Feeling drained by the end of the day with too much on your to do list? Let's chat about being mindful of your energy. In this solo episode Lauren talks about how she has been managing her energy while making a new show. She also shares:
one major part of her morning routing - the 4 minute meditation, thoughts on the concept of balance vs prioritization, finding efficiencies and asking for help, what to do if you feel depleted, and the importance of knowing what recharges you.Contribute to New Growth!
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Letting go is NOT EASY for many people, especially when what you're letting go of meant so much to you at some moment in time. Lauren LoGrasso joins the pod to chat about:
letting go of one dream so you can dream even bigger, conversations with your inner child, knowing when it's time to let go, trusting the path to your dreams, the space between knowing and readiness, the ego and shame, slowly transitioning into what's next, and releasing the gifts that are burning inside of you.The Reframe
We reframed the limiting belief "You can't let go of one dream and embrace what's next" to "letting go is an act of love which will allow you to dream bigger."
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Around 90% of your decision-making is unconscious, so how do we manage our thoughts? Dr. Maiysha Clairborne joins the pod to chat about:
awareness of our trauma responses, how to confront thoughts that aren't empowering you, bringing the unconscious to conscious, the phrase "I'm not good enough", personal blind spots, how our internal filters impact our communication and responses, discovering the original wound and healing, and tools to anchor yourself when a trauma response is activated.Reframe
We reframed the limiting belief "I can't shift my reality" to "How can I shift my reality? Because I can."
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Tedx Talk: The Perspective You May Be Missing
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The journey of creating anything takes time, whether it's nine months creating a child or years building a business. Taya Marquis joins this episode to discuss:
how baby steps add up over time, the shock, divine nature, & responsibility that comes with being a new mom, balancing priorities, time management, anxiety & PTSD, how her son inspired her to start the company Mama Juice, and being kind to yourself while starting a business.Reframe
We reframed the limiting belief "I can't find time for myself to create" to "I can take baby steps that add up over time."
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What does it mean to be a wife? Carolyn Fox Darville recently got marrried and reflects on what being a wife means to her in this episode. We discuss:
balancing independence and unity in relationships, long distance relationships, views on personal identity and maintaining your sense of self after marriage, relationship styles, communication in relationships, and creating as a couple.Reframe
We reframed the limiting belief "I can't define wife for myself." to "I can and should define wife for myself. I will choose what’s best for me, let go of other people’s opinions, and maintain my sense of identity.
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In this solo episode Lauren shares about her recent experience being stuck in a rut. She shares:
how the negative feelings felt in her body, acknowledging your feelings rather than pushing them down, building a toolkit of things that bring you peace and joy, a journaling exercise to analyze your current state, and a goal setting exercise that may help you take steps to feel a little better.Let's Connect!
There is nothing wrong with not desiring sex. Some people, like today's guest Kara Brady, are asexual—meaning they have little or no interest in sexual contact with others. We discuss,
how being on the ace spectrum impacted her relationships, feeling like something was wrong with her for not enjoying sex, choosing to come out to family and friends, feeling empowered by labels and micro-labels, the theory that Wednesday Adams may be asexual, fear of being different, and her belief that it is possible to still build meaningful relationships without sex.The Reframe
We reframed the limiting belief "I can't go without sexual attraction" to "I can build and experience very meaningful relationships, even without sex, because sex is not essential for everyone."
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Your relationship with time shifts based on the chapter of life you're in. As a working mom and mother of two Moriah Garcia Nelson is trying her best to slow down. In this episode we chat about:
multitasking vs saying no, adjusting expectations of what life looks like with kids, giving yourself grace, commiting to asking for help, losing your identity as a mom, and prioritizing "me time."Reframe
We reframed the limiting belief "I can't slow down." to "I need to slow down and I am worthy even when I am simply being."
What Giving Yourself Grace at Work—and in Life—Really Means - wellandgood.com/give-yourself-grace-meaning/
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Sex is often off limits as a topic of discussion, however, as guest Saadia Khan shares: "sex is such an intrinsic part of our existence as humans." In this Valentine's Day episode we discuss:
sex beyond the typical conversations of procreation and the male gaze, discovering and building a relationship with your body, differences between dating norms in the U.S. and Pakistan, exploring sexuality and what makes you happy, the body as vessel of sexual emancipation, shifting the focus from only pleasing your partner to also pleasing yourself, embracing the agency you have over your body, and a lightning round of responses to "taboo" topics.Reframe
We reframed the limiting belief "I can't talk about sex" to "I allow myself to talk about sex as an intrinsic part of my existence."
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Sometimes people associate their identity and value with their productivity. But productivity isn't a measure of your identity and as a human you are REQUIRED to rest. Kenya Bailey joins the pod to chat about:
the need to do rather than to be, her definition of success, anxiety that occurs when she doesn't complete her to do list, her initial belief that rest had to be earned, the 4, 3, 2 breath meditation method, the importance of focusing on what's really important, and what it feels like to just be.Reframe
We reframed the limiting belief "You can't rest, there's always work to do." to the affirmation "Being is enoungh."
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Lauren wraps up the Clarity Series with a solo episode. If you're seeking clarity, it's likely that you're feeling uncertain about something in your life. Let's talk about 5 ways to navigate uncertainty:
Go inward. Try listening to yourself before seeking answers elsewhere. Follow peace, joy, and open doors. Don't discount the value in the valleys. Give yourself permission to not have all the answers, give yourself grace because you're trying your best, and give yourself time because the universe doesn't work on the same timeline as you do. Remember, you'll figure it out.Connect with Lauren!
It's ok if your path isn't linear and if you don't know what's next. This is the third episode of the Clarity series, which dives into people's experience with decision making. Emanda Thomas joins this episode to share:
stepping away from the need to know everything, finding comfort in uncertainty, the importance of prayer, patience, establishing a foundation before taking the leap, healing with love, experiencing peaks and valleys along her journey, and getting out of her own way.Reframe
We're reframing "you can't be unsure about your path" to "you can be sure about your path and find joy in the uncertainty."
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Do you know what you really want? If you don't you're not alone. Whether it's as simple as what to eat for dinner or as big as your next career move, this series of episodes - the Clarity series - dives into people's experience with decision making. Ashley J. Hobbs joins this episode to chat about:
growing up in a strict religious tradition that dictated her choices, ways she conformed and sought the approval of others, her initial fear of God's consequences, how focusing on health led her to realize her ability to make good decisions, following peace as a guide, how she gets clarity on what she wants and acts on it, what she's learned about herself recently, and the importance of being still.Reframe
We're reframing "I don't know what I want" to "I know what I want because I live in alignment with God's best for me"
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Let's welcome the New Year with a series on Clarity. We're talking about the limiting belief "I don't know what I want" in the next few episodes to give you a few things to consider as you walk into the new year. Steph George joins this episode of the pod to discuss:
people pleasing, the role of trust in doing what's best for you, the most memorable decisions she made that went against what she truly wanted, the importance of listening to your inner voice, what her inner voice sounds like, and how she realized that wanting to do something is enough of a reason to act on it.A clarity exercise you can do if it resonates with you:
Goal - To acquaint yourself with your inner voice.
write out 1-3 personal questions you want clarity on, go somewhere quiet and ask yourself one question at a time, listen to the answer originating from the most honest part of yourself and DON'T IGNORE IT! Note - it may appear very subtly. If nothing comes up, that's OK! We're human and don't have all the answers, but continue to make an effort to listen to yourself in every area of life. You can also try talking through the answer to your question outloud with a friend. Feel free to DM me if you want to talk through it. This is a no pressure excercise :)Reframe
We're reframing "I don't know what I want" to "I have the ability to know what I want and I also know what is right for me"
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IT'S OK TO NEED AND ASK FOR HELP!!! You are worthy of help and it is available to you. In this episode, Lashaunda Watson joins the pod to chat about:
the strength of our grandmothers, the help she recieved after having a kid at 15 years old, what independence looked like as the oldest sibling, living up to labels like "the good girl" and "the smart girl", how allowing herself to feel was paralyzing, taking the time to grieve your past self, shame, overcoming the hesitency of asking for help, leaning into being vulnerable and open, how asking for help is a gift to others, her appreciation for mentors, and that she always knew things were going to work out...and they always did.Connect with us!
Sometimes you might get in your own way. But when you realize you don't have to do everything on your own and that you have Holy Spirit to lean on, the path starts to reveal itself. Brenda Gonzales joins the pod to discuss:
her experience taking a leap of faith and quitting her job, excercising trust and patience with Holy Spirit, making choices and focusing on them, living your purpose, and how God manages our timeline.Connect with us!
Oreos are everything... just stating a fact. Loving your body can be quite a journey and cultivating positive thoughts towards your body takes work. In this episode, Deanna Mangum joins the pod to share aspects of her journey related to:
shifting her relationship with food, binge eating, body dismorphia, gluten intolerance, how to pass down "generational health", focusing on how you feel rather than the number on the scale, nutrician and wellness, her thoughts on whether there are actually "bad" foods, and self exploration to rediscover who she is.For some people, the idea that you can't eat certain foods is a limiting belief. If this resonates with you, take a moment to reframe the limiting belief to something that enhances your well-being.
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Trigger Warning. Will you pass down generational healing or generational trauma? Within many families there is a culture of silence in which people don't speak about certain issues. When issues remain unaddressed, they get passed down from generation to generation until someone decides to make an intentional change. Priscilla María joins the pod to discuss:
the culture of familial silence, the importance of self-validation, how she informed her family about her trauma, the choice she made to live for herself, accountability, what the journey of healing looks like for her, and her internalized survival mentality toward school and Law school.You CAN break cycles of generational trauma!
Note: This conversation includes references to sexual abuse, addiction, domestic violence, and various disorders.
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Welp, things didn’t go as planned. Many women think they’ll be married with kids by age 35, but that’s not always the case. Avery Miles joins the pod to share what options she is considering related to starting a family. We discuss:
the fantasy we have of our future self versus our reality, the shifts in mindset that took place in her 30s, the importance of having a flexible vision, options for having a child like egg freezing and adoption, dating during covid, her search for an intentional community to support raising a child if she doesn’t find a partner, and getting clear on future desires.Connect with us!
Time is the most important thing we have. Don't take it for granted when it comes to the people you love. In this epsiode, Quesha and I chat about the loss of our grandparents. We discuss:
feeling physically present but mentally and emotionally absent during hardship, fun stories about our grandparents, taking care of kids while grieving, attempting to move forward even through struggle, not having the strength to make yourself a priority, and that it's ok not to be ok.Connect with us!
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