If you’ve ever thought I can’t lose weight because I have a sweet tooth Or I love bread and pasta too much OR I could never give up roast potatoes or rice. Then I have good news. Tune in to discover why WHAT you’re eating isn’t t actually the problem, And the real root cause of why your clothes aren’t fitting the way you’d like.
You’ll discover:
Story behind this episodeWhy you think what you’re eating is the reason you cant lose weightWhy this isn’t actually the reason,The REAL reasonHow to approach weight loss from this new perspective.The number 1 mistake people make with this new approach.___________________________________
RESOURCESFREE Recipe App: 3+ Ingredient Healthy Magic MealsHealth Coaching: The Naturally Healthy ClubJoyful Eating Produced by John Duncan.
If you're struggling with sleep at the moment I know who much it sucks. But you can change your sleep. Listen on to this fun conversation I had with my sleep coach Elina Winnel to discover the REAL reason I had insomnia last year and what we did to heal my sleep.
Saknas det avsnitt?
If you’re an emotional (or stress eater) I have a beautiful gift for you today! Listen on to discover how I un-shamed my emotional / stress eating and the magic trick I use every day that has drastically reduced me reaching for food when I’m feeling low. It literally takes 11 seconds to apply and you’ll be able to start using it while you’re listening.
An InvitationIf you want to learn the simple healthy way to navigate nor just your emotional hunger but your physical and psychological hunger as well then check out my new free on-demand workshop.
How to Change Your Relationship with Food (with ease and joy)
So you feel peace around food and weight and your clothes fit again for the long term(even if you’re in middle age )
In this fun 30-Minute Workshop you’ll discover:
+ The only 3 essential skills for a naturally healthy relationship with food (so you reach and stay at your natural weight with ease).
+ 3 phases of healthy eating (so you know exactly where you are now and where you want to go)
+ My counter-intuitive simple approach to nutrition (to cut through the conflicting information and help you feel empowered and in control).
+ The easiest way to take your first baby step to changing your relationship with food (so you actually get MORE enjoyment from eating and never feel like you’re missing out).
To get instant access to the workshop see the link in the show noteshttps://lp.thestonesoup.com/nhc-2025/
Or google Stonesoup and click on the Naturally Healthy Club page.
Spaces are limited so don’t mess around.
Have you ever wondered how people like Stanley Tucci can eat pasta and go out to restaurants all the time? Well after reading his latest book What I ate in One Year I’ve discovered his secret. Listen on to discover how Stanley Tucci does the seemingly impossible of being completely food obsessed (like me) and looking great in his clothes in this 60s.
An InvitationIf you want to be Naturally Healthy like Stanley Tucci then check out my new free on-demand workshop.
How to Change Your Relationship with Food (with ease and joy)
So you feel peace around food and weight and your clothes fit again for the long term(even if you’re in middle age )
In this fun 30-Minute Workshop you’ll discover:
+ The only 3 essential skills for a naturally healthy relationship with food (so you reach and stay at your natural weight with ease).
+ 3 phases of healthy eating (so you know exactly where you are now and where you want to go)
+ My counter-intuitive simple approach to nutrition (to cut through the conflicting information and help you feel empowered and in control).
+ The easiest way to take your first baby step to changing your relationship with food (so you actually get MORE enjoyment from eating and never feel like you’re missing out).
To get instant access to the workshop see the link in the show notes
Or google Stonesoup and click on the Naturally Healthy Club page.
Then come and play with us in the Naturally Healthy Club.
Yes I said play. You don’t actually have to do anything radically hard. It’s just a matter of making intentional choices, learning to listen to your body with the support and accountability of me and the Naturally Healthy Club group.
Let us help you be like Nicole apply for the Naturally Healthy Club.
Go to https://lp.thestonesoup.com/group/ and get your application in!
Spaces are limited so don’t mess around.
When it feels like crazy things are happening in the world, it can be tempting to put our healthy habits on hold and wait until things get back to normal. Listen on to discover why these uncertain times are actually an opportunity and the BEST time to be working on improving your health.
You’ll discover:
The story behind this episodeWhy our human brains want to put our health on hold.Why these uncertain times are actually an opportunity and the BEST time to improve your health.One baby step to implement today – mindful meal.An InvitationIf you want to use the uncertainty of 2025 to actually improve your health so you feel more resilient to handle the crazy times we’re facing then check out my new free on-demand workshop.
How to Change Your Relationship with Food (with ease and joy)
So you feel peace around food and weight and your clothes fit again for the long term(even if you’re in middle age )
In this fun 30-Minute Workshop you’ll discover:
+ The only 3 essential skills for a naturally healthy relationship with food (so you reach and stay at your natural weight with ease).
+ 3 phases of healthy eating (so you know exactly where you are now and where you want to go)
+ My counter-intuitive simple approach to nutrition (to cut through the conflicting information and help you feel empowered and in control).
+ The easiest way to take your first baby step to changing your relationship with food (so you actually get MORE enjoyment from eating and never feel like you’re missing out).
To get instant access to the workshop see the link in the show noteshttps://lp.thestonesoup.com/nhc-2025/
Or google Stonesoup and click on the Naturally Healthy Club page.
If you’re someone who identifies as an emotional eater or if you know that your weight creeps up during stressful times then this episode is for you. Listen on to discover how Nicole changed her beliefs about being an emotional eater even though she wasn’t sure she could change and was able to keep her weight stable over a very stressful period of her life.
An InvitationAnd especially if you’re like Nicole and you’ve had this pattern for your whole life and you’re skeptical it’s possible for you to change.
Then come and play with us in the Naturally Healthy Club.
Yes I said play. You don’t actually have to do anything radically hard. It’s just a matter of making intentional choices, learning to listen to your body with the support and accountability of me and the Naturally Healthy Club group.
Let us help you be like Nicole apply for the Naturally Healthy Club.
Go to https://lp.thestonesoup.com/group/ (or see link in the show notes) and get your application in!
Spaces are limited so don’t mess around.
If you’re unhappy with your weight but what’s really bothering you is low self esteem because you feel like you’re you’re not in control – that food is controlling you then this weeks episode of Joyful Eating is for you!
Tune in to discover how Faith went from where you are now feeling out of control to losing 27lbs gently and sustainably and discovering that she does have agency over what she puts in her mouth and ultimately the number on the scale.
An InvitationIf you’re like Faith and you’re self esteem isn’t as good as you’d like it to because of the powerlessness you feel around food. If you’ve resigned yourself to being unhappy with this aspect of your life.
If you want to discover the secret to regaining a sense of agency over the number on the scale.
Then come and play with us in the Naturally Healthy Club.
If you’ve ever felt shame because you’re not fitting in your clothes even though you have so many healthy habits and active lifestyle then listen on to find out how Marissa went from constantly searching for the answer to fitting into her clothes in a truly sustainable way.
An InvitationIf you’re like Marissa AND you want to lose 35 lbs with ease and gentleness so your clothes fit again and you stay fitting in them 2 years later.
If you want to feel peace and healing around food and weight and not be searching constantly for the answer.
Then come and play with us in the Naturally Healthy Club.
Yes I said play. You don’t actually have to do anything radically hard. It’s just a matter of making intentional choices and listening to your body. Let me help you be like Marissa apply for the Naturally Healthy Club.
Do you hate feeling hungry? Or are you even ao afraid of it you can’t remember the last time you actually felt hungry? Then you’re definitely not alone. Listen on to learn why I now love feeling hungry and how this helps me stay at my natural weight with ease.
You’ll discover:
The story behind this episode3 reasons I LOVE feeling hungry.How to change your relationship with hunger.How to avoid over eating when you’re ravenousBonus tipKey Take AwayIf you want 2025 to be your best year from a food and health perspective there are 2 fun ways to work with me and get help to make it happen with EASE.. Join me in Joyful Cooking in 90-Days. It’s my group coaching program where I help you learn to cook without recipes so you actually look forward to making healthy dinners.
The doors are NOW open.
Sign up today so you start feeling better from the very first lesson as you become a confident, intuitive cook who looks forward to making healthy meals with less effort than it takes to pickup takeout.
Are you someone who always needs a recipe before you think about cooking? What if cooking didn’t have to be that hard. Imagine what would happen if you had the freedom to pull together healthy meals WITHOUT recipes…. Listen on to discover what that’s like and my tiny tip to get you started today.
You’ll discover:
The problem with recipes.What happens when you cook without recipes.How I learned to cook without recipes.My tiny tip to get started todayKey Take AwayTo experience the life-changing magic of cooking without recipes for yourself – Join me in Joyful Cooking in 90-Days. It’s my group coaching program where I help you learn to cook without recipes so you actually look forward to making healthy dinners.
The doors are NOW open.
Sign up today so you start feeling better from the very first lesson as you become a confident, intuitive cook who looks forward to making healthy meals with less effort than it takes to pickup takeout.
RESOURCESFREE Recipe App: 3+ Ingredient Healthy Magic MealsHealth Coaching: The Naturally Healthy ClubJoyful Eating Produced by John Duncan.
Follow Jules Clancy’s Socials:You Tube | Instagram | TikTok | Pinterest | Stonesoup
If you’ve ever dreamed of being an intuitive cook who can just walk into the kitchen and pull together something tasty from what’s in the fridge already then it may surprise you that this dream is closer than you think.
Tune in to discover the only 2 essential skills you need to become that confident, intuitive healthy cook.
Key Take AwayTo learn the only 2 un-skip-able skills you need to be a confident, intuitive cook – Join me in Joyful Cooking in 90-Days. It’s my group coaching program where I help you learn to cook without recipes so you actually look forward to making healthy dinners.
The doors are NOW open.
Sign up today so you start feeling better from the very first lesson as you become a confident, intuitive cook who looks forward to making healthy meals with less effort than it takes to pickup takeout.
If your clothes are feeling a bit tight after the holidays you’re definitely not alone! Instead of doing something drastic like going Keto or whatever new crazy diet is sweeping the internet listen on to discover the number one kitchen habit that can help shift that weight in a gentle sustainable natural way.
You’ll discover:
The story behind this episodeThe No1 kitchen habit for natural weight lossWhy this habit works.How to adopt this habitMy Bonus tip to set you up for successAn InvitationIf you want support and a clear process to follow to adopt the habit of making healthy meals without recipes so you lose weight naturally in 2025 then I would love to be your guide and accountability partner in my Joyful Cooking program.
Joyful Cooking in 90-Days is a fun coaching group which walks you through my simple do-able 3-step process for cooking WITHOUT recipes.
The doors are NOW open.
Sign up today so you start feeling better from the very first lesson as you become a confident, intuitive cook who looks forward to making healthy meals with less effort than it takes to pickup takeout.
If you’re looking for a new way to approach your health that’s going to help you radically change how you feel about yourself (or even if you’re just looking for some tiny improvements) listen on to discover the 2 surprisingly simple ways to 10x your health in 2025 and beyond.
You’ll discover:
The story behind this episode.The 1st simple way to 10x health – why and how.The 2nd simple way to 10x health – why and how.BONUS TipAn InvitationIf you want to 10X your health in 2025 there are 2 fun ways to work with me and get help to make it happen with less effort than you’d imagine.
Joyful Cooking in 90-Days is a fun coaching group which walks you through my simple do-able 3-step process for cooking WITHOUT recipes.
The doors are NOW open.
Sign up today so you start feeling better from the very first lesson as you become a confident, intuitive cook who looks forward to making healthy meals with less effort than it takes to pickup takeout.The Naturally Healthy Club is my personalized 6-month coaching group which helps you change your relationship with food.
So you become one of those naturally healthy people who feels in control of what you eat AND feels better in your body and your clothes.
The next group starts March 2025.
Join the list to be first notified when applications open.
If you’ve been doing it hard this year – you’re definitely not alone. Listen on to hear how 2024 went from being a contender for the second worst year of my life to actually genuinely being my best year yet.
You’ll discover:
Why I thought 2024 was my 2nd worst yearWhy it turned out to be my best year ever.6 Lessons from this yearBONUS LESSONAn InvitationIf you want 2025 to be your best year from a food and health perspective there are 2 fun ways to work with me and get help to make it happen with EASE..
Joyful Cooking in 90-Days is a fun coaching group which walks you through my simple do-able 3-step process for cooking WITHOUT recipes.
The doors are NOW open.
Sign up today so you start feeling better from the very first lesson as you become a confident, intuitive cook who looks forward to making healthy meals with less effort than it takes to pickup takeout.
The Naturally Healthy Club is my personalized 6-month coaching group which helps you change your relationship with food.
So you become one of those naturally healthy people who feels in control of what you eat AND feels better in your body and your clothes.
The next group starts March 2025.
If you usually want to be losing weight when January 1 rolls around then you’ve probably been making the common mistake of living in food scarcity.
Listen on to discover why food scarcity is detrimental to your waistline and what to do instead so you enjoy a healthy relationship with food AND feel great in your body.
You’ll discover:
The story behind this episodeWhy food scarcity is so prevalent.The enjoyable alternativeHow to create food abundance.BONUS TIPAn InvitationAnd if you found this helpful share the link to this video with your friends.
Join me for my Stonesoup 8-Days of Christmas in December – For 8 days receive a value-packed FREE gift from me every day to celebrate the holidays with EASE and JOY.
No strings (or tinsel) attached.
Go to www.stonesoup.lpages.co/xmas/ to signup for the delicious free gifts.
Have you been subconsciously wishing for a phase in your life where you don’t have any problems?
Well I have and recently I had an epiphany that’s had me radically changing my relationship to my problems and helping me feel more ease and agency in my life as a result.
You’ll discover:
The story behind my radical rethinking of problemsHow to develop a taste for problemsBONUS TIPAn InvitationAnd if you found this helpful share the link to this video with your friends.
Join me for my Stonesoup 8-Days of Christmas in December – For 8 days receive a value-packed FREE gift from me every day to celebrate the holidays with EASE and JOY.
No strings (or tinsel) attached.
Go to www.stonesoup.lpages.co/xmas/ to signup for the delicious free gifts.
If you want to feel ease in your holiday kitchen this year so you actually enjoy yourself instead of feeling stressed out then you’re in the right place! In this episode I’m going to share One tiny technique to bring ease and joy into your holiday kitchen.
You’ll discover:
The story behind this episodeOne simple technique to bring ease into the kitchen.8 concrete examples how I’ve used this technique to make entertaining easier.BONUS TIPAn InvitationAnd if you found this helpful share the link to this video with your friends.
Keep an eye out for my Stonesoup 8-Days of Christmas in December – For 8 days receive a value-packed FREE gift from me every day to celebrate the holidays with EASE and JOY.
No strings (or tinsel) attached. Make sure you’re on my Stonesoup email list.
Go to www.thestonesoup.com and click on the FREE recipe app to get the free app AND other FREE goodies in December.
If you feel nervous the extra social food events over the silly season, you’re in luck!
In todays episode I share 4 tiny but powerful concrete strategies to feel good about your food choices so you enjoy yourself without the shame or guilt.
You’ll discover:
The missed opportunity story behind this episode4 Powerful tiny strategies to feel good about your choices in Social Eating Situations4 Bonus tips to make life easier for yourself.One tiny step to apply this concept today.An InvitationIf you want to learn the skill of listening to your body and learning to tune into your internal nutrition compass, then I invite you to join the Naturally Healthy Club.
It’s my 6-month coaching group which gives you a simple, doable proven process to create a healthy enjoyable relationship with food and your body so turn off all the food chatter in your head and you feel calm and in control of what you eat without restricting and feel good in your clothes.
We enroll twice a year and we usually sell out. So join the waitlist
The holidays are coming and if you’re feeling a bit conflicted because you want to enjoy all the feasting but you don’t want to gain weight this year. Help is here!
It is possible to enjoy yourself without any FOMO and also feel good in your clothes come January 1st. Listen on to discover my 2 spookily effective secrets to make this your reality in 2025.
You’ll discover:
The story behind this episodeMy 2 effective secrets to finding balance when feasting.4 Bonus tips to help you enjoy food more this year.An InvitationIf you want to learn the skill of listening to your body and learning to tune into your internal nutrition compass, then I invite you to join the Naturally Healthy Club.
It’s my 6-month coaching group which gives you a simple, doable proven process to create a healthy enjoyable relationship with food and your body so turn off all the food chatter in your head and you feel calm and in control of what you eat without restricting and feel good in your clothes.
We enroll twice a year and we usually sell out. So join the waitlist
Love baking but hate when you overdo it with the sugar?
Then tune in to this weeks episode of Joyful Eating where I share my insanely easy 2-step magic trick for baking without ending up regretting your choices.
I know it seems too good to be true but this technique is unbelievably simple AND effective it still amazes me every time I use it.
You’ll discover:
The story behind my baking without bellyache discoveryThe 2-step magic trick for naturally healthy baking3 common baking mistakes and how to avoid themHow to apply this to your lifeAn InvitationI invite you to join the Naturally Healthy Club.
It’s my 6-month coaching group which gives you a simple, doable proven process to create a healthy enjoyable relationship with food and your body so turn off all the food chatter in your head and you feel calm and in control of what you eat without restricting and feel good in your clothes.
We enroll twice a year and we usually sell out. So join the waitlist
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