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I chat with Cheryl and Garreth about this beautiful labour of love that they are creating. A collection of the beautiful stories in audio so that our kids can have access to rich and beautiful literature. Such a great addition to family reading.
1:29 - Welcome and about the project
9:30 - Listening to audiobooks as a family
11:47 - Every book is an adventure
12:40 - Audiobook production
17:19 - What are the age categories?
21:38 - What was the source of inspiration?
28:18 - How to listen
36:41 - Books available on the podcastThe Thousand Good Books Project
HeWo Catholic Audio Player
Yoto Audio Player
Recommended reading:
The Restoration of Christian Culture by John SeniorSupport the show
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Suzanne and I chat abut her beautiful new book: She Loved. Thanks Suzanne for what you offer mothers .
1:58 - Reaching out to others in time of need
4:54 - Welcome and about Suzanne
10:45 - Suzanne's new book She Loved
18:31 - What impact do you hope this book will have?
22:21 - As parents we are always amateurs
25:12 - The vital role of motherhood
35:00 - Remembering our vision and what truly matters
@latteandlaundry on Instagram
www.latteandlaundry.comAVAILABLE FOR PREORDER NOW!
She Loved: Resting in the Beauty of Motherhood by Suzanne Bilodeau - Ascension Press
Latte and Laundry: A home for Catholic women, moms, and hearts (podcast)Support the show
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A fascinating conversation on a recent study of homeschooled adults. Co-author Albert Cheng, PhD, is a Cardus senior fellow and associate professor in the Department of Education Reform at the University of Arkansas.
Among his many achievements and areas of study, his research interests include character formation, school-choice policy, faith-based schooling, and homeschooling. Our conversation about this study, Diverse Outcomes for a Diverse Population, reveals some interesting data about home educated adults as well as food for thought on our goals for family education.
00:40 - Welcome
5:16 - About Cardus
9:08 - The study sample
13:12 - Gathering data on homeschooling
16:56 - Religious engagement in homeschoolers
20:37 - Civic behavior results
22:58 - Family formation and adoption of values
26:04 - Geographical demographics
28:16 - Structured vs. unstructured homeschooling
31:07 - Parent and child relationships
35:48 - Most important takeawaysSupport the show
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Zoe's new FREEBIE!
Where I randomly record a catch up conversation between Zoe and myself.
We discuss many things, including, but not limited to:
2:41 - Illness and natural remedies
natural cleaning products
Skin care
10:48 - Raw milk and the law
14:02 - The decision to homeschool
Leaning in to family
Let them by Mel Robbins
Dealing with new circumstances
21:20 - States of overwhelm
accomplishing household tasks
34:51 - AI tools for moms
The value of writing by hand
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Christina and I discuss a listener’s experience of loneliness in motherhood.
1:35 - Dealing with loneliness as a mother
3:46 - Deep, interior loneliness vs. physical loneliness
8:15 - Ways to reach out for community
13:55 - Creating a schedule for yourself
16:21 - Seeking spiritual direction
18:53 - Taking care of oneself
23:35 - Filling a needSupport the show
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A chat with my accomplice Brian D and myself on the how, why, who, where, when and what of getting things done. Big emphasis on the why.
2:30 - Our intrinsic need for community
10:27 - Cultivating ideas and gathering in person
23:53 - Create a running list of ideas
26:47 - Planning the logistics
32:44 - Promoting your event
36:30 - Having a supportive team
39:04 - Incorporating special aspects
42:29 - Relying on providence
45:18 - Bonnie's planning process
1:06:50 - The fruits of our labourYou can reach out to Brian regarding organizing all the stuff at ballycrochanfarm@gmail.com and to myself in the usual places.
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A sweet listener sent this question in...I've dealt with it in the episodes below as well. "When kids are little, are we doing enough, when should we start school" - creating a rich environment for our children.
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Elizabeth and I share our family traditions surrounding the Lenten season.
2:23 - Candlelit Stations of the Cross, Easter Vigil
7:47 - Resurrection Rolls
11:25 - Guiding children spiritually, what to "give up"
12:29 - Hosting a seder supper
14:22 - Storybooks for Lent
16:53 - Spiritual reading and progressive Lent
21:35 - The Passion of the Christ movie
24:51 - Hot cross buns
25:53 - Lenten food, go-to Friday mealsAs an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
The Catholic All Year Compendium: Liturgical Living for Real Life by Kendra Tierney (Amazon)
Lent is for Remembering by Donna Rathert (Amazon)
The Donkey That No One Could Ride by Anthony DeStefano (Amazon)
The Story of the Real Easter Bunny by Judy Reinsma (Amazon)
Jesus Our Life: Student Text Grade 2 Faith and Life Series (Amazon)
The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Anne Catherine Emmerich (Amazon)
The Passion of the Christ [Blue-ray] (Amazon)
Tabletop Stations of the Cross by Catholic All YearSupport the show
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ideas for making meal prep more pleasant and efficient
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Just some quick thoughts from fan mail questions!
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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Subject matter warning: This episode contains discussion on how to talk to our kids about the virtue of chastity and of our sexuality. This would not be an episode to listen to in the presence of young children.
1:34 - Growing in wisdom and maturity as parents
7:51 - Surrounding ourselves with like-minded families
9:10 - Understanding the deepest needs of our children
13:53 - Growing in self-knowledge
16:02 - How to teach our children virtue
18:30 - Approaching the virtue of chastity with our children
25:38 - We don't have to answer the question immediately
28:05 - When our kids are struggling with a certain viceThe Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell (Amazon)
The Temperament God Gave Your Kids by Art and Laraine Bennett (Amazon)
Humanae Vitae, Cracking the Contraceptive Myths by Dr. Janet Smith (Youtube)
Good Pictures Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today's Young Kids by Kristen Jenson (Amazon)
Seven Deadly Sins; Seven Lively Virtues by Bishop Robert Barron (Youtube)
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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Thank you, Sjeila for this fabulous episode on teaching math. Sjeila is a former teacher and math coach before she became a homeschool mom and shares with us the world of math so that we can approach it without fear.
1:07 - Welcome Sjeila and background
3:56 - Being nervous about math
8:00 - Understanding the language of math
12:35 - Learn from good mathematicians
18:02 - Being afraid to look stupid
21:50 - Growing in math awareness
28:48 - Teaching math through older years
31:43 - Show me your thinking
35:46 - What curriculum should I use?
41:42 - The real blessing of homeschooling
43:17 - Using manipulativesJo Boaler resources:
What's Math Got to Do With It? by Jo Boaler (Amazon)
Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing and Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 4 by Jo Boaler (Amazon)
Christina Tondevold resources:
buildmathminds.com featuring teacher training courses, books and manipulatives
Steve Wyborney resources:
The Multiplication Advantage by Steve Wyborney (Amazon)
Would You Rather Math - Math thinking activities
Number Sense Screeners - They can get a bit technical, but they're so, so helpful for figuring out gaps in what kids know, particularly in later grades.
Some terms that are easy to Google and find resources are - math talks, subitizing and number sense. Also the phrase "low floor, high ceiling" will bring up some awesome resources for accessible, deep-thinking math ideas for kids.Support the show
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Recently I was interviewed on a podcast, Homeschooling Saints - with Lisa Mladnich who is a gem. We talk about the ups and downs, successes and shortcomings of the journey, if you want to have a listen!
video here!Support the show
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If you have contacted me via fan mail, please know that I can't respond except via an episode. If you would like to purchase the recorded class, please register and follow payment instructions on the registration form.
Thanks for your interest!!
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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Thanks for all the fanmail, my dear listeners! I'm so excited to be able to both engage and be challenged by your amazing questions.In this episode I respond to two recent fan mail, listed in the title of this episode. At the end of the episode, I reflect on something that I came across early on that had an impact on my desire to work toward holiness and also the creation of habits.
1:17 - Overview of topics
2:16 - Growing alongside our kids in faith
14:58 - Homeschooling when you have little ones
26:06 - Don't forget to sparkle
growing alongside our kids in faith (podcast)
Faith and Life series (Ignatius Press)
Saint Catherine of Siena by Mary Fabyan Windeatt (Amazon)
My Picture Missal by Fr. Lovasik (Amazon)
The New Catholic Picture Bible (Amazon)
how to get started homeschooling and dealing with resistance (podcast)
sibling relationships, toddler strategies (podcast)
meeting the needs of our eldest when we have a mittfull of littles (podcast)
The Three R's by Ruth Beechick (Amazon)Support the show
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For the last month I've received several questions about breastfeeding topics and even though this has nothing to do with homeschooling it has everything to do with homeschooling - it's how we nurture our children and I'm so grateful for these questions! Christina and I discuss the return of fertility postpartum and if early weaning is necessary to have another baby if our cycle has not returned, how to deal with a nursing toddler and a newborn and what to do if our husband is not supportive of child-led weaning or co-sleeping.
1:17 - Questions from our listeners
3:47 - Sharing our experiences with child-led nursing
8:24 - The normalization of breastfeeding
13:17 - Loving and supporting women who can't breastfeed
16:13 - Should you wean your baby early if you want another baby?
24:23 - What to do about a night-nursing toddler and a newborn?
36:14 - What if your husband is not supportive of attachment?
46:01 - Don't be pressured by outside influences
the gift of breastfeeding (blog post)Support the show
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okay high schoolers. A little more info.
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First installment of a segment on high school and getting emerging adults participating in their own educational planning. Today I go over how the system works and the advantage of having agency over your education.
1:49 - Understanding how the system works
6:27 - What university/colleges are looking for
11:11 - Importance of learning how to write
17:09 - Sharpening math skills
18:59 - Additional resources
getting to graduation with grace (podcast)
homeschooling high school: a typical course of study, what does that even mean? (blog post)
high school freebies (pdfs)Support the show
On Instagram at @make.joy.normal By email at makejoynormal@gmail.com Search podcast episodes by topicThanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
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