
  • Successful entrepreneurs are those who have a clear vision of their goals and work tirelessly towards achieving them.

    Successful individuals don't just dream about their goals; they take decisive action to make them a reality.

    Curated by Martin R. Ricketts

    Successful people are willing to take risks, learn from their failures, and adapt to changing circumstances. Others may have similar talents and opportunities, but lack the determination, discipline, and persistence required to turn their dreams into reality.

    Having the courage to overcome your fears is one of the essential attributes of a successful entrepreneur. Bootstrapping a startup is the definition of uncertainty and not for the faint of heart.

    Before becoming an entrepreneur, check your motives. If you're not truly passionate about what you want to pursue, it may not be the right path for you.

    So, do you REALLY want to be an entrepreneur?

    Don't Settle. Do Work You Love.

    Design Your Future.

    Monetize Your Storyπ™‚π™šπ™© π™Žπ™©π™–π™§π™©π™šπ™™ π™‰π™Šπ™’!



    Music: https://www.purple-planet.com


    #MonetizeYourStory #MichelleRicketts#KathrynAsaroMayers #RegCharney#LearnFaster #WorkSmarter #DesignYourFuture#doworkyoulove #DontSettle #DigitalSamuraiStudios#theGlobalInfluencer #MicroInfluencer #InfluenceMarketing#MartinRRicketts #LaptopLifestyle #CreatorCondo

  • Earth Day, An Investment in Your FutureYou can think of our planet like a savings account. If you keep taking out resources without replenishing them, very soon you're going to run into quite a bit of trouble.

    Curated by Martin R RickettsSource:


    Earth Day provides an opportunity to step back and give practical consideration to the interconnectedness of everything around us.Living on earth is no longer a solo sport, where we just consider our own survival and well-being, and we can all contribute to the ecosystem of our planet so we can grow and thrive as one.

    The environment is not just about nature, but how communities can thrive. .Many companies are integrating environmental initiatives with their business, which help communities and the world at large.

    For example the team at Vivo life plant a tree with every order they get. We are supporting African Youth.Mother Earth has looked after us? What will you do to add to the savings account of our Earth. For ideas on how you can make a difference visit https://www.earthday.org/

    Happy Earth Day!

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  • In this video Martin talks about using Voice Typing Dictanote Case & Grammarly

    Curated by Martin R Ricketts

    In this fast-paced digital world, those who execute with speed and precision will win the day. Voice typing, or dictation, is faster than typing with your fingers. Speech recognition software can translate over 150 words per minute, while the average person types around 40 words per minute.

    The best professional transcriptionists only get up to 80 words per minute, which is also much slower than voice typing. I have heard some people say, well, voice typing isn't very accurate, but that's largely on you. If you enunciate properly and practice, you can get accuracy levels over 95%, and in many cases, 100% accuracy is possible.

    As you can see, I just voice type this sentence with 100% accuracy. There are still some grammatical and structural issues to address, but we have a tool for that and we'll talk about that. So the tool we're using is called Voice in Typing. The reason we use Voice in typing is because it works in virtually any text field.

    And so if you're in social media where you're typing in comments, or you're typing in for a post, or you're doing a WhatsApp web and you're typing in a message anywhere, where there's a chrome-based field text field, you can use voice in typing. Now, I'm talking about the Pay version here. It's a no-brainer.

    This tool is so powerful, I use it all day, every day. It's just buy it, okay? It's very well worth it. And they understand that less is more. That's one of the key things that I like about this software. It doesn't do a gazillion extra things. It does exactly what it needs to do and nothing more.

    For instance, in Settings, you can set the language, which I'm going to set to Canada, because I'm in Canada, and you can set the font and size. That's all they have in there right now. Voice commands, I don't use them too much, but ones such as undo will do the last undo the last thing you did.

    So if I'm typing something, now is the time for all good men, then I stop typing. Then that's what it's going to undo. It's not going to undo all the rest of stuff. So if I type something else like this, then it puts it down there and I stop. Each one of those segments can be erased. Undo, undo, undo.

    The keyboard shortcut to turn on the mic. You can see it's red right now. And now it's not red, is shift control nine. You can change that, but I don't recommend you do. It's a good one that doesn't interfere with most other stuff. And what you really want to do is get used to turning that on and off.

    To read the rest of the transcript, click this link:


    Don't Settle. Do Work You Love.

    Design Your Future.

    Monetize Your Story π™‚π™šπ™© π™Žπ™©π™–π™§π™©π™šπ™™ π™‰π™Šπ™’!



    Music: https://www.purple-planet.com


    #VoiceTypingDictanote #Grammarly#MonetizeYourStory #MichelleRicketts#KathrynAsaroMayers #TishaHammond #DrStephenHobbs#LearnFaster #WorkSmarter #DesignYourFuture#doworkyoulove #DontSettle #DigitalSamuraiStudios#theGlobalInfluencer #MicroInfluencer #InfluenceMarketing#MartinRRicketts #LaptopLifestyle #CreatorCondo

  • Perhaps you've heard this little diddy.

    One bright morning in the middle of the night, two dead boys got up to fight. Back to back they faced each other. Drew their swords and shot each other.A deaf policeman heard the noise and ran to save those two dead boys. If you don't believe this lie is true, ask the blind man, he saw it, too.

    Curated by Martin R Ricketts Source: Chalsey Wilder

    Your brand is what other people say about you when you're not in the room. According to Jeff Bezos

    Is your brand congruent with your actions? Or is it like the highly contradictory poem above?In today's business world, it's not enough to talk the talk.

    You need to walk the walk as well. This means that your brand must be congruent with your actions. In other words, the messages you communicate about your brand must align with customers' actual experience when they interact with your products or services.

    If there is a contradiction between what you say about your brand and what you do through your products or services, it can damage your reputation, and just to be clear, your reputation IS your brand.

    Customers are very savvy these days and will quickly pick up on any inconsistencies. If they feel that they have been misled or deceived in any way, they will not hesitate to share their negative experiences with others, both in person and online.

    A happy customer tells a friend; an unhappy customer tells the world, amplified by social media. The last thing you want is to see a video about your client's negative experience go viral.On the other hand, if your brand is congruent with your actions, it can be a powerful tool for building customer trust and loyalty.

    When customers have a positive experience with your products or services, they are more likely to recommend your brand to others, both online and offline.

    This can lead to increased word-of-mouth marketing and organic growth for your business.Samurai Thinking suggests if you want your brand to be successful, it's essential to ensure that it is congruent with your actions.

    This means that you should be transparent about what you do and how you do it, and you should always strive to exceed your customers' expectations. By doing so, you can build a strong reputation for your brand that will withstand the test of time.

    He who communicates best, wins.

    Don't Settle. Do Work You Love. Design Your Future.

    Monetize Your Story π™‚π™šπ™© π™Žπ™©π™–π™§π™©π™šπ™™ π™‰π™Šπ™’!


    Music: https://www.purple-planet.com

    #MonetizeYourStory #MichelleRicketts#KathrynAsaroMayers #TishaHammond#LearnFaster #WorkSmarter #DesignYourFuture#doworkyoulove #DontSettle #DigitalSamuraiStudios#theGlobalInfluencer #MicroInfluencer #InfluenceMarketing#MartinRRicketts #LaptopLifestyle #CreatorCondo

  • At the core, we see that although it is important your marketing is data-driven β€” it is hugely important how you deal with that data exactly.

    It is important to understand that purpose and social responsibility are demanding more attention.

    Curated by Martin R Ricketts Source: https://bit.ly/DSS-TheDoctrine-of-One

    Create real value for real people with a focus on purpose, humanity, and a paradigm shift from the marketing funnel to the marketing circle. design your business around a mindset of service to your clients, service to the community and all stakeholders involved.

    Refining your target audience based on data and context must be an essential element of your success strategy.

    It is vital to know who you are targeting and what they are looking for and deliver value based on that research. Most critically, you must include a Call To Action and relevant Hashtags.

    If you don't do that, all your work is for naught because fewer people will see it.Once prospects are in your tribe, you provide them with VALUE VALUE VALUE so that over time, they get to know, like, and trust you and want what you have to offer.Now the most important piece.

    You must create an offer/service to market and have things in place to make the offer and the frictionless mechanism to convert the lead into a customer and receive their payment.

    The reality is most entrepreneurs don't have the systems in place to manage a large influx of new clients at a high level of customized service.

    If you want more clients, having systems in place FIRST is critical.Digital Samurai’s S.M.A.R.T. Architecture solves this problem so entrepreneurs can accelerate impact and generate profits faster. SMART stands for Systems Monetization Adding Revenue thru Technology.

    Our clients get bespoke content production services and address youth unemployment as part of our Global Influencer Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program, which provides equipment, mentoring and training for disadvantaged youth.

    If you want to learn more about how Digital Samurai can support your ability to Learn faster and work smarter,

    click the link below to get started.Don't Settle. Do Work You Love. Design Your Future.

    Monetize Your Story π™‚π™šπ™© π™Žπ™©π™–π™§π™©π™šπ™™ π™‰π™Šπ™’! https://linktr.ee/monetizeyourstory

    Music: https://www.purple-planet.com .

    #SmartStrategies #TargetAudience #CorporateSocialResponsibility#Monetize#YourStory #MichelleRicketts#KathrynAsaroMayers #TishaHammond #DrStephenHobbs#LearnFaster #WorkSmarter #DesignYourFuture#doworkyoulove #DontSettle #DigitalSamuraiStudios#theGlobalInfluencer #MicroInfluencer #InfluenceMarketing#MartinRRicketts #LaptopLifestyle #CreatorCondo

  • The actions you must take to be successful in the digital age, for the most part, are not that difficult, but you must be consistent, you must make a plan and follow it, and you must have the courage of conviction when the going gets tough.

    Curated by Martin R Ricketts Source: https://bit.ly/DSS-TheDoctrine-of-One

    Just like swinging a sword, speed efficiency, accuracy and precision of execution are the calling cards of global influencers.Doing research is no longer an option if you want to generate revenue as an influencer or a knowledge leader.

    From Bill Gates, and Elon Musk, to Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett, every single mega-successful entrepreneur reads prolifically.If you don't have support staff to curate information as Bill Gates does, then you must learn how to leverage technology to curate for you. You can use Google Assistant to take back time by refining your news and content preferences.

    Use tracking and targeting to your advantage. Work smarter not harder. Let the algorithms do the work by sending you relevant content based on your search historyUse ChatGPT for research and content creation. ChatGPT is a powerful language model that can help you with research and content creation.

    Simply input your topic or question and ChatGPT will provide you with a comprehensive answer or suggest ideas for your next blog post or video.Set up Google Alerts. Google Alerts is a free service that allows you to monitor the web for new content related to your interests. Set up alerts for keywords related to your niche or industry, and receive email notifications when new content is published.

    Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practiced every day. By incorporating these strategies into your routine, you can work smarter and more efficiently, and ultimately achieve greater success as an influencer or knowledge leader.

    Don't Settle. Do Work You Love. Design Your Future.

    Monetize Your Story π™‚π™šπ™© π™Žπ™©π™–π™§π™©π™šπ™™ π™‰π™Šπ™’! https://linktr.ee/monetizeyourstory

    Music: https://www.purple-planet.com

    #MonetizeYourStory #MichelleRicketts #couragetosucceed #ChatGPT#KathrynAsaroMayers #TishaHammond #DrStephenHobbs#LearnFaster #WorkSmarter #DesignYourFuture#doworkyoulove #DontSettle #DigitalSamuraiStudios#theGlobalInfluencer #MicroInfluencer #InfluenceMarketing#MartinRRicketts #LaptopLifestyle #CreatorCondo

  • In order to provide an effortless user experience, Digital Samurai only uses the best tool for the job.

    Curated by Martin R RickettsSource:https://bit.ly/DSS-TheDoctrine-of-One

    Many apps do multiple tasks, however, very few do everything well. We look for best in class features, not the most popular apps. By using the best tool, you can save time and effort, and get better results.

    By using the best tool for the job, you can be more efficient and effective in your work. The right tool can save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.

    For example, using a project management tool can help you stay organized and on track, while using a tool like Grammarly can help you write error-free documents more quickly. This can help to ensure a higher quality outcome.

    By utilizing only the best app for each critical technology service, Digital Samurai is able to provide a more efficient, intuitive, elegant technology experience for our clients.

    By exploring and using the best tool for each job, you can discover new ways of working and create more innovative solutions.

    To provide an effortless user experience always use the best tool for the job. We call this a proactive wise practice.

    Click the Doctrine of One link to learn why we selected the tools in our approved products list and how you can use them in your business.

    Don't Settle. Do Work You Love.Design Your Future.

    Monetize Your Storyπ™‚π™šπ™© π™Žπ™©π™–π™§π™©π™šπ™™ π™‰π™Šπ™’!https://linktr.ee/monetizeyourstory

    Music: https://www.purple-planet.com.

    #MonetizeYourStory #MichelleRicketts #tacticsvstools #UsethebestTool#KathrynAsaroMayers #TishaHammond #DrStephenHobbs#LearnFaster #WorkSmarter #DesignYourFuture#doworkyoulove #DontSettle #DigitalSamuraiStudios#theGlobalInfluencer #MicroInfluencer #InfluenceMarketing#MartinRRicketts#LaptopLifestyle #CreatorCondo

  • Put All excuses aside, and remember this, you are capable.

    Curated by Martin R Ricketts Source: https//hbr.org/2022/05/how-to-stop-procrastinating

    Most of us procrastinate to some degree. We feel guilty about it and criticize ourselves for it. And yet we still do it. Why? Because of at least three factors: the absence of good habits and systems (poor discipline), being overwhelmed by particular emotions (like anxiety or boredom), and our own flawed thinking patterns.

    For entrepreneurs, a common cause of procrastination is down to their relationship with technology. Technology is getting smarter but for many, it's not necessarily getting easier to use.When it comes to technology, there's so much noise and misinformation out there.

    A seemingly endless supply of constantly changing options, methods, and ideas on how to build a successful business that gives you more time freedom by generating revenue while you sleep.

    Technology can be frustrating indeed, but when the right tech is properly integrated with elegant strategies designed to reduce friction and confusion, it becomes seamless and ideally invisible. Imagine if technology WAS effortless to use! Like driving an automatic sports car.

    Take the friction out of your interactions with technology and your you will be far less likely to procrastinate. Use alerts, reminders, to do lists and calendar entries to help keep you on track.

    One of the best tools for capturing information coming into your digital world is Google Keep.

    Here is a MICRO Lesson about Keephttps://youtu.be/TcTP7xcQ3ooIn the age of cognitive augmentation, he who leverages technology best, wins!

    Don't Settle. Do Work You Love. Design Your Future.

    Monetize Your Story π™‚π™šπ™© π™Žπ™©π™–π™§π™©π™šπ™™ π™‰π™Šπ™’! https://linktr.ee/monetizeyourstory

    Music: https://www.purple-planet.com

    #HabitsandSystems #ElegantStrategies #Procrastination#MonetizeYourStory #MichelleRicketts#KathrynAsaroMayers #TishaHammond#LearnFaster #WorkSmarter #DesignYourFuture #GoogleKeep#doworkyoulove #DontSettle #DigitalSamuraiStudios#theGlobalInfluencer #MicroInfluencer #InfluenceMarketing#MartinRRicketts #LaptopLifestyle #CreatorCondo

  • In this interview, Martin talks with Anita about artificial intelligence, machine based learning and predictive modeling tools.

    Curated by Martin R Ricketts

    ANITA: So I wonder if we can just, kind of keeping with this subject, but I want to touch on cognitive augmentation because I know sometimes, that term gets mixed up with artificial intelligence, although it's a form of it, you know, there's a lot of terminology out there.

    MARTIN: Yeah. Well, I watched this great Ted Ted talk and the guy talked about β€˜how many of you want to be cyborgs?’ and everyone kind of laughs, β€˜well, we're already are in a way because we have these’.

    And of course, I think most people know, the computational power in this is far, far more than what they had when they put the first man on the moon, right? And that costs billions of dollars. But now we have these in our pocket. So we have a tremendous amount of power.

    And so if you want to know the answer to a question, you can, and quite frankly, we proactively use the assistant, the Google Assistant to do that, right? I like to say, don't guess, know, right?

    The other day we were trying to figure something out. How many light years it is to Alpha Centauri. I actually happened to know it's four point something light years, the closest star, and I geek about, about universe stuff.

    To read the entire transcript click the link below:



    Don't Settle. Do Work You Love. Design Your Future.

    Monetize Your Story π™‚π™šπ™© π™Žπ™©π™–π™§π™©π™šπ™™ π™‰π™Šπ™’! https://linktr.ee/monetizeyourstory

    Music: https://www.purple-planet.com

    #AIBasedMachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #PredictiveModellingTools#MonetizeYourStory #MichelleRicketts#KathrynAsaroMayers #TishaHammond #DrStephenHobbs#LearnFaster #WorkSmarter #DesignYourFuture#doworkyoulove #DontSettle #DigitalSamuraiStudios#theGlobalInfluencer #MicroInfluencer #InfluenceMarketing#MartinRRicketts #LaptopLifestyle #CreatorCondo

  • Water Day is an annual event that looks at the global issues surrounding access to clean, safe drinking water and sanitation.

    Curated by Martin R Ricketts Source: https://bit.ly/3lo8NQh

    This year’s Water Day is focusing on the link between water and climate change, and how the two are linked. The UN has said: β€œAdapting to the water effects of climate change will protect health and save lives.”

    Water is such a precious commodity that many take for granted. World Water Day is a chance to think about those people and places where water needs are still paramount, and seek to work together to find a solution.

    Water Day primarily focuses on access to clean water and adequate sanitation but it also looks at a number of water-related issues impacting the wider community.

    As we celebrate World Water Day, it's important to recognize the role that each of us can play in protecting and preserving this vital resource.

    Whether it's through reducing our own water usage, supporting water conservation efforts, or advocating for better water management policies, we can all make a difference in ensuring a sustainable future for water and the planet.

    #WaterDay #WorldWaterDay

  • President Theodore Roosevelt's quote is apropos if you've ever been criticized, second-guessed or ostracized for being different. To those in the game.

    Curated by Martin R Ricketts Source: Theodore Roosevelt

    It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better.

    The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again,Because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause.

    Who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

    Decision is the ultimate power. Get in the game.

    Don't Settle. Do Work You Love. Design Your Future.

    Monetize Your Story π™‚π™šπ™© π™Žπ™©π™–π™§π™©π™šπ™™ π™‰π™Šπ™’! https://linktr.ee/monetizeyourstory

    Music: https://www.purple-planet.com

    #TheodoreRoosevelt#MonetizeYourStory #maninthearena#MichelleRicketts #TheodoreRoosevelt#KathrynAsaroMayers #TishaHammond #DrStephenHobbs#LearnFaster #WorkSmarter #DesignYourFuture#doworkyoulove #DontSettle #DigitalSamuraiStudios#theGlobalInfluencer #MicroInfluencer #InfluenceMarketing#MartinRRicketts #LaptopLifestyle #CreatorCondo

  • Ordinary people using exceptional systems can produce exceptional results. Imagine what great people using exceptional systems can produce.

    Curated by Martin R Ricketts Source: https://bit.ly/DSS-TheDoctrine-of-One

    Now imagine every strategic partner or team member works exclusively with digitally agile people. Imagine they can all get work done on any device anywhere, effortlessly share data and information as if they are in the same room.

    Fewer miscommunications, lost files, wrong version numbers, and endless revisions. In other words, far less friction, pressure, and noise, all profit killers when working with clients on tight deadlines.Efficient, effortless, intuitive interaction on jobs between all project stakeholders. Imagine that.

    Digital Samurai is client experience obsessed. It IS possible to have a work experience as I outlined above.

    However, it takes a little bit of effort to build a system so you can effortlessly interact with your team.I would add to Steve Jobs quote, " the only way to do great work is to love what you do and have systems and processes in place that minimize friction."

    When the right technology is properly integrated, it becomes indispensable and ideally seamless and invisible.Are you doing work you love and leveraging Technology to YOUR Advantage?

    Don't Settle. Do Work You Love. Design Your Future.

    Monetize Your Story π™‚π™šπ™© π™Žπ™©π™–π™§π™©π™šπ™™ π™‰π™Šπ™’! https://linktr.ee/monetizeyourstory

    Music: https://www.purple-planet.com

    #SteveJobs #ExceptionalSystems#MonetizeYourStory #MichelleRicketts#KathrynAsaroMayers #TishaHammond #DrStephenHobbs#LearnFaster #WorkSmarter #DesignYourFuture#doworkyoulove #DontSettle #DigitalSamuraiStudios#theGlobalInfluencer #MicroInfluencer #InfluenceMarketing#MartinRRicketts #LaptopLifestyle #CreatorCondo

  • Everything you do in business all day everyday involves managing data and communications.

    Business Communications is the third pillar in Digital Samurai's Five Pillars of Productivity and one of the best ways to gain a tactical advantage over your competitors.

    Curated by Martin R Ricketts Source: https://bit.ly/DSS-TheDoctrine-of-One

    Mastering data management and taking the friction out of business communications are critical to success in a digital world where the speed, precision of execution, and freshness matter most.

    Establishing communication standards and protocols everyone knows and agrees to is the best way to ensure frictionless interactions with your team and outsourced workers. It's simpleβ€”he who communicates best wins.

    Here are some tips to help you communicate with clarity and precision:

    Be clear and concise: When communicating, make sure your message is clear and to the point. Avoid using jargon or complex language that may be difficult for the recipient to understand.

    Use simple language: Use simple language that is easy to understand, and avoid using acronyms or technical terms that the recipient may not be familiar with.

    Check for understanding: It's important to check that the recipient has understood your message.

    Ask them to repeat back what they heard or ask clarifying questions to ensure they have comprehended what you have said.

    Provide context: Provide context and background information to help the recipient understand the purpose and importance of the message.

    Use examples: Using examples can help to clarify your message and make it more relatable to the recipient.

    Be specific: Be specific about what you want the recipient to do, when you want it done, and any other relevant details.

    By communicating with clarity and precision, you can ensure that your message is understood, and the recipient can follow through with any necessary actions.

    This can help to prevent miscommunications and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

    Click the Doctrine of One link to learn why we selected the tools in our approved products list and how you can use them in your business.

    Don't Settle. Do Work You Love. Design Your Future.

    Monetize Your Story π™‚π™šπ™© π™Žπ™©π™–π™§π™©π™šπ™™ π™‰π™Šπ™’! https://linktr.ee/monetizeyourstory

    Music: https://www.purple-planet.com

    #ManagingdataandCommunications #PillarsofProductivity#MonetizeYourStory #MichelleRicketts#KathrynAsaroMayers #TishaHammond #DrStephenHobbs#LearnFaster #WorkSmarter #DesignYourFuture#doworkyoulove #DontSettle #DigitalSamuraiStudios#theGlobalInfluencer #MicroInfluencer #InfluenceMarketing#MartinRRicketts#LaptopLifestyle #CreatorCondo

  • We regularly receive questions on how to achieve better recordings at home.

    While many users are in commercial studios, many more are recording with home setups in their bedroom, living room, basement or garage.

    Curated by Martin R Ricketts

    Source: https://bit.ly/3klc5Db

    In this article, we’ve put together a list of 5 pointers to get studio quality results in your own home studio, including acoustic treatments, microphone techniques, gear configurations and more. We’ll also show you a few missteps to avoid

    AVOID HARD SURFACESThe number one factor that impacts the sonic quality of your recordings is the environment you’re recording in.

    USE REFLECTION SHIELDSWhen using omni- and bi-directional microphones, use reflection shields to minimize the sounds being picked up from the back and sides of the mic.

    DIY ACOUSTIC TREATMENTIf you don’t have the budget for commercial diffusion panels, the easiest and most cost-effective way to treat your recording space is to hang a thick blanket on the wall, shelf or bookcase that is directly behind the vocalist. Be sure to cover as much of the surface as possible.

    DON'T RECORD IN THE MIDDLE OF A ROOMDon’t record directly in the middle of your recording space.

    WHERE TO RECORDInstead of recording in the middle of the room, back yourself or your performer closer to the blanketed wall than to the opposite wall.

    With the rise of technology and the internet, home recording has become more accessible than ever before. Whether you're a musician looking to create and share your music, a podcaster looking to produce high-quality episodes, or a content creator looking to improve the audio in your videos, there are many reasons to invest in home recording equipment.

    Don't Settle. Do Work You Love.

    Design Your Future.

    Monetize Your Story

    π™‚π™šπ™© π™Žπ™©π™–π™§π™©π™šπ™™ π™‰π™Šπ™’!



    Music: https://www.purple-planet.com


    #BetterHomeRecording#MonetizeYourStory #MichelleRicketts#KathrynAsaroMayers #TishaHammond #DrStephenHobbs#LearnFaster #WorkSmarter #DesignYourFuture#doworkyoulove #DontSettle #DigitalSamuraiStudios#theGlobalInfluencer #MicroInfluencer #InfluenceMarketing#MartinRRicketts #LaptopLifestyle #CreatorCondo

  • Is it better to be a specialist, a generalist or perhaps a polymath?

    A specialist is someone who has a deep understanding and expertise in a specific field, while a generalist has a broader range of skills and knowledge across multiple fields.

    A polymath has a deeper level skill set across multiple domains.

    Curated by Martin R Ricketts

    Source: https://youtu.be/qdbC-O3qzCo

    Don't Settle. Do Work You Love.

    Design Your Future.

    Monetize Your Story

    π™‚π™šπ™© π™Žπ™©π™–π™§π™©π™šπ™™ π™‰π™Šπ™’!



    Music: https://www.purple-planet.com


    #SpecialistorGeneralist #Polymath#ElonMusk #firstprinciplesthinking#MonetizeYourStory #MichelleRicketts#KathrynAsaroMayers #TishaHammond #DrStephenHobbs#LearnFaster #WorkSmarter #DesignYourFuture#doworkyoulove #DontSettle #DigitalSamuraiStudios#theGlobalInfluencer #MicroInfluencer #InfluenceMarketing#MartinRRicketts #LaptopLifestyle #CreatorCondo

  • Life is short, so it's essential for you to design your life the way you want, do work you love, work you can put your heart and soul into.

    Curated by Martin R Ricketts Source:https://bit.ly/3GnQ4bS

    You have the natural gifts and talents, we clear the path for you to reach your goals sooner than you think by helping you utilize technology wisely. We love technology and what it can do for you.

    Our goal is to empower you to reimagine what is possible. By combining your gifts and talents with Digital Samurai's technology-based solutions, and a lifelong learning mindset, you will gain a significant tactical advantage over your competitors. Quite simply, you'll be able to learn faster, work smarter and execute more quickly based on data and knowledge.

    In a world where brand and freshness matter most, responding quickly and pivoting when necessary are essential skills for successful entrepreneurs in the digital age.

    What ideal work and life designs would provide balance and make every day a beautiful one for you?

    Don't Settle. Do Work You Love. Design Your Future.

    Monetize Your Story π™‚π™šπ™© π™Žπ™©π™–π™§π™©π™šπ™™ π™‰π™Šπ™’! https://linktr.ee/monetizeyourstory

    Music: https://www.purple-planet.com

    #DesignYourLife #LifelongLearning #DataandKnowledge#MonetizeYourStory #MichelleRicketts#KathrynAsaroMayers #TishaHammond #DrStephenHobbs#LearnFaster #WorkSmarter #DesignYourFuture#doworkyoulove #DontSettle #DigitalSamuraiStudios#theGlobalInfluencer #MicroInfluencer #InfluenceMarketing#MartinRRicketts#LaptopLifestyle #CreatorCondo

  • Tip Tuesday is a weekly reminder to focus on self-improvement and growth.

    Whether it's a personal or professional tip, taking time each week to learn and implement small changes can lead to big results over time. Successful people Master the mundane.

    Curated by Martin R Ricketts

    Service to others is altruistic, but it's also self-interested, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's a win win. Most people find profound joy in service to othersβ€”the greater the service, the greater your Fulfillment.

    Digital Samurai’s core philosophy has always been about service. Samurai literally means β€œto serve.” So think about how you can contribute to your community and the world because the best way to get what you want is to get others what they want.

    Happy Tip Tuesday!"

  • Becoming an exceptional writer is one of the best ways to future-proof your skills and ensure you will always be able to get work.

    It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in. If you are a thoughtful and strategic writer, you’ll be more confident in your interactions in emails, public speaking, or even just small talk.

    Curated by Martin R Ricketts Source: https://cnb.cx/3ErCvtM

    Here’s my best advice:

    Pick the right format for your message. Before you communicate an idea or request, decide on the best format to deliver your information.

    For example, if you are sharing research involving complex data, then a PowerPoint displaying charts and images may be the best format.

    If you are announcing management decisions, send a detailed email. Bullet points are a great way to get readers to focus on and digest information. You can also use the β€œSTAR” method: situation, task, action, and result.

    For discussions like progress updates or collecting feedback, a short email or in-person visit is generally sufficient.

    Avoid industry jargon. Plain and simple language is the most effective way to articulate complex topics. Avoid jargon or industry acronyms, no matter how universal you think they are.

    Consider using graphics or analogies to drive your point home. One of the best examples I’ve ever seen of this was when an executive designed his annual financial strategy presentation to mimic a children’s book.

    But don’t include extraneous details that can go off-topic or overwhelm the audience. If it’s not necessary for the conversation, move it to the bottom of your note.

    Reduce the amount of effort the audience needs to put in. Your recipients are bombarded with emails and documents all day. So before you send anything:

    Show your work. If you are dealing with a potentially controversial topic (e.g., allocating a budget or restructuring a company department), walk readers through your thought process.

    This approach builds confidence and shows people that you are thorough, can weave together a number of nuanced perspectives and can provide key context when it comes to big decisions.

    Invite feedback, and make note of any concerns.

    Write with precision. Finally, you want to make sure you project a strong and capable presence in all aspects of your job.

    Before you send anything:

    Mark Twain said, β€œI didn't have time to write you a short letter so I wrote you a long one.” Anyone who does a lot of writing, especially for marketing understands that profound truth.

    Challenge yourself to remove as many words, sentences, and even whole ideas as possible. Then ask: Does my thesis still stand? Essentially, you should treat words like the valuable currency they are.

    Don't Settle. Do Work You Love. Design Your Future.

    Monetize Your Story π™‚π™šπ™© π™Žπ™©π™–π™§π™©π™šπ™™ π™‰π™Šπ™’! https://linktr.ee/monetizeyourstory

    Music: https://www.purple-planet.com

    #HarvardNeuroscientist #StrategicWriter#MonetizeYourStory #MichelleRicketts#KathrynAsaroMayers #TishaHammond #DrStephenHobbs#LearnFaster #WorkSmarter #DesignYourFuture#doworkyoulove #DontSettle #DigitalSamuraiStudios#theGlobalInfluencer #MicroInfluencer #InfluenceMarketing#MartinRRicketts #LaptopLifestyle #CreatorCondo

  • In this interview, Martin talks with Anita about artificial intelligence, machine-based learning and predictive modeling tools.

    Curated by Martin R Ricketts

    ANITA: Let's move on to talking about the artificial intelligence, machine-based learning, predictive modeling tools. First of all, for people like me, can we just define those terms? What is artificial intelligence, machine learning, predictive modeling tools?

    MARTIN: Yeah. Well, artificial intelligence is the broader overall category that we're talking about, and artificial intelligence is machine-based, cognitive abilities that, that automate and like humans, think like humans.

    Now, we don't have general intelligence that can do anything, but we have very specific tools that can do very specific thing such as Siri, Alexa and the Google Assistant.

    Those are great examples of it. Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence, and it's specifically where they teach machines to understand what they're seeing, right?

    Computers could not until now see, but now they can in their way in that, if you search on Google photos for cat pictures in your, in your in your database, then Google photos knows what cat pictures looks like because Google has trained it by showing it 10 million pictures of cats.

    To read the entire transcript click the link below:



    Don't Settle. Do Work You Love.

    Design Your Future.

    Monetize Your Story

    π™‚π™šπ™© π™Žπ™©π™–π™§π™©π™šπ™™ π™‰π™Šπ™’!


    Music: https://www.purple-planet.com

    #AIBasedMachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #PredictiveModelingTools #CognitiveAbilities#MonetizeYourStory #MichelleRicketts#KathrynAsaroMayers #TishaHammond #DrStephenHobbs#LearnFaster #WorkSmarter #DesignYourFuture#doworkyoulove #DontSettle #DigitalSamuraiStudios#theGlobalInfluencer #MicroInfluencer #InfluenceMarketing#MartinRRicketts #LaptopLifestyle #CreatorCondo

  • When we work together, humankind builds a better society, making it safer, and providing opportunities for more young people each year.

    Curated by Martin R Ricketts Source: Helen Keller

    That is what Digital Samurai did. We struck upon a mission we can "barely lift." a mission to solve a major social problem in the world.

    80% of Youth under 30 in many African countries are unemployed. So we started an apprentice program to teach digital skills to disadvantaged youth in Africa. The program is called Digital Ronin Apprentice.

    We intend to reimagine the future of work for a younger generation by creating a new, scalable model for work that uses a targeted learning, guide on the ride journey-based model. A model that's based on helping you find your brilliance, then providing you with a way to monetize it.

    Entrepreneurs don't need to do it alone. Build a production team that takes the friction and confusion out of your work so you can execute at speed with great impact. Discover how you can hire our team for the price of a single in-house Digital Manager.

    Don't Settle. Do Work You Love. Design Your Future.

    Monetize Your Story π™‚π™šπ™© π™Žπ™©π™–π™§π™©π™šπ™™ π™‰π™Šπ™’! https://linktr.ee/monetizeyourstory

    Music: https://www.purple-planet.com

    #DigitalSamurai #DigitalRoninApprentice.#MonetizeYourStory #MichelleRicketts#KathrynAsaroMayers #TishaHammond #DrStephenHobbs#LearnFaster #WorkSmarter #DesignYourFuture#doworkyoulove #DontSettle #DigitalSamuraiStudios#theGlobalInfluencer #MicroInfluencer #InfluenceMarketing#MartinRRicketts#LaptopLifestyle #CreatorCondo