
  • In this episode of MathsTalk, Host, Leanne McMahon speaks with Cass Lowry, a PhD candidate researching the identification of high-quality mathematics resources. Cass shares her experiences at major conferences and discusses the need for a framework to help teachers discern effective math resources in the rapidly expanding online space. She highlights the importance of balancing problem-solving and explicit teaching and mentions her current research efforts, including a survey for Australian teachers. Cass also shares her top three maths websites, books and hands-on resources, :

    Please help Cass by completing her survey: https://uninewcastle.questionpro.com.au/QMR-survey

    2024 MANSW Annual Conference

    3-day event: 30 September - 2 October

    Twin Towns Tweed Heads

    Theme: Teaching for, about and through problem solving

    Keynote: Amie Albrecht



    Steve Wyborney's blog https://www.stevewyborney.com

    LoveMaths by Michael Minas: http://www.lovemaths.com.au

    OpenMiddle by Robert Kaplinsky. https://www.openmiddle.com


    Mathematics Assessment for Learning: Rich tasks and Work Samples by Ann Downton, Rose Knight, Doug Clarke and Gerard Lewis

    Rosenshine's Principles in Action by Tom Sherington

    Chasing Rabbits: A Curious Guide to a Lifetime of Mathematical Wellness by Sunil Singh

    Teaching Mathematics through Story Books byt Sheila Griffin and Dr Paul Swan https://drpaulswan.com.au/shop/teaching-mathematics-through-story-books-1-f-1/

    EMMaths Virtual Summit: https://www.emmaths.com.au/events

    Amplify Polypad: https://polypad.amplify.com/

    Cass's Pattern blocks presentation: https://bit.ly/ICME-15

  • An APR Intern Special

    Guest Host, Sarah Ramantanis discusses the positive impact of AMSI’s Australian Postgraduate Research Internship program - APR.Intern, Australia’s only national PhD and Masters by Research internship program spanning all sectors and disciplines.

    APR.Intern is the industry engagement arm of the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI), and connects postgraduate research students with industry through short-term placements, empowering students to thrive in a practical research environment. For businesses, APR.Intern is a platform to access Australia’s brightest emerging research talent and accelerate innovation.

    Today we are joined by APR Intern Alejandro Casar Berazaluce and Angus Maiden, Data Scientist Technical Lead, StrongRoom AI. This episode takes a deep dive into the Alex’s APR internship at Strongroom Ai and discusses the broader impact of completing a PhD internship in mathematical sciences ecosystem. This episode explores mathematics Careers at Strongroom AI for mathematics students, the benefits of a PhD internship and the current state of the Mathematical Sciences Industry.

  • Saknas det avsnitt?

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  • In this episode of MathsTalk, Leanne interviews Nadia Abdelal, Director of EM Maths Consulting, about her latest blog post that traces two centuries of maths education in Australia. Nadia discusses how Australia's educational reforms were initially influenced by Britain and how certain methodologies, such as the use of concrete manipulatives like Cuisenaire rods, the implementation of entrance and matriculation exams, and open-plan learning spaces, were integrated and evolved over time. The conversation highlights various educational initiatives and the professional development needed for effective teaching. Nadia emphasizes the importance of continuous professional learning and teacher development to improve maths education.

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Contact Nadia: https://www.emmaths.com.au/

    Blog post: https://www.emmaths.com.au/blog/tracing-two-centuries-of-maths-education-in-australia

    Cuisenaire activities: https://calculate.org.au/2020/01/21/cuisenaire-rods/

  • In this episode of MathsTalk, host Leanne McMahon discusses the pressing issue of out-of-field teaching in mathematics education. With recent media attention on AMSI's analysis of out-of-field secondary maths teaching and upskilling initiatives in Australia, Leanne explores the complexities of defining out-of-field teaching and its various dimensions, including qualification, specialism, workload, and capability. Drawing from extensive research and insightful anecdotes, she discusses the impact of out-of-field teaching on student learning and offers practical strategies for upskilling teachers, emphasizing the importance of government funding for retraining initiatives. Through engaging discussions and resource recommendations, including the invaluable Out of Field Teaching Toolkit podcast, McMahon aims to ignite a conversation and provide actionable solutions to enhance the quality of mathematics education across Australia.


    AMSI Paper: https://amsi.org.au/?publications=relieving-out-of-field-teaching-in-australian-secondary-mathematics

    Podcast Out-of-Field Toolkit: Margaret Paton: https://open.spotify.com/show/5ktSjWBqd3SgmeuInYtzGx?si=fb4ffc1419e64407

    Hobbs, L., Campbell, C., Delaney, s., Speldewinde, C. & Lai, J. (2020). Defining and mapping out-of-field teaching in Victorian government schools. Deakin University Retrieved from https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57f5c6e0414fb53f7ae208fc/t/61727df5c5216e3ba4565c48/1634893310963/TOOF+Mapping+Report+Hobbs+et+al+2020_Definitions+only.pdf

    NĂ­ RĂ­ordĂĄin, M., Paolucci, C., & O' Dwyer, L. M. (2017). An examination of the professional development needs of out-of-field mathematics teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 64, 162-174. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2017.02.001

    Beswick, K. (2014). What teachers' want: Identifying mathematics teachers' professional learning needs. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 11(1), 83-108.

    Desimone, L. M., & Garet, M. S. (2015). Best practices in teachers' professional development in the United States/Mejores practicas de desarrollo profesional docente en Estados Unidos. Psychology, Society, & Education, 7(3), 252-278.

    Du Plessis, A. (2016). Leading teachers through the storm: Looking beyond the numbers and turning the implications of out-of-field teaching practices into positive challenges. International Journal of Educational Research, 79, 42-51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijer.2016.06.010

    Goos, M., O’Donoghue, J., Ní Ríordáin, M., Faulkner, F., Hall, T., & O’Meara, N. (2020). Designing a national blended learning program for “out-of-field” mathematics teacher professional development. ZDM, 52(5), 893-905. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11858-020-01136-y

    Contact us: [email protected]

    Twitter (X): @AMSIschools

  • Host, Leanne McMahon, dives into the eternal question: "When am I ever going to use this?" by looking at the diverse career paths open to those who choose to study mathematics at school and beyond. We also highlight an exciting opportunity for teachers: the 2024 Teacher Professional Learning in Industry Day, hosted by AMSI and the Australian Centre for Career Education. This event will connect secondary maths teachers and careers advisors with industry experts to showcase the vast array of study and career pathways available to students who continue to study maths. From data science to finance, technology to engineering, Leanne emphasizes the crucial role high school teachers play in guiding students towards rewarding careers in mathematics. Don't miss out on this enriching discussion and the chance to explore the endless possibilities maths has to offer!

    2024 Teacher Professional Learning in Industry Day and EOI:

    Tuesday 21st May 2024 at the University of Melbourne. Expressions of interest close March 1st 2024 https://amsi.org.au/2024-teacher-professional-learning-in-industry-day/

    AMSI Careers Information: https://careers.amsi.org.au/ https://ss.amsi.org.au/careers-day-2024-optiver/

    Contact us: [email protected]

  • In 2020, Special guest Dr Catherine Attard released a blog post looking at how teachers and parents can discern between good and not-so-great mathematics resources in this time of information overload. We felt this was timely with the explosion of questionable quality resources from sites like Teachers-pay-teachers and Twinkle. The highly engaging Marcus Garrett and regular host, Leanne McMahon lead a spirited conversation. They also discuss effective use of technology in Mathematics, the difference between performing and learning in maths and what 'home-schooling' really means.

    Podcast notes and resources can be found at www.calculate.org.au. Catherine's Blog can be found at https://engagingmaths.com/

    Other Links discussed in the episode:

    Attard, C. (2020), Teaching maths in challenging times: Keep calm and remain critical! Blog post on Engaging Maths. Retrieved from https://engagingmaths.com/2020/03/18/teaching-maths-in-challenging-times-keep-calm-and-remain-critical/.

    Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), 2010, Mathematics Proficiencies. Retrieved from https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/resources/mathematics-proficiencies/.

    Boaler, J. (1996), Case Studies of Alternative Approaches to Mathematics Teaching: Situated Cognition, Sex and Setting. Unpublished doctoral thesis, Kings College School of Education, University of London, UK. Retrieved from https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/files/2934023/DX199706.pdf.

    Garrett, M. (2016), The Problem with Problem Solving. Blog article on Calculate by AMSI. Retrieved from https://calculate.org.au/2016/04/13/problem-with-problem-solving/.

    Website: Joel Speranza – Leveraging Technology for Learning. www.joelsperanza.com.

    YouTube Channel: Joel Speranza Math. https://www.youtube.com/c/JoelSperanzaMath/featured

    Link to Dr Attard’s Research Project, ‘Investigating the impact of COVID-19 on teachers' technology-related attitudes, beliefs and practices’ (call for survey participants): https://surveyswesternsydney.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6AmgoLh1N7ZDktn

  • Host Leanne McMahon welcomes PhD candidate Cassandra Lowry for a lively discussion centred on Cass's presentation at the 2023 Maths Association of Victoria Conference. Formative assessment strategies that are easily implemented in your classroom and can have a huge effect on student learning.


    Contact us: [email protected]

    Twitter (X) @cass_lowry (Cass) @AMSIschools (MathsTalk)

    LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/cassandra-lowry

    Ask & Listen vs. Tell & Sell (Article)

    Ibarra, H. & Scoular, A. (2019). The leader as coach: How to unleash innovation, energy, and commitment. Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2019/11/the-leader-as-coach

    Rosenshine’s Principles (Book)

    Sherrington, T. (2019). Rosenshine’s Principles in Action. John Catt: Melton, Woodbridge.

    Checking for Understanding (Blog) Tom Sherrington - 5 ways to check for understanding https://teacherhead.com/2021/12/02/five-ways-to-check-for-understanding/

    Questioning (YouTube Video) Dylan Wiliam – Questioning https://youtu.be/y8bHMd3PosM

    Diagnostic Questions (Website)

    Craig Barton (from Mr Barton Maths Podcast) developed site that includes 25 thousand questions and quizzes to help diagnose student misconceptions https://diagnosticquestions.com/

    Contact Info

    MAV Conference 30 Nov - 1 Dec 2023 https://www.mav.vic.edu.au/Conference/Annual-Conference

  • Welcome to the latest episode of MathsTalk by AMSI schools. In this conversation, Leanne McMahon, the Schools Maths Advisor at AMSI, discusses the vital aspect of great mathematics teaching, making connections. Leanne is joined by Michaela Epstein, the founder and director of Maths Teacher Circles, who challenges conventional thinking in maths education. They explore the importance of focusing on the "big ideas" in maths and how to help students make connections between different mathematical concepts. Michaela provides practical strategies for educators to implement in their classrooms and encourages a more creative and connection-based approach to teaching mathematics. To stay updated and get access to valuable resources, you can subscribe to Michaela's email newsletter, follow her on social media, and explore her professional learning program for teachers. Join this engaging conversation to discover new ways to foster mathematical understanding and encourage your students to connect the dots in maths.


    [email protected]


    Juggling As A Way of Building Deep Understanding: https://www.mathsteachercircles.org/blog/juggling/

    (blog post related to our conversation)

    Charles, R.I. (2005). ‘Big Ideas and Understandings as the Foundation for Elementary and Middle School Mathematics’, Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership, Vol.7 (3).Siemon, D. (2022). ‘Teaching with the Big Ideas in Mathematics’, Issues in the Teaching of Mathematics. State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training).Bransford, J., Derry, S., Berliner, D., Hammerness, K., & Beckett, K. (2005). Theories of learning and their roles in teaching. In L. Darling-Hammond & J. Bransford (ed.), Preparing teachers for a changing world: What teachers should learn and be able to do. Jossey-Bass. (quiz questions re Easter Bunny etc came from)

    Cryptoshifts: https://www.engagememathematics.com/product/cryptoshifts/

    Contact Michaela:

    My email newsletter: https://www.mathsteachercircles.org/amsiTwitter: https://twitter.com/MathsCirclesOzLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/maths-teacher-circlesFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/MathsTeacherCircles

  • In case you missed it last year, we have rereleased the very popular episode in which Vicky Kennard discusses how students can best use the last few weeks before exams to maximise their chances of success. She highlights where students should be aiming to be at this stage and importantly, what to do if they're not there yet.

    Share this with every senior maths student, teacher and parent you know!

    ICE-EM Textbooks: https://schools.amsi.org.au/ice-em-mathematics-textbooks/

    Neuroscience and education: https://www.youcubed.org/neuroscience-education-article/

    Interleaving: https://www.edutopia.org/article/how-use-interleaving-foster-deeper-learning


    Pomodoro Method: https://todoist.com/productivity-methods/pomodoro-technique

  • đŸŽ™ïž Looking for insightful discussions on the role of calculators in middle school mathematics education? Join us on MathsTalk, hosted by Leanne McMahon. In this episode, Leanne is joined by mathematics education expert Nadia Abdelal to explore the pros and cons of using calculators for students in years 5 to 8. Gain valuable insights into how calculators can enhance understanding and problem-solving skills, as well as the concerns surrounding their potential overreliance. Discover practical strategies for striking the right balance between technology and traditional maths methods. Tune in to MathsTalk, where maths is not just about numbers; it's a journey of discovery! Subscribe and leave a review to stay mathematically inclined. 🧼🔍 #MathsTalk

  • In this much-anticipated episode, host, Leanne McMahon sits down with world-famous maths educator Eddie Woo to try to harness his enthusiasm to inspire us all to be the best maths teacher we can. We discuss what inspires Eddie, how he moved from feeling ‘on the outside’ to where he is today and what he has learned along the way (and from whom). We touch on the perceived dichotomy between direct instruction and learning through problem solving and mention other pedagogies that may have been set up as dichotomous, but that all contribute to the rich tapestry of Maths teaching. Finally, we look at the importance of mentoring for all teachers and where Eddie would go for professional learning.

    Please pass on some of the maths love by rating and sharing our podcast and check out some of the back catalogue of other brilliant guests and topics the MathsTalk podcast has covered.


    Contact us: [email protected]

    Eddie’s website and links to TV shows and books:


    A profile of Eddie: https://careers.amsi.org.au/eddie/

    The NSW Mathematics Growth team: https://education.nsw.gov.au/about-us/strategies-and-reports/nsw-mathematics-strategy/initiatives/10-mathematics-growth-team

    Teacher social networks:


    Dan Meyer – Fake world math: https://blog.mrmeyer.com/2015/fake-world-math-when-mathematical-modeling-goes-wrong-and-how-to-get-it-right/

    Logarithmic graphs and Covid-19: https://www.socialsciencespace.com/2020/06/people-do-not-understand-logarithmic-graphs-used-to-visualize-covid-19/

    Direct Instruction or Inquiry-Based Learning?: https://www.edutopia.org/article/direct-instruction-inquiry-based-learning/

    ICE-EM Textbooks: https://schools.amsi.org.au/ice-em-mathematics-textbooks/

    AMSI Resources: https://calculate.org.au/

  • Host Leanne McMahon is so excited to announce our latest guest, Eddie Woo!

    This is just a taster of what is to come in the first week of August 2023!

    Check out https://misterwootube.com/

    and https://misterwootube.com/2020/03/18/books-tv-2/

    to get ready for the discussion ahead.

  • Host, Leanne McMahon welcomes Maths consultant and PhD candidate, Lynelle Campbell to the podcast this week. Lynelle is looking at numeracy intervention strategies for young children and has come up with a list of 7 strategies that can help students who are struggling to get maths. The importance of 'Number Sense' is reiterated many times and the ideas are easily used in classrooms from early years right through to secondary.

    Lynelle's website: https://lynzeducation.com.au/

    Contact us: [email protected]

    The Number Sense Podcast: https://mathstalk.podbean.com/e/developing-number-sense-in-young-children/

    A visual summary of Lynelle's 7 strategies: https://calculate.org.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2023/07/7-high-impact-strategies-that-help-students-get-maths.pdf

    AMSI ICE-EM textbooks: https://schools.amsi.org.au/ice-em-mathematics-textbooks/

    Twitter: @AMSISchools

    Facebook: MathsTalk by AMSI Schools

  • It's time to revisit the importance of using games in maths classes, even when we're not locked up! This was a podcast originally released in the thick of home based learning in 2020.

    Marcus Garrett speaks with popular educator and ChooseMATHS award winner, Michael Minas about games and strategies that make maths classes fun and educational. Michael provides parents, caregivers and teachers with both encouragement and some great, practical tips about how to engage - and focus - children and young people.

    Related Links:

    Download Transcript AMSI Schools ‘Calculate’ site – “Games”Article: ‘Want Your Child to succeed in mathematics? Play with them’Michael Minas’s ‘LoveMaths’ websiteMichael Minas’s LoveMaths ‘Games’ web page
  • In this must-listen episode, host Leanne McMahon talks to Professor Chris Matthews from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mathematics Alliance (ATSIMA) about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural cross-curriculum priority inclusion in the new Maths Curriculum in Australian schools. Chris shares his mathematical and cultural history and challenges teachers to examine how the concept of Terra Nullius has affected the role of both indigenous and non-indigenous Australians today. He discusses the importance of culture to all students and looks at some relevant contexts and ways in which teachers can include the cultural priority in their planning.

    Contact Chris: https://atsima.com/

    MathsTalk Feedback: [email protected]

    Chris's talk - AMSI Summer School (Maths & Culture): https://ss.amsi.org.au/public-lecture/ (click on watch recording link)

    Teacher Magazine Link: https://www.teachermagazine.com/au_en/authors/chris-matthews

    The Orb: https://www.theorb.tas.gov.au/

    ACARA Priority description: https://tinyurl.com/ATSIpriority

  • Welcome to MathsTalk, the podcast hosted by Leanne McMahon, with special guest, the ever popular Nadia Abdelal, a highly respected Maths consultant from EM Maths Consulting. In this episode, Nadia shares insights on assessment, including triangulation, great assessment tasks, rubrics, and more. As educators, we know that assessment is not just about testing, but also about gathering meaningful data to inform our instructional practices. Nadia will shed light on how triangulation, which involves using multiple sources of evidence to assess student learning, can provide a more comprehensive picture of students' mathematical understanding. She will also discuss the importance of well-designed assessment tasks that align with learning goals and engage students in deep mathematical thinking. Whether you're a maths teacher or passionate about mathematics education, this episode provides valuable insights into assessment strategies for better understanding students' mathematical learning. Let's dive into the world of assessment with Nadia Abdelal on MathsTalk!


    To contact Nadia: https://www.emmaths.com.au/about

    To contact us: [email protected] or our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/amsischools

    Triangulation: Oliver-Hoyo, M., & Allen, D. (2006). The use of triangulation methods in qualitative educational research. Journal of College Science Teaching, 35(4), 42–47.


    Number talks: https://www.emmaths.com.au/post/number-talks


    NAPLAN Spreadsheet: Contact Nadia and she will pass on the link to the spreadsheet https://www.emmaths.com.au/about

    Formulating an expression (Year 7) https://acaraweb.blob.core.windows.net/acaraweb/docs/default-source/assessment-and-reporting-publications/e6-naplan-2016-final-test-numeracy-year-7-(non-calc).pdf?sfvrsn=2 (Question 15)

    Fraction Strips: https://www.math-salamanders.com/printable-fraction-strips.html

    Trading game: See the classroom activity using place value houses http://amsi.org.au/teacher_modules/Using_place_value4-7.html

    Michael Minas: Podcast - MathsTalk Episode 10

    Love Maths website: https://www.lovemaths.me/

    Rob Vingerhoets: http://robvingerhoets.com.au/maths/

    Victorian Department of Education: https://www.education.vic.gov.au/school/teachers/teachingresources/discipline/maths/Pages/maths-and-numeracy-assessment.aspx

    NSW Department of Education: https://educationstandards.nsw.edu.au/wps/portal/nesa/k-10/understanding-the-curriculum/assessment

  • A replay of the special episode to celebrate International Maths Day. Host Leanne McMahon talks to AMSI CHOOSEMATHS award winners Elizabeth Dewar and Ryan Jellie. We discuss the changes that they've made to the teaching of Maths at Boneo Primary School and how these changes have affected their students. Former AMSI School Advisor Marcus Garrett joins Leanne in a road trip to Boneo to talk to the students and hear about their interpretation of 'Maths is everywhere.'

  • Host Leanne McMahon has a long awaited discussion with Maths educator and former AMSI Schools Mathematics Advisor Cass Lowry about great Maths activities that are flexible enough to be done in the classroom, in hybrid mode or via remote learning. This conversation took place when schools were moving to remote learning daily and teachers needed to be able to switch easily and without taking hours in preparation.

    The activities are as timely today as they were then and Cass gives some fabulous ideas on how they can be used in both primary and secondary settings.

    Cass can be contacted via Twitter @Cass_Lowry

    Contact us on [email protected] with any comments, queries or suggestions

    Remote and Classroom Learning Resources

    Which one doesn’t belong? A shapes book ~ Christopher Danielson (2016) Stenhouse Publishers

    Which one doesn’t belong? http://wodb.ca/How many? A counting book ~ Christopher Danielson (2018) Stenhouse PublishersTalking Math With Your Kids: https://talkingmathwithkids.com/Christopher Danielson @TrianglemancsdSearch Twitter: #tmwyk #unitchat #WODBSame or Different ~ Meaningful Math Moments (Jennifer Barker) http://www.meaningfulmathmoments.com/same-or-different.htmlSame or Different Examples (Brian Bushart) https://samedifferentimages.wordpress.com/Brian Bushart @bstockusSearch Twitter for: #samediffmath #ElemMathChatDan Finkel - Number Talks https://mathforlove.com/lesson/number-talks/Dan Finkel @MathForLoveNat Banting - Fraction Talks http://fractiontalks.com/Nat Banting @NatBantingNumber Talks – YouCubed (Jo Boaler) https://www.youcubed.org/resources/stanford-onlines-learn-math-teachers-parents-number-talks/Mathematical Number Talks http://www.mathnumbertalks.com/resources/Number Strings: https://numberstrings.com/what-is-a-number-string/Steve Wyborney - Subitizing Slides https://stevewyborney.com/2018/09/100-subitizing-slides-10-challenge-patterns/Steve Wyborney - Splat! https://stevewyborney.com/2018/09/splat-for-google-slides-40-lessons/Steve Wyborney - Esti-Mysteries https://stevewyborney.com/2019/09/51-esti-mysteries/Steve Wyborney @SteveWyborneyRobert Kaplinsky - Open Middle https://www.openmiddle.com/Robert Kaplinsky @robertkaplinsky and @openmiddlePam Harris - MathStratChat Examples https://www.mathisfigureoutable.com/mathstratchatPam Harris @pwharrisSearch Twitter: #MathStratChatBerkeley Everett - Number Search https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPUhHweMG3cpSQ2CRL0scB2KtIKi2D6UFLrLtVuBNpr_z-UWsqce6nzZGmkWi5UWA?key=QlZfb2Rtd05vbXRiVklUSldiUGVTSVMxd2hINXJnBerkeley Everett @BerkeleyEverettSimon Gregg @Simon_GreggSearch Twitter: #numbersearch

    Great Maths Instructional Videos

    Howie Hua https://www.youtube.com/c/HowieHua1/James Tanton https://www.youtube.com/c/JamesTanton_SquineCosquineTanqJoel Speranza https://www.youtube.com/c/JoelSperanzaMathEddie Woo https://www.youtube.com/c/misterwootube
  • Host, Leanne McMahon catches up with highly experienced mathematics educator and founder of Maths Teacher Circles in Australia, Michaela Epstein to discuss how Problem Solving in classrooms of all year levels can be effective and collaborative. We discuss how teachers can go about incorporating problem solving into their classroom practice and how to structure these activities. We also look at the false dichotomy between problem solving and explicit instruction and why each of these has its place in the contemporary Maths classroom.


    Michaela's website: https://www.michaelaepstein.com.au/

    Other links discussed by Michaela:

    Maths Teacher Circles website: https://mathsteachercircles.org/amsi We share problems on a regular basis that we believe you will love:Twitter: https://twitter.com/MathsCirclesOzFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/MathsTeacherCircles/Samantha Hellessey’s Twitter https://twitter.com/s_hellessey?s=20&t=edSZrVJoQVJGk-troBLsHQA presentation given by Norman Do at AMSI https://rhed.amsi.org.au/dr-norman-radio/

    Some good sources of Problems:

    NZ Maths https://nzmaths.co.nz/problem-solving (Some great articles to read here too)NRich from the University of Cambridge. https://nrich.maths.org/ (Also terrific articles)Not free, but worth checking out is Problemo https://problemo.edu.au/Re Solve - Maths by inquiry https://resolve.edu.au/AMSI Calculate has some lessons written up for you https://calculate.org.au/

    Contact us on [email protected] or Twittter @AMSIschools or Facebook MathsTalk by AMSI Schools

  • The Grattan Institute recently released a report looking at the benefits of a coordinated, whole-school approach to planning, which carefully sequences learning of key knowledge and skills across subjects and year levels. In this episode, Leanne McMahon (AMSI) and Nadia Abdelal from EM Maths discuss the significance of this report and how the recommendations would play out in schools. Naturally we focus on Mathematics, but this is a discussion that belongs across all learning areas.

    The report can be found here: https://grattan.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Ending-the-lesson-lottery-Grattan-Report.pdf

    Nadia can be contacted here: https://www.emmaths.com.au/

    Leanne can be contacted here: [email protected]

    Find resources and ICE-EM Books at https://calculate.org.au/

    Teachers to Leaders https://www.teacherstoleaders.com.au/