On this weeks episode, we will be talking about "Love Is Blind". We have our very first guest, Qualla Ayana! We will be getting into many different questions about this season of "Love Is Blind". We hope you all enjoy this podcast episode, as much as we did. Thank you all for listening. See you next week! (Disclaimer: in this episode, these are all just our opinions and how we feel after seeing "Love Is Blind". The cast was amazing and beautiful and we wish them all the absolute best.) You can keep up with us on Instagram: @netflixqueenpod @mrs_highstat
On this week's episode, we will be discussing two questions from "I Am Not Okay With This." Question 1: Who is this shadow man that's been following Sydney? Question 2: How are they going to explain Bradley's head exploding at the Homecoming Dance? Thank you guys so much for tuning in every week! I hope you enjoy this episode!
Saknas det avsnitt?
On this weeks episode, we will be discussing On My Block. I will be giving you all my 2 predictions for Season 4 IF the series gets renewed (I think it will. Fingers crossed, because we need answers). I would also love to hear your predictions if you have any!!! ➡️ netflixqueen@gmail.com
On this weeks episode we will be discussing one question from "The Society"....who REALLY killed Cassandra? I have a few options and I really want us to think about it! My prediction for Season 2 of "The Society" is that Cassandras murder will come back up. And we'll find out what really happened. Next week we will be talking about "On My Block" which is another Netflix Original Series, so make sure to tune in. *also, I said in this podcast episode that season 3 of "On My Block" dropped TODAY. It wasn't today, it dropped Wednesday, which was the day I recorded this podcast. Just wanted to be clear!* I hope you enjoy this episode and tune in next week! Thank you!
On this week's episode, we will be discussing 2 questions from season 2 of "You." The first question: who does Love Quinn love more; Joe or her brother Forty? The second question: why did we go crazy when we found out that Love Quinn was basically the female version of Joe?
On this episode, we will be diving into the mind of Joe, and trying to understand him on a much deeper level. Yes, Joe does some things that are just out of this world, but let's talk about the why rather than the what.
Hello! My name is Jasmine Mensah. I'm an aspiring actor born and raised in Durham, NC. I have this crazy amount of love for T.V. I want to share that love with all of you, by binge-watching and dissecting Netflix shows every week. On this podcast, we will be going into deep conversations about the different shows on Netflix. I want us to think outside of the box, and really analyze what we watch. By doing so, we are opening up all of these delightful portals in our mind, that we didn't even know were there.