We clown, break down, and talk all things Taylor!
Is listening to Taylor Swift your favorite way to get by? Join Ryan and Molly, two best friends who love talking about Taylor’s music. They’ll keep you up to date on the latest news, easter eggs, and Reputation (Taylor’s Version) theories. Tune in for everything from lyrical analysis to the best pop culture moments from the icon that is Taylor Swift.
***This page is in no way related to or endorsed by Taylor Swift, her companies, or record labels. All opinions are our own.***
Copyright © 2024 Brelson Media, LLC All Rights Reserved. All original content featured on this page is owned and controlled by Brelson Media LLC. -
Go behind the memes with Stefanie Parker (@shesallbach) and Jackie Maroney (@jackiemaroney_) as they discuss The Bachelor franchise and the drama that surrounds it. Listen for real life encounters, interviews with alumni, recaps, reality TV news, and so much more. Plus, every Friday, join in for Sound Off in the Comments Below, where the listeners submit pop culture questions and topics.
Jennifer and Katie give their honest opinions on trending events in pop culture and do real interviews with real people on life topics everyone is wondering about. These best friends don’t hold back. If you’re over cancelled culture and want to hear what everyone is thinking but too afraid to say, listen here! Riveting stuff everyone!
You are entering The Danger Zone with TED NUGENT & TIM WELLS. Come along if you dare, to the uncharted territory of The Danger Zone!
It’s a fire breathing celebration of truth, logic and commonsense with the czar of wit & wisdom, the one and only TED NUGENT, along with his hell-raising sidekick,
TIM WELLS. They’ll be your guides on the intellectual road less traveled, as they power-drive into uncharted critical thinking, bludgeoning all things status quo and
gutting the embarrassing scourge of political correctness.
You’ve never heard a podcast like this before! So buckle up buttercup... and hang on for the ride! -
Season 8 opens with a Brand New name for the show that tells it like it is. Previously, SOMETHING came from Baltimore and JAZZ 101 at WEAA-FM, Tom Gouker is your Host who brings you 15% more entertainment: Interviews with your Favorite Artists, Top 10 Countdowns, Why is it Good? Album Reviews...and a desire to find new and fresh music around the world. And, as a Bonus sometimes we chat with Baltimore Musicians who are the Best in the Country! Found on All Podcast Flatforms.
Tom Gouker is also a Co-Host of another wonderful podcast about The Beatles titled, The Beatles Come to America! -
The Playful Musician dives deep into a musician’s journey, techniques and influences. From the first instrument they played to how they prepare for big concerts or recordings to how they find joy in the long practice hours, this podcast reveals the beautiful, and peculiar, details of an artist’s journey.
Whether you’re an aspiring musician looking for inspiration, a seasoned pro trying to find new techniques, or just a fan of the musical process, you’re going to love this podcast. -
Zig at the gig is a long-form interview-style show. The host Dave Deitke is a full-time Musician from Cleveland, OH. Who plays in an original band called C-level and teaches an adapted music class. Zig at the gig started as a podcast for Negative Space, a non-profit art gallery, promoting events and artists from the galley. The show has grown to include all facets of entertainment, including artist authors and musicians.
Jakop Janssønn er en trommeslager, komponist og produsent som har jobbet for og med en rekke samiske artister og joikere.
Etter hvert har han undret seg over hvor hans egen måte å forstå rytmikk kommer fra, i møte med joik.
Han har også som lytter undret seg over hvorfor noen bandkonstellasjoner fungerer bedre enn andre i møte med joik.
Kan man tufte sitt trommespill på noe mer enn sin egen opplevelse av samisk musikk?
Finnes det skjulte rytmer, rytmekonsepter eller en trommetradisjon i samisk kultur som ennå ikke er belyst, beskrevet eller tatt fram i lyset?
Og kan man ved søken finne en samspills-tradisjon i møte med joiken?
I denne podcasten prøver Jakop Janssønn å finne svar på disse spørsmålene ved å intervjue mennesker med kompetanse, innsikt og erfaring innenfor samisk kultur.
Foto: Knut Åserud
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.