When Jamie couldn't find the stepmom support and conversations she was looking for, she decided to create her own. Each week, Jamie Scrimgeour brings you real life conversations about blended family, relationships, personal development and more. With tips, strategies, mindset shifts and KICK-ASS Guests, Jamie’s goal is to inspire you to live your own version of a KICK-ASS Life while bringing you along as she creates her own.
When the clutter, motherhood, relationships, and life seem too overwhelming. When you have resentment and frustration every day – this is a sign you have been living on auto-pilot- letting life happen to you instead of living it ON PURPOSE. I’ve been there. Three kids under 4 and I decided to declutter my home and realized I was living my whole life on autopilot. I wanted more. I wanted to take action, be more present, have more fun! Enjoy my kids! I’m Shawna, You might know me as your Nerdy Girlfriend. I am a Certified Coach Practitioner, a Transformational Life Coach, and Registered Professional Counsellor-Candidate (RPC-C). I use the Enneagram, Faith and CBT as tools in my life coaching approach. I teach moms around the world the tools they need to set values and vision for the 9 areas of their lives so they can take the right steps towards living life ON PURPOSE. Find my books, course and blog at
Are you ready to let go of what isn't truly you and live a more meaningful life? If you answered yes, you've come to the right place! Enter I'm Not Your Shrink, a podcast hosted by clinical psychologist and couples therapist Dr. Tracy Dalgleish. Each week, she combines her clinical knowledge, evidence-based research, and personal experiences as a wife and mother to address the everyday issues we all face. With over 17 years of experience, Dr. Tracy is on a mission to help couples break old patterns, find joy in their relationships, and empower themselves to show up meaningfully for their families, relationships, and, most importantly, themselves. While she isn't your shrink, you are invited each week to join Dr. Tracy as she sits down with fellow clinicians, experts, and partner in both business and life, her husband Greg, for insightful discussions on parenting, relationships, and personal growth, and start your journey towards a happier, healthier you.
Allo à toi, je suis vraiment excitée de te présenter mon nouveau podcast. Je me lance dans le vide et pour une fille qui a déjà sauté en parachute, la chute libre ça me fait tripper !
Alors voilà le podcast de Cynthia Girard : #CoRSé :
La coparentalité est parfois corsée, mais il n’est pas sorcier de mieux communiquer avec Cynthia Girard, psychoéducatrice, médiatrice familiale et psychothérapeute coparental.
CoRSé est un podcast hebdomadaire qui s’adresse aux parents en couple ou séparés et aux intervenants qui travaillent avec ces familles.
Pourquoi mon podcast se nomme CoRSé ? Premièrement, parce que je voulais trouver un titre court, car ce n'est pas ma m’emballe suis une passionnée. Donc, CoRsé signifie CO pour coparentalité, R pour résolution de conflits et SÉ pour séparer ou en couple. Vous avez un aperçu de ce qu’on va jaser non ?
CoRsÉ signifie aussi que certains thèmes seront peut-être difficiles à entendre, car le changement demande de générer des vais quand même y aller doucement. J’avoue que je suis une fille assez dynamique et ça se peut que je m’énerve un vais tenter de rester calme.
On discutera ensemble de coparentalité, de communication, de coparentage, de conflit de séparation, d’aliénation parentale, de médiation, d’émotions, de garde, de temps parental, de charge mentale, de responsabilités parentales, de partage de tâches, de conflit de loyauté, de crise d’enfants, de discipline, de droit de la famille, de violence familiale, de famille recomposée, de recomposition familiale, d’enfants pris dans tout ça, des enjeux et défis qu’apporte la joie d’être parent. Je vais donner des interventions et des outils à appliquer dans le quotidien de la vie pour améliorer les relations avec vos enfants, mais aussi avec votre coparent.
Pour m’aider dans les discussions, je vais parfois recevoir des experts dans leur domaine pour échanger avec nous et apporter leurs visions et recommandations sur le sujet qui sera abordé. Parfois, il y aura des témoignages de parents qui vivent le sujet dont on va parler.
Pour faire en sorte qu’on soit encore plus proche vous et moi et bien vous pouvez m’envoyer vos questions ou des idées de sujet à [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) avec objet de courriel : suje t -podcast
Alors, ça vous tente d’embarquer dans mon monde ?
Ça fait longtemps que je pensais faire ce projet, je ne suis pas une experte du podcast, mais dans mon domaine : la psychoéducation, la médiation familiale et la psychothérapie coparentale et familiale, je crois que j’apporte du bien et des solutions concrètes, mais ça, je te laisse en juger.
Vous pouvez partager le podcast s’il vous a plu et mettre des étoiles :)
Vous voulez discuter d’une offre de service ? Écrivez-moi à [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) ou fixez un moment maintenant (
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Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -
How do we get better, faster? A group of pathbreaking educators come together weekly to answer that question, applying lessons from the classroom to all areas of life — from parenting, to relationships, to sports, to hobbies and more.
Sweat the Technique is hosted by four former principals and superintendents who’ve led gap-closing schools.
That includes: Doug Lemov, author of the international bestseller Teach Like a Champion and trainer to many successful educators and professional sports coaches, Ryan Hill, founder and CEO of a network of 23 KIPP public charter schools in New Jersey and Miami, Stacey Shells Harvey, founder and CEO of ReGeneration Schools, and Ravi Gupta, former leader of Tennessee's highest performing network of charter schools and founder of the largest-ever training organization for Democratic candidates and staffers. -
Materner c'est guider, c'est chouchouter et c'est s'occuper d'une personne comme une mère le ferai pour son enfant, et c'est ce que Audrey fait depuis de nombreuses années déja. A travers ce podcast nious allons comprendre ce que le mot ensemble veut dire, nous allons nous elever ensemble grâce au partage. Les invités partagent un bout de leur intimité, de leur histoire, de leur parentalité, de leur victoire, de leur défi pour que les histoires des uns inpirent les expériences des autres Mais pas que...
Je vais analyser en voix off et vous donner des outils qui pourront vous aider dans la même situation et c'est là que tout fait sens pour moi et pour vous ♥️
Dans une démarche d'inclusion et de pluralité nous allons pouvoir se soutenir et transmettre avec amour et bienveillance ce monde que nous esperons tous pour demain...
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -
Start to Stop Toddler Breastfeeding by Jenna Wolfe is dedicated to supporting moms breastfeeding and weaning their older babies, toddlers and preschoolers, and those who are hoping to make it that far and want to set themselves up for success.
You wanted to breastfeed for years, not months, but I bet you didn’t expect gymnurstrics, skin crawling with every latch, nipple twiddling, meltdowns, and still having sleepless nights. In this podcast you will find everything you need to extended breastfeed, full-term wean and even tandem feed without losing your mind (or your toddler’s trust). We will also cover nutrition, supporting healthy emotional and social development in your child, and so much more.
You will find fireside chats with incredible experts like Krystyn Parks of Feeding Made Easy, Samantha Radford of Evidence-Based Mommy, and more. You will leave every episode feeling like you have found your people and have a new-found confidence in your breastfeeding and parenting.
If you are looking to make some changes in your breastfeeding relationship with your older baby or child, make sure to download the free “Making Changes” communication guide & cheat sheet so that you can say “no” to the feed while saying “yes” to the need.
The challenges that come along with our precious children can send us over the edge if we don't know a better way.
There's nothing wrong with not knowing a better way. Most of us don't know what's coming until it hits us. And that's okay. But the scramble to catch up and be the mom we want to be is a challenge.
Enter connection. Connection is the answer, because it opens your heart and mind to solutions that are meant for YOU and YOUR children.
Join Rebecca Brown Wright, parent educator and reformed yeller, in discussion about connection in motherhood, finding your purpose, smashing cultural narratives, and so much more as we learn how to put joy, connection, and confidence back into our lives. -
Here at Raise the Room we're trying to deal with the journey of parenthood in a conscious way, but not in an 'I take myself too seriously' kind of way. There has got to be some humour and levity, otherwise none of us will survive it! I'm your host Danica, I'm a teacher, mother, intuitive and Human Design Reader. This also means I weave Human Design into the show any chance I can, as it has helped me understand myself and my family dynamic, immensely. Remember, you bring so much to the table, that you will always, raise the room.
Website: -
Matrescence guide and Montessori educator, Adeline Dubreuil-Mahé, presents Understanding Mother Stories podcast. Having spent years teaching children and helping parents, Adeline specializes in what she calls "Respectful Mothering" and is dedicated to the well-being of both mothers and children. She believes that mothers and children can evolve together as a joyful duo and has the expertise to create an environment where both feel loved, nurtured, and respected. With certifications in Montessori and Matrescence, Adeline understands what is essential for the growth and development of both the child and the mother. Her work on Oh through courses and coaching not only helps children grow but also fosters the mother's individual growth.
Hello, I am your host Adeline Dubreuil-Mahé, I am a mother of 2 toddlers, Montessori preschool teacher and Matrescence coach. I invite you to join me for a weekly discussion on motherhood and all its facets. Drawing from my personal experiences as a mother, I will share with you how motherhood can lead to personal growth and transformation and I am delighted to offer you the support you need in your own journey. -
Join the Mattsons, a dynamic husband-wife team, who are helping leaders live and lead with integrity at home, at work, and in the community. Whether you are a parent, a pastor, a CEO, or all three, the Living Wholehearted Podcast inspires and helps you shrink the gap between what you preach and how you live. Authors, speakers, business owners, social entrepreneurs, parents, and co-founders of Living Wholehearted and Courageous Girls, Jeff is a seasoned Executive Coach and Terra is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Their weekly conversations integrate trauma-informed clinical, biblical, and relational wisdom, offering practical tools and relatable insights to help you with the relationships that matter most.
Soul Care Mom is all about mastering the art of slow living while navigating the wild ride of motherhood, homeschooling, and entrepreneurship.✨💕
This podcast is your invitation to slow down and reconnect with your inner Sparkle. Each episode is a journey into the heart of motherhood, where we explore the deep and sometimes challenging emotions that come with parenting. And dive into topics, like slow living, homeschooling, soulpreneurship, prioritizing self-care, navigating mom guilt, and so much more!
Whether you're sipping your morning coffee, taking a breather during naptime, or unwinding at the end of the day, the Soul Care Mom Podcast is here to remind you that taking care of yourself is the most precious gift you can give to yourself and your family.
Welcome, Love! I'm SO happy you're here!
~Catherine 💖
Welcome to the Soul Care Mom Podcast, hosted by Catherine Wilde!
Catherine is a mom of 3, Founder of Soul Care Mom, Best Selling Author of Reclaiming Your Inner Sparkle, and the creator of the transformational program Vibrant Mom Life. Join her as she guides you in releasing mom guilt, prioritizing your self care, and having more fun as a mom!
Think of this as a lunch date with a girlfriend. Grab a cup of tea and get cozy. It's time to get honest and vulnerable and shift the traditional mindset around motherhood.
Be sure to subscribe to be the first to know when new episodes are released.
Get ready to grow and feel empowered as a mom!
Don't Miss Out On These Gifts & Resources 💝
And grab your FREE Kickstart Your Calm Morning Self Care Ritual
For More Soul Care Goodness subscribe to the Soul Care Mom YouTube channel!
We are husband and wife, parents of four, trying to make evidence-based parenting practices accessible to all.
Drawing from our expertise in the areas of Psychology and Occupational Therapy, we’re here to share our real-world challenges to give you actionable tips, tools, and strategies that will make your parenting journey more joyful, purposeful, and fulfilling.
Our goal is to educate, empower, and inspire you. You are NOT alone on this incredible adventure of parenting and personal growth.
Together, we'll embark on a journey towards a more balanced, meaningful, and Happy Human Life.
Every person you interact with falls into some sort of relationship.Your spouse, kids, in-laws down to the stranger you awkwardly make eye contact with in the checkout line. Each of those relationships has the potential to be fully intentional for both parties benefit. Here we'll learn about how to live with the intention of fostering those successful and enjoyable relationships so you can thrive in this crazy thing called life.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Go-To Podcast for Busy, Christian Moms Who Want to Get More Done and Still Be Present With Their Family!
Are you constantly trying out new daily routines that have you juggling house chores and cramming in work during nap times?
Do you feel guilty when your kiddos invite you to play, but by the time you’ve told them ’just a minute,’ ’hang on,’ or ’let me finish this’, the day has slipped away with no intentional focused time together at all?
Does your brain feel like it will never just SHUT OFF with your continuously running to-do list?
I’m SO excited you’re here!! This podcast will help you create simple systems, daily routines, and time management strategies to feel more productive in your days so you can balance running a home AND being fully present for your kiddos.
Hey, I’m KyAnn. A mom, wife, and Jesus lover. For too many years, I let my habits just sort of happen without much intention or thought. I felt constantly behind and I was trying to do it all, but doing NONE of it well.
I was chasing business success, achievements, and hustle culture that stole my time and mental health so I didn’t have any extra energy to devote to building intentional habits that kept my priorities in the RIGHT order. I finally realized that if I was going to balance motherhood and homemaking well, I had to find simple routines and systems to serve me in the season I was in.
I created daily rhythms for our family that reflected my priorities and helped me tackle my to-do list, all while allowing me to be fully present with my kiddos - simple systems that when practiced well, even allowed extra time to work on my business during the cracks of time during the day. And now I’m ready to share it all with you!
If you are ready to finally find a routine that works for you…steps to feel more balanced and less overwhelmed in your days as a busy mom…systems that give you your time back, help you to be more present with the people you love most, and finally get your brain to just RELAX-this podcast is for you!
Pop in your single AirPod (mom friends, you know you do this, too!), grab your iced coffee, it’s time to find your rhythm!
Next Steps:
Grab my free morning routine guide:
Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course:
Join the free community:
Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat
Watch on YT: @kyannandmat
Email me: [email protected] -
Welcome to RESPARK YOUR LIFE, the world’s foremost podcast to respark the fire within you to live life on your terms. Dust off the cobwebs of life on automatic, and grab the excitement and changes you desire but have been hesitant to reach for. No, you likely won’t fly faster than a speeding bullet nor leap tall buildings in a single bound, but you will indeed be moved powerfully, day by day, with increasing ease, to take those little steps that will lead to huge changes.
If you are driving a motorboat fast due south and you want to go in a different direction, don’t yank the steering wheel. Make a tiny change and, within moments, you are traveling safely in a totally resparked direction to live life on your terms.
Your host for this Podcast is Raymond Aaron, author of a New York Times Bestseller plus 143 other published books. You will hear stories and learn lessons from his extraordinary life to respark the fire within you to live YOUR life on your terms. -
Change ma vie, c'est LE podcast de coaching et de développement personnel. Clotilde Dusoulier, master coach certifiée, vous livre chaque semaine des outils précis et concrets pour comprendre les mécanismes de votre cerveau et de vos émotions, et construire exactement la vie à laquelle vous aspirez.
Get to the root of emotional issues and learn the best way to relate to yourself and others by honoring your personal boundaries and making decisions that are in alignment with what's most important to you.
This is not a "common-sense" personal growth and development show. You won't be told to think positively or create affirmations. The Overwhelmed Brain is about accessing that deeper mental and emotional strength inside you so that you can decrease or even eliminate old fears and evolve into the person you want to be.
Learn what your parents or caretakers never taught you about emotional wellness and creating strong, non-toxic bonds with others.
If you want the exact instructions that will help improve your life, you're in the right place. -
New guest episodes drop every Tuesday, and new episodes of The Tom Bilyeu Show are released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Uncover the truth behind the headlines and memes in an unbiased pursuit of what’s real.
From interviews and reactions to debates on the most important topics of the day, this podcast will challenge everything you know about current events, the economy, culture, and more. Tom Bilyeu’s Impact Theory helps you thrive in our complex world.
Hosted by Tom Bilyeu, a prominent entrepreneur and co-founder of the billion-dollar company Quest Nutrition, Impact Theory covers what matters today. From geopolitics and economics to AI, science, future tech, and beyond, Tom breaks down complex topics into their fundamental elements. Learn how to see the world clearly so you can navigate even the most disruptive era.