Hi! My name’s Harry, and welcome to Passing Through A Vegan Door Podcast.
Veganism is a growing idea that leaving animals alone can save the world. It can be quite scary to take those first steps and change life long habits, but it’s important to find a way to break those habits and understand that what we do to animals every day isn’t right.
Passing Through A Vegan Door is a way for me to talk about the things I care about while offering an insight into the who's, the what's, the when's, the where's, the why's, and the how's of being vegan. This podcast is for everyone: whether you’ve got decades more experience than me in being vegan; or you just wish vegans would shut up and let you eat your steak in peace. I’m not the expert… I’m just here to pass on the word. Hopefully it can be somewhat entertaining as I do.
I will cover a range of topics such as: the environment, society, health, politics, diet, the animals themselves, and more! I will be chatting to people who share a similar mindset, and a common goal of living a vegan lifestyle, but also people who couldn’t care less. Those are the people who have the power to make real change. Small changes do make a big difference, and I hope to show you how.
“To be vegan, is to release your grip on the animal”
Thank you for reading, I hope whatever I can offer can be of help. Follow my instagram page @passingthroughavegandoor to keep up to date 🌱