Happy (early) Saint Patrick's Day!
Welcome back to My Seminary Life. Today, for our Fish FryDay devotional, we are taking a look at Rend Collective's newest song "The Prayer of Saint Patrick" inspired by The Prayer/Breastplate of Saint Patrick. After briefly recapping the history of Rend Collective and their recent campaign to "Make Rend Folk Again," I dive into the words of both the song and the prayer, look at their differences, and focus on the general message of these words that Jesus is in us and is our strength. As we travel through this wilderness, there will be times when hunger pains sit in, both literal and existential. The words of this prayer renew our mind to the reality that it is Christ in us our strength, not by our own might.
Listen to the song: https://youtu.be/Hi-rZMTURCY?si=_KO9D_URA469m59W
Studio 219: https://www.youtube.com/@StudioTwoOneNine
Welcome back to My Seminary Life, and welcome back to Fish FryDays. In this year's edition of Fish FryDays, I will be bringing you all devotional style episodes to move us through the Lenten season. In today's episode, I breakdown the wilderness, chosen suffering, and knowing God; three things that when they are strung together may ruffle some Christian's feathers. However, here I breakdown how Lent is a time when we enter a chosen wilderness of suffering to purposefully create longings so we may know ourselves and, more importantly, be drawn to be with God more.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@StudioTwoOneNine
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What is joy?
Welscome back to My Seminary Life. In today's episode, I conclude our trilogy of CS Lewis episodes talking about how he understood the concept of joy. As I prepare, and partially rewrite, my sermon on Psalm 30, and with the Lenten season of introspection and grief ahead of us, I thought it would be good to set out to better understand what joy is. As we look at Lewis' some what mystical understanding of joy, and match that to Psalm 30 seeing it as a partial result of processing sorrow, we are left in a place where we are called to be in the moment of life rather than trying to chase certain feelings and specific outcomes.
AMP: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@StudioTwoOneNine
Welcome back to My Seminary Life. On today's show, we continue looking at the life of CS Lewis with a brief review of the film The Most Reluctant Convert from The Fellowship of Performing Arts. The film chronicles CS Lewis' life journey from Atheism to Christianity and all the stops along the way as told in his own book Surprised by Joy. In the review, I walk you all through Lewis' various religious and philosophical stages, talk about my own desire to be like the men of this era, and geek out over the idea of having a beer with Lewis.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@StudioTwoOneNine
Welcome back to My Seminary Life. Today, we are beginning a run of episodes revolving around CS Lewis. After briefly recapping my current sermon series On Faith: What Does it Mean to Believe? I talk about CS Lewis and his conversion to believing in Jesus. I discuss my difficulties with his conversion story while trying to root out the weeds of my own faith. Then I take us back to Hebrews 11:1-3 to address the different ways in the US we build the "assurance" of our faith while making the case for simple belief in Jesus.
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MySeminaryLife
Welcome back to My Seminary Life. Today is a special presentation of the show called ReOrientation. Orientation is a special day where new students are given a preview of what their new academic life will be like. Here on ReOrientation, we put aside the intelectualism and the ranting and raving to focus on Jesus, His Kingdom, the gospel, and the Word by stripping the show down and just talking about Scripture for a while. Today's focus will be on 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 as I discuss comfort.
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MySeminaryLife
Is there an ethical way to be thankful?
Welcome back to My Seminary Life. In today's Rabbit Trail, I recap my thankfulness sermons from November and ask the big question, can thankfulness continue to be thankfulness if you get something out of it? After recapping my sermons on Luke 18:9-14 and Psalm 138, I work it out defending the idea that having hope restored in your current situation is an ethical way that thankfulness can play out. I also introduce my purpose for thankfulness; Thankfulness is not a weapon of pride to knock others down, but a tool of humility to build other up, bring glory to God, and restore hope to our current situtions.
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This is a rebroadcast of the episode You Should Read Aesop Fables
Producer Cooper stops into the studio to have a discussion on Aesop Fables, these ancient short stories that teach moral lessons. In the episode I discuss why Aesop Fables should still be a part of rearing children, how not all Fables are appropriate for today's audience, and I compare the Fables to the Parables of Jesus. Plus, i talk about my favorite Fable from the collection.
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Welcome back to My Seminary Life. In today's episode, I am joined by KFM Broadcasting's Joe Dea for the annual Holiday Party episode. This year's theme, new year resolutions. Here we discuss the allure of resolutions, from losing weight to reading the entire Bible in a year, how resolutions fall short of the relational aspect of our faith, and how we can enter a new year spiritually.
KFM Braodcasting: https://www.instagram.com/kfmbroadcasting/
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Welcome back to My Seminary Life. In today's episode, I walk through the first half of the year talking about what is planned to happen, including the return of Fish FryDays in March-April. As for the remainder of the year, I forecast what I am hoping to do, including a return to one of our favorite theologians here ont eh show, Dietrich Bonhoeffer for a short series.
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Welcome back to My Seminary Life. In today's episode we are wrapping up Hymns of Christmas as we complete our journey through the birth of Jesus guided by our favorite Christmas hymns. Today's guides are Silent Night & Oh Holy Night. After recapping and taking a brief look at Isaiah 9:6, I talk about this important aspect to the good news of Christmas that Jesus is the Prince of Peace, the peace to whom God has given to those He has given His grace, the peace that Micah prophesized about. What does it look like to live at peace because Jesus is peace? How does the imagry of Silent Night and the social justice message of Oh Holy Night play a part in us understanding what it means to be at peace? Also, I look at the war and poverty surrounding one of these hymns, and the Unitarians are at it again with our second Christmas hymn today. Bonus, I wrap this whole series up in a nice little bow by quoting part of Dr. Maya Angelou's poem Amazing Peace.
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Welcome back to My Seminary Life. In today's episode, we continue our journey through the birth of Jesus guided by our favorite Christmas hymns. Hymns of Christmas continues with our guides Joy to the World & Oh Come All Ye Faithful as we look at Luke 2:16-20 and discuss how we are given a testimony to declare of God's faithfulness. I also talk about how brilliant Isaac Watts was and how we should all thank the Catholics for one of these hymns today.
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Welcome back to My Seminary Life. Our journey through the birth of Jesus guided by our favorite Christmas hymns continues on with the most well known section on the birth of Jesus, when the angels appear to the shepherds. Our guides for this edition of Hymns of Christmas include a folk song that no ones where it came from, a song that the author's best friend changed the lyrics to without his approval, and one written by a pretty surprising source.
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Welcome back to My Seminary Life. Today in our journey through the birth of Jesus, our guide is Oh Little Town of Bethlehem & Once, in Royal David's City as we reflect on hymns of arrival. Last week on Hymns of Christmas, we looked at Micah 5:2-6, this week we jump some 800 years later to Luke 2:1-7 to see the fulfillment of Micah's prophecy that the eternal ruler would be born in Bethlehem. The arrival of the Messiah shows us that God is not restricted by our limited understand of our circumstances. When life gets chaotic and stressful, we are reminded that God can bring His purposes together.
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Let's talk Hymns of Longing.
Welcome back to My Seminary Life. In today's episode, I introduce our new series Hymns of Christmas; we will be journeying through the birth of Jesus guided by our favorite Christmas hymns. Today, we start with Israel's longing for the Messiah, which began all the way back in the Garden. I walk through Micah 5:2-6 to show a prophecy that Israel could hold on to during God's silence during Greece and Rome's occupation. Israel longed for a Serpent Crusher Messiah who would save them from captivity, and the hymns Oh Come Oh Come Emmanuel and Come Thou Long Expected Jesus capture that longing that Israel had.
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What is Experiential Preaching? What's a Pie and Praise Fellowship?
Welcome back to My Seminary Life. In today's episode, I explain what my concept of Experiential Preaching is, how it is different from manufacturing an emotional response or doing a big stunt in the name of being memorable, and I think it could help in moving us away from a consumer driven church service. I then walk through the concept of a Pie and Priase Fellowship, followed by summarizing my lesson on Psalm 117. and how the experiential element landed with the congregation.
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This is a rebroadcast from our series On the Writings of CS Lewis
Today we take an honest look at what Lewis wrote about grief, embarrassment, shame, and suffering.
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This episode is a rebroadcast.
We live in a new world, and the church needs to be ready to minister in this new world. In this episode, I reflect on Bob Whitesel's book "Growing the Post-Pandemic Church" to see what he thought ministry was going to be like beyond 2020. What adjustments would the church need to make to keep ministry alive and meet the needs of their communities? Find out in today's episode!
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How long, to sing this song?
Welcome back to My Seminary Life. This week on the show we have another addition of Rabbit Trail. This week I kick things off by recapping my latest sermon on Psalm 40:1-3 as the first part of my series on Processing Grief. Then I launch into the story of the composition and recording of one of U2's more religious songs, 40. I also discuss the significance of the War album, and how I have grown as a preacher over the past ten years.
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How do you stir up another believer to love and good works when they are freaking annoying!
This week on the show we have another Rabbit Trail. After reviewing my recent sermon on Hebrews 10:19-25, I sit down to answer the question, "how do I stir up someone to love and good works when they are so freaking annoying?" We all have "that person" in our lives that can be difficult to love, and social media wasn't a thing when this epistle was written. Also, how do I do all this while also setting healthy boundaries? In this episode, I reflect on all of that and walk away with a few takeaways.
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