Neste podcast falamos dos temas económicos que marcam a atualidade. Todos os dias resumimos o que precisa de saber sobre os números nacionais e internacionais em episódios de poucos minutos. E ao sábado, as grandes notícias são discutidas pelos jornalistas de Economia do Expresso. Oiça e subscreva o Economia dia a dia em qualquer plataforma de podcasts ou siga em
Francisco Pinto Balsemão apresenta uma série de debates sobre o impacto atual e futuro da Inteligência Artificial (IA) em diversas áreas da nossa vida em sociedade. Da geopolítica à segurança nacional, da medicina ao ensino, da arte à religião, como é que a tecnologia está a moldar o século XXI? ‘A Próxima Vaga’ é um podcast semanal, com novo episódio todas as sextas-feiras
Weekly roundup of everything new in the Linux and Open Source world! May contain gaming and privacy related topics.
This is a longer counterpart to the Linux and Open Source news videos available on The Linux Experiment Youtube Channel.
I’m Nick, I’ve been making Linux and Open Source related videos on YouTube since 2018, with a sizeable following of more than 300 000 subscribers. I’ve been using Linux since 2006, starting with Ubuntu (like most people), and I have 12 years of experience in project management and UX, and that’s the lens I use to view the progress of our Linux desktops and open source applications!
Novo podcast do Expresso dedicado às grandes notícias do setor imobiliário. No ‘Chave na mão’ estamos atentos à evolução dos preços, das taxas de juro à construção de novos projetos, sem esquecer as tendências de mercado. Todas as sextas feiras, a jornalista Rita Neves leva até si o essencial dos principais temas, com a análise de especialistas e protagonistas do mercado imobiliário.
‘Chave na mão’ tem o apoio de APPII - Associação Portuguesa de Promotores e Investidores Imobiliários e Vitória Seguros. -
O Jornal de Negócios lançou, em 2020, a iniciativa Negócios Sustentabilidade 20|30, o maior projeto editorial em Portugal em matéria de sustentabilidade, divulgando os desafios e as boas práticas nas diferentes áreas: ambiental, social e governance.
A urgência da ação é hoje maior, seja na erradicação da pobreza, na redução das desigualdades, no combate às alterações climáticas, na proteção dos ecossistemas, na melhoria da educação e da saúde, na construção de sociedades mais inclusivas, com respeito pela igualdade e diversidade.. -
Entrevistas de 30 minutos com especialistas que ajudam a compreender melhor os desafios que a transição energética e a mobilidade sustentável colocam à sociedade, à economia e à governação. Nestas conversas são apontados caminhos para algumas das soluções que podem ser aplicadas em Portugal.
Este es un podcast con dos anfitriones: Jose Milton Buitron, un apasionado por la analítica, el marketing, la música y la tecnología y Alexandra AI, "una modelo" de inteligencia artificial que de manera simple, sin tecnicismos y divertida, "discuten" sobre cómo los datos y las nuevas tecnologías están cambiando las organizaciones y nuestra vida cotidiana.
¿Te interesa conocer lo que una inteligencia artificial generativa tiene que decir sobre estos temas?
Entonces suscríibete @ #MundoDataDriven !
Nota: Las opiniones y contenido expresados en este podcast no refleja la de mi empleador. -
On the WorkWell Podcast, Jen Fisher — Human Sustainability Leader at Deloitte and Editor-at-Large, Human Sustainability at Thrive Global — sits down with inspiring individuals for wide-ranging conversations about how we can develop a way of living and working built on human sustainability, starting with ourselves.
Interested in Java and want to know all the latest news and happenings? Join Eric Klein, VP of Java Marketing, David Bryant, Sr. Director, Java Marketing and Jenn Winger, Marketing Programs for Java Marketing at Sun Microsystems, Inc. as we host this weekly podcast to tell you all the latest in the world of Java. Tune in each week to see what surprise guests will be joining us as we discuss everything from this week in Java, to the cool new Java toys we can't live without, to what music has our toes tapping, to what book we are reading and what box we got in the mail this week. If you have any questions, suggestions for future episodes, or just want to say hi, please send us a note to: [email protected] and we will make sure to get them into our queue. We would love to hear from you! Remember, this ain't your Dad's Java. Its a whole new arena and we are ready to play!
The old adage is true: there’s no such thing as an overnight success. So, how does it happen? Which skills are truly important? And, perhaps more importantly, what can you learn from other people’s careers and apply to your own? You’ll find answers to these questions and more in Career Chats, a brand new weekly podcast brought to you by recruitment specialists Michael Page ( .
Presented by journalist Phil Reay-Smith, the podcast features a range of celebrity career mentors talking about their extraordinary working lives. We’ll be really getting under their skin and finding out what makes them tick, hearing about the key moments in their careers and the tips they’d give to others aiming to get to the top in their chosen field.
The series kicks off on March 5th with English cricketing legend Matthew Hoggard and we’ve got a host of great names from the worlds of sport, business, entertainment and even polar exploring lined up for the weeks after. Don’t forget to hit subscribe to ensure you get the latest episodes direct to your device as soon as they drop. -
CNBC Editor-at-Large John Harwood sits down with 2020 election candidates, top political decision makers, and key influencers, from Elizabeth Warren to Gary Cohn to John Legend, in their favorite hangouts for relaxed, in-depth conversations that reveal who they are and what drives them.
As the leading energy information company, we understand what it takes to bring energy to the world, and we have delivered objective reporting and analysis on the sector for over 70 years. Our long history, combined with our team of experts and extensive connections, gives us an unparalleled view on what’s shaping the energy sector.
In this podcast series our senior analysts and editors discuss the latest key developments across the energy transition, oil markets, LNG, geopolitical risk and competitive intelligence.