The most entertaining and enraging stories from mythology (and, now, ancient history of the Mediterranean) told casually, contemporarily, and (let's be honest) sarcastically. Greek and Roman gods did some pretty weird (and awful) things. Gods, goddesses, heroes, monsters, and everything in between. Regular episodes every Tuesday, conversations with authors and scholars or readings of ancient epics every Friday.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
NB! Vi har fået ny kanal --> (den hedder "Kendisraketten" og ikke længere "Kendisraketten's Podcast"- ret nemt at huske.) da vi har indgået samarbejde med Aarhus Studenterradio. Hop derover og find summerdition, festivalreportager og Sæson 2 !
Kender du den dér fornemmelse af, at du formentlig ville være en stor stjerne, en berømthed, en god gammeldags kendis, hvis bare verden forstod hvor genial/talentfuld/fantastisk/dygtig/dedikeret, du egentlig er? Men at det samtidig kan være lidt svært rent faktisk at få komponeret den sang, skrevet den roman, skabt det kunstværk, trænet til de 100 meter bryst, som helt sikkert vil bringe dig det sidste stykke? Jo du gør så, indrøm det bare.” -
The official podcast of The Last of Us - critically-acclaimed winner of over 200 Game of The Year Awards - offers an immersive experience that blends dynamic conversations and the cinematic storytelling that changed gaming forever. Featuring writer and creative director Neil Druckmann, Part II co-writer Halley Gross, stars Troy Baker, Ashley Johnson and Laura Bailey as well as other talents and visionaries who brought the games to life, The Official The Last of Us Podcast will take listeners through the groundbreaking journey of Part I and the making of the highly-anticipated Part II.ESRB RATING: Mature 17+ with Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Use of Drugs
Riki Lindhome talks to people in the entertainment industry and asks them how they got their careers. There's no road map for show business and everyone's story is different, so Riki interviews people about how they started, how they've kept it going and what they've learned along the way.
MJ, Fallon, Roy, Bec and Audrey have three things in common: they're lesbians, they frequently get intensely emotional about stupid fictional characters, and they just damn love tabletop RPGs. Join us as they battle the twin demons of a fictional fantasy universe, and the mere notion of recording a podcast for the first time in any of their lives, wow, they'll just let anyone do this, huh?
Welcome to Mastering the Knits with Natalie and Alicia, inspiring each other to go outside our comfort zones to master our crafts. Our goal is to connect, inspire, and encourage each other as we take on the Master Knitter Program. We also want to build a community and connect with other fiber artists and those taking the Master Knitter journey!
Welcome to the thrilling, sexy and episodic Idle Fantasy Podcast - a loosely actual-play Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition podcast. Meet Laurie Havelock (DM), Paddy Gervers (of Jonny & the Baptists fame and the group's wild card), Liam Welton (the most capable of the troupe) and Zac Cole (the novice happy to be involved) as they weave a wonderful, fantastical, tapestry of words; beginning with wildly lofty ambitions only to have those ambitions immediately checked by reality.Listen to Idle Fantasy every #FantasyFreakyFriday on iTunes or any good podcasting place. You can follow us on Twitter @IdleFantasyPod or email us at [email protected].
Der er 365 dage på et år, 4 uger på en måned og så er der syv dage i ugen. I samtalepodcasten ‘syv dage i ugen’, taler barndomsveninderne Naghmeh og Yegauneh om, hvordan den ene uge tager den anden og forsøger at tage kontrollen tilbage. Med udgangspunkt i egne oplevelser deler veninderne ærligt ud og griner lidt af alle de ting, som vi alle tænker på, men sjældent taler om i løbet af de syv dage i ugen.
I vores podcast snakker vi om alle mulige former for alkoholprodukter, rom, vodka, gin, snaps, you name it - we drink it. Vi smager, kigger, diskuterer, og bedømmer til slut ud fra vores helt personlige mening, så byd endelig ind i snakken på vores sociale medier og giv din mening til kende. Vi høres ved!