It's just Dee here. This podcast is a short one! We are long overdue! Please email us with any comments, suggestions or topics for the podcast you may have!
Email: meaningfulchildlesslife@yahoo.com
FB: 8 week summertime toning program (private group)
FB: https://www.facebook.com/meaningfulchildlesslife/
IG: Dee_Viapiano
As promised, our next topic includes the benefits of being childfree... but what happens when we don't take advantage of those benefits... Please let us know your thoughts!
We met Cari through Skydive Carolina, which came about from a simple comment on a Facebook thread, "As a childfree woman myself... woo!"
We knew she'd be a perfect first guest. We get into the hot topics concerning childfree folks, debunk some stereotypes, and even get into how she dealt with breast cancer. This was the most fun we've had doing a podcast yet!
Thanks Cari!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meaningfulchildlesslife/
Email: meaningfulchildlesslife@yahoo.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/dee_viapiano/
Saknas det avsnitt?
Discussed in this episode:
Intro - Denise is close to getting her A-license!
What drop zone do we go to?
Are the majority of extreme sport athletes childfree/childless?
What is an A-license in skydiving?
What can you do with an A-license?
Why do we skydive?
I hope you enjoy!
Blue skies!
Please contact us if you have any comments or questions:
Email: meaningfulchildlesslife@yahoo.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meaningfulchildlesslife/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/dee_viapiano/
Youtube AFP Level 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FytV9bR9XA4&t=1s
Youtube channel for more AFP jumps: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCijutLZZYZge24P2mBqnIMA
Dee and Tony delve into what's become a recent hot topic in their household. What's more important... Time or Money?
Show notes include:
Financial Fiduciary Eileen Parron - First Command
Podcast - Radical Personal Finance - Episode 444
Book - Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin
Mad Fientist Podcast, interview with Vicki Robin - http://www.madfientist.com/vicki-robin-interview/
Reach out to us to share your take on this topic. We'd love to hear it!
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/meaningfulchildlesslife/
IG - https://www.instagram.com/dee_viapiano/
email - meaningfulchildlesslife@yahoo.com
D and T reveal their own individual "perfect days" to each other and invite you to join along in this fun exercise!
IG: Dee_Viapiano
Email: meaningfulchildlesslife@yahoo.com
We delve into our most recent and future goals and the importance of goal setting for the childfree folk!
Dee just finished competing in the OCB Open Body Sculpting Championship in Hampton, VA! She shares some lessons learned from her 12 week journey to the stage!
We get into a few ramblings about goals we'd like to set, along with some added tips for our fellow MCL tribe members!
-------- Connect with us! --------
Dee and Trex introduce themselves, discuss the need for a childfree podcast, and give you a taste of what to expect in upcoming shows! Join us in creating a community that is proud to be childfree!