
  • The conversation explores the concept of vitality as currency and the idea that money will always come to you when you need it. It emphasizes the importance of being good with receiving money in any form and not being attached to how it comes. The conversation also highlights the significance of vitality in the body as the real currency. It discusses the simplicity of living in the present moment and the power of letting go of complicated beliefs and stories. The conversation concludes with the understanding that everything is an inside job and that abundance is not limited to material manifestations. The conversation explores the cyclical nature of life and the importance of trusting what comes to us. It emphasizes the acceptance of different paths and experiences without judgment. The speakers discuss addiction and the power of shifting habits by focusing on vitality. They also delve into the concept of the body as a conduit for high-frequency energy and the importance of beliefs and choices in shaping our reality. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the practice of tantra and the idea of making every moment sacred.


    Money will always come to you when you need it, regardless of the circumstances.Vitality in the body is the real currency.Simplicity and living in the present moment are key to experiencing abundance.Abundance is not limited to material manifestations. Life is cyclical, and it's important to trust what comes to us without judgment.Addiction is a part of being human, and shifting habits can be done by focusing on vitality.Our bodies are conduits for high-frequency energy, and our beliefs and choices shape our reality.Making every moment sacred and embracing the practice of tantra can lead to a more fulfilling life.



    The Real Currency: Vitality in the Body

    Simplicity and the Power of Letting Go

    Money as an Automatic Function

    Abundance as an Inside Job

    The Illusion of Complexity

    Testing Out Old Realities

    The Search for Something Out There

    The Unknown and Limitless Possibilities

    Being Present in the Unknown

    Embracing the Unknown and All Possibilities

    Circling Back and Revolutionizing

    Accepting and Trusting the Path


    Acceptance and Non-Judgment

    Shifting Habits for Vitality

    The Body as a Conduit for High-Frequency Energy

    The Power of Beliefs and Choices

    Making Every Moment Sacred with Tantra

    keywords vitality, currency, money, abundance, simplicity, present moment, letting go, inside job, material manifestations, cyclical nature, trust, acceptance, addiction, habits, vitality, body as a conduit, beliefs, choices, tantra, sacredness

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  • In this episode Neil and Amelie are honored by their special guest, soul brother and an epic facilitator of powerful medicine ceremonies, the one and only... Hoot! The conversation explores the themes of inclusivity, self-love, and embracing all aspects of oneself. The hosts discuss the importance of choosing to be present and accepting of who they are in the present moment. They emphasize the power of inclusivity and how it can transform relationships and experiences. The conversation also touches on the concept of living in abundance and releasing the need for external validation. Overall, the conversation encourages listeners to love and accept themselves fully and to create a new world based on inclusivity and self-empowerment. The conversation explores the power of presence, compassion, and imagination in creating a fulfilling and abundant life. It emphasizes the importance of being present with our emotions and fears, acknowledging them without judgment. Compassion is described as deep empathy and acceptance of others' journeys, allowing them to be where they are without trying to save or change them. The conversation also highlights the role of imagination in manifesting our desires and creating new experiences. It encourages letting go of limiting beliefs and embracing the belief that we are co-creators of our reality.


    Choose to be present and accept yourself in the present momentEmbrace all aspects of yourself and practice self-loveInclusivity can transform relationships and experiencesRelease the need for external validation and live in abundance Being present with our emotions and fears without judgment can lead to healing and transformation.Compassion is about accepting others' journeys and holding a loving space for them without trying to save or change them.Imagination is a powerful tool for manifesting our desires and creating new experiences.Letting go of limiting beliefs and embracing the belief that we are co-creators of our reality can lead to abundance and fulfillment.

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  • The conversation begins with a playful discussion about breathwork and the excitement of giving away a ticket to an event. The hosts then explore the topics of desire, choice, and responsibility. They discuss how desires can be rooted in lack or choice, and how feelings can be cultivated within oneself. They also talk about the power of making choices based on what brings joy and how responsibility can be redefined as the ability to respond to life. The conversation concludes with a discussion on honoring and respecting others' choices. The conversation explores the power of choice and the importance of being present in the now moment. It emphasizes the idea that who we are choosing to be right now shapes our reality and determines our experiences. The hosts discuss the concept of abundance and how it is not just about material possessions, but also about appreciating and being grateful for what we already have. They encourage listeners to shift their perspective and focus on the blessings in their lives. The conversation concludes with an invitation to embrace one day of gratitude and appreciation for everything we have.


    Desires can be rooted in lack or choice, and it's important to align them with a feeling or frequency.Feelings can be cultivated within oneself, independent of external circumstances.Making choices based on joy and following one's desires can lead to a more empowered and fulfilling life.Responsibility can be redefined as the ability to respond to life, rather than a burden or obligation.Honoring and respecting others' choices is an important aspect of living in a dimension of free choice. Our choices in the present moment shape our reality and determine our experiences.Abundance is not just about material possessions, but also about appreciating and being grateful for what we already have.Shifting our perspective and focusing on the blessings in our lives can bring about a sense of abundance.Practicing gratitude and appreciation for everything we have can transform our experiences and bring more joy into our lives.

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  • The conversation explores themes of self-awareness, abundance mindset, and the nature of reality. It delves into the concept of being in the present moment and going inward to tap into one's true power. The discussion also touches on the idea of a loving simulation and the importance of choosing beliefs and perspectives that serve us. The conversation emphasizes the need to embrace both the limitations and the limitless possibilities of life and make conscious choices from a place of empowerment. In this conversation, Amelie Ananda and In Joy discuss the power of awareness, choice, and non-judgment in navigating life's challenges. They emphasize the importance of observing the polarity in action without judgment and choosing a higher frequency. They explore the concept of surrender and expectation, highlighting the need to surrender to the flow of life while maintaining an expectation that things will work out. They also touch on the topics of manifesting, abundance, and the role of dopamine and oxytocin in our lives. The conversation concludes with an announcement of a giveaway for two tickets to an epic event at Unison.


    Embrace the present moment and go inward to tap into your true power.Choose beliefs and perspectives that serve you and align with abundance.Recognize that life is a loving simulation that wants to support you.See both the limitations and the limitless possibilities and make conscious choices from a place of empowerment. Awareness is the biggest act of love we can give ourselves and others.Observing the polarity in action without judgment allows us to make choices aligned with a higher frequency.Surrendering to the flow of life while maintaining an expectation that things will work out is a powerful mindset.Manifesting and creating our reality requires a balance of surrender and expectation.Cultivating abundance involves increasing oxytocin and reducing dopamine addiction.The giveaway for two tickets to an epic event at Unison is open to those who email a screenshot showing they are followers of the podcast. (Send email to TheTeam@ AwakeningLila.com) Enter by 8/7/24

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  • In this conversation, Amelie and Neil discuss the importance of following one's highest excitement and how it can lead to abundance and fulfillment. They explore the idea that growth and expansion can be joyful and effortless, rather than challenging and stressful. They also touch on the concept of letting go of commitments that no longer align with one's highest excitement and the importance of honoring oneself in those situations. They also touch on the topic of donation-based services and the abundance mindset. The conversation concludes with gratitude and appreciation for the audience and an invitation to join them at the Unison festival.


    Following one's highest excitement can lead to abundance and fulfillment.Growth and expansion can be joyful and effortless.It is important to let go of commitments that no longer align with one's highest excitement.Honoring oneself and prioritizing frequency and joy can attract desired outcomes. Follow your highest excitement and live in alignment with your true self.Transformation can occur through coaching and personal growth programs.Donation-based services can be a fulfilling and abundant way of offering support.Cultivate an abundance mindset and trust in the universe's provision.Express gratitude and appreciation for the present moment and all that it offers.Join Amelie and Neil at the Unison festival for a transformative and joyful experience.


    To win two general admission tickets (walk in camping included) like and subscribe to this podcast and send a screen shot to TheTeam@Awakening Lila.com by 5 Aug 2024. The drawing will be done on 8 Aug 2024 and winner announced on Instagram and notified via email.

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  • In this conversation, In Joy and Amelie Ananda discuss the power of beliefs and how they shape our reality. They explore the paradox that all beliefs are both true and untrue. They emphasize the importance of choosing beliefs that empower and set us free. They challenge the notion that certain foods or dietary choices can hinder our spiritual connection, and rather it is the belief that those foods inhibit spiritual connection that is the what makes those things true for some people. They also discuss the concept of abundance and how it can manifest in various ways, not just through money. Again, discussing the importance of our beliefs and how they create the reality we live in. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of choosing beliefs that align with our highest selves and empower us to live the life we love.


    There is a paradox in that that all beliefs are both true and untrue. Choose beliefs that empower and set you free.Examine what beliefs you hold that place your ability to connect to Source/Spirit, outside of you . Trust in your own power to transmute and find abundance and high frequency in all things.Abundance can manifest in various ways, not just through money. Look for and appreciate the abundance in your life and you will become more abundant.Choose beliefs that align with your highest self and empower you to live the life you love.

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  • In Joy Shaboogiemax is accessing the Template reality to share quantum truths about money and where money is going on the planet next. This is litteraly the quantum structure of abundance broken down so that you can access the 5D Bank of the Universe as soon as today no matter where you live on the planet now! The new financial system is here now! It's available NOW! It is a quantum financial system and this is the only place you will hear about it! You are your abundance and you are your money system. Now that the planet has risen in vibration you are able to access higher levels of consciousness and in these higher levels money has a new meaning and a new way of coming to you...

    In this Channeled Message, In Joy shares tips on how to get into the channeling state and discusses the concept of the 5D Bank of the universe. He emphasizes the importance of sleep, water, and play in channeling, and demonstrates breathwork techniques. In Joy also talks about the existing money systems and encourages listeners to shift their perspective and take responsibility for their own abundance. She highlights the power of choice, the illusion of time, and the need to release fear-based belief systems. In Joy concludes by discussing donation-based offerings and the importance of staying in a state of bliss and gratitude.

    Donation Based business is one way to start accessing this new level of money and abundance and shortens the time that it takes you to live a life that you love now!

    Sound Bites

    "Nobody is left behind."
    "There's nothing wrong with the existing money systems."
    "The way you feel and take action influences everything in your life."


    channeling, 5D Bank, sleep, water, play, breathwork, money systems, abundance, choice, time, fear-based belief systems, donation-based, bliss, gratitude


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  • The key to receiving more money is to give money in an expansive state of being, without any insistence on receiving. By giving freely, you create a flow of abundance that keeps coming back to you. Everything in your life, including money, is a reflection of yourself and is here to serve you. When you encounter something that doesn't align with your desires, ask yourself what it is trying to show you and use that information to make new choices. Embrace the perspective that everything is always working out for you, and focus on the things you want to experience more of.

    Relationships, mental health and freedom all come from your state of Being which comes from your belief system. Change your beliefs... change everything!

    Sound Bites

    "You give money in expansive state of being. You will receive more money in an expansive state of being."
    "The distinction that sets you free is you do it with zero insistence on it"
    "Your money is you. The people you don't like are you. The people you do like are you. Everything is you. And it's all here to serve you."

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  • Summary

    In this conversation, Neil and Amelie discuss the concept of abundance and how it relates to the quantum financial system. They emphasize the importance of being present and intentional in our actions and choices, rather than being stuck in repetitive patterns. They highlight the power of mindset and the ability to choose how we feel and perceive our circumstances. They also discuss the significance of core memories and the impact of being fully present with our loved ones. The conversation concludes with a reminder that abundance is not just about money, but about living a fulfilling and joyful life.


    Choose to be present and intentional in your actions and choices.
    Shift your mindset and choose to feel abundant in all areas of your life.
    Create core memories by being fully present with your loved ones.
    Abundance is not just about money, but about living a fulfilling and joyful life.

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  • The conversation explores the concept of extraterrestrial beings (ETs) and how they are often dismissed or feared due to societal conditioning. The speaker emphasizes the importance of moving past fear-based programming and choosing love and self-acceptance. They discuss the idea that everything is perfect and beautiful as it is, and that there is no right or wrong. The speaker also touches on the presence of ETs on Earth and the need for peaceful co-creation with them. They mention the potential benefits of accessing zero-point energy and the importance of self-expression and self-love.

    Choose love and self-acceptance over fear-based programming
    Everything is perfect and beautiful as it is
    Peaceful co-creation with ETs is possible
    Accessing zero-point energy can have benefits
    Self-expression and self-love are important


    00:00 Moving Beyond Fear-Based Programming
    01:01 Embracing the Perfection of Everything
    06:25 The Potential of Zero-Point Energy
    09:19 The Power of Self-Expression and Self-Love

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  • Summary

    In this conversation, Shaboogie and Amelie discuss the power of letting go and embracing the present moment. They explore the concept of death and how it can be seen as a transition into a new phase of existence. They emphasize the importance of choosing joy and cultivating positive feelings within oneself. They also touch on the societal conditioning that leads to fear and negativity, and encourage listeners to focus on creating a new reality based on love and unity.

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  • Unlock limitless abundance with just a few simple steps to success! 🌟 Welcome to our space of growth, transformation, and boundless potential. I'm Neil, and I'm thrilled to have you here. This episode dives deep into the essence of waking up to your true potential, embracing the new earth, and cultivating a positive mindset. Come and play!

    In this session, we discuss the power of meditation and how shifting your perspective can create profound changes in your professional pursuits, whether it's in crypto currency hedge funds or other ventures. It's about knowing, not just hoping or believing, that you are the creator of your reality.

    Join the community! We light each other's candle in the darkness, creating a brighter, more abundant world together. Take the donation-based 21-day positive mind challenge, join our Patreon, and get access to resources like my ebook and other socials.

    Thank you for tuning in! Remember, it's just that simple. Now what? Step into your limitless potential and let’s grow together. 🌟

    #meditation #positivemindset #Neil #crypto #newearth #wakingup #donationbased

    #WealthCreation #SpiritualAwakening #OvercomingLimitations #SimpleStepsToSuccess #LimitlessAbundance

    0:00 - Intro
    0:30 - The Two Worlds
    6:40 - Breathwork
    8:11 - Xavier Returns
    10:27 - Grace for the Grand Gesture
    0:00 - Crypto and the Energy Behind It
    17:49 - There Are Two Worlds Available to Us
    21:55 - Your Soul Loves You No Matter What
    0:00 - Unison Festival Ticket Giveaway
    26:30 - How to Enter the Unison Festival Ticket Giveaway
    31:00 - Soul Money Course
    0:00 - The Value of This is Truly Infinite
    33:00 - Turn Your Excuses into Your Why
    34:50 - Final Words

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  • Unlocking Your Divine Child: Transform Your Life Now! 🌟

    Welcome to Episode 4, where we dive into the powerful journey of awakening your divine child and transforming your life. In this video, we explore the profound concept of the "divine child codex" and how it can bring balance and joy to your existence. I'm super excited to share this with you!

    Come and play! Through breathwork and deep reflection, we uncover the integration of masculine and feminine energies, leading to divine union and the revelation of the divine child within. This isn't just theory; it's a personal journey I've experienced, and I want to light each other's candle in the darkness.

    Join our community and take the donation-based 21-day positive mind challenge. Let's cultivate a positive mindset together and create the new earth we all dream of. Your inner child holds the key to endless curiosity, play, and creation. Let’s tap into that energy now and see the world transform around us.

    Thanks for tuning in! Share your thoughts and experiences below. Let’s support each other on this journey of waking up. Get my ebook and access additional resources on meditation, professional pursuits, and even crypto currency hedge funds. Together, we can navigate this cosmic dance.

    Join our Patreon and stay connected. Let's create magic together! ✨

    Lots of love, Neil

    #DivineBalance #AwarenessAcceptance #HealingMasculineWounds #HealingFeminineWounds #AwakeningJourney

    0:00 - Intro
    0:34 - What is the Divine Child Codex
    3:02 - Understanding the Masculine Wound
    6:16 - Understanding the Feminine Wound
    8:16 - Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Energies
    8:24 - How to Achieve Divine Union
    0:00 - Practical Advice for Men
    18:55 - Your Frequency is Rising
    19:50 - What's Beyond Divine Union
    0:00 - The Divine Child
    26:53 - Manipulation
    28:59 - How to Find Max
    30:40 - Why Neil is Resonant with Max
    0:00 - Closing

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  • Welcome to "The Simple Truth That Will Change Your Life Forever"! 🌟 In this episode, we dive deep into the power of choice and how embracing simplicity can transform your life. Come and play! Join the community of like-minded individuals as we explore how our state of being influences our reality.

    We breathe together, laugh together, and light each other's candle in the darkness. By sharing personal stories and insights, we uncover the profound truth that your circumstances don't matter—only your state of being does. Whether you're navigating professional pursuits, crypto currency hedge funds, or waking up to a new earth, this is your space to grow.

    Join our donation-based 21-day positive mind challenge and see how small, mindful changes can lead to big transformations. Get my ebook and other socials for more insights and resources. Thanks for tuning in! Let's continue to support and uplift each other. Your journey to a positive mindset starts now. 🌿✨

    #meditation #positivemindset #Neil #newearth #donationbased #wakingup #community #transformation #growth

    #ConsciousLiving #LifeTransformation #SpiritualGrowth #HighFrequency #LifestyleChanges

    0:00 - Intro
    2:42 - Heaven on Earth is already here
    4:09 - How to use triggers to your advantage
    7:28 - How coffee, alcohol, and cigarettes keep you in the 3D
    17:40 - Energy Space
    21:15 - Giving Power Away
    24:30 - You’re a Badass
    25:03 - Something Good Always Comes from Everything
    25:57 - Thanks for Being Here

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  • My Journey from Pain to Power. Join us in this transformative session as we dive into the depths of healing and vulnerability. 🌟 Come and play! In this second episode, Amelie Ananda and I, your @shaboogiemax share an intimate conversation about forgiveness, spirituality, and our paths to embracing a positive mindset. We're getting real, hoping our stories light each other's candle in the darkness.
    www.awakeninglila.com for a donation based meeting with Amelie and
    www.shaboogiemax.com for a donation based meeting with Amelie
    Amelie's profound story of moving through unimaginable pain to find love and compassion is one of the most powerful I've ever heard. It's a testament to the limitless potential within us all. We discuss the radical process of releasing anger, embracing our humanity, and choosing love, even in the face of the most challenging experiences.

    Join the community! Dive deeper with us and discover how to wake up to the new earth with a donation-based 21-day positive mind challenge or explore courses on relationships and quantum money (not financial advice). Your journey to a higher frequency starts now. Thanks for tuning in!

    ✨ “Join our Patreon,” and get my ebook and other socials to stay connected and support our mission. Together, let's create a life that all parts of us love. ✨

    #meditation #positiveMindset #Neil #cryptoCurrency #newEarth #wakingUp #donationBased #forgivenessJourney #personalGrowth

    #Journey #Healing #SpiritualLessons #LimitlessPotential #SpiritualCommunity

    0:00 - Intro
    0:50 - Amal’s Story
    5:40 - Forgiveness is Irrelevant
    6:15 - Holding Space for Pain
    10:00 - Radical Forgiveness
    11:10 - Completing the Cycle
    0:00 - You Choose Everything
    21:50 - Cryptocurrency
    24:00 - Radical Responsibility
    0:00 - Win 2 Tickets to Unify Fest

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  • Unlocking Infinite Abundance: A Heart-Based Approach 💖

    Boom. We're live! Join us as we delve into heart-based living and unlocking infinite abundance. It's all about breathing deeply and being present. Welcome, Amelie Ananda from awakeninglila.com, channeling the most beautiful messages of love and transformation. Feel the magic of being alive right here, right now!
    https://www.awakeninglila.com/ for Amelie
    www.shaboogimax.com for Neil

    Come and play with us as we explore the wonders of quantum entrepreneurship and the divine child codex. Discover how shifting from fear-based to heart-based business models can transform your life. We’re talking about living with a positive mindset and embracing donation-based practices. Ever wondered how crypto currency hedge funds tie into professional pursuits and new earth awakening? We've got you covered.

    Neil and I are here, sharing our stories of regaining balance, self-forgiveness, and stepping into our true potential. Join the community to light each other's candle in the darkness. We're heading to Unison Festival in Colorado, September 5th-8th. Come meet us, dance, and celebrate life!

    Thanks for tuning in! If you're feeling inspired, join our Patreon for exclusive content, take the donation-based 21-day positive mind challenge, or grab my ebook. Let’s keep waking up together and see what unfolds. Now What? Let's find out together!

    #meditation #positivemindset #Neil #professionalpursuits #cryptocurrencyhedgefunds #newearth #wakingup #donationbased

    #StayPositive #DivineUnion #HealingJourney #HighestExcitement #InfiniteLove

    0:00 - Breathing Techniques
    0:17 - Amelie’s Channeling Session
    0:39 - What are you doing, Amelie?
    4:40 - What are you doing, Neil?
    11:09 - The Magic of Excitement
    19:18 - Power of Forgiveness
    24:46 - The Little Soul and the Earth
    29:00 - Ending the Podcast and Starting the Next One

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