Now here's a question - IS the Feijoa a polarising fruit? We'd love to hear your thoughts lol. Hitting the mic with some big questions for our waffle pod Monday. We actually start the episode on a bit of a social media high horse right from the get go [to be "honest"]. But really if we - as grown adults - can have our own little wobbles and battles with social media, how can we expect the brains of our under developed kids to navigate such a world?!?! Where do we stand? It is both eye-opening and petrifying. Naturally our conversation is guided by the discovery of the new Netflix mini-series, "Adolescence". A disturbing but real-life drama that in my view is a must watch. It leaves you disturbed, but I do think that's kind of the point. Leece having not yet watched, posed the question - could I/should I watch this with my young teens? I've been debating this on my own, and wondering the same - could it be powerful to watch with your older kids, in order to illustrate the dangers of social media, or is it simply too confronting for their impressionable eyes? Once again, we'd love to know your thoughts. Scattered in and around this serious and wildly topical conversation is some kid party chat, some beauty/skincare issues and the influences we're under, being jealous of bouncing running boobs, other parenting questions, and a very quick Dan synopsis as we close out the episode. Once again, and *as ALWAYS*, thank you for being here.
As you'd be aware, we were waiting on some big news last week and given we're back to the mic this week, you know it was good :) we can hear it in Leece's mood today which is so nice to see/hear, am I right. Once again our gas bagging ways get the better of us today. For the record, we've tried to lure our mother to the mic a billion times over and we are no closer to breaking her. One day. One day? Let's say 'one day', in an attempt to manifest the dream. Well, we start our chat talking kids these days and keeping up with their terminology, a bit of poo chat, and some story telling from Leece on how she has finally mastered motherhood (fleeting, we know). We then take the time to answer a couple of questions that came in through the gram, from Dan and God to lashes and botox. Appreciate you.
Saknas det avsnitt?
Hello, it's a big week here at MIM HQ (for the Fongs), and so today's episode felt a bit tough for Leece, but as always, we made it. We'll hope to be back next Monday with more waffle pod - things all going to plan. This week, as per, we're all over the show - from childhood mems and siblings, to lunchbox and baking woes, matcha and black coffee, book club, the idea of a parasite cleanse and in turn the problem with health podcasts and other random tangents. We were interrupted once or twice today so our apologies for that. Another week another podcast, and another couple of conversations in our week (both on the street and in the DMs) about how much you guys love to tune in. Always grateful.
Unsurprisingly, we're a little all over the show today - it felt good (lol). We go from rooting and dogs as kids, or kids being like dogs, to how to try to enjoy facials with trauma; the stress and angst of the next wee patch with Dan and life, marriage and pondering whether there is such thing as perfect (can't be) - to being over stimulated, kids again and a big story about Snapchat. And for the record of COURSE NZ legalised gay marriage first - shame on us for forgetting this!! Thanks for listening. We love your DMs.
WARNING - there are a LOT of F bombs in here and also a lot of drug and alcohol chat. Needless to say this episode is absolutely not suitable for smaller ears. With that, let us preface that we firmly understand we're all different - we have different views, morals, and so on. We all have different ways of living, different tastes and different interests and that's OK - or even wonderful - so to be clear, we discuss these topics without judgement. On this podcast we find ourselves opening up about our lives and current experiences, and that's all this is. FYI: Leece is having her every-other-period where the one ovary takes its sweet ass time and hence her mood is somewhat agitated (lol) - she wanted to make mention of that. Without further caveating (lol), we discuss all sorts on todays episode: PMS, dogs (love you Marley), phones and teens and the UTTER rigmarole of a world we now live in, alcohol and drugs (inspired by the Electric Avenue festival), new age dating, and exercise and 'loving the place you live'. We love our Monday catch ups and are so happy to have you along for the ride! X
To be honest - we don't know how we got here. Only a few moments before the podcast we were both trying to go to the toilet questioning the topics of our conversation. 'What do you have to talk about today?', 'I don't know', was basically the extent of it. So here is a list of what we went on to discuss lol - the name Lisa and email signatures, our American accents and the Sunny Coast destination, the festival scene, sticks and stones, AirPod epiphanies, car cleaning etiquette, tracking your cycle and peri-menopause, squash, making kids 'greet' and a kids/discipline scenario question for Leece. We don't know how we got to all of this but we apologise for absolutely waffling your ears off. Thank you for being here - always appreciative.
Well hello, what do we have here? A bonus Wednesday episode! This time we're bringing someone else on the pod - exciting to hear another tone of voice don't we think? Agreed. Leece's sister in law Nat (Dan's sister) is currently visiting the Sunshine Coast, so we thought it would be fun to bring a bit of her story to the podcast. Side note - she actually left quite a few details out, including some pretty interesting chat on the first boyfriend, as well an additional Uluru love affair she didn't disclose but we feel deserves some air time. As such we've agreed this episode might require a quick follow up, so you can keep your earholes peeled and primed for that. Today, we talk to Nat about all sorts, from growing up in Adelaide, to heading to London on her own, teaching in the middle of isolated, indigenous communities of Australia, meeting her partner Gabe and becoming a mum, the waiting game of giving birth on Thursday Island, growing up alongside Dan, feelings on the year that's been, trauma and more. We finish with a few quick fire questions, where obviously we cover off her favourite chip flavour. A huge thanks to Nat for coming on with us and stepping outside her comfort zone. We'll be back - hope you enjoy.
Hello! Welcome back. We're a little all over the show today for your waffle pod Monday. From a potential outfit fail (I'm trying not to care), to compliments and ear stories; to gut health and issues, a Dan update and current state of affairs, kids and bribes, kids and stages and just kids in general and how they're always hard lol. To add to that, a bit too about kids judging you for wearing skimpy stuff!!!!
You know every week our listenership is going up with more and more people downloading the podcast. We just fizz your messages and feedback, the little titbits of info and guidance in response to our woes and musings - it really does mean so much to us to hear from you every week, so thank you. We will see you again Monday. 'Til then... love and health to you all xx -
There's a show called 'Nobody wants this' on Netflix based on two sisters who host a podcast. They sit on a cool looking couch in a cool looking warehouse kinda set up and chat openly and honestly about whatever's on their mind. On a few occasions, Morgan, one of the sister's, says to Joanne, 'save it for the podcast'. As in, save your chat for when we're recording because this sh*t needs to go to our podcast community and not be wasted between us. All this to say, by the time Monday rolls around Leece and I are itching at the bit to speak to one another. We never quite know what we're going to talk about. We've barely talked at the weekend - not nearly as much as we do during the week - both well aware we've spared each other some detail through our weekend of texting, in a bid to salvage some chat for the sparkle pod. Would you ever know it? Do we ever actually tell a decent story? Every Monday I will think to myself, 'what stories have I got to tell', and while little may spring to mind, somehow we end up having to force ourselves to wind the episode up. How did we get here? No idea. Nonetheless we love it. Today's chat - workout woes, relationships, marriage and greener grass, to fast or not to fast, and more. Lots of love.
In today's episode of The Sparkle Pod, Tei and Nina pop their podcast cherry. We thought it'd be cute for them to join us for some quick fire questions. In reality, it probably didn't pan out as we thought it'd go in our heads (does it ever), but nonetheless it's a little bit cute (biased). We otherwise cover a few bits and pieces today. Somehow we end up discussing phones again, Jess's insecurities at the moment, and for some time we talk about weight and managing our weight. People often come to Move it Mama to lose weight and yes MIM will help you, but we also have to look at the bigger picture - this is in essence what our chat is about. The more we can exercise for more than just weight loss the better, but for sure we realise it's a goal for many. We also talk a bit to Leece's night away in Noosa, Dan and what's to come, and the back to school saga. A bit of a long one today - thanks for being here!
Hello! I kinda wish I could write a flashy intro to our first episode of 2025 all about how motivating and inspiring our conversation is BUUUUUT... no. We simply pick up where we left off and without a plan, mull over our top of the mind thoughts. From social media and phone use in our kids (topical today with a post to our MIM socials on just this), school holiday faff, a night away for Leece and an update on Dan; we go here, there and everywhere. We're excited to bring you the podcast again this year. As you know, last year threw many a spanner, however we have hope that this year we'll be able to be a little more intentional with what we bring to this platform. To those listening, whether you've been here since day dot or you've newly found us, THANK YOU. Thank you for being here, for understanding us (or trying to lol), for listening to our waffle and for being a monumental pillar of support in many ways. Hello 2025.
Kia ora! We're back for our final episode of the 2024 year. Well, what a total f**king trip. Our final episode of 2023 was titled '2023, the year of the ick'. If only this year felt as simple... it didn't. The ick still stands as one of the worst things ever though let us not forget lol (assuming you guys also binged 'Nobody wants this' and got the ick from the sports jacket 'cos same). Anyway, you all know the story - what has happened this year has flipped the world on its axis and suddenly everything feels different. Life is forever changed and as a result the podcast has evolved to become a sort of therapy in sharing the good (where possible), the bad, the ugly and the awful. Typically, guests are out the window as it has become a cathartic exercise for Leece and I every Monday morning. And, all the while you are here - every week, more and more of you tuning in, and we are so, so grateful.
In our final episode of 2024 we are the full team - Leece, Jess, Char, Ains, Kirst, Sarah and Natalia. 7 of us on the mic means a level of chaos we feel important to caveat. Otherwise, we did our best to keep this episode super light and took the time to answer some questions from you, our listeners. We didn't get to answering all questions, but we were a little selective in what we did answer, in a bid to keep things light, as intended. We go through what we're reading, what we like about ourselves, fave Christmas foods, wall pilates, what we do to slow down, chocolate flavours and more. We hope you enjoy the waffle.
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. The poem at the end is dedicated to Leece, but also to all of you, especially those experiencing a tough, challenging time. Have a happy and safe Christmas and New Year. Be back soon. -
Hello friends! We're back for what will likely be the last podcast between us for the rest of the year. For reasons you'd know, we're glad to see the back end of 2024, and are hopeful for a better 2025. It's been a f**king hell of a year, and one that has hit like a tonne of tortuous bricks (which is an understatement). I just want to take a moment to acknowledge Leece and her ability to show up here most weeks, in the midst of a year where it would be quite nice to hide away underground until the sun was shining brighter and things were lighter again. In some ways delivering the podcast each week has been a sort of cathartic task to do together - finding lightness in the day to day where things have often felt only grey. By the time we finish our recording each week, while the sky mightn't be brighter (figuratively or literally), we benefit from it every time. And without you, there'd be no need to do it, so thank you so much for your listens, downloads, support, DMs, thoughts, musings and waffle in reply. We bloody love it all. Be back soon xx
Hey pals, we've impressed even ourselves in making it back to the mic after what was a fairly topsy turvy week. It was so good to debrief today after an eventful time - recording the podcast is always therapeutic for us and we appreciate you for coming along for the ride. In this episode we're waffling away on a few things - from naming kids to the weeks synopsis for the Fongs, the pressures of Christmas, phones, social media and kids again, and sparkle spreaders like Elf on the Shelf or rather no sign of the Elf (*triggered*). Thanks for being here; all of you, no matter your name!!!! Love from Lisa Jayne and Jessica Ruthie xx
Hey pals, thank you for sticking with us, in what is often a bit of a treacherous or difficult listen - this episode being of no exception. We actually hit the mic both feeling a little grim and grumpy, and as a result kinda moan a lot. SORRY. Although, is this a new thing, or standard? Kinda unsure. One positive is that Leece has reigned in the use of profanities so that's a classy win (Jess not so). We seem to dive here there and every where today (def standard), from why we're grumpy, the podcast awards, where we'd rather be, school holidays and kid conflict, rules, rigmaroles and so on. The other positive is we actually have sparkle spreaders so, we'll take the wins where we can. It always stumps us that we have thousands of you listen to these episodes, and that fact will continue to floor us week on week. But, we're just so grateful. This is somewhat therapeutic for us and so we're pleased you enjoy coming along for the ride. Love, xo
Surpriiiiiiise! We thought we wouldn't make it today however the plans changed, so here we are. A bit of a sh*tty weekend for the Fongs, full of stress and worry, and Leece was meant to be in Brisbane today. But, a little last minute things changed course, which meant we were able to get here when a few hours prior we thought we couldn't! Celebrating that. So, as a result of the events that have unfolded in the past week, we're not full beans today with a huge amount to offer but 'it is what it is', as they say. Lots of the chat centred around Dan and what's been happening, the current situation and everything that's going down. With a little bit of constipation chat in the mix the word 'ass' seems to occur A LOT so, take this as your warning.
Kia ora pals, another week and here we are. We start today's episode talking about Leece's mindset this morning and current struggles - of which, as you can appreciate, there are many and so it's a bit of a sombre start. In amongst this though we discuss the power of Move it Mama and community - and how blessed are we (that includes you, our listeners). Over the weekend we put out a Q&A to our social media and so in the rest of the episode we answer a series of random questions. Including but not limited to (!) - protein powder chat, an update on Leece's knee, parenting four year old boys and subsequent tips, fav foods/cuisines/snacks, motivation when life's tough, the notion of 'when I feel crap, I look crap, what can I do', and how to survive the silly season. On reflection the silly season answer is perhaps quite a stoic stance but we hope and trust you'll hear what we're saying. Love you guys, thankful every day. Connection - this is it.
Hello pals, how are you? Time for the weekend debrief, as per. It's been an eventful week and a hard one at that. We talk in quite a bit of detail with a life update from the Sunshine Coast. Things are really very hard and at this point we want to thank Leece for being so open in her experience. We know many of you are interested and care, and also really appreciate her vulnerability and honesty through the situation they find themselves in. A few little tangents about much less important matters like the rules of the sissy chat, f**king Fortnite and kids birthday parties. Once again, we are so grateful to you.
Hello hello, welcome to the weekend debrief. Leece wasn't feeling super up to the chat today and so decided instead to quiz me about the half marathon and a weekend in Auckland. Some days are just harder than others so with Leece taking somewhat of a backward step from the mic I hope you're not feeling a total snooze fest. In the episode we go over the weekend which included the Auckland half marathon, my visiting friends, the current struggles of life on the Sunshine Coast, some book chat and some other little bits in between. As I ran around the Auckland half track I had some beaut smiles off in the distance and one or two 'go Move it Mama' chants from the little pockets of crowd. It was just another reminder of the power of this community and how fortunate we are to have you.
Welcome back to the weekend synopsis with Leece and Jess. Leece is sipping her cacao as we record today, so you're blessed with a slurpy start. In today's episode we talk the tradition of ceremonial cacao (and coffee lol), finding and taking the time to stop for a second, musings about life just being all round hard (sorry if this is downer), today's LIVE workout and boobs, and the anxious ins and outs of Dan. Halfway through we take a trip down memory lane and somehow end up discussing one night stands and so thank goodness for that, with its ability to lighten the mood. Listeners of a younger age should probably not be around. We also cannot stop swearing - we'll do better! Love and thanks <3
- Visa fler