„Tatort Deutschland“ ist der wöchentliche True Crime Podcast aus Deutschlands größter Polizeiredaktion. Farina Kirmse, Mirko Kasimir und Stefan Netzebandt präsentieren Morde, Serienverbrechen und Cold Cases aus der Nachrichtenredaktion von BILD - Deutschlands größter Zeitung. Unterstützt werden sie dabei von Polizeireportern, Redakteuren, Experten und Augenzeugen.
Vom Mord im Spandauer Forst über das Leichenpuzzle von Freckenhorst bis zu blutigen Rockerkriegen: „Tatort Deutschland“ erzählt spektakuläre Fälle ausführlich – aber ohne Geschwafel!
Jeden Dienstag gibt es eine neue Folge! Abonniere den Podcast auf Deiner Podcastplattform und verpasse so keine neue Folge mehr! -
Was ist Narzissmus? In diesem Podcast, werde ich Sie gerne mitnehmen auf dem Weg des Narzissmus. Narzissmus ist eine psychische Störung, bei der Menschen ein übersteigertes Gefühl der eigenen Wichtigkeit, ein tiefes Bedürfnis nach Bewunderung und einen Mangel an Empathie besitzen. Die narzisstische Persönlichkeitsstörung ist insbesondere durch Selbstüberschätzung gekennzeichnet.
Hey y’all! We are a husband and wife team from Louisiana that discuss murder, mystery, and mayhem with a southern twist!
We cover true crime throughout the South, so pull up a rocking chair, grab your mason jar full of sweet tea, and sit for a spell while we chit chat, and laugh some about this crazy world we live in. If you are ok with some banter and a few well placed f-bombs, you are in the right place and we are glad you are here!
Now if banter and cussing are not for you and you just want us to get to the point, check out our weekly release ”A Little Less Mess” where we cover the same stories but with no added chit chat or humor. -
يتقصى بودكاست «أحراز» جرائم حقيقية ويكشف عن ملابساتها.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
burak bir true crime fanı. suçluları iyi tanıyor ve onların hikayelerini paylaşıyor. ufuk ise hiç suçlu hikayesi bilmeyen bir dinleyici. kahvelerini yudumlarken suçluların hayatlarına çomak sokuyorlar, iyice karıştırıyorlar ve gıyaplarında atıp tutuyorlar. bizi desteklerseniz çok seviniriz!
patreon özel bölümlerimiz:
#1 maurizio gucci cinayeti
#2 brian barrett cinayeti
#3 abdullah aksoy
#4 elena steinberg cinayeti
#5 conrad roy'un ölümü
#6 palu ailesi
#7 orhan aksoy
tüm linklerimiz: -
Tommy Zeigler has been on death row for 42 years and for more than half that time, he’s been trying to convince the state of Florida to allow for DNA tests that might help exonerate him. But the state continually refuses. About 20 other men are in a similar situation, imprisoned in Florida since the 1970s or ’80s and arguing that it’s inherently unfair to deny them access to 21st century science. Leonora LaPeter Anton, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for the Tampa Bay Times, and photographer Cherie Diez have followed the case for years. In 2018, they traveled around Florida and into Georgia to interview dozens of people, some involved in the police work or prosecution, others who believe in Zeigler’s innocence.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Gerçek suçları anlatıyorum
IG: @bilinmezintasviri
İletişim: [email protected] -
Welcome to The Wyrd Sisters, a podcast for the morbidly curious. Featuring three crones trapped in the prematurely creaky bodies of twenty-something year olds, every fortnight we tell one another a disturbing tale linked by a single creepy theme. We cover everything from bizarre legends to harrowing true crimes. Please note this podcast contains mature content.
مرحبًا بكم في بودكاست، في هذا البودكاست، سنستكشف قصص حقيقية للإهتمام تتعلق بجرائم القتل،السرقة،و غيرها من الأعمال الإجرامية في العالم العربي، أنضموا إلينا لتكونوا أول المستمعين و المستمتعين.
فريق العمل:حصه الدحام،امل مشيخي،سارا العدواني،مها الحربي،عبدالله العمران،
تحت اشراف:هديل الطسوس -
Become a Paid Subscriber: a Paid Subscriber: One - Child Killers Adan Canela, Parlicarpio Espinoza & Unsolved Destiny Harrison