
  • Connecting renewable projects to the grid is often a technical and administrative labyrinth, with long wait times for connection approval and the deadline of clean power by 2030 fast approaching - time is of the essence. Today we explore the challenges of integrating projects, from local distribution networks to large-scale transmission systems, and highlights the pivotal role of reforms and collaboration in ensuring the UK meets its energy goals.

    Catherine Cleary, Specialist Connections Engineer at Roadnight Taylor and Joe Colebrook Head of Grid Connections at Innova join Ed Porter for today’s episode. Over the course of the conversation, they discuss:

    The grid connection process from both a commercial and an engineering perspective.

    Exploration of different approaches between transmission and distribution networks.

    What an ideal outcome for connections reform might look like.

    An introduction to the ‘connection pots’ concept in the Clean Power 2030 plan.

    Exemptions, long-term planning and an exploration of the process for amending existing connection agreements.

    And much, much more.

    About our Guests

    Catherine Cleary – Specialist Connections Engineer at Roadnight Taylor.

    Catherine brings expertise in the technical, commercial, and regulatory aspects of grid connections at both distribution and transmission levels. With experience analyzing over 500 projects, her deep knowledge of grid codes, constraints, and connection innovations ensures clients achieve safe, cost-effective outcomes.

    Roadnight Taylor is a leading consultancy dedicated to achieving timely grid connections, at least cost and risk, to the GB electricity networks. With a focus on decarbonisation and economic growth, in their effort to deploy smart and affordable network solutions.

    Joe Colebrook - Head of Grid Connections at Innova.

    Joe holds years of experience in grid connections and has helped develop a strong pipeline of solar and energy storage assets, including co-located sites.

    Innova’s mission is to create utility-scale renewable energy projects using multi-technologies, to provide clean energy to communities and businesses both directly and indirectly, and to take large energy users off-grid whilst meeting or exceeding our environmental obligations.

    About Modo Energy

    Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

    All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work.

  • Connecting renewable projects to the grid is often a technical and administrative labyrinth, with long wait times for connection approval and the deadline of clean power by 2030 fast approaching - time is of the essence. Today we explore the challenges of integrating projects, from local distribution networks to large-scale transmission systems, and highlights the pivotal role of reforms and collaboration in ensuring the UK meets its energy goals.

    Catherine Cleary, Specialist Connections Engineer at Roadnight Taylor and Joe Colebrook Head of Grid Connections at Innova join Ed Porter for today’s episode. Over the course of the conversation, they discuss:

    The grid connection process from both a commercial and an engineering perspective.

    Exploration of different approaches between transmission and distribution networks.

    What an ideal outcome for connections reform might look like.

    An introduction to the ‘connection pots’ concept in the Clean Power 2030 plan.

    Exemptions, long-term planning and an exploration of the process for amending existing connection agreements.

    And much, much more.

    About our Guests

    Catherine Cleary – Specialist Connections Engineer at Roadnight Taylor.

    Catherine brings expertise in the technical, commercial, and regulatory aspects of grid connections at both distribution and transmission levels. With experience analyzing over 500 projects, her deep knowledge of grid codes, constraints, and connection innovations ensures clients achieve safe, cost-effective outcomes.

    Roadnight Taylor is a leading consultancy dedicated to achieving timely grid connections, at least cost and risk, to the GB electricity networks. With a focus on decarbonisation and economic growth, in their effort to deploy smart and affordable network solutions.

    Joe Colebrook - Head of Grid Connections at Innova.

    Joe holds years of experience in grid connections and has helped develop a strong pipeline of solar and energy storage assets, including co-located sites.

    Innova’s mission is to create utility-scale renewable energy projects using multi-technologies, to provide clean energy to communities and businesses both directly and indirectly, and to take large energy users off-grid whilst meeting or exceeding our environmental obligations.

    About Modo Energy

    Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

    All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work.

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  • Energy grids, markets and regulatory landscapes are evolving fast. The strategies used by BESS operators must be dynamic, as operators face a maze of regional markets, shifting policies, and cutting-edge technologies. In this episode Ali Karimian, Market Optimization Director at GridBeyond joins Quentin to explore the challenges and opportunities in markets like ERCOT, California, PJM, shedding light on critical developments such as PJM’s recent capacity market overhaul and the surge in demand response programs across the country. Ali also shares insight into the role of cryptocurrency miners in energy markets, and where these unconventional players are proving vital for grid stability and unlocking new revenue streams.

    Over the course of the conversation, Quentin and Ali discuss:

    The differences between some of the most prominent markets for BESS in the United States, including ERCOT, CAISO and PJM.

    The current landscape shaping market attractiveness for battery operations.

    Policy & regulatory changes affecting ISO’s including changes to ERCOT's ancillary services framework, PJM capacity market dynamics and continual updates for CAISO.

    The rise of crypto miners in energy markets and what characteristics make them suitable for supporting grid stability.

    Strategies enabling crypto miners to lower effective power costs.

    About our guest

    GridBeyond aim to unlock the potential of energy assets, driving sustainability, resilience, and affordability towards a zero-carbon future. Their technology optimizes utility-scale renewable generation, battery storage, and industrial loads by intelligently dispatching flexibility into the right market at the right time. Enabling asset owners and energy consumers to unlock new revenues, enhance resilience, manage price volatility, and support the transition to net zero. For more information on GridBeyond - head to their website.

    About Modo Energy

    Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

    All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on LinkedIn. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work.

  • Energy grids, markets and regulatory landscapes are evolving fast. The strategies used by BESS operators must be dynamic, as operators face a maze of regional markets, shifting policies, and cutting-edge technologies. In this episode Ali Karimian, Market Optimization Director at GridBeyond joins Quentin to explore the challenges and opportunities in markets like ERCOT, California, PJM, shedding light on critical developments such as PJM’s recent capacity market overhaul and the surge in demand response programs across the country. Ali also shares insight into the role of cryptocurrency miners in energy markets, and where these unconventional players are proving vital for grid stability and unlocking new revenue streams.

    Over the course of the conversation, Quentin and Ali discuss:

    The differences between some of the most prominent markets for BESS in the United States, including ERCOT, CAISO and PJM.

    The current landscape shaping market attractiveness for battery operations.

    Policy & regulatory changes affecting ISO’s including changes to ERCOT's ancillary services framework, PJM capacity market dynamics and continual updates for CAISO.

    The rise of crypto miners in energy markets and what characteristics make them suitable for supporting grid stability.

    Strategies enabling crypto miners to lower effective power costs.

    About our guest

    GridBeyond aim to unlock the potential of energy assets, driving sustainability, resilience, and affordability towards a zero-carbon future. Their technology optimizes utility-scale renewable generation, battery storage, and industrial loads by intelligently dispatching flexibility into the right market at the right time. Enabling asset owners and energy consumers to unlock new revenues, enhance resilience, manage price volatility, and support the transition to net zero. For more information on GridBeyond - head to their website.

    About Modo Energy

    Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

    All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on LinkedIn. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work.

  • The National Electricity System or NEM, is Australia’s largest energy market and one of the largest interconnected electricity systems in the world, delivering around 80% of all electricity consumption in Australia. As Australia transitions toward a renewable emission-free system, the market must adapt to changes in electricity generation and emerging technologies. This episode takes a look at the state of renewable penetration in Australia, an overview of the largest market in the country, what the current state of battery buildout looks like, and the challenges facing the system.

    In our first Australian market focused episode, Alex Leemon, Flexibility Markets Lead at Gridcog, joins Wendel Hortop. Throughout the conversation, they discuss:

    The differences in renewable adoption across individual states in Australia.Overview of the National Electricity Market (NEM) and Australias other grids, as well as the Australian Energy Market Operators (AEMO) role in managing system stability. A look at the existing 2.1GW installed battery capacity in the NEM and what the future pipeline looks like.Challenges facing the country including, constraints, congestion and minimum system demand challenges due to rooftop solar adoption. How recent market events are shaping AEMO’s actions to help maintain system reliability during peak demand.

    About our guest

    Gridcog is a global energy tech company on a mission to accelerate the world’s transition to net-zero by objectively informing new energy investment decisions. Providing a simulation software that helps model and track energy projects, Gridcog is helping organizations transition to a more decentralized and decarbonized energy future. For more information on what Gridcog do, head to their website.

    About Modo Energy

    Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

    All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work. For more information on battery actions in Australia, check out our written research.

  • The National Electricity System or NEM, is Australia’s largest energy market and one of the largest interconnected electricity systems in the world, delivering around 80% of all electricity consumption in Australia. As Australia transitions toward a renewable emission-free system, the market must adapt to changes in electricity generation and emerging technologies. This episode takes a look at the state of renewable penetration in Australia, an overview of the largest market in the country, what the current state of battery buildout looks like, and the challenges facing the system.

    In our first Australian market focused episode, Alex Leemon, Flexibility Markets Lead at Gridcog, joins Wendel Hortop. Throughout the conversation, they discuss:

    The differences in renewable adoption across individual states in Australia.Overview of the National Electricity Market (NEM) and Australias other grids, as well as the Australian Energy Market Operators (AEMO) role in managing system stability. A look at the existing 2.1GW installed battery capacity in the NEM and what the future pipeline looks like.Challenges facing the country including, constraints, congestion and minimum system demand challenges due to rooftop solar adoption. How recent market events are shaping AEMO’s actions to help maintain system reliability during peak demand.

    About our guest

    Gridcog is a global energy tech company on a mission to accelerate the world’s transition to net-zero by objectively informing new energy investment decisions. Providing a simulation software that helps model and track energy projects, Gridcog is helping organizations transition to a more decentralized and decarbonized energy future. For more information on what Gridcog do, head to their website.

    About Modo Energy

    Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

    All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work. For more information on battery actions in Australia, check out our written research.

  • Hydropower is a renewable, reliable source of energy that consistently meets peak demand while also offering long-duration, high-capacity storage and generation solutions for Great Britain. From tidal range systems to pumped hydro, hydropower encompasses a range of proven technologies with predictable performance and a track record of durability. The question now is: what must change to fully harness the potential of these invaluable energy assets?

    In this episode, Kate Gilmartin, Chief Executive at the British Hydropower Association, joins Ed to discuss the different types of hydropower and the role of this technology in long duration energy storage. Over the course of the conversation, they discuss:

    The differences between the different hydropower technologies.

    The evolving role of pumped hydro with the rise of renewable energy sources.Importance of the technology in local energy solutions and grid resilience.Exploration of the challenges in developing new pumped hydro projects, including investment and planning hurdles.How the cap and floor mechanism provides a potential solution for investment security.

    About our guest

    The British Hydropower Association (BHA) is the leading trade membership association solely representing the interests of the UK hydropower industry. Striving to ensure that the full potential and associated economic and community benefits are fully realised, the BHA is open to all types of organizations, with the aim of driving growth in the sector by engaging, influencing and promoting hydropower, tidal range and pumped storage hydro as proven, reliable, renewable power, providing critical infrastructure for achieving net zero and energy security. For more information on what the BHA do, check out their website.

    About Modo Energy

    Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

    All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work.

  • Hydropower is a renewable, reliable source of energy that consistently meets peak demand while also offering long-duration, high-capacity storage and generation solutions for Great Britain. From tidal range systems to pumped hydro, hydropower encompasses a range of proven technologies with predictable performance and a track record of durability. The question now is: what must change to fully harness the potential of these invaluable energy assets?

    In this episode, Kate Gilmartin, Chief Executive at the British Hydropower Association, joins Ed to discuss the different types of hydropower and the role of this technology in long duration energy storage. Over the course of the conversation, they discuss:

    The differences between the different hydropower technologies.

    The evolving role of pumped hydro with the rise of renewable energy sources.Importance of the technology in local energy solutions and grid resilience.Exploration of the challenges in developing new pumped hydro projects, including investment and planning hurdles.How the cap and floor mechanism provides a potential solution for investment security.

    About our guest

    The British Hydropower Association (BHA) is the leading trade membership association solely representing the interests of the UK hydropower industry. Striving to ensure that the full potential and associated economic and community benefits are fully realised, the BHA is open to all types of organizations, with the aim of driving growth in the sector by engaging, influencing and promoting hydropower, tidal range and pumped storage hydro as proven, reliable, renewable power, providing critical infrastructure for achieving net zero and energy security. For more information on what the BHA do, check out their website.

    About Modo Energy

    Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

    All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work.

  • The global battery energy storage market is undergoing rapid transformation. The decline in cell prices, fueled by fluctuations in lithium costs, has seen a surge in battery production, particularly in regions like China. However, the potential introduction of tariffs on U.S. manufacturers highlights the challenges of navigating the balance between global supply chains and domestic production.

    While lithium-based technologies continue to dominate, emerging alternatives such as sodium-ion and flow batteries offer distinct benefits and challenges. As the sector evolves, the question arises: What does the future costs and demand for battery energy storage look like?

    Iola Hughes, Head of Research at Rho Motion joins Ed Porter for today’s episode. Over the conversation, they discuss:

    The dramatic drop in cell prices and the concept of tiered battery quality and its impact on pricing.Manufacturing costs in China versus the U.S. and what impacts tariffs on U.S. battery imports and potential stakeholder strategies. The challenges facing European battery manufacturers with the recent news from Northvolt.Sodium-ion battery technology and its potential applications compared to LFP cells.An overview of global battery demand, with a focus on EV’s vs the growing stationary storage market.

    Mentioned in the episode

    Iron Air Storage with David Hill (Form Energy)Vanadium Flow Batteries with Matt Harper (Invinity Energy Systems)

    About our guest

    Rho Motion aim to deliver a complete picture of battery demand, including motors and systems, charging and infrastructure, energy stationary storage, battery recycling and the wider energy and renewables markets. Providing research and consultancy services - they cover a global market.

    For more information on what Rho Motion do, head to their website.

    About Modo Energy

    Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

    All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work. For more information on the state of global battery markets, check out our written research.

  • The global battery energy storage market is undergoing rapid transformation. The decline in cell prices, fueled by fluctuations in lithium costs, has seen a surge in battery production, particularly in regions like China. However, the potential introduction of tariffs on U.S. manufacturers highlights the challenges of navigating the balance between global supply chains and domestic production.

    While lithium-based technologies continue to dominate, emerging alternatives such as sodium-ion and flow batteries offer distinct benefits and challenges. As the sector evolves, the question arises: What does the future costs and demand for battery energy storage look like?

    Iola Hughes, Head of Research at Rho Motion joins Ed Porter for today’s episode. Over the conversation, they discuss:

    The dramatic drop in cell prices and the concept of tiered battery quality and its impact on pricing.Manufacturing costs in China versus the U.S. and what impacts tariffs on U.S. battery imports and potential stakeholder strategies. The challenges facing European battery manufacturers with the recent news from Northvolt.Sodium-ion battery technology and its potential applications compared to LFP cells.An overview of global battery demand, with a focus on EV’s vs the growing stationary storage market.

    Mentioned in the episode

    Iron Air Storage with David Hill (Form Energy)Vanadium Flow Batteries with Matt Harper (Invinity Energy Systems)

    About our guest

    Rho Motion aim to deliver a complete picture of battery demand, including motors and systems, charging and infrastructure, energy stationary storage, battery recycling and the wider energy and renewables markets. Providing research and consultancy services - they cover a global market.

    For more information on what Rho Motion do, head to their website.

    About Modo Energy

    Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

    All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work. For more information on the state of global battery markets, check out our written research.

  • In today’s world, environmental degradation, resource depletion, and growing waste generation are clear indicators that the conventional linear economy is not sustainable. Battery storage systems, however, present a unique opportunity for change. Their materials are highly recyclable and this value can be extracted either through material recovery or second-life applications. However significant challenges remain in the recycling process.

    Transitioning batteries into a circular economy is essential for long-term sustainability. While recycling technology exists, the biggest hurdles include ensuring a steady supply of used batteries and establishing efficient connections between suppliers and recyclers. Scaling operations is also critical. Only by increasing the volume of recycled materials can costs be reduced, making the process both economically viable and environmentally impactful.

    William Bergh, CEO at Cling Systems, joins Quentin to discuss the challenges in battery recycling. Over the course of the conversation, they discuss:

    What the physical process of material separation and recycling process looks like.The current state of the recycling market and a look at the supply chain for it. The complexities of battery recycling and the role Cling plays in facilitating these processes.Regional differences and challenges in the global battery recycling market.The importance of data availability in allowing the efficient recycling and repurposing of batteries.

    About our guest

    By streamlining procurement and removing market frictions, Cling's circular platform helps both battery repurposers to build safe and cost effective second life energy systems, and battery recyclers to produce new recycled raw material.

    Cling Systems are ensuring batteries are effectively directed to their best use —whether for second life and recycling or by leveraging strategic off-take agreements and a global network. Cling have made it their mission to offer a sustainable framework that not only mitigates environmental harm but also fosters economic growth and social well-being. For more information on what cling do, check out their website.

    Cling Systems hosts their regular Beers and Batts events to bring together the energy industry in and around Stockholm, keep your eye out for their next event in January or sign up to get alerts.

    About Modo Energy

    Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

    All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work. For more information on how battery recycling and circularity, check out our written research.

  • In today’s world, environmental degradation, resource depletion, and growing waste generation are clear indicators that the conventional linear economy is not sustainable. Battery storage systems, however, present a unique opportunity for change. Their materials are highly recyclable and this value can be extracted either through material recovery or second-life applications. However significant challenges remain in the recycling process.

    Transitioning batteries into a circular economy is essential for long-term sustainability. While recycling technology exists, the biggest hurdles include ensuring a steady supply of used batteries and establishing efficient connections between suppliers and recyclers. Scaling operations is also critical. Only by increasing the volume of recycled materials can costs be reduced, making the process both economically viable and environmentally impactful.

    William Bergh, CEO at Cling Systems, joins Quentin to discuss the challenges in battery recycling. Over the course of the conversation, they discuss:

    What the physical process of material separation and recycling process looks like.The current state of the recycling market and a look at the supply chain for it. The complexities of battery recycling and the role Cling plays in facilitating these processes.Regional differences and challenges in the global battery recycling market.The importance of data availability in allowing the efficient recycling and repurposing of batteries.

    About our guest

    By streamlining procurement and removing market frictions, Cling's circular platform helps both battery repurposers to build safe and cost effective second life energy systems, and battery recyclers to produce new recycled raw material.

    Cling Systems are ensuring batteries are effectively directed to their best use —whether for second life and recycling or by leveraging strategic off-take agreements and a global network. Cling have made it their mission to offer a sustainable framework that not only mitigates environmental harm but also fosters economic growth and social well-being. For more information on what cling do, check out their website.

    Cling Systems hosts their regular Beers and Batts events to bring together the energy industry in and around Stockholm, keep your eye out for their next event in January or sign up to get alerts.

    About Modo Energy

    Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

    All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work. For more information on how battery recycling and circularity, check out our written research.

  • The introduction of balancing settlement code modification P415 aims to open up wholesale markets to all types of flexibility, decreasing barriers to entry for independent aggregators by allowing participation beyond a consumer’s licensed electricity supplier.

    Energy consumers that can be flexible with usage, do not currently see any value from their actions, except through their licensed electricity supplier, who not offer demand response services. The introduction of P415 will enable flexible consumers to appoint an independent aggregator, allowing participants of demand side response to enter into the wholesale energy markets and incentivize increased consumer participation.

    In today’s episode, Paul Troughton - Senior Director of Regulatory Affairs at Enel X joins Ed to discuss the code change that he put forward. Over the conversation, they discuss:

    Introduction to P415 and the roles of independent aggregators and virtual trading parties.How demand response works, particularly for commercial and industrial users.Challenges of demand response, supplier compensation and the importance of accurate baselining.The potential impact of P415 and the accessibility it opens up to wholesale markets.The future of demand side response in Great Britain.

    About our guest

    Enel X is dedicated to helping some of the world’s largest energy consumers protect electricity grid stability in the transition to renewable energy. Their core offerings are built around maximising the commercial and environmental rewards available from energy flexibility programme participation.

    By optimising how and when energy is consumed, Enel X enables commercial and industrial scale energy users to extract value from the energy markets by leveraging their flexible energy assets in ways that support a greener, more stable and resilient electricity grid. For more information on what Enel X do, head to their website.

    About Modo Energy

    Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

    All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work. For more information on how P415 works and other market updates, check out our written research.

  • The introduction of balancing settlement code modification P415 aims to open up wholesale markets to all types of flexibility, decreasing barriers to entry for independent aggregators by allowing participation beyond a consumer’s licensed electricity supplier.

    Energy consumers that can be flexible with usage, do not currently see any value from their actions, except through their licensed electricity supplier, who not offer demand response services. The introduction of P415 will enable flexible consumers to appoint an independent aggregator, allowing participants of demand side response to enter into the wholesale energy markets and incentivize increased consumer participation.

    In today’s episode, Paul Troughton - Senior Director of Regulatory Affairs at Enel X joins Ed to discuss the code change that he put forward. Over the conversation, they discuss:

    Introduction to P415 and the roles of independent aggregators and virtual trading parties.How demand response works, particularly for commercial and industrial users.Challenges of demand response, supplier compensation and the importance of accurate baselining.The potential impact of P415 and the accessibility it opens up to wholesale markets.The future of demand side response in Great Britain.

    About our guest

    Enel X is dedicated to helping some of the world’s largest energy consumers protect electricity grid stability in the transition to renewable energy. Their core offerings are built around maximising the commercial and environmental rewards available from energy flexibility programme participation.

    By optimising how and when energy is consumed, Enel X enables commercial and industrial scale energy users to extract value from the energy markets by leveraging their flexible energy assets in ways that support a greener, more stable and resilient electricity grid. For more information on what Enel X do, head to their website.

    About Modo Energy

    Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

    All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work. For more information on how P415 works and other market updates, check out our written research.

  • A ‘Herculean effort’ in renewable buildout is the description used in NESO’s Clean Power 2030 report, outlining practical advice for the government on achieving a power system by 2030. The report defines what ‘Clean Energy’ means (>95% clean power generation by 2030) and discusses what buildout would need to look like in order to reach these targets. A staggering 70GW of new renewable generation is predicted to be needed to reach the targets in the ambitious Further Flex and Renewables scenario. How might these suggestions be achieved in practice, and what challenges is the industry likely to face over the next 5 years in the lead-up to target dates?

    In this episode Modo Market Analyst, Joe Bush joins Ed Porter to explore NESO’s Clean Power 2030 report. Over the course of the conversation, they discuss:

    The purpose of the Clean Power 2030 report and what it covers.The sheer scale of buildout required to meet renewable and flexibility system targets, from 50 GW to 130 GW.Transmission and network challenges and how the government might tackle the issue of constraint. The role of energy storage in managing constraints and supporting the grid.Exploration of potential market changes, including zonal pricing to incentivize demand location near generation.

    Mentioned in this episode

    Joe’s research article - Clean Power by 2030: what would it mean for BESS?

    About Modo Energy

    Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

    All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on Linkedin or Twitter. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work. For more information on how batteries can save carbon, check out our written research.

  • A ‘Herculean effort’ in renewable buildout is the description used in NESO’s Clean Power 2030 report, outlining practical advice for the government on achieving a power system by 2030. The report defines what ‘Clean Energy’ means (>95% clean power generation by 2030) and discusses what buildout would need to look like in order to reach these targets. A staggering 70GW of new renewable generation is predicted to be needed to reach the targets in the ambitious Further Flex and Renewables scenario. How might these suggestions be achieved in practice, and what challenges is the industry likely to face over the next 5 years in the lead-up to target dates?

    In this episode Modo Market Analyst, Joe Bush joins Ed Porter to explore NESO’s Clean Power 2030 report. Over the course of the conversation, they discuss:

    The purpose of the Clean Power 2030 report and what it covers.The sheer scale of buildout required to meet renewable and flexibility system targets, from 50 GW to 130 GW.Transmission and network challenges and how the government might tackle the issue of constraint. The role of energy storage in managing constraints and supporting the grid.Exploration of potential market changes, including zonal pricing to incentivize demand location near generation.

    Mentioned in this episode

    Joe’s research article - Clean Power by 2030: what would it mean for BESS?

    About Modo Energy

    Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

    All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on Linkedin or Twitter. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work. For more information on how batteries can save carbon, check out our written research.

  • Battery energy storage systems in Great Britain are projected to save 1.4 million tonnes of CO2 in 2024. Carbon emission savings are achieved directly through a battery's energy actions, by importing low-carbon energy and exporting it when demand is high, whilst other methods include frequency response services and inertia management savings.

    However, a battery's ability to reduce emissions is not inherent. Typically, they are operated to maximize profit, which may not always align with carbon-saving goals. For batteries to serve as effective tools for offsetting, there must be incentives to engage in emission-reducing behaviours. Insights into better carbon accounting and integration of storage into carbon accounting frameworks are some of the ways that can help identify how and where batteries can make the most impact.

    In this episode, Quentin talks to Tierra Climate Co-founder and CTO, Emma Konet. Over the course of the conversation, they discuss:

    The ‘four quadrants’ of carbon offsetting and where battery energy storage sits in this framework. The complexities in accurately measuring emissions and the role of voluntary carbon markets.Using locational marginal emissions factors for accurate carbon measurement.Discussion on the operational challenges of batteries in reducing emissions.The potential for carbon offsets to support energy storage projects financially.

    Mentioned in the episode

    Modo Energy’s research article: Carbon emissions reduced by batteries in Great BritainWhite paper: supercharging battery economics, shrinking emissionsWhite Paper: Charging towards net-zero

    About our guest

    Tierra Climate provide carbon insights to aid developers in siting and operations as well as assist corporations and utilities in making more informed procurement decisions and helpinf batteries decarbonize the grid. They offer a new class of carbon offsets that can boost battery project revenues, help accelerate decarbonization and improve grid reliability. For more information on what they do - visit their website.

    About Modo Energy

    Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

    All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on Linkedin or Twitter. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work.

  • Battery energy storage systems in Great Britain are projected to save 1.4 million tonnes of CO2 in 2024. Carbon emission savings are achieved directly through a battery's energy actions, by importing low-carbon energy and exporting it when demand is high, whilst other methods include frequency response services and inertia management savings.

    However, a battery's ability to reduce emissions is not inherent. Typically, they are operated to maximize profit, which may not always align with carbon-saving goals. For batteries to serve as effective tools for offsetting, there must be incentives to engage in emission-reducing behaviours. Insights into better carbon accounting and integration of storage into carbon accounting frameworks are some of the ways that can help identify how and where batteries can make the most impact.

    In this episode, Quentin talks to Tierra Climate Co-founder and CTO, Emma Konet. Over the course of the conversation, they discuss:

    The ‘four quadrants’ of carbon offsetting and where battery energy storage sits in this framework. The complexities in accurately measuring emissions and the role of voluntary carbon markets.Using locational marginal emissions factors for accurate carbon measurement.Discussion on the operational challenges of batteries in reducing emissions.The potential for carbon offsets to support energy storage projects financially.

    Mentioned in the episode

    Modo Energy’s research article: Carbon emissions reduced by batteries in Great BritainWhite paper: supercharging battery economics, shrinking emissionsWhite Paper: Charging towards net-zero

    About our guest

    Tierra Climate provide carbon insights to aid developers in siting and operations as well as assist corporations and utilities in making more informed procurement decisions and helpinf batteries decarbonize the grid. They offer a new class of carbon offsets that can boost battery project revenues, help accelerate decarbonization and improve grid reliability. For more information on what they do - visit their website.

    About Modo Energy

    Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

    All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on Linkedin or Twitter. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work. For more information battery energy storage and cell costs, check out our written research.

  • Understanding the factors driving cost reductions in battery cells is crucial for staying competitive. As demand for energy storage skyrockets, the pressure to reduce costs has never been higher. Material costs are not the only thing influencing prices, breakthroughs in cell chemistry, system efficiency and manufacturing practices all play a role in determining system prices.

    In this week’s episode, Head of Battery Costs at CRU - Aaron Wade joins Ed Porter to explore the latest in supply chain insights and cost projections, and what they mean for the future of energy storage. Over the conversation, they discuss:

    The impact of material costs on cell pricing, focusing on lithium trends. How cell and system innovation has contributed to lower costs.Changed in cell chemistry and how LFP has risen to dominance.Insights into the supply chain and manufacturing globally. What the future of battery costs might look like.

    About our guest

    CRU group provide business intelligence on the global metals, mining and fertilizer industries through market insight, commodity data and price assessments, strategic consultancy and communities and events. For more information, head to their website.

    Aaron is Head of Battery Costs at CRU group, where he leads a team of analysts and researchers who provide insights and forecasts on the global battery costs, production methods, and technology trends. Find him on LinkedIn.

    About Modo Energy

    Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

    All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on Linkedin or Twitter. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work. For more information battery energy storage and cell costs, check out our written research.

  • Understanding the factors driving cost reductions in battery cells is crucial for staying competitive. As demand for energy storage skyrockets, the pressure to reduce costs has never been higher. Material costs are not the only thing influencing prices, breakthroughs in cell chemistry, system efficiency and manufacturing practices all play a role in determining system prices.

    In this week’s episode, Head of Battery Costs at CRU - Aaron Wade joins Ed Porter to explore the latest in supply chain insights and cost projections, and what they mean for the future of energy storage. Over the conversation, they discuss:

    The impact of material costs on cell pricing, focusing on lithium trends. How cell and system innovation has contributed to lower costs.Changed in cell chemistry and how LFP has risen to dominance.Insights into the supply chain and manufacturing globally. What the future of battery costs might look like.

    About our guest

    CRU group provide business intelligence on the global metals, mining and fertilizer industries through market insight, commodity data and price assessments, strategic consultancy and communities and events. For more information, head to their website.

    Aaron is Head of Battery Costs at CRU group, where he leads a team of analysts and researchers who provide insights and forecasts on the global battery costs, production methods, and technology trends. Find him on LinkedIn.

    About Modo Energy

    Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

    All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on Linkedin or Twitter. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work. For more information battery energy storage and cell costs, check out our written research.