When people bring their authentic selves to work, and many other areas of their lives, they can truly flourish. Speaking to Liana Slater of The Mindshare Podcast, Ripa Rashid breaks down what authenticity really means and how to bring it to your work to drive success, we dig deeper to touch on how allyship is a key driver to making this concept work. Our conversation provides a positive approach and real tools to create change for individuals, leaders, and companies to find opportunities in the workplace and in the system to help us be our authentic selves at work and to find our thrive.
Ripa Rashid is a Managing Director and Head of Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) at Cowen. Ms. Rashid is an internationally recognized subject matter expert and practitioner in the space of workplace diversity and inclusion, with a focus on gender, race and global talent engagement and development strategies. Prior to joining Cowen, Ms. Rashid was Managing Director at Culture@Work, Working Mother Media and Bonnier’s strategic advisory and custom research group. Previously, she was co-president at the Center for Talent Innovation (CTI) in New York City, a premier think tank and content provider that studies global workplace inclusion and diversity. She has also served as a management consultant with Booz & Company, PwC, and Mitchell Madison Group, and has held senior diversity and inclusion positions at MetLife and Time Warner.
Ms. Rashid holds an AB cum laude in astronomy and astrophysics from Harvard University, an MA in anthropology from New York University and an MBA from INSEAD.
Monumental Me is democratizing personal & professional development, creating and curating content, research, and tools to make them accessible to all. The Mindshare Podcast is created for our listeners, and our programs are available through the Workshops & Challenge Tabs on Monumentalme.com. If you want a weekly boost of evidence-based tools to help you thrive, subscribe to our Thrive Letter at monumentalme.substack.com!
In the IWiB Podcast we are collecting stories and having conversations with people to inspire, inform and connect women and men who want to thrive in life. With Chris Thorpe, Founder Brick Investment Partners, and Liana Slater Growth Executive & Co-Founder Momunmentalme.com, producer of The Mindshare Podcast, and Co-Founder INSEAD IWiB Global Club. Music by Patrick Prouty. For more inspiring discussions and real tools for success, check out Liana's professional development podcast The Mindshare Podcast available wherever you get your podcasts and at www.monumentalme.com/podcast.
Our guest Helen Lin is Principal, At One Ventures. She is an INSEAD MBA alum, who calls her time at INSEAD "the golden ticket to pivot" into the career she wanted. Helen has worked across four continents (Asia, Africa, Europe, N. America) merging and investing in companies (Baird, Houlihan Lokey), leading the digital transformation of multinational banking operations, and designing products to serve base of the pyramid customers (FINCA Impact Finance). She loves a good puzzle and enjoys finding creative solutions to big problems.
In the IWiB Podcast we are collecting stories and having conversations with people to inspire, inform and connect women and men who want to thrive in life. With Chris Thorpe, Founder Brick Investment Partners, and Liana Slater Growth Executive & Co-Founder Momunmentalme.com, producer of The Mindshare Podcast, and Co-Founder INSEAD IWiB Global Club. Music by Patrick Prouty. For more inspiring discussions and real tools for success, check out Liana's professional development podcast The Mindshare Podcast available wherever you get your podcasts and at www.monumentalme.com/podcast.
Saknas det avsnitt?
Welcome to the recorded webinar with Leslee Udwin, a Human Rights Campaigner and Social Entrepreneur as Founder & Executive Chair of Think Equal. INSEAD's INDEVOR Global Club, the US NAA lead by Cintia Tavella, and the INSEAD WiB Global Club with Liana Slater organized this workshop to collaborate on solutions to help eliminate gender & racial bias in the world. Introduction by Dean Ilian Mihov.
Leslee was awarded the Anna Lindh Human Rights Award in the Swedish Parliament (formerly won by Madeleine Albright); the UN Women for Peace Activist Award; Global Hero by Safe Magazine and Global Thinker Award by Foreign Policy. Leslee was also voted by the NY Times the Second Most Impactful woman of 2016, after Hillary Clinton. Leslee is a powerful force in the fight for equity, education, early childhood education, and social emotional learning for all. Find out more, and make a difference, at www.thinkequal.org
Leslee welcomes INSEAD alumni to connect with her directly on: Email: leslee.udwin@thinkequal.org or book an appointment: https://calendly.com/lesleethinkequal
You can also listen to Leslee's personal interview on her career evolution and becoming a social entrepreneur in her conversation with Liana Slater HERE, The Mindshare Podcast Season 2, Episode 1
In the IWiB Podcast we are collecting stories and having conversations with people to inspire, inform and connect women and men who want to thrive in life. With Chris Thorpe, Founder Brick Investment Partners, and Liana Slater Growth Executive & Co-Founder Momunmentalme.com and Co-Founder INSEAD IWiB Global Club. Music by Patrick Prouty.
Charlie O’Donnell was one of our panelists in March 2020 just days before New York City went into lock down. The topic of the IWiB's annual event was "Investing in Women." In 2021 we are all virtual... still. Charlie sat down with us to discuss how the pandemic has affected seed investing and what, if anything has changed for female founders and how women founders are different from their male counterparts.
Charlie O'Donnell is the sole Partner and Founder at Brooklyn Bridge Ventures. The fund makes seed and pre-seed investments and was the first venture firm located in Brooklyn--where he was born and raised. Brooklyn Bridge invested in the first rounds of The Wing, Canary, Hungryroot, Ample Hills, Clubhouse, Imagen, and goTenna among others. Charlie has a reputation for being early to identifying important companies.
In the IWiB Podcast we are collecting stories and having conversations with people to inspire, inform and connect women and men who want to thrive in life. With Chris Thorpe, Founder Brick Investment Partners, and Liana Slater Growth Executive & Co-Founder Momunmentalme.com, producer of The Mindshare Podcast, and Co-Founder INSEAD IWiB Global Club. Music by Patrick Prouty. For more inspiring discussions and real tools for success, check out Liana's professional development podcast The Mindshare Podcast available wherever you get your podcasts and at www.monumentalme.com/podcast.
Melina Spadone is an INSEAD MBA, Fordham Law, JD, and currently Senior Counsel at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP. Melina previously served as general counsel and chief of staff for several family offices and closely held businesses, ranging in size from $1 billion to $4 billion.
We touch on some important topics & Melina shares her valuable insights on the following:
A family office is a privately held company that handles investment management and wealth management for a wealthy family, generally one with over $100 million in investable assets, with the goal being to effectively grow and transfer wealth across generations - Is the Family Office industry a good career choice for women in business?
How did Melina, as a working mom, keep it going during the pandemic lockdown?
While juggling work, parenting and home school what does Melina do to keep up her energy and retain her zest for life?
In the Stories Podcast, we are collecting stories and having conversations with people to inspire, inform and connect women and men who want to achieve their goals and success in business and for social good. With Chris Thorpe, Founder Brick Investment Partners, and Liana Slater Growth Executive, Co-Founder Monumentalme.com and Co-Founder INSEAD IWiB Global Club. Music by Patrick Prouty.
This is SUCH an important topic! INSEAD alum Kirstie Sneyd is an INSEAD MBA'00J with a Master's in Organizational Psychology. Kirstie is an Executive Coach, a behavior change specialist and a maternity coach. She shares her research on what makes for a successful return to work post-maternity leave. The period just after maternity leave is a HUGE challenge for women, and to be fair for men too! Kirstie discussed how organizations can address this issue with the goal of retaining valuable talent and preserving the careers of working mothers.
In the IWiB Podcast we are collecting stories and having conversations with people to inspire, inform and connect women and men who want to thrive in life. With Chris Thorpe, Founder Brick Investment Partners, and Liana Slater Growth Executive & Co-Founder Momunmentalme.com, producer of The Mindshare Podcast, and Co-Founder INSEAD IWiB Global Club. Music by Patrick Prouty. For more inspiring discussions and real tools for success, check out Liana's professional development podcast The Mindshare Podcast available wherever you get your podcasts and at www.monumentalme.com/podcast.
Dr. Paige Williams is the author of the book "Becoming Anti-Fragile: Learning to Thrive Through Disruption" and she shares her research and insights into individuals’ self-leadership & power to enhance their ability to thrive through challenge and change. Paige is a warm and relatable speaker as a thought leader in the space of Wellness Science. She speaks our language, of cutting through the lingo and illustrating how to apply concepts to real life, to your life.
Please visit her website: www.drpaigewilliams.com
And check in with where you are today with Dr. Williams' free AntiFragile Survey: www.theantifragilesurvey.com
~ Dr. Williams is a member of the Monumental Me community, a platform to help all women thrive in their professional and personal lives during this period of uncertainty and change. Join our community and The Resilience Program at Monumentalme.com and follow us on Instagram @monumentalme.we www.instagram.com/monumentalme.we/ ~
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Ripa Rashid is a Managing Director and Head of Inclusion and Diversity at Cowen, an investment bank and financial services company. Ripa is an internationally recognized subject matter expert and practitioner in the space of workplace diversity and inclusion, with a focus on gender, race and global talent engagement and development strategies. Ripa speaks regularly as a member of the INSEAD Women in Business Club in New York City and we are thrilled this podcast allows her voice to be heard globally. Prior to joining Cowen, Ms. Rashid was Managing Director at Culture@Work, Working Mother Media and Bonnier’s strategic advisory and custom research group. Previously, she was co-president at the Center for Talent Innovation (CTI) in New York City, a premier think tank and content provider that studies global workplace inclusion and diversity. She has also served as a management consultant with Booz & Company, PwC and Mitchell Madison Group, and has held senior diversity and inclusion positions at MetLife and Time Warner. Ripa holds an AB cum laude in astronomy and astrophysics from Harvard University, an MA in anthropology from New York University and an MBA from INSEAD. Liana and Ripa have collaborated on helping women in business as volunteers for for INSEAD alumni since 2008.
In the Stories Podcast, we are collecting stories and having conversations with women in business to inspire, inform and connect women and men who want to achieve their goals and success in business and for social good. With Liana Slater Growth Executive, Co-Founder Momunmentalme.com and Co-Founder INSEAD IWiB Global Club and Chris Thorpe, Founder Brick Investment Partners. Music by Patrick Prouty.
Our co-Producer and the host and producer of The Mindshare Podcast, Liana Slater, gathered her own Personal Board, entitled "Keep Ascending" to share insights with you.
Six professional, ambitious women meet once a month to discuss work issues, business ideas, reflect on life choices, and share laughter. After attending the "ASCEND Summit" in New York City, a conference podcast co-host Liana Slater attended to hear INSEAD professor Zoe Kinias share her research, she and 5 other women committed to keep the momentum going after feeling inspired by the invigorating women & men who spoke at the women in leadership summit organized by Columbia Business School. Tara Bishop, Lidia Bernik, Pam Dickson, Katherine Peters, Elizabeth Yi & Liana Slater committed to "Keep Ascending." These individuals reflect on their group that consistently serves as a forum to inspire each other, regularly seek professional advice, mentor one another, and leverage this support network to continue to thrive through their personal connection and the power of this Mastermind group. Join us as we share a different kind of discussion in this episode of "Stories," the infinite value of a Personal Board and why it is so important to work to build your own.
Produced by Chris Thorpe, Founder, Brick Investment Partners and Liana Slater, Growth Executive, Producer, The Mindshare Podcast, Co-Founder, MonumentalMe.com & Co-Founder, INSEAD IWiB Global Club. Music by Patrick Prouty.
The ASCEND Summit was hosted by Mika Brzezinski, co-host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, and featured panels on gender equity and meritocracy, female access to capital, and work-life balance. Additionally, the conference featured an academic panel with leading scholars from Columbia Business School, London Business School and INSEAD discussing the latest research on diversity and inclusion efforts in business, and the best proven methods for driving meaningful change throughout organizational ecosystems.
Angela Lee is the Founder of 37 Angels, a start-up investor network. She is also Columbia Business School Professor of Practice and is passionate about getting more women into investing. An a-ha moment after several post-MBA years at McKinsey & Co inspired Angela to pursue what she loves - teaching and investing. Listen to how she became a professor of innovation and now has widespread influence on helping start-up and scale-up companies grow.
We are collecting stories and having conversations with women in business to inspire, inform and connect women and men who want to thrive in life. With Chris Thorpe, Founder Brick Investment Partners, and Liana Slater Growth Executive, Co-Founder Momunmentalme.com and Co-Founder INSEAD IWiB Global Club. Music by Patrick Prouty.
Kathy Kayse, Chief Media Strategy and Partnerships Officer at Ad Council, shares her stories around working with powerhouse women Oprah Winfrey, trailblazer in media & philanthropy, and Marissa Mayer, early Google executive & former Yahoo CEO and current investor. Her key message from her mother, her most influential mentor, is to surround yourself with great people, regardless of their gender. Kathy had great male mentors, who opened doors for her, and whom she emulated, as well as these female bosses who brought out the best in her.
With Chris Thorpe, Founder, Brick Investment Partners and Liana Slater, Growth Executive & Co-Founder, INSEAD IWiB Global Club. Music by Patrick Prouty.
Co-Founder Sophie Bertin, joins us to discuss how and why the IWiB Global Club came to be, how it can help you, and why we have so much more work to do. As an executive who has lived and worked in several countries and speaks a multitude of languages Sophie has a clear sense of how culture impacts gender bias. "We have only just scratched the surface," reflects Chris Thorpe, Founder, Brick Investment Partners and IWiB ExCo member. Join the conversation. With Liana Slater, Growth Executive & Co-Founder, INSEAD IWiB Global Club. Music by Patrick Prouty.
Kim Scott, author of New York Times & Wall Street Journal Bestseller Radical Candor: Be a Kickass Boss without Losing Your Humanity, can help you get sh*t done, manage difficult bosses and coworkers, and become more effective not only as a business leader but also in life. Workplace injustice needs to be addressed explicitly. Kim encourages men to be Upstanders in the workplace and shares her framework on effective leadership. Kim led AdSense, YouTube, and Doubleclick Online Sales and Operations at Google and then joined Apple to develop and teach a leadership seminar. Kim has been a CEO coach at Dropbox, Qualtrics, Twitter, and several other tech companies.
In the IWiB Podcast we are collecting stories and having conversations with people to inspire, inform and connect women and men who want to thrive in life. With Chris Thorpe, Founder Brick Investment Partners, and Liana Slater Growth Executive & Co-Founder Momunmentalme.com, producer of The Mindshare Podcast, and Co-Founder INSEAD IWiB Global Club. Music by Patrick Prouty. For more inspiring discussions and real tools for success, check out Liana's professional development podcast The Mindshare Podcast available wherever you get your podcasts and at www.monumentalme.com/podcast.
Alexandra Jarislowsky, former Director Jarislowsky, Fraser Ltd. Investment Management firm based in Canada, wants to encourage more women to enter the field of investment management. The field is a great option for women yet women are sorely underrepresented, 2% of assets are managed by women even though they outperform. While Alexandra has clear advice for current leadership as to how to increase much needed diversity in the workforce, she shares some gems on what women can do for themselves to help choose the organization that will enable a successful and more enjoyable career. With Chris Thorpe, Founder, Brick Investment Partners and Liana Slater, Growth Executive & Co-Founder, INSEAD IWiB Global Club. Music by Patrick Prouty.
In this episode, Karen Hitschke, MD & Chief Investment Office at Yunus Social Business, talks about her journey to social impact investing, the importance of self-confidence, and a key message to a 25 year old just starting out.
For more inspiring and FREE content for personal and professional development check out The Mindshare Podcast with Liana Slater, Producer and Host.
Inspire, Inform & Connect started with Chris Thorpe, Founder, Brick Investment Partners, and Liana Slater, Founder, The Mindshare Podcast & Monumental Me, Angel Investor & Co-Founder, INSEAD WiB Global Club. Music by Patrick Prouty.
We are collecting stories and having conversations with women in business to inspire, inform and connect women and men who want to thrive in their careers and in life.
Katie Stitch, Managing Director, W Capital Partners, shares her insights from her 20+ year career from investment banking to private equity. Katie points out the value of diversity of thought and the advantage of being a woman in finance, as well as how she leveraged mentors and the creation of a personal board.
We are collecting stories and having conversations with women in business to inspire, inform and connect women and men who want to thrive in their careers and in life. Welcome to the new series featuring women in investing. 20 minutes well spent.
INSEAD alumnus Chris Thorpe, Managing Partner, Brick Investment Partners, and alumna Liana Slater, IWiB Global Club Co-Founder & Co-President produce and moderate our episodes featuring women in investing.
Music by Patrick Prouty https://patrickprouty.com/bio
Listen to Aoifinn' story for guidance on women entering the world of investment consulting and thriving in their career, her success in enjoying a lifestyle compatible with having a family, and her non-linear career path to becoming the Head of Investment Ireland at Federated Hermes. Aoifinn Devitt, INSEAD MBA '00.
In the IWiB Podcast we are collecting stories and having conversations with people to inspire, inform and connect women and men who want to thrive in life. With Chris Thorpe, Founder Brick Investment Partners, and Liana Slater Growth Executive & Co-Founder Momunmentalme.com, producer of The Mindshare Podcast, and Co-Founder INSEAD IWiB Global Club. For more inspiring discussions and real tools for success, check out Liana's professional development podcast The Mindshare Podcast available wherever you get your podcasts and at www.monumentalme.com/podcast.
Music by Patrick Prouty https://patrickprouty.com/bio