Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology YouTube page.
The focus for the next week turns to listening, speaking and acting in right timing - divine right timing that is! That's because the Sun is at the Gate 47-Epiphany and the Earth is at the Gate 22-Grace, and Mars turned retrograde at Gate 3- Innovation. All of these gates reflect being in the flow of right timing.
Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.
You can find us on the Living Astrology YouTube page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.
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Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology YouTube page.
Mars slows to a standstill today for his station retrograde late this afternoon. For the next 10 weeks our actions are slowed down giving us time revise our goals and plans, re-imagine our creations, and re-evaluate our desires. Sometimes we also feel more frustrated and angry as things do not happen on the time schedule we want. Remind yourself to stay cool, calm & at peace.
Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.
You can find us on the Living Astrology YouTube page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.
See you there!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LivingAstrology
Website: www.living-astrology.com -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology YouTube page.
What's up in the stars this week? There is some good news and some irritating news. The line up of retrograde planets adds Mars making 6 of them in retrograde until Saturday when Jupiter goes direct. That's still going to be 5 planets Rx. These retrogrades have slowed down our forward progress and with Mars, the planet of action, in retrograde things won't be zooming forward for a while yet.
Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.
You can find us on the Living Astrology YouTube page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.
See you there!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LivingAstrology
Website: www.living-astrology.com -
Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology YouTube page.
We're headed into a highly energized 3-day weekend with the Moon in Aries challenging Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn, while also in a conjunction to Mars. That spells high energy, potential conflicts, impulsiveness, but also productivity!
Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.
You can find us on the Living Astrology YouTube page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/LivingAstrology
Website: www.living-astrology.com -
Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology YouTube page.
The Human Design Sun and Earth move into the Head Center today, and for the next 5 days, there is a lot of potential for thinking and over-thinking to cause us confusion and doubt. The best way through is to lose your mind - or at least your dependence on it.
Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.
You can find us on the Living Astrology YouTube page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LivingAstrology
Website: www.living-astrology.com -
Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology YouTube page.
We're talking about the 2nd House in our astrology lesson for the day today. As well, the Moon in Pisces makes some nice contacts with Jupiter, Neptune & Pluto. We're also talking about Venus-Saturn and Sun-Uranus today as they effect us as well.
Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.
You can find us on the Living Astrology YouTube page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.
See you there!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LivingAstrology
Website: www.living-astrology.com -
Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology YouTube page.
Today we're diving into the meaning of the Moon in Pisces, and the Full Moon in Pisces. The full moon presents us with an opportunity to release & complete, but also to receive revelations and epiphanies. What might that look like this month with Pisces/Virgo?
Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.
You can find us on the Living Astrology YouTube page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.
See you there!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LivingAstrology
Website: www.living-astrology.com -
Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology YouTube page.
This morning we're talking about what planetary transits will affect us in the coming week. The biggest events come with tomorrow/Wed. Full Moon in Pisces and over the weekend with several "hot" transits including to Mars. Be in the know- it's priceless!
Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.
You can find us on the Living Astrology YouTube page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.
See you there!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LivingAstrology
Website: www.living-astrology.com -
Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology YouTube page.
There are several Moon aspects and planetary transits to be aware of as we move into this weekend. The Moon will be in Capricorn and then Aquarius. Saturday get things done and Sunday watch for emotional triggers. Flexibility, gratitude and love are key.
Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.
You can find us on the Living Astrology YouTube page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.
See you there!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LivingAstrology
Website: www.living-astrology.com -
Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology YouTube page.
We begin a new 13-day spiral of consciousness today in the Pleiadian-Earth calendar of 1-Moving. We have a wonderful opportunity to begin something new and take those important steps forward in our evolution or spiral of consciousness. As well today we dive into our mini-astrology lessons on the houses of the chart beginning with the 1st House of Self.
Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.
You can find us on the Living Astrology YouTube page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.
See you there!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LivingAstrology
Website: www.living-astrology.com -
Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology YouTube page.
Could this be your lucky day? There are two indications of luck today - one is the Moon's move into Sagittarius and the other is through our Pleiadian-Earth Energy of "Planting." We also have a Mercury-Uranus connection that could bring up fantastic ideas, epiphanies, and revelations putting us in just the right place, time, and with the right people for luck to flourish.
Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.
You can find us on the Living Astrology YouTube page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.
See you there!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LivingAstrology
Website: www.living-astrology.com -
Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology YouTube page.
The personal planets are in a dance with the outer planets this week. That means that we may have to contend with ups and downs not of our own choosing. The trick is to remain open, calm, patient, and see where the energy is set to lead us.
Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.
You can find us on the Living Astrology YouTube page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.
See you there!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LivingAstrology
Website: www.living-astrology.com -
Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology YouTube page.
The Sun moves into Virgo this weekend while the Moon in Libra challenges our Capricorn rebuilding, regeneration and stability. Mars will also be a source of challenge for us so we must be aware of the potential for conflict, while channeling energies toward productivity and practical organization activities. Watch your thoughts and what it is you're focusing on as well this weekend.
Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.
You can find us on the Living Astrology YouTube page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.
See you there!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LivingAstrology
Website: www.living-astrology.com -
Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology YouTube page.
It's definitely a feel-good sort of day and I am totally flying high right now! Astrologically, the Moon in Virgo is helping us with the details, helping us get things done, and really helping us in a myriad of practical ways. As the Moon trines Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn today we can work the plan... do you have one? If not, it's a great time to start that process.
Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.
You can find us on the Living Astrology YouTube page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.
See you there!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LivingAstrology
Website: www.living-astrology.com -
Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology YouTube page.
We have a lot to talk about this morning, but I really want to focus more on the New Moon's Human Design placement of Commitment and Desire. Saying yes to the right things in our lives is important for managing our energy. Desire can blur what's important or cause us to hold on too tightly to the way we think it should happen. The Moon and Mercury move into Virgo and we're primed to get things done!
Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.
You can find us on the Living Astrology YouTube page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.
See you there!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LivingAstrology
Website: www.living-astrology.com -
Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology YouTube page.
Tonight's Leo New Moon presents us the opportunity to start new as we are sitting at the threshold of a new cycle. The Sun-Moon conjunction is challenged by Saturn to have a plan, be willing to focus energy on the steps needed to get where your heart desires. The Human Design Sun-Moon is at Gate 29-Commitment calling us to commit wholeheartedly to what we are passionate about.
Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.
You can find us on the Living Astrology YouTube page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.
See you there!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LivingAstrology
Website: www.living-astrology.com -
Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology YouTube page.
We have a busy weekend of transits, but the biggest news will Uranus moving into Retrograde. When Uranus turns rx we experience inner changes in response to what has been changing in our outer world. Expect surprises as growth & evolution are in play. Sunday provides us opportunities to take action and be productive with the Sun & Mercury both in a flow with action-oriented Mars. More in the broadcast this morning.
Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.
You can find us on the Living Astrology YouTube page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.
See you there!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LivingAstrology
Website: www.living-astrology.com -
Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology YouTube page.
We begin the new spiral of consciousness today with 1-Choosing, and we discover that while choosing from the heart is difficult, it is where our true power comes from. We can choose from love or from fear and judgment - the choice is yours. As well, the Moon in Gemini is sextile Mercury today, giving us clarity and the ability to understand what is going on around us.
Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.
You can find us on the Living Astrology YouTube page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.
See you there!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LivingAstrology
Website: www.living-astrology.com -
Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology YouTube page.
The South Node is sitting at the Galactic Center signaling a shift in our consciousness away from the self-righteous, ideological Sagittarius to the open-minded, curiosity, and inquisitive Gemini North Node. We are lighting up the dark divides by shifting focus. It's time to question our dogmas, fallacies, and out-dated beliefs...Out of the darkness and into the Light!
Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.
You can find us on the Living Astrology YouTube page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.
See you there!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LivingAstrology
Website: www.living-astrology.com -
Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology YouTube page.
Today is a day for finding solutions to dilemmas and adjusting our plans as we have reached the point in the Moon-Sun cycle called the "crisis of consciousness." This time represents a shift we must make within us in order to move forward. Watch for signs and/or revelations to guide you along the way to the fulfillment of your dreams, intentions, and desires.
Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.
You can find us on the Living Astrology YouTube page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.
See you there!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LivingAstrology
Website: www.living-astrology.com - Visa fler