Mark Podolsky (AKA The Land Geek) and the coaching team are successful land investors, land investing coaches and committed to helping you break out of solo-economic dependency. Discover why Land Investing is The Best Passive Income Model (no physical inventory, a one-time sale, recurring revenue, a built-in incentive for the buyer to continue paying, and low competition). Learn about strategies, skills and helpful tips that will help you grow your Passive Income through Land Investing and other passive models.
As a PhD (in training), you face unique money challenges that stem from your low stipend/salary during your years of graduate school and postdoc training. Listen here for the hard-won financial wisdom of your fellow graduate students, postdocs, and PhDs with Real Jobs. From budgeting and frugality to investing and debt repayment, this podcast is your higher education in personal finance.
इक्का-दुक्का इकॉनमी पॉडकास्ट पर अभिनव त्रिवेदी और उद्योग विशेषज्ञ बड़ी ही आसान और मनमोहक भाषा में बात करते हैं आर्थिक शब्दजालो, मुद्दों और विषयों की, और उनको जोड़ते हैं आप की जेभ से,आप की सैलरी से, आप की सफलता से, और आप की ज़िन्दगी से I
आर्थिक विषय की जानकारी जरूरी तो होती हैं, हैं, पर यह हमारी रोज़ की ज़िन्दगी पर क्या असर डालते हैं, इस बारे में हम आमतौर पर अनभिज्ञ रहते हैं I ये पॉडकास्ट हमारी उस अनभिज्ञता को दूर करने की तरफ एक कोशिश हैंI हर मंगलवार एक नयें एपिसोड के साथ अपने ज्ञान कोष में एक नया अध्याय जोड़े I
Ikka-Dukka Economy Podcast connects global & national economic issues and jargons to our pocket & lives. In a series of highly simple and engaging conversations, Abhinav Trivedi discusses daily economic slangs with industry experts and helps connect them to our daily lives, our decisions, our salaries, our growth, and our general attitude towards life. New Episode every Tuesday.
Your latest market trend and news on the housing market in the U.S. Specifically Los Angeles, California.
If you wish to let us represent you selling or buying a home or if you have any questions and/or comments, email us at [email protected]
如果您希望讓Delia和Vivian代表您買賣房子,又或者有任何問題與建議,歡迎與我們聯絡 [email protected]。
For our video version of the podcast you can search @DeeVivPodcast in YouTube or go directly via link:
若想看我們的影音版本,可以去YouTube搜尋我們的頻道 @DeeVivPodcast,或者連接至
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Willkommen zum Podcast "INTO – At Peace with Money". Zina nimmt dich mit auf eine Reise durch die Welt der Finanzen. Aber nicht so, wie du sie kennst. Mit ihren Gästen spricht sie über Geld, wie Menschen damit umgehen und was sie dabei lernen. Über Finanzen und sich selbst.
Themen, die uns begleiten:
Wie prägen uns Kindheitserlebnisse in unserem Umgang mit Geld?
Warum ist es essentiell, unsere Emotionen rund ums Geld zu verstehen?
Wie können wir unser finanzielles Mindset verändern ?
Wie erreichen wir finanzielle Ziele?
Bleib dran!
Vergiss nicht, unseren Podcast zu abonnieren, um keine Episode zu verpassen. Und wenn dir gefällt, gib uns bitte 5 Sterne. Teile den Podcast auch gerne mit deinen Freunden und werde Teil unserer Community. Und wenn du mit Host Zina in Kontakt treten möchtest oder auch mal einen Finanzkurs oder ein Geldcoaching brauchst, schreib ihr eine Email: [email protected]
Genug der Vorrede – tauche ein in die Welt von "INTO – At Peace with Money".
Intro-Musik: "Money and Mind" von Beatnerd Berlin -
本節目「鋒富理財學」由台灣 ETF 投資學院創辦人李柏鋒主講。台灣 ETF 投資學院是一個提倡指數投資與資產配置,透過專業教學,讓投資人重拾投資主導權的財經教育機構。
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Welcome to the SLP Full Disclosure Podcast, the show for speech-language pathologists (SLPs) seeking to enrich their skills and build connections within the supportive speech therapy community. With our inclusive platform that fosters exploration and growth, we delve into a variety of topics, from practical therapy techniques and technologies to early-intervention, travel therapy, teletherapy, clinical fellowship, and more. Join us as we navigate the diverse field of speech-language pathology, embracing full disclosure each episode.
JC財經觀點 創辦人📙 著作:《美股投資學》📝 專欄:美股投資學:高速成長與穩健收息(🌐 網站:JC財經觀點(📧 合作Mail: [email protected] provided by SoundOn
全職Trader,分享政經大事/投資經驗/生活趣事🎧 全球首個廣東話投資Podcast 📖 暢銷書《投資唔講廢話: 只講選股》作者📑《美股日報》編輯📡每週更新 ✍無外置廣告,頻道由《美股日報》支持自負盈虧⭐訂閱華文區最詳盡的美股Newsletter (隨刊附送重點股票)《美股日報》⬇️🏠Instagram專頁:🎥Youtube: Podcast / Spotify / Google Podcast / Castbox / KKBOX / Youtube--Hosting provided by SoundOn
The Faster, Easier, Better Show is short, fun and jam packed with good ides that you can use to make your life faster, easier and better right away. It's the kind of show we were looking for and couldn't find. Each episode features fast, actionable ideas that can make your life better.
Say it Right in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, Thai, Arabic, Dutch, German, Greek, Japanese, Korean and Russian with one phonetic system based on English.
Say it Right in any Language believes that pronunciation is everything. Say it Right language provides a simple and straightforward approach to speaking and learning a new language. It is a fun, fast and easy way to learn new languages using one simple phonetic system called I Say it Right Vowel Symbol System. I Say it Right stresses consistency, clarity, and above all, simplicity.
I Say it Right Vowel Symbol system provides a new way to pronounce foreign languages easily and accurately through the use of a modified English alphabet. This revolutionary system provides maximum communication with minimum effort and time.
Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, Thai, Arabic, Dutch, German, Greek, Japanese, Korean and Russian phrasebooks, DVDs, Apps are perfect for beginners, or as a supplement to any language course. They are the key to speaking language effortlessly. Free podcasts offer important information on culture, lessons and Fast Facts about the target language.
You can learn at your own pace, building vocabulary with flashcards on our website Flashcards are also built into the Say it Right in Spanish, Say it Right in French, Say it Right in Italian and Say it Right in Chinese Apps in the iTunes store.
Grammar and Verbs chapter are available in second editions of Spanish, French, Italian, and Chinese phrasebooks. These titles are also available on mobile devices for download. Enjoy language today. Further your education and get your brain neurons going! -
If you want to learn building automation then you are in the right place.
My name is Phil Zito and I am the CEO of Smart Buildings Academy. If you are a technician, operator, salesperson, or engineer the Smart Buildings Academy podcast is for you.
Each week I tap into my vast experience in Building Automation and teach you the things no one else teaches.
You will learn about BAS, HVAC, IT, Energy Management, Sales, Operations, Project Management, Cyber Security and so much more.
Prior to founding Smart Buildings Academy, I held a variety of BAS roles in service, install, operations management, sales, and most recently I led the technical integration program at Johnson Controls. Suffice to say, I've been in your shoes and I know what you need to learn.
I look forward to guiding you through BAS in the weekly Smart Buildings Academy Podcast. -
If you want to know how bestselling authors find the time to write their books, the methods they use to be productive and how they find their ideas you will love this podcast. Writing coach Azul Terronez shares interviews with clients such as Pat Flynn, of the Smart Passive Income, Jon Vroman, of the Front Row Factor, and Dana Malstaff of Boss-Mom, Jadah Sellner of Simple Green Smoothies. Learn from the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling authors. Want to get behind-the-scenes insights about how first-time authors overcame their fears and found the courage to write? Are you curious about how successful bestselling authors write or learn how to publish and market a book? Have you thought, "I'd like to write a book," but I don't know where to start? I explore authors' journeys, how they craft their stories, become published, and share their art of writing books with the world. You are meant to write the book now and be inspired by those who have done it.
Game Changer Talks features high-level business people sharing Game Changing strategies and insights to help you elevate your business to the next level. Tony Robbins says success leaves clues and proximety is power. Get proximety to people you may not other wise have access to and listen to success clues from high-level entreprenuers like Joe Polish, Dan Sullivan, Mike Koenigs, Lewis Howes and many more that you can implement in your business. Learn more at
How to Find a Job - Fnd your Dream Job and create a satisfying and financially rewarding career. ✩ Are you feeling stuck? ✩ Are you a graduate and looking for your first job? ✩ Are you in-between jobs? ✩ Are you just fed up with your current job and want a change but don't know what to do? ✩How to Find a Job will help you to understand what you need to do to find your Dream Job. Start with Episode 1 and enjoy each episode ✩ Understand the importance of your mindset, confidence, and self-reliance, what really makes you tick and what you need to know to get out there and secure your Dream Job. Be brave and take that first step with Kickstart YOUR CAREER today! ✩ After you've completed this series of podcasts, for ongoing support and accountability join my Facebook Career Accountability Support Group here: ✩Jane Jackson is a career management coach, Author of #1 Amazon bestseller, Navigating Career Crossroads and Host of Your Career Podcast on iTunes. Jane has helped thousands of her clients around the world to find and follow their true career passion and direction. She can do that for you too. Visit for personalized career coaching support, webinars and group workshops. For more online courses for your career success, visit