Whitney and Jesse, first time parents, navigate pregnancy, parenting, and beyond. To share your comments and questions, please email us at [email protected]
Beat Infertility is a weekly podcast where we get real about infertility, empower you to take back control, and provide you hope for the future. Each episode features two main interviews: someone who's overcome infertility and had a baby or is currently pregnant and someone who's still on their infertility journey. We cover the whole range of infertility diagnoses, including Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, diminished ovarian reserve / premature ovarian failure, luteal phase defects, male factor infertility, multiple/recurrent miscarriages, ovulatory disorders, secondary infertility, unexplained infertility, and more. Whether you haven't yet made your first appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist (RE) or you're an IUI or IVF veteran, this podcast will deliver hope directly to your ear.
Welcome to Stories With A Purpose, the only place that I know that you can get Wisdom, Insight and Experience from people that have been faced with major medical challenges of all types. It hasn't been pretty. But these people have gotten to the other side of that emotional battlefront, that inner battlefront where the disease does not define them, and that's the key. You are not your circumstance. So listen up. Here is where you are going to find stories of triumph, of people beating the system, making it work for them, successfully navigating through traumas with grace and especially with purpose.
As parents, we have many questions and just about everywhere we turn - someone's got the answer! But how do you tease out what really matters? The MINIMUM VIABLE PARENTING framework is your guide to parenting essentials.
This framework is based on simple principles of child development and incorporates deep personal values we hold as parents. This is a podcast about the most essential skills parents need in order to raise children with confidence and intention, rather than based on random advice.
Join Julia Pappas, Psychologist and Parent Coach, on the mission towards informed parenting simplicity that works today and brings maximum impact for long-term sustainable relationship with our children.
For show notes and more info, please visit: -
Get ready for change. Feeling Fabulous, hosted by Randi Crawford, will inspire and uplift you to start living outside of the “mommy bubble” for the first time in a long time.
Hopefully you will gain insight from Ted Talks that Randi discusses to the guests she brings on her show. Tune-in, tune-out …just do what works for you! -
Clean Green Talk is a podcast for you – the working mom, stay-at-home mom or concerned grandma. If you are looking for inspiration, motivation, and ACTIONABLE advice during your daily commute, workout, or "me" time, Leslie Reichert along with Marie Stegner delivers. Each episode brings you a leader in the cleaning-organizing world who shares their journey and their expertise. Each week you will get exactly what you need to keep you focused on your journey towards a cleaner greener lifestyle. We cover topics like Green Living | Clean Living | Organic | All-Natural Food | Organizing.
Parenting is hard. Parenting a child with specific emotional or educational needs is even harder. Tune in to Torchlight’s Exceptional Parenting Podcast for discussions with the nation’s top experts about today’s toughest parenting challenges. Whether you’re concerned about your child’s development, learning, and behavior, or you just want to make family time more enjoyable, you’ll find that each episode offers practical, easy-to-use solutions that can help.
Want full access to Torchlight’s online caregiving platform, including personalized action plans, eGuides, and Tools? Have your employer contact us! They can find our information at -
WIR MÜSSEN REDEN! – So geht Beziehung heute
Der Beziehungspodcast mit Andrea Harbeck und Dietmar Hellwig.
In unseren Podcast-Folgen reden wir über Beziehung.
Darüber, wie Beziehung geht – und wie manchmal eben nicht.
Wie man Beziehungsprobleme angehen und lösen kann.
Du hast ein Beziehungsproblem? Dann such' dir irgendeine unserer Folgen aus und hole dir kurze Impulse und wertvollen Input für deine eigene Partnerschaft.
Als zertifizierte EFT-Paarberater wollen wir dich anregen – zum Lachen, Schmunzeln und Nachdenken.
Und zum selbst reden in deiner eigenen Beziehung.
Unser Ziel haben wir erreicht, wenn wir Dich dazu anregen, zu sagen:
„Schatz – Lass' uns mal wieder miteinander reden!“
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Тест на беременность показал две полоски – и? Это радость? Или шок? Это здорово? Или ужасно? Беременность пугает, вдохновляет, напрягает? А может, всё сразу? Что делать дальше? Надо ли особенно заботиться о своем здоровье? Как выбрать врача? Чего ждать от окружающих? Готовиться ли к родам? А после родов-то что? То, как две полоски изменили их жизнь, обсуждают журналист Яна Соколова, продюсер Вера Курбатова и доктор Сергей Симбирцев.
Опыт у всех свой: Яна всегда мечтала о детях, Вера увлеченно строила карьеру и перспектива материнства ее пугала, Сергей переживал за жену – открытый разговор о том, как всё это было и что из этого вышло, в подкасте «Две полоски»
Подкаст сделан студией «Терменвокс» — [email protected] -
Ешь - качественно, полезно
Живи - ярко, здорОво, активно
Готовь - легко, вкусно и быстро!
Нутрициолог Диана Дема рассказывает легким и понятным языком о здоровом питании.
Слушая подкаст вы услышите:
- истинные причины лишнего веса
- пищевые привычки, которые ухудшают жизнь
- откуда брать энергию
- как питать ваш мозг для эффективной работы
- как привлекательно выглядеть
- как найти причину возникновения дефицитов и устранить их с помощью питания
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