] Yes. So I guess I could say, you know, like personal stories so you guys can get to know us a little bit further. I've been an athlete most of my life. I played volleyball for university up to five years. I assistant coached university and high school levels, and then just kind of went into what I love to do, which was moving my body through a brief hiatus of working oil field, quick cash, quick traveling in order to, you know, just live my life after schooling was over. But then I came back to what I love the most and that was moving my body. So that's basically a quick history about me.

    Coach Kim: [00:02:28] Yeah. I'm gonna ask you a question about that, because for most people that don't know you, you know, let's dial it back just a little bit. We opened Iron Lab in January 2022 right after Covid. 2022.

    Coach Jo: [00:02:44] Yep.

    Coach Kim: [00:02:44] Right after Covid. It seems like--

    Coach Jo: [00:02:47] -- literally one month later, masks were abolished.

    Coach Kim: [00:02:49] That's right. Yeah. Like literally yes, there were still some cleaning protocols etc. that we needed to do in the gym. We have been coaches, I've been a coach since 2016, fitness and strength coach, added nutrition, added life coaching. You have been a coach, as you were saying, since you were a younger woman, always coaching athletes. Group, team sports.

    Coach Jo: [00:03:15] Yeah.

    Coach Kim: [00:03:15] But what have you got going on? What's the offer? Why? What's the hook? The catch that has you, you love to move your body, but why do you want to serve other people? What draws you to this?

    Coach Jo: [00:03:28] I would say easiest answer is when I see somebody do something they never have done before, and I see that initial reaction off their face that they just, they got it, they did it. And I was a part of that process to help them get through that barrier? And I find fitness, there are so many of these moments where people have to push through the comfort zone levels. So naturally I love to move my body. It's always been one of my favorite things to do. So in order to incorporate helping people, seeing them excel and then moving their bodies at the exact same time was like, all in.

    Coach Kim: [00:04:04] Okay, perfect. So this is where Jo and I are different. One of the things that I think makes us a really strong team is we share a lot of things. We're both very direct communicators. We both love working hard. Our skill sets are slightly different. Jo, I always say she loves to do the spreadsheets, I prefer to do kind of promotion, marketing, social media, that kind of stuff, but we make a really good team. However, we're very different because I was not an athlete. I was a farm kid. I've always been strong. I've always loved nature. And being outside, I knew I was strong, but I didn't enjoy rea...

  • The Iron Lab Podcast: raw, real, unfiltered, unfinished conversations about trying to EAT, SLEEP, TRAIN and LIVE a messy, imperfect life. Support, accountability, fun and authenticity.

    Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab:

    Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombe