A listener wants to know if it's OK to always pick up a fussy, needy toddler who always wants to be held? Will this responsiveness perpetuate more neediness and get in the way of building independence? Another mom wants to know how to handle a particular attention-seeking behavior in her toddler once and for all that has waxed and waned for over a year.
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It's easy to get overwhelmed in the day-to-day. Pretty soon you're flying by the seat of your pants and can't seem to get your feet under you. How do you switch focus from constantly putting out fires to parenting with more intention? Then sometimes parenting in the short-term is just what the doctor ordered! How do we balance these two? In this episode I cover how to balance short and long term parenting, and relieve some pressure of what some parents think they need to focus on that actually makes life way harder in the short term that doesn't need to be.
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Toddlerhood is the first big push for independence and with that often comes defiance. How do we support independence while also setting healthy boundaries? One mom asks for some guidance on dealing with her toddler's defiance, while another asks about how to deal with her toddler's aggression in the form of pinching. Listen to learn how to deal with these two common toddler behaviors!
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AI is a fast developing area of technology that will soon touch almost every aspect of our lives. What do our kids need to know to leverage AI for success and not get left behind? AI can do a lot and will take over in many areas. But there are many things it cannot do as well as humans. Those who have the skills will poised to benefit greatly from the AI revolution. This episode covers what AI is, how it is currently being used, the future of AI and the skills our kids need to thrive in this new environment.
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Kids will refuse to do all kinds of things we ask of them, greeting others is only one of many! How do we first get to the reason and then guide based on both their feelings and level of comfort and our expectations for politeness or independence (depending on the situation?) Having expectations for behavior is good, but it can also be a fine line to walk, especially in some situations (such as greetings) Then how can a parent deal with ALL the hitting? All hitting channel, all the time! Listen to find out! If you have a question you'd like answered, send an email to [email protected]
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Discord between siblings is normal. But what do you do when it escalates to aggression or a level of conflict that is out of alignment with your family values? In this episode, I answer a question from a mom of toddlers about what's going on between her toddler and preschooler, why the behavior is happening, and how to fix it so everyone can feel safe and supported at home during their independent play.
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In last of this 3 part series, Erin dives deeper with examples and communication strategies that align with the goals of meeting children's needs for safety/security, and love and connection when dealing with adult issues that you may or may not decide to share with your children such as severe illness and death, adult relationship tension/strain, financial strain or other adult issues that a parent/parents are dealing with. The tactics illustrate exactly how to approach these types of concerns, what kids need most from us and how and what to consider in your unique situation, your values and your child's maturity and development.
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In this episode, Erin dives deeper with examples and communication strategies that align with the goals of meeting children's needs for love and connection and a strong sense of self/self-esteem when dealing with common issues such as lying and teaching apologies and empathy. The tactics illustrate exactly how to approach these types of concerns, what is happening in kids' minds when they lie, or struggle to apologize so you can guide in ways that are most effective in maintaining a loving bond and your child's self-esteem while helping them learn why and how to tell the truth and give a proper heart-felt apology.
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In this eye-opening episode, host Erin Royer offers wisdom to parents grappling with day-to-day struggles of parenting and/or deeper family difficulties. Understanding the delicacy of discussing such matters with children, Erin illuminates the path with child development insights and the 5 tiers of human needs, ensuring conversations are age-appropriate and nurturing. This episode is a guiding light for parents striving to foster connection, resilience, and understanding in their children during challenging times.
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Everyone has their own unique blend of strengths and challenges. Giving kids opportunities to work on strengths is easy. But knowing how to guide and help them improve on areas where they struggle is not always so easy. Whether it's working through big emotions, giving up too easily, academics, taking responsibility or anything else, you will gain valuable insights into how to guide your child through their challenges with warmth and confidence.
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I hate to see anyone, but especially caring parents, preyed upon by unscrupulous advertisers. I got ads for two products making some really bold promises to turn difficult parenting challenges into a breeze. I share these in this episode, the promises these companies make, why they are not legitimate and how to accomplish these two goals with actionable steps that are based in solid child development research.
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A mom wants to know how to help her son fix his bully situation. Should she/dad step in? Or is there a way to empower her son to handle it on his own and let them know he won't be a victim? It's often hard to know when we are overstepping and taking away an opportunity for our child to handle situations for themselves and when it's a good idea to step in and guide in a bigger way. I give my feedback on this situation, and talk about bullying on a deeper level, how to talk to kids about it and lessons we can all learn when our kids are faced with some unfortunate life challenges.
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Confidence is one of the biggest components of success in any endeavor. Parenting will throw so many challenges your way, how can you find and keep your confidence in your parenting? In this episode I share my journey in finding my confidence and how I get it back when a new challenge rocks my confidence in my parenting. I cover 3 examples of less common challenges I have faced and how to deal with less less common challenges that may not have the answers on every other blog, book or reel.
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Have you ever been to a gathering or a play date where you notice a child going above and beyond? The child is polite, thoughtful, and helpful and you wonder what the secret is? Do you want to make sure you are raising your kids with these values too? I have had these experiences and wanted to make sure my kids were the ones pitching in, inquiring how they can help, and using their best manners. In this episode, I cover tips for toddlers to teens, for raising polite, thoughtful, helpful kids that your friends and family will gush over, and ask you how you do that!
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You hear it all the time, "Kids will test your boundaries." "He's testing me!" "It's normal for kids to test the boundaries." In this episode, I cover testing from all different angles and scenarios and offer insight into what's happening and how to approach it so it doesn't turn into a battle of wills. I cover boundary testing, resistance, and lying.
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I took the highlights from 3 of my favorite parenting resolutions episodes to give you tips to get 2024 off to a great start! Learn tips for staying calm, gaining control of the chaos, and making lasting changes. Then Katy Joy Wells shares some very insightful tips for decluttering, getting kids engaged in clean-up, and playing with their toys longer!
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Holidays are often stressful, but throw a kid or two (or more!) into the mix and it can be downright insane! Whether you are new to parenting and it's your first holiday with a baby, or you have older kids, it's more people, more schedules, more presents, more needs to manage. Schedules get off, our diet gets off, travel, hosting, and packing in the holiday experiences all add to the fun but also the chaos. Here are 3 key areas where you can get proactive to minimize holiday stress.
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It's heartbreaking as a parent when you hear your child say kids are being mean at school or that they have no friends. A mom wrote in for guidance on how to help her 5-year-old daughter navigate these tricky waters of social connections at school. Erin covers 3 key areas where parents can coach and prepare kids, and when and how to step in to improve your child's social experiences at school, along with some really important information about social development that can help parents help their kids.
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Erin gives guidance along with some very specific tips to a mom struggling with her 8-year-old's rude and disrespectful behavior. Fixing our patterns of relating can be challenging, but these tips give clear direction and insight into how to tackle this common problem.
Also, there are some big, exciting changes in the pipeline that Erin can't wait to reveal! Follow on Instagram at yourvillageonline or on Facebook at /YourVillageInc to get updates on everything that's coming up!
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Kids don't need perfect parents. We all make mistakes. We will all act before we think sometimes. It's OK. I messed up this week. I didn't show up as the best version of myself for my daughter when she was looking to me for support. It's a perfect example of how we are all human and have human moments. I share this experience with you and how I re-connected with her after I realized my mistake. Kids don't need perfect parents but they learn so much from how we handle being human.
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