Time Stamps:
3:55 - Dark MAGA/War is a Racket
16:37 - U.S. Bombs Yemen
37:38 - New Israeli Army Chief: "2025 Year of War with Iran"
48:21 - Extremist Zionist Group Targets Free Speech
1:01:36 - Udo Ulfkotte: 'Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News'
1:06:05 - Colonel Douglas Macgregor
1:17:55 - The U.S. Agency for Global Media Dismantled
1:25:11 - Jose Joins TMD
1:35:00 - Hunter Biden's South African Getaway
1:52:08 - Atlanta Child Murders
Welcome to The Morning Dump, where we dive headfirst into the deep end of the pool of current events, conspiracy, and everything in between. Join us for a no-holds-barred look at the week's hottest topics, where we flush away the fluff and get straight to the substance.
Check out nadeaushaveco.com today & use code Jose for 10% off your entire order!!!
Please consider supporting my work-
Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/nowayjose2020
Only costs $2/month and will get you access to episodes earlier than the public
No Way, Jose! Rumble Channel- https://rumble.com/c/c-3379274
No Way, Jose! YouTube Channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCzyrpy3eo37eiRTq0cXff0g
My Podcast Host- https://redcircle.com/shows/no-way-jose
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-way-jose/id1546040443
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUIH4pZ0tM1UxARxPe6Th
Stitcher- https://www.stitcher.com/show/no-way-jose-2
Amazon Music- https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/41237e28-c365-491c-9a31-2c6ef874d89d/No-Way-Jose
Google Podcasts- https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2ZkM2JkYTE3LTg2OTEtNDc5Ny05Mzc2LTc1M2ExZTE4NGQ5Yw%3D%3D
RadioPublic- https://radiopublic.com/no-way-jose-6p1BAO Vurbl- https://vurbl.com/station/4qHi6pyWP9B/
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Austin's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-underclass-podcast--6511540
Austin's Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheUnderclassPodcast
#DarkMAGA #WarIsARacket #USBombsYemen #YemenUnderAttack #IsraelIranWar #ZionistCensorship #FreeSpeechThreat #JournalistsForHire #CIAMediaControl #UdoUlfkotte #ColDouglasMacgregor #USAGMDismantled #HunterBidenGetaway #AtlantaChildMurders #WayneWilliams -
Time Stamps:
4:15 - Israel/Gaza Update
9:30 - More on Going After College "Antisemitism"
19:00 - Odessa Fire Massacre
29:40 - Devil's Brigade
43:20 - Yeakey Didn't Kill Himself
Welcome to The Morning Dump, where we dive headfirst into the deep end of the pool of current events, conspiracy, and everything in between. Join us for a no-holds-barred look at the week's hottest topics, where we flush away the fluff and get straight to the substance.
Check out nadeaushaveco.com today & use code Jose for 10% off your entire order!!!
Please consider supporting my work-
Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/nowayjose2020
Only costs $2/month and will get you access to episodes earlier than the public
No Way, Jose! Rumble Channel- https://rumble.com/c/c-3379274
No Way, Jose! YouTube Channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCzyrpy3eo37eiRTq0cXff0g
My Podcast Host- https://redcircle.com/shows/no-way-jose
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-way-jose/id1546040443
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUIH4pZ0tM1UxARxPe6Th
Stitcher- https://www.stitcher.com/show/no-way-jose-2
Amazon Music- https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/41237e28-c365-491c-9a31-2c6ef874d89d/No-Way-Jose
Google Podcasts- https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2ZkM2JkYTE3LTg2OTEtNDc5Ny05Mzc2LTc1M2ExZTE4NGQ5Yw%3D%3D
RadioPublic- https://radiopublic.com/no-way-jose-6p1BAO Vurbl- https://vurbl.com/station/4qHi6pyWP9B/
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Austin's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-underclass-podcast--6511540
Austin's Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheUnderclassPodcast
#GazaIsrael #IsraelGazaConflict #GazaWar #IsraelPalestine #Odessa2014 #OdessaTradeUnionFire #2014OdessaTragedy #OdessaFire #WWIIDevilsBrigade #DevilsBrigade #FirstSpecialServiceForce #WWIIEliteUnit #1AAntisemitism #FirstAmendmentAttacks #Antisemitism1A #FreeSpeechVsHate #MitchellWerBell #WerBellIII #SilencerPioneer #MercenaryLife -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Time Stamps:
19:20 - Who is Ian Carrol's Dad?
23:00 - Person Who Dared to Do Diplomacy with Hamas Likely to Be Fired
36:10 - Ukraine/Russia Ceasefire Talks
41:00 - Russia Pulls Off Crazy Special Forces Maneuver
53:25 - His Name is Jack Texeira
1:03:50 - Demyan Ganul Assassination
1:15:05 - No More Taxes For Us Poors!
1:28:00 - InfoWars Narrative Theater
1:44:30 - Massie Vs Trump & the Js
Welcome to The Morning Dump, where we dive headfirst into the deep end of the pool of current events, conspiracy, and everything in between. Join us for a no-holds-barred look at the week's hottest topics, where we flush away the fluff and get straight to the substance.
Check out nadeaushaveco.com today & use code Jose for 10% off your entire order!!!
Please consider supporting my work-
Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/nowayjose2020
Only costs $2/month and will get you access to episodes earlier than the public
No Way, Jose! Rumble Channel- https://rumble.com/c/c-3379274
No Way, Jose! YouTube Channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCzyrpy3eo37eiRTq0cXff0g
My Podcast Host- https://redcircle.com/shows/no-way-jose
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-way-jose/id1546040443
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUIH4pZ0tM1UxARxPe6Th
Stitcher- https://www.stitcher.com/show/no-way-jose-2
Amazon Music- https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/41237e28-c365-491c-9a31-2c6ef874d89d/No-Way-Jose
Google Podcasts- https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2ZkM2JkYTE3LTg2OTEtNDc5Ny05Mzc2LTc1M2ExZTE4NGQ5Yw%3D%3D
RadioPublic- https://radiopublic.com/no-way-jose-6p1BAO Vurbl- https://vurbl.com/station/4qHi6pyWP9B/
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Austin's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-underclass-podcast--6511540
Austin's Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheUnderclassPodcast
#JackTexeira #TexeiraLeaks #NationalGuardLeaks #TexeiraTruth #WhistleblowerTexeira #YeakeyDidntKillHimself #TerryYeakey #YeakeyTruth #JusticeForYeakey #YeakeyConspiracy #AntisemitismTrump #TrumpAdminPurge #JewsInTrumpAdmin #AntisemitismScandal #TrumpJobLoss #InfluencerSwatting #SwattingAttacks #ProtectInfluencers #SwattingCrisis #InfluencersTargeted -
Dive into the shadowy depths of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) in the third installment of our gripping series on "No Way, Jose!" In episode "NWJ 463- Pt 3 of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation w/Jacob J," host Jose Galison unravels the unsettling connections between the FMSF Board and a web of suspicious doctors tied to government projects, including the infamous MK-ULTRA program. This episode zeroes in on the Jonestown massacre and the pivotal role of Dr. Margaret Singer, a figure whose work and affiliations raise chilling questions about mind control, manipulation, and the suppression of traumatic memories. With fresh insights and meticulous research, we peel back the layers of this controversial organization and its lingering influence.
Joining Jose is special guest Jacob, host of the "Rise to Liberty" podcast, who brings his sharp perspective and passion for uncovering hidden truths to the conversation. Together, they explore how the FMSF’s narrative intersects with Jonestown’s tragic legacy and Dr. Singer’s complex legacy as a psychologist with ties to CIA-funded research. Expect a riveting discussion that challenges official accounts and digs into the murky intersections of psychology, power, and conspiracy. Tune in to "No Way, Jose!" for a thought-provoking journey that will leave you questioning the boundaries of memory and control.
Check out nadeaushaveco.com today & use code Jose for 10% off your entire order!!!
Please consider supporting my work-
Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/nowayjose2020
Only costs $2/month and will get you access to episodes earlier than the public
No Way, Jose! Rumble Channel- https://rumble.com/c/c-3379274
No Way, Jose! YouTube Channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCzyrpy3eo37eiRTq0cXff0g
My Podcast Host- https://redcircle.com/shows/no-way-jose
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-way-jose/id1546040443
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUIH4pZ0tM1UxARxPe6Th
Stitcher- https://www.stitcher.com/show/no-way-jose-2
Amazon Music- https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/41237e28-c365-491c-9a31-2c6ef874d89d/No-Way-Jose
Google Podcasts- https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2ZkM2JkYTE3LTg2OTEtNDc5Ny05Mzc2LTc1M2ExZTE4NGQ5Yw%3D%3D
RadioPublic- https://radiopublic.com/no-way-jose-6p1BAO
Vurbl- https://vurbl.com/station/4qHi6pyWP9B/
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
#FalseMemorySyndrome #FMSF #MKULTRA #Jonestown #MargaretSinger #MindControl #ConspiracyPodcast #NoWayJosePodcast #RiseToLiberty #GovernmentSecrets #PsychologyConspiracy #TraumaAndMemory #CIAConnections #MemoryManipulation #PodcastSeries #TrueCrimeConspiracy #HiddenHistory #DrMargaretSinger #JonestownMassacre #UncoveringTruth -
11:00 - Dan Davis Gets Slapped from Deputy DNI Position Due to Good Israel Takes
20:42 - US Involved with Israel in Duplicitous Deal
27:45 - NGO Immigrant Railroad
42:10 - Is BJ Penn Losing His Mind?
45:25 - Who is Mahmoud Khalil?
56:15 - Iranian Assassination Plot Judicial Shenanigans
1:04:12 - InfoWars' Deadly Drama
1:20:00 - InfoWars Employee Murdered
Welcome to The Morning Dump, where we dive headfirst into the deep end of the pool of current events, conspiracy, and everything in between. Join us for a no-holds-barred look at the week's hottest topics, where we flush away the fluff and get straight to the substance.
Check out nadeaushaveco.com today & use code Jose for 10% off your entire order!!!
Please consider supporting my work-
Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/nowayjose2020
Only costs $2/month and will get you access to episodes earlier than the public
No Way, Jose! Rumble Channel- https://rumble.com/c/c-3379274
No Way, Jose! YouTube Channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCzyrpy3eo37eiRTq0cXff0g
My Podcast Host- https://redcircle.com/shows/no-way-jose
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-way-jose/id1546040443
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUIH4pZ0tM1UxARxPe6Th
Stitcher- https://www.stitcher.com/show/no-way-jose-2
Amazon Music- https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/41237e28-c365-491c-9a31-2c6ef874d89d/No-Way-Jose
Google Podcasts- https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2ZkM2JkYTE3LTg2OTEtNDc5Ny05Mzc2LTc1M2ExZTE4NGQ5Yw%3D%3D
RadioPublic- https://radiopublic.com/no-way-jose-6p1BAO Vurbl- https://vurbl.com/station/4qHi6pyWP9B/
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Austin's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-underclass-podcast--6511540
Austin's Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheUnderclassPodcast
#NGOUndergroundRailroad #IllegalImmigrantAid #MigrantSupportNetwork #UndergroundRailroad2025 #WhoIsMahmoudKhalil #MahmoudKhalilActivist #PalestinianAdvocate #ColumbiaProtests #IranAssassinationPlots #IranianConspiracy #PresidentialThreats #IRGCPlots #TerranceYeakeyTruth #YeakeyMystery #OklahomaCityQuestions #TerranceYeakeyLegacy #ImmigrantRights #NGOMigrantHelp #IranianIntrigue #JusticeForYeakey -
Time Stamps:
7:30 - Trump Administration Throws Out 1A Due to "Antisemitism"
34:55 - Ukraine Aid Resumes/ Potential Ceasefire In Work
39:52 - MAGA Goes After Massie Due to Their Own Disastrous Spending
55:10 - Gray Suit Man at Butler Assassination Attempt (Technical Difficulties in This Segment)
1:04:30 - Epstein Prosecutions?
1:17:00 - Whitmer Fednapping Informant CHS File Revealed
Welcome to The Morning Dump, where we dive headfirst into the deep end of the pool of current events, conspiracy, and everything in between. Join us for a no-holds-barred look at the week's hottest topics, where we flush away the fluff and get straight to the substance.
Check out nadeaushaveco.com today & use code Jose for 10% off your entire order!!!
Please consider supporting my work-
Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/nowayjose2020
Only costs $2/month and will get you access to episodes earlier than the public
No Way, Jose! Rumble Channel- https://rumble.com/c/c-3379274
No Way, Jose! YouTube Channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCzyrpy3eo37eiRTq0cXff0g
My Podcast Host- https://redcircle.com/shows/no-way-jose
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-way-jose/id1546040443
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUIH4pZ0tM1UxARxPe6Th
Stitcher- https://www.stitcher.com/show/no-way-jose-2
Amazon Music- https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/41237e28-c365-491c-9a31-2c6ef874d89d/No-Way-Jose
Google Podcasts- https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2ZkM2JkYTE3LTg2OTEtNDc5Ny05Mzc2LTc1M2ExZTE4NGQ5Yw%3D%3D
RadioPublic- https://radiopublic.com/no-way-jose-6p1BAO Vurbl- https://vurbl.com/station/4qHi6pyWP9B/
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Austin's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-underclass-podcast--6511540
Austin's Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheUnderclassPodcast
#Trump1AFumble #TrumpSpendingFail #1stAmendmentTrump #TrumpBudgetBlunder #FreeSpeechTrump #EpsteinJustice #ProsecuteEpstein #EpsteinFiles #EpsteinCoverup #JusticeForVictims #WhitmerFednapping #WhitmerPlot #InformantReveal #FednappingFiles #WhitmerConspiracy #MassieVsMAGA #ThomasMassieFight #MAGACritics #MassieStandsAlone #MAGAClash -
Time Stamps:
3:15 - The Gang Goes On TFH
7:45 - Ian Carroll On Rogan
24:28 - Totalitarian Technocracy
29:00 - The Weekly Dump
37:05 - Diddy Co-Conspirators
57:00 - Ukraine Child Trafficking
1:09:28 - Blood Moons/Blood Rituals
1:11:15 - Jules Occult Deity Breakdown
1:21:25 - Call-in Segment
Venture into the shadowy realms of power and secrecy with Already Dead, where hosts Jose Galison (@towergangjose) and Austin Picard (@theatrethugawp) dissect the intricate web of conspiracy, covert operations, and the underlying political machinations that might just be pulling the strings of our society.
What to Expect:
Live Listener Interaction: Call in to share your theories, ask burning questions, or discuss personal experiences related to the topics at hand.
In-Depth Explorations: Each episode focuses on a different conspiracy or hidden aspect of political history, offering a platform to question and analyze what's often left unsaid.
Thought-Provoking Guests: We invite individuals with insider knowledge or those who've taken the red pill to discuss topics that range from the fringe to the forefront of conspiracy culture.
Critical Analysis of Current Affairs: We don't just report on events; we interpret them through the lens of parapolitics, looking for patterns and hidden agendas.
Join Us: Every Tuesday at 9:30 PM ET, dive into the depths of the unknown with us. Subscribe, participate in our live call-ins, and be part of a community that seeks to understand the world beyond the surface narrative.
Disclaimer: This podcast thrives on speculation, hypothesis, and the examination of alternative theories. It's meant to provoke thought and encourage personal research. Not all discussed is proven fact, but rather a call to question, explore, and understand. Warning: For those not ready to challenge their worldview, tread carefully. Once you enter the world of Already Dead, you might find that the truth is often already dead to the uninitiated. Welcome aboard, where curiosity is your guide.
Check out nadeaushaveco.com today & use code Jose for 10% off your entire order!!!
Please consider supporting my work- Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/nowayjose2020
Only costs $2/month and will get you access to episodes earlier than the public
No Way, Jose! Rumble Channel- https://rumble.com/c/c-3379274
No Way, Jose! YouTube Channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCzyrpy3eo37eiRTq0cXff0g
My Podcast Host- https://redcircle.com/shows/no-way-jose
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-way-jose/id1546040443
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUIH4pZ0tM1UxARxPe6Th
Stitcher- https://www.stitcher.com/show/no-way-jose-2
Amazon Music- https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/41237e28-c365-491c-9a31-2c6ef874d89d/No-Way-Jose
Google Podcasts- https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2ZkM2JkYTE3LTg2OTEtNDc5Ny05Mzc2LTc1M2ExZTE4NGQ5Yw%3D%3D
RadioPublic- https://radiopublic.com/no-way-jose-6p1BAO Vurbl- https://vurbl.com/station/4qHi6pyWP9B/
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
#UnlimitedHangouts #TotalitarianTechnocracy #DiddyCoConspirators #SNLBloodRituals #LadyGaga #BloodMoons #LamashtuDemonGoddess #MesopotamianMythology #PizzaGate #GovernmentShutdowns #TrumpVsMassie #TechnocracyTakeover #LamashtuLore #CryptoCurrency #DigitalDollar #MarinaAbramovic #MauiFires #VegasShooting #UkraineChildTrafficking -
Time Stamps:
3:20 - Syria in Crisis
26:44 - Sheng Thao Corruption
45:55 - Netanyahu Throws Ehud Under Epstein Bus
1:05:45 - Is There a Coup Against Netanyahu?
1:17:25 - Influencers Run Cover for Epstein
1:29:30 - Cambridge Brothel Hearings
Welcome to The Morning Dump, where we dive headfirst into the deep end of the pool of current events, conspiracy, and everything in between. Join us for a no-holds-barred look at the week's hottest topics, where we flush away the fluff and get straight to the substance.
Check out nadeaushaveco.com today & use code Jose for 10% off your entire order!!!
Please consider supporting my work-
Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/nowayjose2020
Only costs $2/month and will get you access to episodes earlier than the public
No Way, Jose! Rumble Channel- https://rumble.com/c/c-3379274
No Way, Jose! YouTube Channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCzyrpy3eo37eiRTq0cXff0g
My Podcast Host- https://redcircle.com/shows/no-way-jose
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-way-jose/id1546040443
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUIH4pZ0tM1UxARxPe6Th
Stitcher- https://www.stitcher.com/show/no-way-jose-2
Amazon Music- https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/41237e28-c365-491c-9a31-2c6ef874d89d/No-Way-Jose
Google Podcasts- https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2ZkM2JkYTE3LTg2OTEtNDc5Ny05Mzc2LTc1M2ExZTE4NGQ5Yw%3D%3D
RadioPublic- https://radiopublic.com/no-way-jose-6p1BAO Vurbl- https://vurbl.com/station/4qHi6pyWP9B/
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Austin's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-underclass-podcast--6511540
Austin's Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheUnderclassPodcast
#SyriaSlaughter #SyrianConflict #SyriaCrisis #WarInSyria #SyriaViolence #ShengThao #OaklandMayor #ThaoIndictment #KeyWitness #OaklandScandal #Netanyahu #EhudBarak #EpsteinConnection #IsraelPolitics #NetanyahuEpstein #EpsteinCoverUp #InfluencersEpstein #EpsteinScandal #MediaCover #EpsteinTruth -
Time Stamps:
5:19 - Witkoff on Trump Response to Hamas
18:25 - New Israeli Army Chief Drafting Plan to Restart Gaza Bombing
23:35 - State Department to Use AI to Revoke VISAs of "Pro-Hamas" Students
28:35 - Starship Explosion
32:01 - Pam Bondi Prioritizes Antisemitism Over Epstein Justice
34:51 - Glowie Weinstein
48:29 - SBF on Effective Altruism
1:01:37 - Bass to Face Recall?
1:07:02 - Bass' Dark Past
1:13:30 - DOGE Discovers CIA Blacksite
Welcome to The Morning Dump, where we dive headfirst into the deep end of the pool of current events, conspiracy, and everything in between. Join us for a no-holds-barred look at the week's hottest topics, where we flush away the fluff and get straight to the substance.
Check out nadeaushaveco.com today & use code Jose for 10% off your entire order!!!
Please consider supporting my work-
Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/nowayjose2020
Only costs $2/month and will get you access to episodes earlier than the public
No Way, Jose! Rumble Channel- https://rumble.com/c/c-3379274
No Way, Jose! YouTube Channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCzyrpy3eo37eiRTq0cXff0g
My Podcast Host- https://redcircle.com/shows/no-way-jose
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-way-jose/id1546040443
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUIH4pZ0tM1UxARxPe6Th
Stitcher- https://www.stitcher.com/show/no-way-jose-2
Amazon Music- https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/41237e28-c365-491c-9a31-2c6ef874d89d/No-Way-Jose
Google Podcasts- https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2ZkM2JkYTE3LTg2OTEtNDc5Ny05Mzc2LTc1M2ExZTE4NGQ5Yw%3D%3D
RadioPublic- https://radiopublic.com/no-way-jose-6p1BAO Vurbl- https://vurbl.com/station/4qHi6pyWP9B/
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Austin's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-underclass-podcast--6511540
Austin's Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheUnderclassPodcast
#StarshipExplosionFL #FloridaStarshipFail #SpaceXCrashFL #StarshipBoom #PamBondiEpstein #BondiAntisemitism #EpsteinListDelay #BondiDistraction #SBFEAltruism #SamBankmanFraud #EffectiveAltruismScam #SBFEthics #LAMayorRecall #LAMayorScandal #RecallShadyMayor #LAMayorPast #CIABlacksiteVA #VirginiaCIASecret #CIABlacksiteReveal #VAShadowOps -
In Episode 457 of No Way, Jose!, host Jose Galison welcomes philosopher and cultural theorist Steven DeLay for a deep dive into the iconic first season of True Detective. Together, they unravel the layers of this gritty masterpiece, exploring its philosophical underpinnings, narrative brilliance, and haunting aesthetic. With DeLay’s keen eye for how culture is engineered, the conversation takes a fresh approach, dissecting the show’s portrayal of human nature, morality, and existential dread against the backdrop of a decaying American South. Fans of the series and newcomers alike will find plenty to chew on as Jose and Steven connect the dots between Rust Cohle’s brooding nihilism and the broader forces shaping our world.
But it doesn’t stop at surface-level analysis. True to the No Way, Jose! spirit, Jose and Steven venture into the parapolitical shadows that echo through True Detective’s eerie storyline. From conspiracies of power to the hidden hands steering society, they explore how the show’s cultish mysteries and institutional corruption might reflect more than just fiction. With DeLay’s philosophical rigor and Galison’s knack for sniffing out the unseen, this episode offers a mind-bending blend of cultural critique and speculative intrigue. Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion that’ll leave you questioning the nature of truth—both onscreen and off.
Check out nadeaushaveco.com today & use code Jose for 10% off your entire order!!!
Please consider supporting my work-
Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/nowayjose2020
Only costs $2/month and will get you access to episodes earlier than the public
No Way, Jose! Rumble Channel- https://rumble.com/c/c-3379274
No Way, Jose! YouTube Channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCzyrpy3eo37eiRTq0cXff0g
My Podcast Host- https://redcircle.com/shows/no-way-jose
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-way-jose/id1546040443
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUIH4pZ0tM1UxARxPe6Th
Stitcher- https://www.stitcher.com/show/no-way-jose-2
Amazon Music- https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/41237e28-c365-491c-9a31-2c6ef874d89d/No-Way-Jose
Google Podcasts- https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2ZkM2JkYTE3LTg2OTEtNDc5Ny05Mzc2LTc1M2ExZTE4NGQ5Yw%3D%3D
RadioPublic- https://radiopublic.com/no-way-jose-6p1BAO
Vurbl- https://vurbl.com/station/4qHi6pyWP9B/
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
#NoWayJosePodcast #NWJ457 #TrueDetective #TrueDetectiveS1 #StevenDeLay #JoseGalison #PhilosophyPodcast #CultureEngineered #Parapolitics #RustCohle #ExistentialDread #AmericanSouth #ConspiracyTalk #CulturalCritique #PodcastAnalysis #MysteryUnraveled #PowerAndCorruption #PhilosophicalDeepDive #TrueCrimeVibes #MindBlown -
Time Stamps:
9:59 - Trump Threatens All Gazans
23:44 - Russia Assists With Iran/US Relations
26:07 - US Engaged in Direct Diplomacy with Hamas
33:45 - OKC Bombing on Rogan
1:09:35 - Israel Spying on US
1:10:34 - Trump Implies Democrats Supports Child Trafficking
1:14:02 - Is Ian Carrol a Fed?
Welcome to The Morning Dump, where we dive headfirst into the deep end of the pool of current events, conspiracy, and everything in between. Join us for a no-holds-barred look at the week's hottest topics, where we flush away the fluff and get straight to the substance.
Check out nadeaushaveco.com today & use code Jose for 10% off your entire order!!!
Please consider supporting my work-
Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/nowayjose2020
Only costs $2/month and will get you access to episodes earlier than the public
No Way, Jose! Rumble Channel- https://rumble.com/c/c-3379274
No Way, Jose! YouTube Channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCzyrpy3eo37eiRTq0cXff0g
My Podcast Host- https://redcircle.com/shows/no-way-jose
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-way-jose/id1546040443
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUIH4pZ0tM1UxARxPe6Th
Stitcher- https://www.stitcher.com/show/no-way-jose-2
Amazon Music- https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/41237e28-c365-491c-9a31-2c6ef874d89d/No-Way-Jose
Google Podcasts- https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2ZkM2JkYTE3LTg2OTEtNDc5Ny05Mzc2LTc1M2ExZTE4NGQ5Yw%3D%3D
RadioPublic- https://radiopublic.com/no-way-jose-6p1BAO Vurbl- https://vurbl.com/station/4qHi6pyWP9B/
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Austin's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-underclass-podcast--6511540
Austin's Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheUnderclassPodcast
#OKBOMB #RoganOKBOMB #JoeRoganBomb #OKBOMBTalk #IsraelSpying #SpyingOnUS #IsraelUSSpy #USIsraelLeak #LAMayorRecall #RecallLAMayor #KarenBassRecall #LAMayorOut #RoganTalks #ConspiracyChat #USSecrets #SpyScandal #RecallNews #PoliticalDump #MorningDump #XTruth -
Time Stamps:
4:15 - Ukraine for Peace?
18:25 - Russia Offers Help in US/Iran Diplomacy
22:30 - Arab League Offers Excellent Gaza Deal. US/Israel Swiftly Reject It.
32:00 - Possible International Economic Restructuring?
41:00 - Trump Administration on Antisemitism
47:41 - Luigi Naughty Tapes
55:00 - Deep State Vs Christianity
1:00:01 - Lone Wolf Glowie Gun Store
1:04:45 - Israeli Media Bias in UK
1:16:40 - Secretary of Education Executes Final Mission
1:19:25 - Elites Cash-In Via Fake Charities
1:22:59 - United Health Group Law Suit Looking to Fizzle Out
Welcome to The Morning Dump, where we dive headfirst into the deep end of the pool of current events, conspiracy, and everything in between. Join us for a no-holds-barred look at the week's hottest topics, where we flush away the fluff and get straight to the substance.
Check out nadeaushaveco.com today & use code Jose for 10% off your entire order!!!
Please consider supporting my work-
Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/nowayjose2020
Only costs $2/month and will get you access to episodes earlier than the public
No Way, Jose! Rumble Channel- https://rumble.com/c/c-3379274
No Way, Jose! YouTube Channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCzyrpy3eo37eiRTq0cXff0g
My Podcast Host- https://redcircle.com/shows/no-way-jose
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-way-jose/id1546040443
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUIH4pZ0tM1UxARxPe6Th
Stitcher- https://www.stitcher.com/show/no-way-jose-2
Amazon Music- https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/41237e28-c365-491c-9a31-2c6ef874d89d/No-Way-Jose
Google Podcasts- https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2ZkM2JkYTE3LTg2OTEtNDc5Ny05Mzc2LTc1M2ExZTE4NGQ5Yw%3D%3D
RadioPublic- https://radiopublic.com/no-way-jose-6p1BAO Vurbl- https://vurbl.com/station/4qHi6pyWP9B/
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Austin's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-underclass-podcast--6511540
Austin's Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheUnderclassPodcast
#RussiaUkraineWar #UkraineConflict #RussiaInvades #IsraelGaza #GazaUnderAttack #IsraelHamas #LuigiMangione #MangioneTapes #SexTapeScandal #FastAndFurious #FedOpGuns #GunStoreSting #DeepState #ChristianityVsDeepState #DeepStateConspiracy #ProIsraelBias #IsraelMedia #JournalismBias #MediaForIsrael #TruthInReporting -
Time Stamps:
3:48 - 'The Weekly Dump'
8:25 - Truckload of Epstein Files (REDACTED)
11:48 - Is JD Vance Gay?
15:22 - BlackRock's Authoritarian Vision
24:35 - RFK Jr./HHS Ends Anti-Semitism
35:07 - Cemex Ties to Child Trafficking
48:54 - Was Mother Teresa a child trafficker?
54:40 - The Eye of the Chickenhawk
1:03:38 - PEDO Symbology
1:08:07 - The Odyssey Foundation
1:20:20 - Seth Rich's Suspicious Death
Venture into the shadowy realms of power and secrecy with Already Dead, where hosts Jose Galison (@towergangjose) and Austin Picard (@theatrethugawp) dissect the intricate web of conspiracy, covert operations, and the underlying political machinations that might just be pulling the strings of our society.
What to Expect:
Live Listener Interaction: Call in to share your theories, ask burning questions, or discuss personal experiences related to the topics at hand.
In-Depth Explorations: Each episode focuses on a different conspiracy or hidden aspect of political history, offering a platform to question and analyze what's often left unsaid.
Thought-Provoking Guests: We invite individuals with insider knowledge or those who've taken the red pill to discuss topics that range from the fringe to the forefront of conspiracy culture.
Critical Analysis of Current Affairs: We don't just report on events; we interpret them through the lens of parapolitics, looking for patterns and hidden agendas.
Join Us: Every Tuesday at 9:30 PM ET, dive into the depths of the unknown with us. Subscribe, participate in our live call-ins, and be part of a community that seeks to understand the world beyond the surface narrative.
Disclaimer: This podcast thrives on speculation, hypothesis, and the examination of alternative theories. It's meant to provoke thought and encourage personal research. Not all discussed is proven fact, but rather a call to question, explore, and understand. Warning: For those not ready to challenge their worldview, tread carefully. Once you enter the world of Already Dead, you might find that the truth is often already dead to the uninitiated. Welcome aboard, where curiosity is your guide.
Check out nadeaushaveco.com today & use code Jose for 10% off your entire order!!!
Please consider supporting my work- Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/nowayjose2020
Only costs $2/month and will get you access to episodes earlier than the public
No Way, Jose! Rumble Channel- https://rumble.com/c/c-3379274
No Way, Jose! YouTube Channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCzyrpy3eo37eiRTq0cXff0g
My Podcast Host- https://redcircle.com/shows/no-way-jose
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-way-jose/id1546040443
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUIH4pZ0tM1UxARxPe6Th
Stitcher- https://www.stitcher.com/show/no-way-jose-2
Amazon Music- https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/41237e28-c365-491c-9a31-2c6ef874d89d/No-Way-Jose
Google Podcasts- https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2ZkM2JkYTE3LTg2OTEtNDc5Ny05Mzc2LTc1M2ExZTE4NGQ5Yw%3D%3D
RadioPublic- https://radiopublic.com/no-way-jose-6p1BAO Vurbl- https://vurbl.com/station/4qHi6pyWP9B/
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
#TheWeeklyDump #EpsteinFiles #JDVanceRumors #BlackRockVision #RFKJrHHS #CemexScandal #MotherTeresaTruth #EyeoftheChickenhawk #PedoSymbols #OdysseyFoundation #SethRichMystery #EpsteinRedacted #BlackRockAgenda #RFKAntiSemitism #ChildTraffickingClaims -
Time Stamps:
15:28 - Ukraine/Russia Recap
20:48 - Israel Announces US-Backed War Crimes to the World
39:02 - Musk, Massie, & Lee Voice Support for Leaving NATO
55:05 - Trantifa Summer
1:02:35 - Epstein Mossad Connections
1:29:00 - Trafficking Tunnels
Welcome to The Morning Dump, where we dive headfirst into the deep end of the pool of current events, conspiracy, and everything in between. Join us for a no-holds-barred look at the week's hottest topics, where we flush away the fluff and get straight to the substance.
Check out nadeaushaveco.com today & use code Jose for 10% off your entire order!!!
Please consider supporting my work-
Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/nowayjose2020
Only costs $2/month and will get you access to episodes earlier than the public
No Way, Jose! Rumble Channel- https://rumble.com/c/c-3379274
No Way, Jose! YouTube Channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCzyrpy3eo37eiRTq0cXff0g
My Podcast Host- https://redcircle.com/shows/no-way-jose
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-way-jose/id1546040443
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUIH4pZ0tM1UxARxPe6Th
Stitcher- https://www.stitcher.com/show/no-way-jose-2
Amazon Music- https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/41237e28-c365-491c-9a31-2c6ef874d89d/No-Way-Jose
Google Podcasts- https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2ZkM2JkYTE3LTg2OTEtNDc5Ny05Mzc2LTc1M2ExZTE4NGQ5Yw%3D%3D
RadioPublic- https://radiopublic.com/no-way-jose-6p1BAO Vurbl- https://vurbl.com/station/4qHi6pyWP9B/
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Austin's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-underclass-podcast--6511540
Austin's Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheUnderclassPodcast
#CEOAssassination #AnotherCEOHit #TrumpHateCrime #TrumpPushingHate #ChildTraffickingTunnels #TraffickingUnderground #EpsteinMossad #EpsteinSpyConnections #RussiaUkraineWar #UkraineConflict #IsraelGaza #GazaCrisis #CorporateKillings #HateCrimeAgenda #TunnelConspiracy #EpsteinIsraelLink #RussiaVsUkraine #GazaUnderFire #MossadSecrets #TrumpCrimePush -
Time Stamps:
7:30 - Trump & Vance Brutally Tag-Team Zelensky
27:00 - Trump to Extend Awful Biden Budget
38:40 - Disney Cruises to Epstein's Island
43:00 - Epstein Bodyguard Tells CIA & Israel Connections
51:52 - Cernovich Gives His Excuse for Shameful "Epstein Phase 1" Ordeal
1:08:45 - Cerno Explains Why It's Silly to Focus on the Israel Connection
Welcome to The Morning Dump, where we dive headfirst into the deep end of the pool of current events, conspiracy, and everything in between. Join us for a no-holds-barred look at the week's hottest topics, where we flush away the fluff and get straight to the substance.
Check out nadeaushaveco.com today & use code Jose for 10% off your entire order!!!
Please consider supporting my work-
Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/nowayjose2020
Only costs $2/month and will get you access to episodes earlier than the public
No Way, Jose! Rumble Channel- https://rumble.com/c/c-3379274
No Way, Jose! YouTube Channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCzyrpy3eo37eiRTq0cXff0g
My Podcast Host- https://redcircle.com/shows/no-way-jose
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-way-jose/id1546040443
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUIH4pZ0tM1UxARxPe6Th
Stitcher- https://www.stitcher.com/show/no-way-jose-2
Amazon Music- https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/41237e28-c365-491c-9a31-2c6ef874d89d/No-Way-Jose
Google Podcasts- https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2ZkM2JkYTE3LTg2OTEtNDc5Ny05Mzc2LTc1M2ExZTE4NGQ5Yw%3D%3D
RadioPublic- https://radiopublic.com/no-way-jose-6p1BAO Vurbl- https://vurbl.com/station/4qHi6pyWP9B/
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Austin's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-underclass-podcast--6511540
Austin's Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheUnderclassPodcast
#ZelenskyTrumpClash #TrumpVanceVsZelensky #OvalOfficeShowdown #ZelenskyMeetsMAGA #TrumpZelenskyDrama #EpsteinCIATies #CIAAndEpstein #EpsteinSpyLink #JeffreyEpsteinCIA #EpsteinIntelligence #DisneyEpsteinTrips #EpsteinIslandDisney #DisneyDarkSecrets #EpsteinDisneyConnection #DisneyLolitaExpress #MossadInfluencers #InfluencersForMossad #MossadCoverUp #SocialMediaMossad #InfluencerSpyGame -
Time Stamps:
6:08 - Epstein Disclosure Theater
46:30 - Fed Troon Chats
55:05 - Trump Vs Israel in the Congos?
1:04:11- Marxist Cult in Fed-world?
1:09:28 - Oct 7 Narrative Slide
1:12:30 - Brabant Beijer
Welcome to The Morning Dump, where we dive headfirst into the deep end of the pool of current events, conspiracy, and everything in between. Join us for a no-holds-barred look at the week's hottest topics, where we flush away the fluff and get straight to the substance.
Check out nadeaushaveco.com today & use code Jose for 10% off your entire order!!!
Please consider supporting my work-
Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/nowayjose2020
Only costs $2/month and will get you access to episodes earlier than the public
No Way, Jose! Rumble Channel- https://rumble.com/c/c-3379274
No Way, Jose! YouTube Channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCzyrpy3eo37eiRTq0cXff0g
My Podcast Host- https://redcircle.com/shows/no-way-jose
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-way-jose/id1546040443
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUIH4pZ0tM1UxARxPe6Th
Stitcher- https://www.stitcher.com/show/no-way-jose-2
Amazon Music- https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/41237e28-c365-491c-9a31-2c6ef874d89d/No-Way-Jose
Google Podcasts- https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2ZkM2JkYTE3LTg2OTEtNDc5Ny05Mzc2LTc1M2ExZTE4NGQ5Yw%3D%3D
RadioPublic- https://radiopublic.com/no-way-jose-6p1BAO Vurbl- https://vurbl.com/station/4qHi6pyWP9B/
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Austin's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-underclass-podcast--6511540
Austin's Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheUnderclassPodcast
#EpsteinDisclosureTheater #EpsteinFilesReveal #EpsteinTruth #EpsteinDocs #JusticeForEpsteinVictims #FedTransChats #TransRightsDebate #FederalTransTalks #TransgenderPolicy #FedTransDiscussion #BrabantKiller #RobertBeijerCase #BrabantMystery #UnsolvedBrabant #BeijerInvestigation #BrabantCrime #EpsteinCoverup #TransFedAgenda #BrabantColdCase #EpsteinJusticeNow -
In this milestone 450th episode of No Way, Jose!, host Jose Galison sits down for an in-depth roundtable discussion on the Oklahoma City Bombing, joined by two powerhouse guests: Jonathan Franklin and Richard Booth. Franklin, a seasoned investigative journalist, has spent years unraveling the complexities of the case, most notably through his exclusive prison interview with Timothy McVeigh. His extensive reporting brings a firsthand perspective that’s both rare and riveting, shedding light on details often overlooked in the mainstream narrative.
Complementing Franklin’s insights is Richard Booth, who manages the largest public archive on the OKC Bombing, hosted by The Libertarian Institute. With unparalleled access to historical records, Booth provides a meticulous and authoritative backbone to the conversation. Together, they join Jose for a thought-provoking exploration of one of America’s most infamous tragedies, blending investigative journalism with archival expertise for a must-listen episode of No Way, Jose!.
Check out nadeaushaveco.com today & use code Jose for 10% off your entire order!!!
Please consider supporting my work-
Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/nowayjose2020
Only costs $2/month and will get you access to episodes earlier than the public
No Way, Jose! Rumble Channel- https://rumble.com/c/c-3379274
No Way, Jose! YouTube Channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCzyrpy3eo37eiRTq0cXff0g
My Podcast Host- https://redcircle.com/shows/no-way-jose
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-way-jose/id1546040443 Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUIH4pZ0tM1UxARxPe6Th
Stitcher- https://www.stitcher.com/show/no-way-jose-2
Amazon Music- https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/41237e28-c365-491c-9a31-2c6ef874d89d/No-Way-Jose
Google Podcasts- https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2ZkM2JkYTE3LTg2OTEtNDc5Ny05Mzc2LTc1M2ExZTE4NGQ5Yw%3D%3D
RadioPublic- https://radiopublic.com/no-way-jose-6p1BAO
Vurbl- https://vurbl.com/station/4qHi6pyWP9B/
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
#OKCBombing #TimothyMcVeigh #NoWayJosePodcast #NWJ450 #InvestigativeJournalism #JonathanFranklin #RichardBooth #TrueCrime #AmericanHistory #LibertarianInstitute #PodcastEpisode #CrimeHistory #OKCArchive #JournalismMatters #DeepDivePodcast #HistoricalEvents #ConspiracyTheories #1995Bombing #TrueCrimeCommunity #JoseGalison -
Time Stamps:
5:30 - Already Dead Merch
10:25 - $100 Billion Increase in Military Spending
13:05 - DOGE Savings Tracker
16:55 - Elon Musk/WEF Agenda
35:55 - Israel Update/'Gaza Beach'
44:35 - U.S. Troops to remain in Ukraine?
58:43 - Kash Patel Honey Pot
1:16:02 - Epstein Files Release
1:31:00 - Dutroux/Gladio
2:03:22 - North Fox Island
Welcome to The Morning Dump, where we dive headfirst into the deep end of the pool of current events, conspiracy, and everything in between. Join us for a no-holds-barred look at the week's hottest topics, where we flush away the fluff and get straight to the substance.
Check out nadeaushaveco.com today & use code Jose for 10% off your entire order!!!
Please consider supporting my work-
Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/nowayjose2020
Only costs $2/month and will get you access to episodes earlier than the public
No Way, Jose! Rumble Channel- https://rumble.com/c/c-3379274
No Way, Jose! YouTube Channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCzyrpy3eo37eiRTq0cXff0g
My Podcast Host- https://redcircle.com/shows/no-way-jose
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-way-jose/id1546040443
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUIH4pZ0tM1UxARxPe6Th
Stitcher- https://www.stitcher.com/show/no-way-jose-2
Amazon Music- https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/41237e28-c365-491c-9a31-2c6ef874d89d/No-Way-Jose
Google Podcasts- https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2ZkM2JkYTE3LTg2OTEtNDc5Ny05Mzc2LTc1M2ExZTE4NGQ5Yw%3D%3D
RadioPublic- https://radiopublic.com/no-way-jose-6p1BAO Vurbl- https://vurbl.com/station/4qHi6pyWP9B/
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Austin's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-underclass-podcast--6511540
Austin's Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheUnderclassPodcast
#EpsteinFiles #EpsteinRelease #EpsteinUnsealed #EpsteinTruth #EpsteinJustice #NorthFoxIsland #FoxIslandScandal #NorthFoxMystery #FoxIslandTruth #NorthFoxExposed #LevTahor #LevTahorCult #LevTahorAbuse #LevTahorExposed #LevTahorJustice #EpsteinNorthFox #CultCrimes #LevTahorFiles #EpsteinIsland #TruthUncovered -
Time Stamps:
6:20 - Hamas/Israel Reach Deal for Prisoner Release
10:55 - Putin Backs Trump's Proposal to Cut Russia, US, & China Military Spending by Half
20:32 - US/Ukraine Reach Deal on Ukraine's Rare Earth Minerals
30:28 - Ridiculous Trump Truth Social Post
32:11 - Nixon & Billy Graham Talk About the Js
36:25 - Eccentric Builds Tunnels Below House to Commune with Elves
37:18 - Multiple Shooters at Highland Park?
46:12 - Zizian Update
1:01:50 - Death of Bill Cooper
Welcome to The Morning Dump, where we dive headfirst into the deep end of the pool of current events, conspiracy, and everything in between. Join us for a no-holds-barred look at the week's hottest topics, where we flush away the fluff and get straight to the substance.
Check out nadeaushaveco.com today & use code Jose for 10% off your entire order!!!
Please consider supporting my work-
Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/nowayjose2020
Only costs $2/month and will get you access to episodes earlier than the public
No Way, Jose! Rumble Channel- https://rumble.com/c/c-3379274
No Way, Jose! YouTube Channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCzyrpy3eo37eiRTq0cXff0g
My Podcast Host- https://redcircle.com/shows/no-way-jose
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-way-jose/id1546040443
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUIH4pZ0tM1UxARxPe6Th
Stitcher- https://www.stitcher.com/show/no-way-jose-2
Amazon Music- https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/41237e28-c365-491c-9a31-2c6ef874d89d/No-Way-Jose
Google Podcasts- https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2ZkM2JkYTE3LTg2OTEtNDc5Ny05Mzc2LTc1M2ExZTE4NGQ5Yw%3D%3D
RadioPublic- https://radiopublic.com/no-way-jose-6p1BAO Vurbl- https://vurbl.com/station/4qHi6pyWP9B/
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Austin's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-underclass-podcast--6511540
Austin's Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheUnderclassPodcast
Austin's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheUnderclassPodcast
#UkraineMineralDeal #USUkraineAgreement #CriticalMineralsDeal #UkraineResources #MineralPartnership #HighlandParkShooting #HighlandParkTragedy #GunViolenceAwareness #HighlandParkRemembrance #JusticeForHighlandPark #ZiziansCult #ZiziansInvestigation #ZiziansMystery #CultAwareness #ZiziansNews #BillCooperLegacy #RememberBillCooper #ConspiracyHistory #BillCooperTribute #TruthSeekerBillCooper -
Venture into the shadowy realms of power and secrecy with Already Dead, where hosts Jose Galison (@towergangjose) and Austin Picard (@theatrethugawp) dissect the intricate web of conspiracy, covert operations, and the underlying political machinations that might just be pulling the strings of our society.
What to Expect:
Live Listener Interaction: Call in to share your theories, ask burning questions, or discuss personal experiences related to the topics at hand.
In-Depth Explorations: Each episode focuses on a different conspiracy or hidden aspect of political history, offering a platform to question and analyze what's often left unsaid.
Thought-Provoking Guests: We invite individuals with insider knowledge or those who've taken the red pill to discuss topics that range from the fringe to the forefront of conspiracy culture.
Critical Analysis of Current Affairs: We don't just report on events; we interpret them through the lens of parapolitics, looking for patterns and hidden agendas.
Join Us: Every Tuesday at 9:30 PM ET, dive into the depths of the unknown with us. Subscribe, participate in our live call-ins, and be part of a community that seeks to understand the world beyond the surface narrative.
Disclaimer: This podcast thrives on speculation, hypothesis, and the examination of alternative theories. It's meant to provoke thought and encourage personal research. Not all discussed is proven fact, but rather a call to question, explore, and understand. Warning: For those not ready to challenge their worldview, tread carefully. Once you enter the world of Already Dead, you might find that the truth is often already dead to the uninitiated. Welcome aboard, where curiosity is your guide.
Check out nadeaushaveco.com today & use code Jose for 10% off your entire order!!!
Please consider supporting my work- Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/nowayjose2020
Only costs $2/month and will get you access to episodes earlier than the public
No Way, Jose! Rumble Channel- https://rumble.com/c/c-3379274
No Way, Jose! YouTube Channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCzyrpy3eo37eiRTq0cXff0g
My Podcast Host- https://redcircle.com/shows/no-way-jose
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/no-way-jose/id1546040443
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUIH4pZ0tM1UxARxPe6Th
Stitcher- https://www.stitcher.com/show/no-way-jose-2
Amazon Music- https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/41237e28-c365-491c-9a31-2c6ef874d89d/No-Way-Jose
Google Podcasts- https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2ZkM2JkYTE3LTg2OTEtNDc5Ny05Mzc2LTc1M2ExZTE4NGQ5Yw%3D%3D
RadioPublic- https://radiopublic.com/no-way-jose-6p1BAO Vurbl- https://vurbl.com/station/4qHi6pyWP9B/
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
#EpsteinFiles #FBIcoverup #EpsteinMystery #DeletedFiles #EpsteinTruth #NASOccult #OccultRoots #NASAsecrets #HiddenNASA #SpaceMysticism #EnochianMagick #EnochianMystery #MagickRevealed #OccultKnowledge #EnochianSecrets #EpsteinFBI #NASAoccultism #MysticNASA #EnochianCode #ConspiracyUncovered - Visa fler