
  • Join me for a special birthday episode of The Next Level Social!

    This year has been insane in every sense of the word - on the business front, it was my most successful year yet… On the personal front, well everything in my world fell apart in full transparency…

    So I want to talk about it - I want to talk about some of the lessons I learned in my 34th year around business, mindset, money, relationships, love, balance, hitting rock bottom and building my way back…we are going there…

    Are you ready, queen?

    For more from Ayla:

    Apply for coaching | ⁠https://aylasorochuk.com/coaching⁠

    Check out her most recent masterclass | ⁠https://aylasorochuk.com/masterclasses⁠

    Take a look at her self study courses | ⁠https://aylasorochuk.com/courses⁠

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Next Level Social Podcast |ways to become a money magnet
    Ayla’s must read for everyone |The Four Agreements

  • Today we are diving into one of my fav topics….if you know, you know - MONEY - and I actually want to shift gears and talk about a few ways to become a magnet to money that believe it or not, really don’t have a ton to do with what’s actually going on in my business. 💵

    In this episode we are really going to focus on mindset, energy, and the actions we take around making money. Let's dive in!

    For more from Ayla:

    Apply for coaching | https://aylasorochuk.com/coaching

    Check out her most recent masterclass | https://aylasorochuk.com/masterclasses

    Take a look at her self study courses | https://aylasorochuk.com/courses

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    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • Queen! Oh my goodness I am BACK! I took a bit of a pause with the podcast this month, but your girl is officially back.

    Today we are having a bit of some girl talk time. I am recapping my recent trip to Vegas and some of the biggest things I learned while I was away...including:




    Connect with Ayla

    On Website | https://aylasorochuk.com

    On Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/aylasorochuk/

    Current Offers | https://ayla-sorochuk.mykajabi.com/store/

    On Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/aylafreda

    On Tik Tok | https://www.tiktok.com/@aylasorochuk

    Watch on Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/5KnXi0vkn11UrPD1MAAt9M?si=79bc3b68ecbe423d

    Watch on YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYKgwwU9ssZ3ub47Cx12vA

    Listen on Apple | https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/next-level-social-with-ayla-sorochuk/id1610772929

  • Welcome back to the Next Level Social Podcast!

    This last month has been incredibly exciting, not just because of my own results, but because my close-proximity clients are absolutely killing it right now. Seeing women create new offers, launch programs, and hit massive revenue milestones like $20K, $50K, and $60K+ months gives me life. My mission is to help as many women as possible create this type of wealth, proving that if it’s possible for me and my clients, it’s possible for you too.

    In today’s episode, we’ll dive into:

    The importance of authority in the online space.

    How to step into your power as a leader.

    Tangible steps to achieve your next $20K month.

    Strategies to ensure your offers and content align with your revenue goals.

    Whether you’re aiming for your first $20K month or looking to scale to $100K months, this episode is packed with insights and actionable steps to help you get there.

    Achieving your next revenue milestone is not just possible, it’s inevitable when you align your vision, strategy, and energy. Keep showing up, keep selling, and keep believing in your potential. Let’s make those $20K months (and beyond) a reality!

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Next Level Social Mastermind Application | https://aylasorochuk.com/mastermind-1

    1:1 Coaching Application | https://aylasorochuk.com/coaching

    DM the word IGNITE to find out more about my 5 week intensive | @aylasorochuk

    For more from Ayla

    Check out her most recent masterclass | https://aylasorochuk.com/masterclasses
    Take a look at her self study courses | https://aylasorochuk.com/courses

  • Today we are talking all about podcasting! This podcast has been such a blessing to my life, in more ways than I can even tell you, honestly.

    It's allowed me the platform to share my voice and my message and my story to so many female entrepreneurs - 10’s of thousands to be exact.

    It’s honestly become like therapy for me - time alone - where I can sit at the mic and just pour into you…

    Not only that, it’s been such a powerful tool for my business as a whole - specifically the revenue and profit of my business.

    How to take your passion to podcasting to profit: 3 steps to get your new or current podcast up and running & PROFITABLE! PLUS I'm hosting a LIVE masterclass this Friday, June 14 all about How to Launch a Profitable Podcast! Save your spot here. You don't want to miss it: https://ayla-sorochuk.mykajabi.com/offers/ZC9R9dJu
  • Welcome back to the Next Level Social Podcast!

    Today, we're shifting gears from our usual high-energy, inspirational content to something more raw, honest, and real. Join me, Ayla Sorochuk, as I take you behind the scenes of my entrepreneurial journey, sharing the rollercoaster ride of running a multiple 6 figure business. We'll dive deep into the highs, the lows, and everything in between, exploring how to navigate both success and setbacks with resilience and grace.

    In today’s episode, I dive into…

    The Reality of Entrepreneurship.

    The importance of resilience, grit, and determination in overcoming obstacles.

    The role of leadership in handling both successes and setbacks.

    The Impact of Social Media.

    The responsibility of showing up authentically as an online business mentor.

    Mentoring 25+ female entrepreneurs and the responsibility it entails.

    The power and impact of having a supportive mentor and community.

    How challenges lead to growth, stronger leadership, and better business practices.

    And so much more…

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Next Level Social Mastermind Application | https://aylasorochuk.com/mastermind-1

    Kajab | https://app.kajabi.com/r/JhmoeHtT

    For more from Ayla

    Check out her most recent masterclass | https://aylasorochuk.com/masterclasses
    Take a look at her self study courses | https://aylasorochuk.com/courses

  • Hi Loves! Welcome Back to another episode of The Next Level Social!

    I am sitting down to record this freshly back from a weekend in LA, feeling so incredibly refreshed and inspired after attending Lauren Little’s, I AM WOMAN Workshop. I am so ready to share with you all the downloads and clarity I got from this trip!

    In today’s episode I am sharing what shifts I made in my business this year to 4 x my income, and let me tell you, it might not be what you think! It’s not a funnel or paid ads, although they have their place. Tune in as I share what led to this shift and how you can do it too!

    I dive into…

    My trip to LA and what it meant to me

    What 4xed my revenue this year

    What role boundaries are playing in my life and business right now

    What you should listen for when evaluating your relationships

    The power of in person connection

    The importance of finding your people + a full body yes!

    And so much more!

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Next Level Social Mastermind Application | https://aylasorochuk.com/mastermind-1

    Lauren Little I Am Woman Workshop Waitlist | I AM WOMAN

    For more from Ayla

    Apply for coaching | https://aylasorochuk.com/coaching

    Check out her most recent masterclass | https://aylasorochuk.com/masterclasses
    Take a look at her self study courses | https://aylasorochuk.com/courses

  • Welcome Back to another episode of The Next Level Social!

    In today’s episode I am so excited to share with you, my conversation with TV host and Media Personality, Cheryl Hunter.

    Cheryl is on a mission to help CEO’s and Entrepreneurs and experts, amplify their brands via major media features. Her work has been featured in People Magazine, Goalcast, Dr.Phil, NBC News, Dr. Oz, CNN, Fox, PBS and many more. Be sure to tune in as Cheryl shares her top tips and secrets for leveraging media exposure and how to break into the world of major publications. It’s a juicy one!

    We dive into…

    Cheryl’s incredible story of resilience and how she got to where she is today

    The importance authenticity when building their brand and landing major media

    Her top tips to stand out in a sea of content

    Her advice to stand out as a known public figure

    Tips for earning major media exposure so we can be known for the work we do

    Her message to the female entrepreneurs of today

    And so much more!

    For more from Ayla

    Check out her most recent masterclass | https://aylasorochuk.com/masterclasses

    Take a look at her self study courses | https://aylasorochuk.com/courses

    For more from Cheryl

    Check out her instagram | https://www.instagram.com/huntercheryl/
    Check out her website | https://cherylhunter.com/

  • Welcome back to The Next Level Social!

    In today’s episode, we’re diving into how to sell out any offer you have. It’s not about audience size or price point, but rather about understanding the transformation your offer brings and effectively communicating it to your dream clients.

    Tune in as we cover…

    ROI Beyond Features: Your offer's real value lies in the transformation it offers. Whether it’s a concert or a business coaching program, focus on the profound impact it can have on your clients' lives.

    Believe in Your Offer: Confidence in what you’re selling is paramount. Understand the ripple effect of your work and how it can change lives. Integrity and belief in your offer are the cornerstones of effective selling.

    Leadership in Action: True leadership means prioritizing your clients' success. Ayla shares how she goes above and beyond to ensure her clients thrive, even offering additional resources for free.

    Continuous Engagement: Selling isn’t a one-time event; it’s an ongoing process. Consistently show up, share your passion, and communicate the value of your offer to your audience.

    The Power of Persistence: Even when faced with resistance or slow sales, maintain your excitement and commitment to your offer. Your energy and dedication will eventually resonate with your audience.

    Legacy Building: Selling isn’t just about making money; it’s about leaving a lasting impact. By leading with integrity and conviction, you create a legacy of transformation and success.

    Don’t miss this one as we explore the journey of selling with authenticity, integrity, and unwavering belief in the transformational power of your offer. Remember, it’s not just about what you sell, but how you sell it that truly matters!


    1:1 Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScvf0h0avN4pK59l-ALsdAOHVhqVxVln5PWIqlp0bA-vdikIg/viewform?usp=send_form

    Mastermind Application: https://aylasorochuk.com/mastermind-1

  • Welcome back to The Next Level Social! In today’s episode, we're diving into the discomfort that comes with rising into a new level and how to navigate through it. When you are rising into a new level - this can feel hella uncomfortable!

    It’s not always rainbows and butterflies and it’s not always as easy as it seems.

    I hear this with my clients over and over again - it can sometimes feel like you’re stuck, sales are slow, everyone is saying no, things feel hard and like every turn you take you’re hit with something unexpected or unwanted (a big bill, a friendship ending, upset team/clients/customers, marriage problems, car breaks down ) - this is the universe testing you to see if you’re ready to expand into a new level.

    I always use the bow and arrow example - it’s like your pulling, pulling, pulling and it almost feels like the string is going to snap - it almost hurts - and then BOOM just like that it sets off and you're catapulted into your next level!

    So today I want to talk about this in between stage - this stage that feels uncomfortable and how you can move through it to rise into the next level you’re so close to hitting!

    Today I am walking you through the three steps I personally use when I feel this shift happening in my business and personal life!

    Embracing the Discomfort

    Letting Go to Level Up


    Links mentioned in this episode:


  • Welcome back to The Next Level Social! Yes, you read that title right, I sent $22,000 to someone I met online, and no I wasn’t catfished. Today, we're diving deep into the world of investing in ourselves, particularly when it comes to mentorship. I'll be sharing my personal journey of making a significant investment in long-term, high-level mentorship and the factors that led me to take the plunge.

    As female entrepreneurs, investing in ourselves can be a daunting yet crucial step towards achieving our goals. It means not only committing financially but also holding ourselves accountable to our growth and success.

    Tune in as we dive into

    Investing in Ourselves

    The Power of Referrals and Word of Mouth

    The Impact of Messaging and Content

    The Influence of Podcasting

    The Value of Sharing Wins

    The Role of Direct Messaging and Discovery Calls

    The Importance of a Strong Offer Suite

    Taking the Leap: Believing in Yourself and Taking Action

    And so much more…

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    PODCAST CHECKLIST: https://ayla-sorochuk.mykajabi.com/podcastchecklist
    ON AIR PODCAST COURSE: https://ayla-sorochuk.mykajabi.com/offers/FypfMnT7?coupon_code=ONAIRPODCAST
  • I have been getting a ton of questions on how to scale to $50K cash months & then how do you NOT drop or dip right after?

    So that’s what I want to talk about today! This is exactly what I’ve been able to do in my business…without having a massive following (currently I am at just over $7K) and without having a massive team (currently I have 3 part time contractor working with me).

    Buckle up! This is going to be SPICY!

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    The Framework Masterclass: The Million Dollar Instagram Stories Training: https://ayla-sorochuk.mykajabi.com/offers/WBCkmUya/checkout $40K for Instagram Stories Podcast Episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/next-level-social-with-ayla-sorochuk/id1610772929?i=1000652673437
  • My client just made $40K in a week ALL from implementing my new Instagram Story framework - INSANE!

    This framework is creating 5 figure cash flow days into my business - all while I'm showing up less than ever.

    It's simple, effective, and honestly just works. The best part? You can add it into you business (no matter what industry you're in) and start generating lead and sales instantly.

    Join Shattered, my Instagram Stories Course that teaches you how to create stories that stand out & sell here: https://ayla-sorochuk.mykajabi.com/offers/eH2A9pvw?coupon_code=STORIESPOD

    Join my Instagram Stories masterclass here: https://ayla-sorochuk.mykajabi.com/offers/WBCkmUya

  • Today I am sharing one of my favourite humans with you - who also just so happens to be my long-term private client & friend, Rian Silver!

    Rian is a dynamic beauty business owner who specializes in Nano Bead Hair Extensions. She has built a 6 figure business at the young age of 23 - yep you heard me.

    She recently has decided to make the bold pivot to the online space and mentorship - which is actually how our worlds collided.

    Rian strives to make woman feel more confident as well as join her in the Nano Hair Extension industry! I can't wait for you to get to know her and fall in love with her that I have.

    In this episode we dive into:

    How Rian got started and what lead her to where she is now in her 6-figure beauty business

    How Rian knew she was born to be an entrepreneur

    How we met/started to work together

    What’s it been like working together for Rian - where Rian was in her business 3 months ago to now? What’s changed? Tangible results you can share? (Aka how she made her investment back plus some in 6 weeks)

    Taking her beauty business online - what that looks like for you so far?

    How Rian using IG to grow/scale

    Rians new hair extension course

    How Rian is getting clients daily

    The importance of client retention and customer service

    How Rian has been able to grow her business at such a young age

    You can follow Rian on Social HERE: ⁠https://www.instagram.com/enveehairco/⁠And get her Nano Hair Extension Bootcamp HERE: ⁠https://b5ce9ae623045abbf310d4a325511b45.mykajabi.com/offers/kdjELbtD/checkout

  • How I Sold 4 Spots to My Year Long Mastermind BEFORE Launching 💵

    Yes, you heard it here...I am NOW in the middle of launching my new 12-month, close proximity mastermind, CAPTIVATE, which 9 spots are now sold and 1 remain...

    But before I launched yesterday...I already had 4 people already bought in...without a live launch...without the links or sales page...just with the idea.

    So today I am breading down HOW I was able to sell 4 spots to my new high-level mastermind BEFORE even launching. No sales page. No link. Just an idea.

    GRAB THE LAST STOP TO CAPTIVATE HERE: https://aylasorochuk.com/captivate

    APPLY TO THE NEXT LEVEL MASTERMIND HERE: https://aylasorochuk.com/mastermind-1

  • Today I am sitting down with one of my private clients, Natalie Cavaco, to talk about how she was able to more than double her investment working with me in 5 weeks to have her first 5-figure month EVER!The best part? She was more aligned and living within her true feminine AND masculine energy to take her business to levels she didn't think were possible.Natalie is an Energy Healer | EFT Practitioner | Teacher | Intuitive Guide. She’s also a mom of two, a seeker of knowledge and wisdom, and an ever-evolving soul.Her purest passion is to help others connect deeply within, to find meaning and expansion through their daily experiences and interactions, and to remember their wholeness and divine essence.On this episode we dive into:- What’s it been like working together over the last 5 weeks & some amazing results Natalie has accomplished.- How Natalie has shifted her energy & mindset in order to quantum leap- What masculine and feminine means- What the masculine and feminine look like in business- How we can utilize both and harmonize them to reach higher levels of creativity- The importance of prioritizing pleasure and receiving- How tapping into our feminine AND masculine energy helps us as entrepreneurs- AND SO MUCH MORE! You can find and follow Natalie here: ⁠https://www.nataliecavaco.com/⁠ And here: / the.connected.mom

  • Welcome to a new episode of the next level social podcast!

    I am going to keep this one short & sweet and honestly really tactical & tangible

    We are going to walk through the 5 different elements I have been using within my branding and content have doubled my revenue over the last 6 weeks

    And the best part is? You can do them too…ALL via your content - reels, grid, stories, newsletters, podcasts, lives

    I’m talking:

    Dreamy clients pouring into you world People reaching out to you over & over Asking you for links to your programs every single day ALL THROUGH YOUR CONTENT

    This is truly how I’ve been able to generate over $60K last month into my business, and consistent $30K-$50K months for the last two years

    So if you’re ready to have your content really work for you…

    Have it so your content is laser focused, clear, and strong….

    And make your content convert, even if your audience is small - this is for you…

    THE CONTENT TO CASH LIVE MASTERCLASS IS WHAT YOU NEED. SIGN UP HERE: ⁠https://ayla-sorochuk.mykajabi.com/offers/3xoQFVgo/checkout⁠

    On March 22, 2024 at 11AM MST learn how to create a multiple 6 & 7 figure online business through magnetic content & messaging that converts

    What you'll get:

    A LIVE Masterclass happening 3.22.24 at 11AM MST Lifetime Access to replay

    Discover how to create bold and powerful content & messaging that speaks to your dreamy ideal client and generates massive income, impact, & results WITHOUT having a massive audience.

    SAVE YOUR SPOT HERE: ⁠https://ayla-sorochuk.mykajabi.com/offers/3xoQFVgo/checkout

  • With a keen eye for designing intentionally integrated brands, Hannah has established herself as both a tastemaker and advisor to founders and businesses who, like herself, are striving to grow beyond their business. As a tech founder, speaker, podcast host and founder of The HN Brands, Hannah is leading a movement of founders who are building and leading intentional lifestyles, and influential businesses.

    Hannah is a true multidisciplinary visionary who knows the complexities of running multiple brands. She knows what it takes to scale and grow profitable and impactful brands.

    I'm SO excited to have Hannah in the podcast today! We have such a spicy episode in store for you, let me tell you.

    We dive into:

    7-figure business owner thoughts around money and money mindset Money mindset beliefs that have that have attributed to Hannah's success How do you make decisions that align with your desired level of wealth Tips for letting go of negative beliefs around money 3 investments Hannah's made to grow & scale her businesses Advice on launching and staying relevant in the online space How Hannah is navigating her new role as a Mama and finding balance running her team & business How Hannah prioritizes her relationship with her partner while running a 7-figure business Advice on how to create a cult-like brand that is intentional and impactful Advice for someone looking to build/hire a team AND MORE!!

    Buckle up, Queen!! This one is a doozy.

    Hannah's Website: https://hannahnieves.co/

    Follow Hannah on Social: https://www.instagram.com/hannahmnieves/

  • Queen! There has been SO much going on in my world over the last few weeks, and honestly I have been tested & pushed more than I. ever have before.

    Whenever this happens, I always know it's just a SEASON and it's for a REASON. I also know this means BIG things are coming my way, and the universe is testing me to see if I'm ready, and preparing me for a new level.

    With all of this being said, there has for sure been some lessons that I've had to learn quite quickly that I really felt called to share with you - both on the business and personal life side of things.

    So buckle up! Get ready for a short, sweet, & spicy episode on some of the business & life lessons I've learned recently that will for sure elevate your next month! LFG!

    Connect with Ayla

    • Apply to work with Ayla 1:1: https://www.subscribepage.com/intensivewaitlist

    • On Website | https://aylasorochuk.com/

    • On Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/aylasorochuk/

    • Current Offers | https://ayla-sorochuk.mykajabi.com/store/

    • On Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/aylafreda

    • On Tik Tok | https://www.tiktok.com/@aylasorochuk

    • Watch on Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/5KnXi0vkn11UrPD1MAAt9M?si=79bc3b68ecbe423d

    • Watch on YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYKgwwU9ssZ3ub47Cx12vqA

    • Listen on Apple | https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/next-level-social-with-ayla-sorochuk/id1610772929

  • Wow wow wow! This month I had my highest revenue week to date in my business, and on today's episode I am taking you behind-the-scenes on EXACTLY HOW & where this income generated into my business. No gatekeeping here, queen - you know I got you.

    **Trigger warning around money if these type of convos bother you or make you feel some kind of way about me or yourself. I'll always encourage you to ask yourself WHY if this is the case (and not to judge - trust me, this was me for years before diving into money mindset & trauma around money)

    Alright, let's dive in! Here's HOW I was able to generate $43K in 7 Days in my online coaching business!


    Rich As F*ck by Amanda Frances Secrets of A Millionaire Mindset Lessons from Hosting a Retreat Podcast

    Connect with Ayla

    • Apply to work with Ayla 1:1: https://www.subscribepage.com/intensivewaitlist

    • On Website | https://aylasorochuk.com/

    • On Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/aylasorochuk/

    • Current Offers | https://ayla-sorochuk.mykajabi.com/store/

    • On Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/aylafreda

    • On Tik Tok | https://www.tiktok.com/@aylasorochuk

    • Watch on Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/5KnXi0vkn11UrPD1MAAt9M?si=79bc3b68ecbe423d

    • Watch on YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYKgwwU9ssZ3ub47Cx12vqA

    • Listen on Apple | https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/next-level-social-with-ayla-sorochuk/id1610772929