Presented by Ellen Khalifa, Habits Coach for Healthspan and Wellspan
LA Times 10-9-24 Strength Training as We Age by Deborah Vankin
TRX was mentioned in the discussion.
Presented by Benjamin Surmi, Koelsch Communities
Senior Housing News 2-26-25 Senior Living Referrals by Andrew Christman
Presented by Elizabeth Magallon Fleury CAPS, Elizabeth's Life's Encore Planning
1-17-25 BBC Science Focus 5 Simple Ways to Instantly Find Your 'Biological Age' by Andrew Steele
Andrew Steele’s book Ageless: The New Science of Getting Older Without Getting Old
VO2 Max studies NIH
VO2 Max second study NIH
PhenoAge study NIH
Comments throughout from co-host Ray Gordon, Architect, Urban Planner, Futurist
Debbie Howard’s summary of this show.
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.
Discussion hosted by: Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon and Debbie Howard
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page
3-18-25 LinkedIn Show Post
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman -
Presented by Debbie Howard, Aging Matters International
Forbes 2-26-25 Robotic Pets Can Dramatically Improve The Lives Of Older Adults With Dementia And Depression by Tom Chiodo
https://www.forbes.com/sites/tomchiodo/2025/02/26/robotic-pets-can-dramatically-improve-the-lives-of-older-adults-with-dementia-and-depression/Ray Gordon mentioned seeing Sony’s aibo dog 20 years ago in an Economist Group meeting in Japan.
“Beginning in 2021, Capital Caring Health, a non-profit hospice and palliative care provider, partnered with Ageless Innovation, a company that designs games and products for older adults, to bring animatronic pets to seniors free of charge, thanks to donations from community members. “
Ted Fischer shared about Ageless Innovation on our 2-6-25 Rethinking Aging Club Podcast.
Presented by Elizabeth Magallon Fleury CAPS, Elizabeth's Life's Encore Planning
WSJ 3-8-25 Couple in 90’s Copes with Care by Ansberry Clare
https://www.wsj.com/health/wellness/one-couple-in-their-90s-confronts-a-stark-reality-aging-at-different-speeds-5344b69bPresented by Benjamin Surmi, Koelsch Communities
McKnight's Senior Living 3-10-25 Value-Based Care Panel at the 2025 NIC Spring Conference by Kimberly Bonvissuto
NIC stands for National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care
Linda mentioned Bob Kramer, Co-Founder, NIC on LinkedIn who is a friend of our communityComments throughout from co-host Ray Gordon, Architect, Urban Planner, Futurist
Debbie Howard’s summary of this show.
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.
Discussion hosted by: Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon and Debbie Howard
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page
3-11-25 LinkedIn Show Post
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Presented by Elizabeth Magallon Fleury CAPS, Elizabeth's Life's Encore Planning
WSJ 2-7-25 Investor Betting on People In Their 50s / 60s Because Older Is Better by Ben Cohen
"Brilliant Minds," is the name of the fund in the WSJ article.
Primetime Partners was mentioned by Linda
They invest in companies developing products and services specifically designed for older adults.Presented by Ellen Khalifa, Habits Coach for Healthspan and Wellspan
NPR 12-28-24 Fighting Ageism by Ashley Milne-Tyte
Anti-ageist birthday cards (Ellen)
Elderhood by Louise Aronson book (mentioned by EMF)Presented by Debbie Howard, Aging Matters International
AARP Ethel 2-20-25 Five Healthy Habits to Form Now to Live a Longer Life
by Maddy Dychtwald
Yesterday March 3, 2025 was World Hearing Day - Hearing Tech and Care is of importance to the Rethinking Aging community
A couple of points from Maddy Dychtwald’s AARP Ethel article:
Alcohol is a neurotoxin
Intermittent fasting works at 12-13 hours between dinner and breakfast
Linda’s Film Corner
March 2, 2025 Oscar Comments
Mick Jagger
Comments throughout from co-host Ray Gordon, Architect, Urban Planner, FuturistDebbie Howard’s summary of this show.
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.
Discussion hosted by: Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon and Debbie Howard
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page
3-4-25 LinkedIn Show Post
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman -
Presented by Ray Gordon, Architect, Urban Planner, Futurist and former Pratt Institute Grad School Professor, Boomer Tech Talk - Home of Rethinking Aging Club Podcasts
NY Times 1-14-25 BMI Obesity Definition by Gina Kolata
The Commission's 58 experts spent years on the report.
Endorsed by 78 organizations.
Published in The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology journalLinda mentioned these three following:
CES 2025 Future of Personalized Nutrition in the Era of Ozempic nutrition expert panel video
Understanding DEXA scans
Health Club in Japan Linda mentioned is Central Fitness
Note they promote their intergenerational benefits on their websitePresented by Ellen Khalifa, Habits Coach for Healthspan and Wellspan
LA Times 2-10-25 Writing Group - Memoirs - at Motion Picture & Television Fund Retirement Home by Deborah Netburn
https://www.latimes.com/lifestyle/story/2025-02-10/grey-quill-society-motion-picture-television-fund-retirement-home-seniors-creativityEllen quoted: “Eric Erickson, the famous psychologist with his psychosocial stages, said,’ the final stage of life is a retrospective accounting one's life to date, how much one has embraced life as having been well lived, as opposed to regretting missed opportunities.’”
Half paying half notLA’s community space for older adults Wallis Annenberg GenSpace launched mid 2024 in LA's Korea Town. (Ellen mentioned)
In Austin - Sheryl Crowe started a fund for musicians (Debbie mentioned)Presented by Debbie Howard, Aging Matters International
McKnights Senior Living 2-3-25Loneliness, Social Isolation, Living Alone Are Significant Risk Factors for Older Adult Mortality, Study - by Kimberly Bonvissuto
https://www.mcknightsseniorliving.com/news/loneliness-social-isolation-living-alone-are-significant-risk-factors-for-older-adult-mortality-study-finds/Linda mentioned:
Man on the Inside starring Ted Danson on Netflix - 8 episodes November 21, 2024Debbie Howard’s summary of this show.
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.
Discussion hosted by: Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon and Debbie Howard
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page
2-25-25 LinkedIn Show Post
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman -
Presented by Ellen Khalifa, Habits Coach for Healthspan and Wellspan
WSJ 1-13-25 Your Healthspan is as Important as your Lifespan and it is Declining by Alex Janin
Apple access: https://apple.news/A5tbl1McLRRGuX_CTO_TlqgBenjamin Surmi recommended
Ellen Khalifa mentioned
“Highly processed” categories
https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2025/01/13/why-is-the-american-diet-so-deadlyPresented by Elizabeth Magallon Fleury CAPS, Elizabeth's Life's Encore Planning
WSJ 11-29-24 Warren Buffett Talks to His Kids About His Will. You Should Too by Anne Tergesen
Apple access: https://apple.news/A9KVq6y9kSeSwwGUo-PJDzALinda mentioned related Warren Buffett article:
https://www.inc.com/jason-aten/the-1-word-leadership-lesson-warren-buffett-hopes-to-pass-to-his-son/91139401Presented by Benjamin Surmi, Koelsch Communities
Urban Land Institute 2-18-25 Forgotten Middle Senior Housing by Michele Lerner
https://urbanland.uli.org/development-and-construction/creative-solutions-for-the-forgotten-middle-in-senior-housingReferences: Truewood by Merrill Gardens
Benjamin Surmi on our June 2023 Dementia show for Rethinking Aging Club podcast
This was just published as a podcast as we are catching up with publishing 2022 and 2023 shows.Comments throughout from co-host Ray Gordon, Architect, Urban Planner, Futurist
Debbie Howard’s summary of this show.
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.
Discussion hosted by: Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon and Debbie Howard
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page
2-18-25 LinkedIn Show Post
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman -
Presented by Elizabeth Magallon Fleury CAPS, Elizabeth's Life's Encore Planning
AARP updated 1-16-25 Sneaky Retirement Expenses
Best Budgeting Apps
Kanopy - for free streaming film through the public libraryPresented by Ellen Khalifa, Habits Coach for Healthspan and Wellspan
Vox 2-3-25 Spare Bedrooms Are America’s next Housing Market by Rachel Cohen
Apple Access: https://apple.news/Av7T7xP0OR0mm20OXwX6mhAA few of the referenced companies
Pad Split
National Shared Housing
NesterlyPresented by Debbie Howard, Aging Matters International
MedPage Today 1-13-25 Dementia Numbers by Judy George
https://www.medpagetoday.com/neurology/dementia/113756#:~:Comments throughout from co-host Ray Gordon, Architect, Urban Planner, Futurist
Debbie Howard’s summary of this show.
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.
Discussion hosted by: Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon and Debbie Howard
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page
2-11-25 LinkedIn Show Post
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman -
Presented by Ellen Khalifa, Habits Coach for Healthspan and Wellspan
KFF Health News 1-22-25 The Growing Inequality in Life Expectancy Among Americans by Amy Maxmen
https://kffhealthnews.org/news/article/growing-disparity-life-expectancy-racial-ethnic-groups-study/Related suggestion from Stacey Eisenberg
What the Health 2017 documentary on Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/80174177Presented by Debbie Howard, Aging Matters International
Next Avenue 1-10-25 The Brutal Effects of Medical Debt by Richard Eisenberg
https://www.nextavenue.org/the-brutal-effects-of-medical-debt/Refers to information from KFF Health News (kff.org)
Presented by Benjamin Surmi, Koelsch Communities
ABC News 1-23-25 Tips on Overcoming the Loss of Cherished, Personal Belongings in Disasters by Julia Rubin (associated press)
https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/tips-overcoming-loss-cherished-personal-belongings-disasters-118016594"Matt Paxton's company is Cluttercleaner.com, and he recommends Fairsplit.com, Trustworthy.com and the Artifcts app, among others". We noted Prisidio could have been in the article, we had them on Rethinking Aging Club (link below).
Related Artifcts post of same article:
https://www.linkedin.com/posts/artifcts_artifctthat-keepthememories-mentalhealth-activity-7288334400864296961-sdPMArtifcts on CES 2024 Highlights part 2, Rethinking Aging Club Podcast January 25, 2024
Prisidio on CES 2024 Highlights part 4, Rethinking Aging Club Podcast February 8, 2024
Comments throughout from co-host Ray Gordon, Architect, Urban Planner, Futurist.
Debbie Howard’s summary of this show.
Articles above are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.
Discussion hosted by: Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon and Debbie Howard
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page
2-4-25 LinkedIn Show PostPLEASE FOLLOW our 2 podcasts. This and Rethinking Aging Club Podcast. Our News for the Ages podcasts are published weekly on Wednesday, the day after they are recorded.
We continue to record new News for the Ages by Rethinking Aging Club podcasts live on Tuesdays. How to join live.Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman
Presented by Benjamin Surmi, Koelsch Communities
Senior Housing News 1-15-25 Gen X Less Interested in Trendy Wellness, More Stressed Than Boomers by Austin Montgomery
Related: Feb 7, 2024, same author
Presented by Debbie Howard, Aging Matters International
Benzinga 1-25-25 I Don't Think I'm Ever Going To Retire' – How Gen X Is Getting Squeezed Between Kids, Aging Parents And $600 Billion In Unpaid Care
Hat tip: Rick Robinson LinkedIn post
Debbie's related article for next week: The Brutal Effects of Medical Debt
Presented by Ellen Khalifa, Habits Coach for Healthspan and Wellspan
AAMC 10-1-24 How Medicine Fails Older People by Louise Aronson MD, MFA
AAMC = Association of American Medical Colleges
Ellen commented on the Stanford Longevity Center's Century Summit that she just attended
Kerry Hannon’s LinkedIn post on the Summit
Louise is pictured in this article speaking at TedMed in 2020. Ellen explained why TedMed ended in 2020.
Presented by Linda Sherman, Founder, Rethinking Aging Club
Comments throughout from co-host Ray Gordon, Architect, Urban Planner, Futurist
Debbie Howard’s summary of this show.
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.
Discussion hosted by: Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon and Debbie Howard
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page
1-28-25 LinkedIn Show Post
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman -
Presented by Benjamin Surmi, Koelsch Communities
McKnights Senior Living 1-17-25 Senior Living Can Put Pandemic Recovery Behind It as Occupancy Rates Reach New Highs by Kimberly Bonvissuto
Presented by Debbie Howard, Aging Matters International
McKnights 1-6-25 Investing in America’s Invisible Healthcare Workforce — Family Caregivers by Jason Resendez
Jason Resendez is the President and CEO of the National Alliance for Caregiving
Companies supporting family caregivers - Mentioned by Benjamin Surmi
Presented by Elizabeth Magallon Fleury, LifesEncore.com
6 Life-changing Lessons from the Biggest Studies on Human Happiness by Liz Connor 9-16-24
Malcolm Gladwell reference in the article. Talked about his latest book: Revenge of the Tipping Point
Presented by Ellen Khalifa, Habits Coach for Healthspan and Wellspan
New Scientist 7-17-24 Midlife is Perfect Time to Take Control of Your Future Health by David Robson (author Laws of Connection)
Apple News Access: https://apple.news/AwCaMkS2SRk-2IImRfgeBzw
Linda referred to while emphasizing we should realize that alcohol is bad for you during Ellen’s article discussion:
Economist 2019 Alcohol tops dangerous drugs list
Monique Andrews Ph.D, Founder of Cope provided this link and was the first presenter for:
AgeTechCollaborative AgeTech After Dark Pitches
Debbie Howard's summary of this show.
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.
Discussion hosted by: Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon and Debbie Howard
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page
1-21-25 LinkedIn Show Post
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman -
Presented by Elizabeth Magallon Fleury, LifesEncore.com
How a Couple of Retired Physicians Built Their Elder-Friendly Dream Home by Catherine Romano 9-6-24
WSJ on Apple News: https://apple.news/AG5vAisurSoKcaSxhn1sRmA
Presented by Debbie Howard, Aging Matters International
New Yorker 11-25-24 How the Golden Girls Celebrated and Distorted Old Age by Daniel Immerwahr
Bob Kramer’s LinkedIn post of this article
Related NY Times Book Review
How America’s ‘Senior Citizens’ Became ‘Older People’
Traces shifts in nation’s treatment of aging adults — for better and for worse.
Age Range by Generation Demographics
H/T Debbie Howard
Presented by Linda Sherman, Miracle of the Sea
Assistive Tech Today 1-13-25
13 CES 2025 Award-winning Assistive Tech Innovations for Healthcare Professionals to Know About by Sarah Sarsby
Presented by Ellen Khalifa, Habits Coach for Healthspan and Wellspan
Axios 12-22-24 Congresswoman Kay Granger Retirement Home Scandal by Andrew Solender and Avery Lotz
We spoke about luxury Independent Living Communities on Rethinking Aging Club Podcast 11-26-24
Kay Granger Wikipedia 81 years old
Debbie Howard's summary of this show.
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.
Discussion hosted by: Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon and Debbie Howard
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page
1-14-25 LinkedIn Show Post
PLEASE FOLLOW our 2 podcasts. This and Rethinking Aging Club Podcast.
We continue to record new News for the Ages by Rethinking Aging Club podcasts live on Tuesdays. How to join live.
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman -
Presented by Ellen Khalifa, Habits Coach for Healthspan and Wellspan
12-3-24 Disagreement on Foundational Principles of Biological Aging
Referenced in Discussion
NIH Study 2-24-24: Is Aging a Disease?
A Critical Review Within the Framework of Ageism
Gordon Research Conferences
Presented by Debbie Howard, Aging Matters International
NY Times 11-10-24 Living Apart Together (LATs) by Paula Span
A study from the National Health and Retirement Study of the University of Alabama found that about 60% of married couples had done advanced care planning, whereas only 37% of unmarried or living together
Presented by Elizabeth Magallon Fleury, LifesEncore.com
NY Times 12-7-24 Seniors and Cash by Paula Span
Debbie Howard's summary of this show.
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.
Discussion hosted by: Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon and Debbie Howard
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page
12-17-24 LinkedIn Show Post
PLEASE FOLLOW our 2 podcasts. This and Rethinking Aging Club Podcast.
We continue to record new News for the Ages by Rethinking Aging Club podcasts live on Tuesdays. How to join live.
Please note we will be on break for year-end holidays and because most of the team will be at CES in January. We are back on January 14, 2024.
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman -
Presented by Elizabeth Magallon Fleury, LifesEncore.com
Forbes 11-21-24 10 Habits Happy Retirees Have in Common by Wes Moss
Presented by Debbie Howard, Aging Matters International
12-5-24 Anthem Anesthesia Insurance Industry Backlash by Rylee Wilson
12-6-24 UnitedHealthcare CEO Murder Aftermath by Rylee Wilson
NYT 12-9-24 Suspect in UnitedHealthcare CEO’s Killing Charged with Murder by Andy Newman, Michael Wilson and Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/12/09/nyregion/unitedhealthcare-ceo-shooting-news
From commentary by Ray Gordon
Yahoo 12-6-24 On the 1.2 second AI insurance claim decisions being made
Presented by Benjamin Surmi, Koelsch Communities
McKnights Long Term Care News 12-6-24 Huge Fines Loom for Staffing in Nursing Homes by Zee Johnson
Debbie Howard's summary of this show.
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.
Discussion hosted by: Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon and Debbie Howard
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page
12-10-24 LinkedIn Show Post
PLEASE FOLLOW our 2 podcasts. This and Rethinking Aging Club Podcast.
We continue to record new News for the Ages by Rethinking Aging Club podcasts live on Tuesdays. How to join live.
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman -
Presented by Ellen Khalifa, Habits Coach for Healthspan and Wellspan
McKnight’s Senior Living 11-25-24 Early Hospice Care Has Transformative Impact by Aaron Housh
Dr. Zalan Alam mentioned:
Spring Hill Hospice UK
Day Care opportunity for family respite, bereavement and other services
Dying Matters UK May 5-11 2025
Prior Rethinking Aging Club Hospice and Palliative Care timing discussions:
Hospice and Palliative Care Authors and Experts 5-4-23
Palliative Care Timing, Difference Between Hospice and Palliative Care 6-18-24
Presented by Zalan Alam, MBBS, FRCGP GP Partner and Clinical Director IMC
BMJ Scientific Journal 9-17-24 Management of Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) in Older Adults
Presented by Ray Gordon, Architect, Urban Planner, Futurist and former Pratt Institute Grad School Professor
BBC Science Focus Magazine 11-12-24 The Immune System Reboot: How to Prime Your Body’s Defenses to Slow Aging by Andrew Steele
Exclusive Apple News Plus access to the article
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.
Discussion hosted by Linda Sherman and Ray Gordon
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page
12-3-24 LinkedIn Show Post
PLEASE FOLLOW our 2 podcasts. This and Rethinking Aging Club Podcast. Our News for the Ages podcasts are published weekly on Wednesday, the day after they are recorded.
This helps our podcasts be found by others to gain more advocacy and investment supporting our aging population and those who care for them.
We continue to record new News for the Ages by Rethinking Aging Club podcasts live on Tuesdays. How to join live.
Please note our Asia Pacific friendly schedule for our News for the Ages by Rethinking Aging Club live podcast episode recordings:
6-7pm ET Tuesday (Wednesday: 8am JST/KST; 7am SGT; 10am AEST)
UK - 11pm GMT
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman -
Presented by Benjamin Surmi, Koelsch Communities
Senior Housing News 11-18-24 A Place for Mom's Referrals Evolution by Tim Regan
Presented by Ellen Khalifa, Habits Coach for Healthspan and Wellspan
Fast Company 10-09-24 Four Reasons to Care if You're Ageist & How to Change by Abby Levy, Primetime Partners
Elizabeth Magallon Fleury recent streaming TV related ageism post
Presented by Linda Sherman, Miracle of the Sea
WSJ 10-26-24 Wealthier Americans Paying Millions to Age in Luxury Campuses
Apple News access:
Thanks to Meredith Oppenheim’s LinkedIn article
Ginger Griggs mentioned a senior living related TV series
Linda’s Streaming TV Recommendations Latest recommendations
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.
Discussion hosted by Linda Sherman and Ray Gordon
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page
11-26-24 LinkedIn Show Post
PLEASE FOLLOW our 2 podcasts. This and Rethinking Aging Club Podcast. Our News for the Ages podcasts are published weekly on Wednesday, the day after they are recorded.
This helps our podcasts be found by others to gain more advocacy and investment supporting our aging population and those who care for them.
We continue to record new News for the Ages by Rethinking Aging Club podcasts live on Tuesdays. How to join live.
Please note our Asia Pacific friendly schedule for our News for the Ages by Rethinking Aging Club live podcast episode recordings:
6-7pm ET Tuesday (Wednesday: 8am JST/KST; 7am SGT; 10am AEST)
UK - 11pm GMT
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman -
Presented by Ellen Khalifa, Habits Coach for Healthspan and Wellspan
10-31-24 They’re Giving Scammers All Their Money. The Kids Can’t Stop Them. By Tara Siegel Bernard
In the article:
FBI.gov Elder Fraud Report
ic3.gov Elder Fraud Report
Linda mentioned Wired reporting on trafficking of workers to South East Asia forced to work these scams. This is a more recent article with updates
Presented by Elizabeth Magallon Fleury, LifesEncore.com
Engaging with Aging Nov. 12-13 Conference Report
Conference Agenda
We mentioned American Society on Aging conference planned for April in Orlando
And Leading Age which Linda attended in Nashville Oct 27 - Oct 30
Presented by Ray Gordon, Architect, Urban Planner and Futurist
BBC Science Focus Magazine November 2024 Cures for Baldness by Hayley Bennett
Apple News Plus Exclusive: https://apple.news/A2xjLwfM9Q-ixrOcDMGTDvw
This is the BBC Science Focus magazine but the specific article by Hayley Bennett featured in Apple News Plus in November 2024 is not yet there: https://www.sciencefocus.com
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.
Discussion hosted by Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon, and Debbie Howard
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page
11-19-24 LinkedIn Show Post
PLEASE FOLLOW our 2 podcasts. This and Rethinking Aging Club Podcast. Our News for the Ages podcasts are published weekly on Wednesday, the day after they are recorded.
This helps our podcasts be found by others to gain more advocacy and investment supporting our aging population and those who care for them.
We continue to record new News for the Ages by Rethinking Aging Club podcasts live on Tuesdays. How to join live.
Please note our Asia Pacific friendly schedule for our News for the Ages by Rethinking Aging Club live podcast episode recordings:
6-7pm ET Tuesday (Wednesday: 8am JST/KST; 7am SGT; 10am AEST)
UK - 11pm GMT
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman -
Presented by Benjamin Surmi, Koelsch Communities
Reported on the Center for Innovation: The Green House Project and Pioneer Network conference Nov 11-13 he is attending
Linda Sherman referenced during the anti lockdown of dementia patients discussion - the live Rethinking Aging Club Podcast episode recording coming November 21, 1-2pm ET on Dementia Friendly Villages with Eloy Van Hal Founder of The Hogewyk and Mary Pitsch. How to join live.
Presented by Debbie Howard, Aging Matters International
NY Times 8-28-2024 Range of Motion Exercises by Clare Ansberry
Linda Sherman referenced
Jim Brown www.abalancedyou.com/
Jim Brown exercises on TikTok and Instagram: @abalancedyou
Jim spoke on our 5-30-24 Fitness Rethinking Aging Club show:
https://www.linkedin.com/posts/lindasherman_seniorfitness-agetech-osteoporosisawareness-activity-7200303653851701249-l4l1 (will be published as a podcast within the week)
Also note: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/24/well/move/back-workout-pain-injury-prevention.html
Presented by Ellen Khalifa, Habits Coach for Healthspan and Wellspan
NY Times 10-24-24 Blue Zones by Dana G. Smith
Debbie Howard's summary of this show.
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.
Discussion hosted by Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon, and Debbie Howard
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page
11-12-24 LinkedIn Show Post
PLEASE FOLLOW our 2 podcasts. This and Rethinking Aging Club Podcast. Our News for the Ages podcasts are published weekly on Wednesday, the day after they are recorded.
This helps our podcasts be found by others to gain more advocacy and investment supporting our aging population and those who care for them.
We continue to record new News for the Ages by Rethinking Aging Club podcasts live on Tuesdays. How to join live.
Note our Asia Pacific friendly schedule for our News for the Ages by Rethinking Aging Club live podcast episode recordings:
6-7pm ET Tuesday (Wednesday: 8am JST/KST; 7am SGT; 10am AEST)
UK 11pm GMT
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman -
Presented by Ellen Khalifa, Habits Coach for Healthspan and Wellspan
Neuroscience News 10-7-24 Life Expectancy Growth Slows, Focus Turns to Healthier Aging
Nature 10-7-24 Study Implausibility of Radical Life Extension in Humans in the Twenty-first Century
Presented by Ray Gordon Architect, Urban Planner and Futurist
BBC Science Focus Magazine September 2024 7 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Dementia by Tom Howarth
Apple News Only Special Story https://apple.news/ApqEPmWXwQ9ymdNIrQ7TM3g
Presented by Linda Sherman, Miracle of the Sea
AARP 10-4-24 Older Voters Voice the Importance of Voting by Michelle R. Davis
Debbie Howard's summary of this show.
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.
Discussion hosted by Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon, and Debbie Howard
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page
11-5-24 LinkedIn Show Post
Please FOLLOW both of our podcasts.
We have a sister podcast: Rethinking Aging Club
This helps them be found by others to gain more advocacy and investment supporting our aging population.
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman -
Presented by Elizabeth Magallon Fleury, LifesEncore.com
Forbes 10-24-24 Why ‘Aging In Place’ Is Not Always A Good Plan by Carolyn Rosenblatt
Presented by Debbie Howard, Aging Matters International
Christian Science Monitor 8-15-24 What Baby Boomers Want by Kristen Senz
Debbie referred to Zoog in this discussion. This 1-25-24 CES Highlights Rethinking Aging Club episode includes a presentation by Zoog co-founder and CEO Yoav Oren along with a link to Linda Sherman's own Zoog example recorded for her grandsons.
Presented by Benjamin Surmi, Koelsch Communities
McKnight 10-22-24 Assisted Living Providers Found to Have Broad Immunity in Negligence Claims by Kimberly Bonvissuto
Debbie Howard's summary of this show.
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.
Discussion hosted by Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon, and Debbie Howard
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page
10-29-24 LinkedIn Show Post
Please FOLLOW both of our podcasts.
We have a sister podcast: Rethinking Aging Club
This helps them be found by others to gain more advocacy and investment supporting our aging population.
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman -
Presented by Ginger Griggs, VP and Chief People Officer, Excellence At Work K.K.
Japan Times 9-5-24 Challenges Japan Is Having with Aging Workers by Erica Yokoyama
Discussion included immigration; demographics: elderly taking care of the more elderly
Presented by Elizabeth Magallon Fleury, LifesEncore.com
Money Wise 10-4-24 Aging in Place Challenges by Lou Carlozo
Presented by Ellen Khalifa, Habits Coach for Healthspan and Wellspan
NBC News 2024 Election 10-15-24 Kamala Harris Position to Mitigate Elder Care Costs Outpacing Inflation
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.
Discussion hosted by Linda Sherman, and Ray Gordon
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page
10-22-24 LinkedIn Show Post
Please FOLLOW both of our podcasts.
We have a sister podcast: Rethinking Aging Club
This helps them be found by others to gain more advocacy and investment supporting our aging population.
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman -
Presented by Dr. Zalan Alam, MBBS, FRCGP GP Partner and Clinical Director IMC
March 12, 2024 Calcium Supplements Precaution
Catherine Johnson MD Comments:
“Great conversation regarding bone health. Please remember the importance of hormones. Estrogen and testosterone are very important to aging of bones.”
Presented by Ray Gordon, Architect, Urban Planner, and Futurist
New Scientist 8-27-24 How a New Kind of Vaccine Could Lead to the Eradication of Alzheimer’s by Graham Lawton
Apple News Access
Catherine Johnson MD answers audience question:
'You can search for clinical trials at clinicaltrials.gov also https://www.alzheimers.gov/clinical-trials/find-clinical-trials'
Presented by Elizabeth Magallon Fleury, LifesEncore.com
My Husband Wants a Japanese Toilet. Is He On to Something?
Apple News Access
Linda reports on related Perfect Days Japanese Film
Ellen Khalifa says:
"I'm sorry to miss the Japanese toilet discussion. The U.S. has long been behind many other countries in the use of toilet hygiene. But I've noticed more and more people I know installing toilet seat bidets for hygienic or religious reasons. As older people are at increased risk of UTI's, this is one simple home modification that might be effective."
Commenting throughout our 10-15 show: Thank you Ginger Griggs for your perspective. Her presentation article slid to 10-22 as we ran out of time:
Japan Times 9-5-24 Working till your 70s — Japan's prospective gift to the world by Erica Yokoyama
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.Discussion hosted by Linda Sherman, and Ray Gordon
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page
10-15-24 LinkedIn Show Post
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We have a sister podcast: Rethinking Aging Club
This helps them be found by others to gain more advocacy and investment supporting our aging population.Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman
- Visa fler