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This is my first update in 6 months. I will report what I have been doing. I'll try my best to make a video again, so please support me!
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This is a video created for those who study Japanese. 7 year old daughter cannot pronounce “ki” well yet. Let's see how it actually sounds, and watch her speak a few “kaki-kukeko” words. If you can notice the unique Japanese pronunciation, your progress will surely be faster!
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In this episode we talk about Japanese people and finding a job. What is the unique recruitment process called “new graduate batch hiring”? In this episode, a native Japanese speaker talks about the unique recruitment process for new graduates. If you can hear the conversation, you are at a native level of listening comprehension.
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Japanese Language Quiz - What words mean and how to read them on Japanese family restaurant menus - Japanese Language Podcast
In this episode, we quiz you on the Japanese words used on the morning menu at Jonathan's, a popular Japanese family restaurant. Do the readings and meanings make sense to you? If you can answer all 15 questions correctly, you are at a native level of Japanese!
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In this episode we talk about “っぽい” in Japanese. It is spoken slowly by a native Japanese speaker. The entire text is transcribed and displayed, so please check the screen if you have any questions.
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How native Japanese speakers use the word "feelings" - Slow-Speaking Japanese Listening Comprehension Exercise
In this episode, I speak more slowly than usual. The entire text is transcribed. By listening repeatedly, your ears will become accustomed to Japanese. We are talking about the Japanese word "feelings. Do you know how native speakers use the word "feelings"? This episode will help you learn how to use the word "feeling" in a way you may not know.
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Words and Greetings Used in Japanese Hotels and Ryokans with Example Sentences - Japanese Language Podcast
In this episode we introduce words and greetings used in Japanese hotels and ryokans with example sentences. Japanese hotels and inns use unique Japanese words and phrases.
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This podcast is designed for people who are studying Japanese. We speak at the speed that native Japanese speakers usually speak. The topic this time is Japanese people and bicycles. Bicycles are indispensable for city life, when did people start riding them and what kind of bicycles are they selling?
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The original Japanese ver. is here.We surveyed the Japanese level of a 7-year-old native Japanese speaker to find out how much her Japanese has improved since she was 6 years old a year ago. Is your Japanese level the same as a 7-year-old elementary school student? Watch this video to find out!Please subscribe, LIKE, and comment!
About the Japanese salaryman's allowance system. Can I make it through a month with about US $203? - Improve your Japanese listening comprehension with Japanese podcasts!
This podcast is for people studying Japanese. It is spoken by native Japanese speakers at the speed they normally speak. If you can understand it, your Japanese listening comprehension is at a native level. Listen to it over and over again to improve your Japanese listening comprehension.
This episode was recorded on July 13, 2024
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Japanese level of a 7 year old Japanese How much has her Japanese improved in a year? Analysis of Japanese from four perspectives: listening, speaking, writing, and reading.
We surveyed the Japanese level of a 7-year-old native Japanese speaker to find out how much his/her Japanese has improved since he/she was 6 years old a year ago. Is your level of Japanese the same as that of a 7 year old elementary school student? Watch this video to find out!
Please subscribe, LIKE, and comment!
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In this episode we talk about trash in Japan. We explain how to dispose of trash in Japan and why you don't see trash cans in Japan.
We speak at the speed that native Japanese speakers normally speak. Subtitles are available in various languages.
Please subscribe and LIKE the show!
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Japanese Listening Practice Podcast About Japanese Toilets - Learn to listen at the natural speed of a native Japanese speaker!
This podcast is designed for people studying Japanese. I talk about the toilet situation in Japan. I talk at the natural speed that native Japanese speakers always speak. Subtitles are provided.
I would appreciate your comments and LIKE!
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In this podcast episode we talk about vending machines in Japan. It is spoken at the speed that native Japanese speakers usually speak. Listening to it over and over again will improve your Japanese listening comprehension.
日本語を聴く練習 - 日本語ポッドキャスト 日本の自動販売機について
経済産業省 これも自動販売機で、進化する販売サービスに注目
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What are the most popular stress-relieving methods among Japanese? - Japanese listening comprehension practice at the natural speaking speed of a native Japanese speaker
A native Japanese speaker speaks at natural speed in this episode. I tried to keep each sentence short. Subtitles in each language and kanji are furigana (phonetic alphabets). This time we are talking about how Japanese people relieve stress. Please let us know about popular stress-relieving methods in your country in the comments section.
ストレス解消法、パパの1位は「運動」、ではママの1位は? みんなに聞いた「ストレス解消法 19選」
ミレニアル世代のストレス解消法 3位「カラオケ」、2位「一人時間」、1位は?
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Popular After school lessons for Japanese Elementary School Students Japanese Listening Comprehension Practice Natural Speed If you can understand it, you're at native level - Japanese Language Podcast
In this episode, we introduce a popular lesson for Japanese elementary school students. We speak at the speed that native Japanese speakers usually speak. If it is too fast for you to understand, try adjusting the speed from the settings in the lower right corner of the screen. If you can hear it, your listening ability is as good as native Japanese. If you can understand what is being said in a conversation with a Japanese person in Japanese, you are at a level where you can understand what is being said without any problem.
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In this episode we discuss how much office workers in Japan spend on lunch and rank the most popular bento dishes. It is spoken slowly for those studying Japanese. It is spoken by a native Japanese speaker. We have also prepared translations into each language, so please make use of the subtitles as well.
We would be very happy if you subscribe to our channel, LIKE us, and comment. We also welcome your requests for the program.
エデンレッドジャパン ビジネスパーソンのランチ実態調査
ニチレイ 「お弁当事情に関する調査」
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In this episode I speak slowly for Japanese listening comprehension practice. I have tried to use relatively simple Japanese. Difficult words are written in hiragana. In this episode, we are talking about Japanese family restaurants, or family restaurants. We would love to hear your feedback on our videos, and we would be super happy if you LIKE, COMMENT, or subscribe to our channel.
In this episode I talk slowly about Japanese business etiquette as I actually work for a Japanese company for over 20 years. Did you know that there is a manner of handing out business cards? Knowing the proper etiquette will save you from embarrassment in business meetings and interviews. Furigana is added and various subtitles are also provided. This video is not AI speaking like the other videos. A Japanese person speaks slowly so that you can easily listen to it.
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This episode is also spoken slowly. More and more people are eating dinner alone. In Japan, eating ramen or fast food alone, especially at lunch time, has become commonplace.
We talk about a food culture called solitary eating. Subtitles and furigana are provided.
I would be happy if you comment, LIKE, and subscribe to my channel.
ゆっくり話す日本語を聞く ひとりでごはんを食べること - 日本語のリスニング練習 ポッドキャスト
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