Welcome to the "The Capital Runway" podcast by the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, your inside look at the bustling world of Washington Dulles International and Washington Reagan National Airports.
Join us as we explore the people, functions, and operations that keep these hubs of travel running smoothly. From behind-the-scenes stories to interviews with industry experts, we'll give you an in-depth look at what it takes to keep the planes flying. Whether you're an aviation enthusiast or just looking for a glimpse into the world of airports, "The Capital Runway" is the perfect listen. Tune in now and take off with us!
VPs/ Executive Producer(s): Jaimini Erskine, Tanisha Lewis -
Hosts: Amanda Ohbayashi, Charles Wilson
Producers: Ryan Burdick, Brian McCoy, Amanda Ohbayashi, Charles Wilson,
Editor: Ryan Burdick
Graphics: Bong Lee
Marketing: Kimberly Barnes, Sagia Depty
Web Producer: Adam Lawrence, Brian McCoy
Social Media Producer: Amanda Ohbayashi -
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These podcasts will help you find stocks, funds, and bonds that reflect YOUR personal values. Each podcast is filled with top analyst investment picks encompassing the best sustainability, ESG, and ethics traits.
My name is Ron Robins and I’ve been following this style of investing since the 1970s. Now it’s mainstream because it can be very profitable too!
Beginning in 1969, I held investment industry positions in investment analysis, over-the-counter stock trading, and global private equity sales.
And for almost two decades I’ve been a leading writer and tutor in ethical, sustainable, and socially responsible investing (SRI).
I’ve been interviewed or quoted in The Wall Street Journal, MarketWatch, Forbes, The Financial Post, BNN, The Globe & Mail, and numerous other media.
In 2002, I founded the globally popular and highly respected ethical investing website, Investing for the Soul.
Now, it’s my pleasure to help you with these podcasts to be successful in profitably applying your personal values to your investments.
And, please subscribe to my RSS feed and my blog.