
  • As we continue our series on “The People Who Shape Us,” John Eldredge joins us. He is someone who has shaped how we pray and ultimately how we relate with Jesus ourselves. He’s been a mentor and spiritual father to many, and has significantly shaped how we lead even our children to experience Jesus for themselves.

    In the beautiful, kind words of a spiritual father, John shares stories about how he healed while raising his own kids, and what that healing did for how he started to relate to and experience the love of Abba in his own life. He also describes his own spiritual journey as having walked through what he calls “wardrobe doors,” a nod to C.S. Lewis’ pathway into Narnia.

    He also shares how to find the people who can shape you in your pursuit and experience of Jesus. The key question John leaves us with is: “What has worked for you?”

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 Introduction to John Eldredge and how he’s shaped us
    6:30 The beginning of John’s story to knowing Jesus
    7:34 The first wardrobe door
    11:47 John’s journey to healing and leading his family at same time
    16:26 The second wardrobe door
    23:23 The antidote to “rallying” and “living spent”
    28:06 The fight for the human soul
    33:02 The third wardrobe door
    37:37 The beautiful ways Jesus transforms us and the ways we self-protect
    57:12 How to find the people who can shape you

    Show Notes:
    Get a copy of John’s new book Experience Jesus. Really.
    Click here: https://amzn.to/4ioAHDX

    Men, registration for The Field Experience Cohort II is now open!
    Register here: https://www.famousathome.com/offers/6fze43ia

    Ladies, registration for Tender & Fierce Coaching Cohort II is now open!
    Register here: https://www.famousathome.com/offers/9J9Dwypn

    Download NONAH's brand new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: https://bellpartners.ffm.to/findmywayhome

    The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate. https://newhorizonsfoundation.com/project/single-project/2504/

  • Welcome to season 4, where we spend each episode either honoring or talking to “The People Who Shape Us.”

    Make no mistake, we are who we spend time with — for better or worse. Whether it’s parents, mentors, friends, or extended family, we take time this season to let you in on the people who shape us, why connection is so difficult to find, and why we have to war for healthy relationships.

    In this episode, we introduce season 4 talking about why healthy relationships seem so elusive, and what we have to do to find them.

    Note: Registration for Cohort II of Tender & Fierce and The Field Experience ends soon. See show notes for details.

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 Introduction to Season 4
    1:41 Registration for cohorts closing soon!
    2:38 Honoring how our parents shaped us
    6:17 The desire for connection and the lament of not having it
    10:23 Honoring the people who have shaped you
    15:30 Finding local people who shape us and we get to shape
    19:20 Exposing the lies of close relationships and how they develop
    24:38 How to war for healthy relationships

    Show Notes:
    Men, registration for The Field Experience Cohort II is now open!
    Register here: https://www.famousathome.com/offers/6fze43ia

    Ladies, registration for Tender & Fierce Coaching Cohort II is now open! Register here: https://www.famousathome.com/offers/9J9Dwypn

    Order a copy of the Famous at Home book to put your family center stage. Click here: https://amzn.to/3y1jJFz

    Download NONAH's brand new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: https://bellpartners.ffm.to/findmywayhome

    The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate. https://newhorizonsfoundation.com/project/single-project/2504/

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  • What a bizarre encounter with our dental hygienist taught Josh about prayer, and why we cannot attune to both God and our kids at the same time—but the encouraging insight this offers us.

    This week’s episode offers lessons Josh and Christi are learning in their own spiritual journeys as parents, and a few behind the scenes happenings of what’s coming with Famous at Home.

    Registration for Cohort II of Tender & Fierce and The Field Experience ends soon. See show notes for details.

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 Introduction
    1:10 Behind-the-scenes updates from Famous at Home
    5:15 Introduction to what’s happening in season 4
    7:00 Josh’s lesson of the week
    10:12 Christi’s lesson of the week

    Show Notes:
    Men, registration for The Field Experience Cohort II is now open!
    Register here: https://www.famousathome.com/offers/6fze43ia

    Ladies, registration for Tender & Fierce Coaching Cohort II is now open! Register here: https://www.famousathome.com/offers/9J9Dwypn

    Order a copy of the Famous at Home book to put your family center stage. Click here: https://amzn.to/3y1jJFz

    Download NONAH's brand new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: https://bellpartners.ffm.to/findmywayhome

    The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate. https://newhorizonsfoundation.com/project/single-project/2504/

  • Every individual is given gifts and talents, ways they can influence the lives of those around them for the better. Even more, every family is unique. The currencies you value as a family define how you live.

    What are your values? The currencies that shape your family? Is it time together? Certain hobbies or activities? Adventure? Or perhaps achievement? You may even find that the values you live by are not the values you want to be living by. That’s what the matrix does. It sucks us into living a burdened life.

    As we keep looking to move “Beyond the Matrix,” asking the question, “Why are we doing what we are as a family?” this episode is a conversation on vision, direction, and purpose. In other words, “What is your family’s uniqueness?” We start the episode with a humbling exercise and end it with the most purposeful and life-giving question of all, “How is our individual family uniquely designed to build for the Kingdom of God?”

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 Introduction to a joyful home
    1:38 An opening exercise for your family
    8:00 Pacing — How to maintain forward motion toward the life we want without burning out
    13:45 What the matrix wants for you and how to come out of it
    19:00 Dreaming again
    24:48 Setting family values
    25:27 What is the uniqueness of YOUR family?
    30:00 The regrets of dying
    31:14 Your family building for the Kingdom of God

    Show Notes:
    Men, registration for The Field Experience Cohort II is now open!
    Register here: https://www.famousathome.com/offers/6fze43ia

    Ladies, registration for Tender & Fierce Coaching Cohort II is now open! Register here: https://www.famousathome.com/offers/9J9Dwypn

    Order a copy of the Famous at Home book to put your family center stage. Click here: https://amzn.to/3y1jJFz

    Download NONAH's brand new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: https://bellpartners.ffm.to/findmywayhome

    The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate. https://newhorizonsfoundation.com/project/single-project/2504/

  • The fruit of modern-day parenting, statistically speaking, is an anxious generation. The Surgeon General even said as much of parents in an August 2024 “Advisory on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Parents.”

    Why we’re trending in this direction is the focus this season of the podcast. In this episode, we cover another way to defy this cultural imposition by expanding joy capacity.

    What if “joy” became a metric for what defines your family, and for how you raise your kids? How would your life, and family, look different?

    As we keep looking to move “Beyond the Matrix,” asking the question, “Why are we doing what we are as a family?” this episode is a conversation on cultivating a joyful home.

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 Introduction to a joyful home
    3:55 New coaching cohorts open now
    5:23 What happens when we grow in joy
    12:35 How we grow in relational joy
    23:15 How joy capacity expands slowly over time
    29:00 Responsibility, screens, and distractions

    Show Notes:
    Men, registration for The Field Experience Cohort II is now open! Register here: https://www.famousathome.com/offers/6fze43ia

    Ladies, registration for Tender & Fierce Coaching Cohort II is now open! Register here: https://www.famousathome.com/offers/9J9Dwypn

    Order a copy of the Famous at Home book to put your family center stage. Click here: https://amzn.to/3y1jJFz

    Download NONAH's brand new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: https://bellpartners.ffm.to/findmywayhome

    The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate. https://newhorizonsfoundation.com/project/single-project/2504/

  • Is your life marked by celebration? Do you genuinely believe that everything you need for today, including enough time, is already given to you? Or do you end your day frustrated by what didn’t happen rather than celebrating what did?

    We’re in a series on the 5 shifts families long for, and in this episode we talk about why people are longing for more celebration in their everyday lives.

    As we keep looking to move “Beyond the Matrix,” asking the question, “Why are we doing what we are as a family?” this episode is a conversation on learning to celebrate the good.

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 Introduction
    2:00 A conversation about dogs and living in our purpose
    7:35 Going beyond the matrix and living in our purpose
    9:05 Upcoming coaching cohorts and Famous at Home app
    11:10 Christi’s recent experience in Tender & Fierce
    14:15 A foundational understanding of what it means to celebrate the good
    20:25 Why we have trouble celebrating the good
    25:32 Strategies for celebrating the good and shifting the atmosphere of your home
    37:47 Passing the good onto your kids in everyday life
    42:30 The good doesn’t have to be big

    Show Notes:
    Men, registration for The Field Experience Cohort II is now open!
    Register here: https://www.famousathome.com/offers/6fze43ia

    Ladies, registration for Tender & Fierce Coaching Cohort II is now open!
    Register here: https://www.famousathome.com/offers/9J9Dwypn

    Order a copy of the Famous at Home book to put your family center stage.
    Click here: https://amzn.to/3y1jJFz

    Download NONAH's brand new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: https://bellpartners.ffm.to/findmywayhome

    The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate. https://newhorizonsfoundation.com/project/single-project/2504/

  • We’re in a series on the 5 shifts families long for today and in this episode we talk about why people are longing for a more simple life.

    “We’re too busy,” or “There’s not enough time,” is the heart cry of many families today. Sadly, there’s also a ripple effect of the stress we feel as parents that gets passed onto our children. Our kids feel the busyness.

    As we keep looking to move “Beyond the Matrix,” asking the question, “Why are we doing what we are as a family?” this episode is a conversation on the return to simplicity.

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 Introduction
    3:00 The number one greatest parenting struggle today
    5:35 The two ways we view “time” and how it influences how we live
    9:00 The contemporary ways we fill our “margins”
    11:24 What is the filter for how you make decisions?
    15:28 Practical ways to simplify
    23:03 Trying new life-giving practices in seasons

    Show Notes:

    Order a copy of the Famous at Home book to put your family center stage. Click here: https://amzn.to/3y1jJFz

    Men, interested in The Field Experience? 

    Sign up for the waitlist: https://www.famousathome.com/thefieldexperience

    Ladies, interested in a Tender & Fierce Cohort in 2025? Sign up for waitlist: https://www.famousathome.com/tenderandfierce

    Download NONAH's brand new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: https://bellpartners.ffm.to/findmywayhome

    The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate. https://newhorizonsfoundation.com/project/single-project/2504/

  • Do you live in a perpetual state of rest with exhausted moments, or do you find yourself living in a perpetual state of exhaustion with restful moments?

    In Season 3, we’re looking to move “Beyond the Matrix,” asking the hard questions about how we lead our families. Unfortunately, for many families, a chorus of words seem to ring out of what people today long for, but can’t seem to attain. The word we cover today is “rest.”

    This episode is the first of 5 familial shifts we’ll be talking about as we continue to ask the question: “Why are we doing what we are as families?”

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 Introduction
    1:30 Living in survival mode versus longing for more
    7:25 What it means to live in “restedness”
    12:48 How exhaustion keeps us in a state of delayed joy
    17:55 Internally moving to a base line of rest
    26:22 Breaking through exhaustion in your marriage
    28:08 How to give your exhaustion to God in prayer
    29:47 The Genesis 1 paradigm for living in daily and weekly rest
    33:08 Practices for a state of restedness

    Show Notes:

    Men, interested in The Field Experience?
    Sign up for the waitlist: https://www.famousathome.com/thefieldexperience

    Ladies, interested in a Tender & Fierce Cohort in 2025? Sign up for waitlist: https://www.famousathome.com/tenderandfierce

    Download NONAH's brand new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: https://bellpartners.ffm.to/findmywayhome

    The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate. https://newhorizonsfoundation.com/project/single-project/2504/

  • There have been some major societal, socioeconomic, cultural, and technological shifts over the past 150 years that have changed not just family structure, but who our children are becoming. In this episode, we ask the question: Is what culture is giving us right now beneficial for our family?

    In Season 3, we’re looking to move “Beyond the Matrix,” asking the hard questions about how we lead our families. In episode 2, Josh takes a 30,000 foot view of the changes throughout the last 150 years in the Western world and the corresponding changes in family structure and child outcomes. For example, he talks about the generational trend from resourceful to entitled to anxious, and the societal factors at play.

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 Introduction
    3:00 The top regrets people have at the end of their lives
    4:45 What our children pick up from us in modern Western world
    8:28 Family structure changes over last 150 years
    12:08 How socioeconomic changes impacted the family over last 150 years
    16:17 Changes in how we view children in last 150 years
    19:16 How changes in religiosity in last 150 years have impacted the family
    20:05 The effects of technological changes over last 150 years
    23:08 Is what culture is giving us, beneficial for our family?
    24:49 What’s next for your family?

    Show Notes:
    Order a copy of the Famous at Home book to put your family center stage. Click here: https://amzn.to/3y1jJFz

    Men, interested in The Field Experience? Sign up for the waitlist: https://www.famousathome.com/thefieldexperience

    Ladies, interested in a Tender & Fierce Cohort in 2025? Sign up for waitlist: https://www.famousathome.com/tenderandfierce

    Download NONAH's brand new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: https://bellpartners.ffm.to/findmywayhome

    The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate. https://newhorizonsfoundation.com/project/single-project/2504/

  • Whether you realize it or not, you’re living in a matrix that shapes how you think, feel, and live your life. And your family, for better or worse, is along for the ride.

    Welcome to Season 3, what we’re calling, Beyond the Matrix.

    In this episode, we challenge you to ask one question: Why are you doing what you’re doing as a family? More specifically, who, or what, is shaping the decisions you make? Do you know why you’re making the decisions you are? Have you ever thought about flipping things upside down and going against what’s “conventional” for our day and age?

    We take a listener question that, though may not be your circumstance, applies to many of us who feel stuck in how we lead our families.

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 Introduction
    1:00 Introduction to Season 3: Beyond the Matrix
    6:26 The macro and micro “matrixes” that shape your family
    10:40 Christi describes her “macro matrix”
    15:30 Josh describes his “macro matrix”
    18:00 Why are we doing what we’re doing as a family?
    19:08 How the ladders of society shape today’s family
    22:54 God redeems our enslavement to a matrix
    24:40 Listener question: Unhappy wife and mother with two young kids not sure if she should work or stay home
    29:48 Working toward the version of you that loves best
    35:18 Sacrifice and inconvenience as part of the journey
    39:28 How is family being shaped?
    41:42 Closing prayer

    Show Notes:

    Order a copy of the Famous at Home book to put your family center stage.
    Click here: https://amzn.to/3y1jJFz

    Men, interested in The Field Experience?
    Sign up for the waitlist: https://www.famousathome.com/thefieldexperience

    Ladies, interested in a Tender & Fierce Cohort in 2025? Sign up for waitlist: https://www.famousathome.com/tenderandfierce

    Download NONAH's new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: https://bellpartners.ffm.to/findmywayhome

    The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate. https://newhorizonsfoundation.com/project/single-project/2504/

  • In the final episode of season 2, we talk about very practical ways to awaken the hearts of your children.

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 Introduction
    1:23 The joy of childhood
    4:21 Increasing oxytocin in a child’s brain
    8:18 The single most important technique for your child’s heart and brain
    11:15 What this weekly question can do for your kids and teach you as a parent
    16:05 How joy is transferred to the next generation
    20:05 Fight or flight and the ways to reconnect

    Show Notes:
    Order a copy of the Famous at Home book to put your family center stage.
    Click here: https://amzn.to/3y1jJFz

    Men, interested in The Field Experience?
    Sign up for the waitlist: https://www.famousathome.com/thefieldexperience

    Ladies, interested in a Tender & Fierce Cohort in 2025? Sign up for waitlist: https://www.famousathome.com/tenderandfierce

    Download NONAH's brand new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: https://bellpartners.ffm.to/findmywayhome

    The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate. https://newhorizonsfoundation.com/project/single-project/2504/

  • This is one of our most foundational and transparent episodes. We took the 7 things that have transformed the heart of our family the last number of years and expounded on each of them in a detailed way to help you understand the “why” behind these decisions and how they can change the direction of your family.

    We certainly don’t expect you to implement all 7 of them today, as this is a yearslong journey. However, find the one that most resonates with you right now. Which of these will most move the needle in your family if you were to implement it today? The only way to bring the heart of your family alive is to take permission and choose to lead differently from what our individualistic and rat-racing culture imposes on you.

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 Introduction
    4:00 Your family as a “living letter”
    7:00 How we came up with the 7 ways
    8:02 What helps you show up as the best version of you?
    14:58 Evaluating the family schedule
    20:59 How to establish family rhythms that serve your family
    26:00 Giving kids responsibility
    35:23 How screen time influences your family and what to do about it
    43:53 Who are the life-giving people you’re surrounding yourself with?
    51:07 Your family as a hospitable “living letter” to those around you
    55:24 Your most useful takeaway for transforming the heart of your family

    Show Notes:

    Order a copy of the Famous at Home book to put your family center stage.
    Click here: https://amzn.to/3y1jJFz

    Get a copy of the Technicolor Woman Devotional by Courtney Smallbone.
    Click here: https://technicolorwoman.com/products/technicolorwoman

    Listen to our episode earlier in the year on The Spiritual Development of a Mother and Father.
    Click here: https://shorturl.at/GRYxA

    Men, interested in The Field Experience?
    Sign up for the waitlist: https://www.famousathome.com/thefieldexperience

    Ladies, interested in a Tender & Fierce Cohort in 2025?
    Sign up for waitlist: https://www.famousathome.com/tenderandfierce

    Download NONAH's brand new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: https://bellpartners.ffm.to/findmywayhome

    The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate. https://newhorizonsfoundation.com/project/single-project/2504/

  • Living with a heart fully alive is one of the best gifts you can give your family and pass onto your children. But emotions are complicated. They can be clouded by our circumstances, suppressed in favor of “getting things done,” or ignored to avoid confrontation. Unfortunately, this can easily become our default, especially when certain religious traditions equate emotion with sin.

    We’re in Season 2 titled “Awakening the Heart,” and in episode 5, Josh and Christi discuss how we are to take our emotions to God and partner with the Holy Spirit in them. Are emotions from God? If so, what does He want us to do with them? Can they be a pathway to living a more fulfilled and “lived” life? Listen in as Josh and Christi share how they prayerfully take their emotions to God in prayer, and partner with the Holy Spirit in their everyday lives.

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 Introduction
    1:18 Season 2 overview
    2:56 God and our emotions
    7:06 The four voices in our lives
    9:27 Discerning the voice of our emotions
    15:00 How emotions lead you back to God and how to listen to the Holy Spirit as Counselor, Comforter, and Guide
    24:10 Fighting for what’s going on within your heart and taking that back to God in prayer
    28:26 What we pass onto our kids

    Show Notes:
    Men, interested in The Field Experience? Sign up for Cohort 1 before December 31: https://www.famousathome.com/thefieldexperience

    Sign up for the January 2025 Tender & Fierce Cohort! Sign up here. https://www.famousathome.com/tenderandfierce

    Download NONAH's brand new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: https://bellpartners.ffm.to/findmywayhome

    The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate. https://newhorizonsfoundation.com/project/single-project/2504/

  • We’re in Season 2 titled “Awakening the Heart.” In episode 4, Josh and Christi explain the nervous system and why its primary purpose in our lives — to protect our connection, belonging, and dignity — can actually shut down the heart.

    A deeper understanding of how our bodies were created to survive can lead to deeper levels of empathy for yourself and those you love. Josh and Christi tells stories from their own marriage that highlight how the nervous systems puts up guardians around our hearts, but how also how we can become attuned to what happened and resolve it well so that our hearts remain open and alive to all that’s happening within and around us.

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 Introduction
    1:21 It’s Christmas time
    4:26 Introduction to the nervous system
    6:14 A neurobiological understanding of the heart and nervous system
    10:21 How the nervous system functions
    14:35 The ladder of the nervous system
    20:00 Where the complicated relationship comes into play
    25:38 How your body gets rid of survival energy
    30:45 The bottom rung of the nervous system ladder
    32:18 A biblical application to calming your system and healing your heart
    38:00 An understanding of stuck “energy”
    41:33 Taking the first step

    Show Notes:

    Men, interested in The Field Experience? Sign up for Cohort 1 before December 31: https://www.famousathome.com/thefieldexperience

    Sign up for the January 2025 Tender & Fierce Cohort! Sign up here. https://www.famousathome.com/tenderandfierce

    Download NONAH's brand new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: https://bellpartners.ffm.to/findmywayhome

    The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate. https://newhorizonsfoundation.com/project/single-project/2504/

  • We’re in Season 2 titled “Awakening the Heart.” In episode 3, Josh talks about the hearts of men and answers Christi’s questions about the upcoming men’s coaching cohort called The Field Experience.

    One of the things we often find is that a family is revived when the heart of wife and mom, and / or husband and dad, is first awakened. Christi interviews Josh as he shares stories about how his own heart has been awakened, research on what makes the difference for generational faith transmission, and how we can cultivate the “fields” God has given us with courage, compassion, and cheerful hearts.

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 Introduction
    1:17 Christmas ideas from Famous at Home
    6:12 Why Josh is launching a men’s coaching cohort
    11:35 What the Field Experience means
    16:35 The nuts and bolts of the cohort
    20:32 The need for community in leading your family
    23:51 Passing on a heritage to your children and knowing your “why”
    28:05 The glimpse we leave to those around us by how we lead
    29:28 Speaking to wives about change 36:00 Emotional health and men

    Show Notes:
    Interested in The Field Experience? Sign up for Cohort 1 before December 31: https://www.famousathome.com/thefieldexperience

    Sign up for the January 2025 Tender & Fierce Cohort! Sign up here. https://www.famousathome.com/tenderandfierce

    Get 25 Days of the Christmas Story: An Advent Family Experience by clicking here: https://amzn.to/3ZmCKkB

    Get What Am I Feeling? children's book by clicking here: https://amzn.to/40ZCadZ

    Download NONAH's brand new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: https://bellpartners.ffm.to/findmywayhome

    The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate. https://newhorizonsfoundation.com/project/single-project/2504/

  • We’re in Season 2 titled “Awakening the Heart.” In episode 2, Christi talks about how to awaken the tender and fierce part of who you are as a woman and answers questions about the Tender & Fierce Cohort.

    One of the things we most often find is that a family is revived when the heart of wife and mom, and / or husband and dad, is first awakened. Josh interviews Christi as she shares why awakening the tender and fierce part of who you are begins with curiosity and is enhanced through community.

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 Introduction
    1:15 What’s coming in 2025
    5:40 Introduction to Tender & Fierce
    11:03 The meaning behind Tender & Fierce
    13:08 What you can expect from the Tender & Fierce cohort
    20:10 Who is Tender & Fierce for?
    21:27 Why a Tender & Fierce retreat?
    24:28 How to awaken your heart to be tender & fierce
    32:56 The awakening of a family’s heart

    Show Notes:
    Sign up for the January 2025 Tender & Fierce Cohort! Sign up here. https://www.famousathome.com/tenderandfierce

    Men, interested in The Field Experience? Sign up for Cohort 1 before December 31: https://www.famousathome.com/thefieldexperience

    Get 25 Days of the Christmas Story: An Advent Family Experience by clicking here: https://amzn.to/3ZmCKkB

    Get What Am I Feeling? children's book by clicking here: https://amzn.to/40ZCadZ

    Download NONAH's brand new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: https://bellpartners.ffm.to/findmywayhome

    The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate. https://newhorizonsfoundation.com/project/single-project/2504/

  • Welcome to Season 2 of the Famous at Home podcast! This season is titled, "Awakening the Heart."

    Living a fully present and attentive life for ourselves and our loved ones is a matter of the heart. But what do we mean by "the heart?" In episode 1 of season 2 we take an honest look at what our hearts need to thrive, how we can measure the condition of our hearts, and what curiosity has to do with living fully alive.

    Would you say your heart is awakened? Is your heart in a place where you can yes to your kids? Do you feel full enough to enter into the world of your spouse? No matter the condition of your heart right now, you can reclaim it.

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 Introduction
    1:08 Introduction to Season 2
    2:51 Josh’s pet peeve and how it relates to the condition of our heart
    6:30 How to measure the condition of your heart
    9:53 The supernatural and natural ways of awakening the heart
    14:37 Resources for kids and emotions
    16:33 The most vital part of who you are and how to identify your emotions
    19:59 Season 2 preview
    20:46 Your heart and the pursuit of curiosity
    28:08 What an awakened heart looks like

    Show Notes:
    Sign up for the January 2025 Tender & Fierce Cohort! Sign up here. https://www.famousathome.com/tenderandfierce

    Men, interested in The Field Experience? Sign up for Cohort 1 before December 31: https://www.famousathome.com/thefieldexperience

    Get 25 Days of the Christmas Story: An Advent Family Experience by clicking here: https://amzn.to/3ZmCKkB

    Get What Am I Feeling? children's book by clicking here: https://amzn.to/40ZCadZ

    Download NONAH's brand new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: https://bellpartners.ffm.to/findmywayhome

    The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate. https://newhorizonsfoundation.com/project/single-project/2504/

  • Let’s be honest, parenting is the most guilt-ridden, shaming role on the planet. Which is why a nagging question seems to live under the surface of our very full lives, “Am I doing a good job with my kids?”

    In this episode, Josh and Christi talk about what really matters when it comes to getting the outcomes we most desire in our kids. They also define emotional safety, talk about why parenting is the wrong term, and get honest about what our kids really need from us.

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 Introduction
    1:15 Behavior versus character
    3:53 Why emotional safety in parenting was the heart of how Famous at Home began

    9:00 You’re child is not the only one

    10:55 How to show up with your kids in their BIG feelings
    13:10 The single greatest conclusion of parenting research

    17:21 Parenting styles and the Holy Spirit

    20:00 Marital satisfaction and parenting

    20:52 How do you act as a child? Why we have to play the long game.
    22:10 Research on emotion coaching kids
    23:45 Navigating judgment and your own healing as a parent
    28:45 The two filters Josh is using to parent his kids

    31:17 The single greatest parenting strategy for raising kids

    Show Notes:
    Sign up for the January 2025 Tender & Fierce Cohort! Sign up here. https://www.famousathome.com/tenderandfierce

    Men, interested in The Field Experience? Join the interest list! https://www.famousathome.com/mensinterestform

    Order a copy of the Famous at Home book to put your family center stage. Click here: https://amzn.to/3y1jJFz

    Order a copy of Safe House: Why Emotional Safety is the Key to Raising Kids Who Live, Love, and Lead Well https://amzn.to/3Zpeui5

    Download NONAH's brand new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: https://bellpartners.ffm.to/findmywayhome

    The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate. https://newhorizonsfoundation.com/project/single-project/2504/

  • "What's going on within your spouse's heart matters more than what's going on between the two of you." The gateway to finding your way home to your spouse is through his / her heart.

    But that can be easier said than done with there's already so much hurt built up through the years. In this episode, Josh and Christi lay out practical ways to fight for your spouse's heart while also prioritizing the healing of your own.

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 Introduction
    1:12 New 2025 offerings for Tender & Fierce now live
    7:15 The launch and introduction to The Field Experience
    12:50 Marriage as a gift and responsibility
    19:45 What are you fighting for?
    22:37 Judging intentions versus behaviors
    25:58 Self-protection versus self-promotion
    27:58 One way to increase marital satisfaction
    29:36 The inner child and marriage
    34:36 Fighting for the marital heart

    Show Notes:
    Sign up for the January 2025 Tender & Fierce Cohort! Sign up here.

    Men, interested in The Field Experience? Join the interest list! https://www.famousathome.com/mensinterestform

    To learn more about Tender & Fierce, click here to listen:
    Living Tender & Fierce: https://tinyurl.com/3xtu6rfs

    From Broken to Wholehearted Living: https://tinyurl.com/3443hrpz

    Download NONAH's brand new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: https://bellpartners.ffm.to/findmywayhome

    The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate. https://newhorizonsfoundation.com/project/single-project/2504/

  • In this episode, we talk about how to find your true self and the freedom it brings to live from it. We also talk about the destructive ways our false self can influence our closest relationships.

    Want to know if you're truly showing up with others in your true self? We reveal the ONE question we use to filter how well we're walking in our true self and talk about what's keeping us stuck in our false self.

    Want to be comfortable in your own skin, joyful in who you are, and not swayed by others? This episode is for you.

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 Introduction
    1:43 Upcoming coaching programs
    6:13 How we heal and show up in marriage
    10:55 How you know when you’re operating out of false self
    13:15 Deep dive into what it means to live in your true self
    19:58 How you identify someone living from their true self
    24:01 Learning to listen to God about who you are
    28:42 How healthy friends help you live from your true self
    34:50 The beautiful overflow of your true self in relationships
    37:48 Dealing with tricky relationships

    Show Notes:
    Men, interested in The Field Experience? Join the interest list! https://www.famousathome.com/mensinterestform

    Interested in the next Tender + Fierce cohort? Join the interest list! https://www.famousathome.com/tenderandfierceinterest

    Download NONAH's brand new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: https://bellpartners.ffm.to/findmywayhome

    Order a copy of Abba's Child from Brennan Manning:
    Click here: https://amzn.to/40xEs3C

    The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate. https://newhorizonsfoundation.com/project/single-project/2504/