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    Frankly this episode speaks for itself. Its currently 1am on Wednesday morning but by golly I will not let the audience down this week. Please enjoy this golf themed specatu-sode. Amen.

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    Also if you are reading this you should consider leaving a rating! Nobody has left a 1 star review yet - so If you want to be the first you could. I say that's pretty mean spirited and honestly I didn't really do anything to you to deserve that. If you don't like it you can just hit pause and never hit play again. Then tell your friends that it wasn't for you but they should check it out anyways just to see if its potentially their cup of tea, because you never know. Thanks and blessings.

    -PT & CP

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    Public parks are a public Joy. God Bless the USA, and all the other countries that have public parks. Which now that I am thinking about it is probably most of them. Conner had yet another birthday and Preston talks football, his favorite. Shout out to John Hunt Park in Huntsville Alabama for having the most sand I have ever seen, and let it be known I've been to the beach. Recently even. Enjoy.

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    Also if you are reading this you should consider leaving a rating! Nobody has left a 1 star review yet - so If you want to be the first you could. I say that's pretty mean spirited and honestly I didn't really do anything to you to deserve that. If you don't like it you can just hit pause and never hit play again. Then tell your friends that it wasn't for you but they should check it out anyways just to see if its potentially their cup of tea, because you never know. Thanks and blessings.

    -PT & CP

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    What a hot topic and luckily we got here just in time. Sports! You know them, and we love them. What's better than that? Well I'll tell you what. New sports, fictional ones even. The last time a sport was new was when Mr Harry Basket put up one of his famous peach baskets on the telephone pole back in 1812. Its time to innovate folks and we are on the blistering forefront of dynamic and radical change. Welcome to the new Olympics. Enjoy.

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    Also if you are reading this you should consider leaving a rating! Nobody has left a 1 star review yet - so If you want to be the first you could. I say that's pretty mean spirited and honestly I didn't really do anything to you to deserve that. If you don't like it you can just hit pause and never hit play again. Then tell your friends that it wasn't for you but they should check it out anyways just to see if its potentially their cup of tea, because you never know. Thanks and blessings.

    -PT & CP

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    Who doesn't love good clean family fun? At the end of the day that is what this show is all about. Which is exactly what we have in common with Kids shows. Boom. That's the theme. Kids shows. We have all seen them, for the most part. So this is relatable content guaranteed. Please enjoy with a grain of salt.

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    Also if you are reading this you should consider leaving a rating! Nobody has left a 1 star review yet - so If you want to be the first you could. I say that's pretty mean spirited and honestly I didn't really do anything to you to deserve that. If you don't like it you can just hit pause and never hit play again. Then tell your friends that it wasn't for you but they should check it out anyways just to see if its potentially their cup of tea, because you never know. Thanks and blessings.

    -PT & CP

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    You think you can impress me simply by sipping on a cold one? Think again. It does not get less cool/vibes than skulling an alcoholic beverage. I'm serious. Cut it out. Makes me sick just thinking about it. Mostly because I am hungover, but still.

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    Also if you are reading this you should consider leaving a rating! Nobody has left a 1 star review yet - so If you want to be the first you could. I say that's pretty mean spirited and honestly I didn't really do anything to you to deserve that. If you don't like it you can just hit pause and never hit play again. Then tell your friends that it wasn't for you but they should check it out anyways just to see if its potentially their cup of tea, because you never know. Thanks and blessings.

    -PT & CP

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    This episode is exactly what it sounds like, borderline no more explanation needed. I don't know what its like to be addicted to mango juul pods but I can sympathize - and advise. Happy boofing!

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iwasntaskingu/

    Also if you are reading this you should consider leaving a rating! Nobody has left a 1 star review yet - so If you want to be the first you could. I say that's pretty mean spirited and honestly I didn't really do anything to you to deserve that. If you don't like it you can just hit pause and never hit play again. Then tell your friends that it wasn't for you but they should check it out anyways just to see if its potentially their cup of tea, because you never know. Thanks and blessings.

    -PT & CP

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    "I wish we could go back to putting these participation trophy kids in their place. I want to hit them with a ruler and not on the hand either. I want to crack the ruler across their rear end" - CPOS June 2024

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iwasntaskingu/

    Also if you are reading this you should consider leaving a rating! Nobody has left a 1 star review yet - so If you want to be the first you could. I say that's pretty mean spirited and honestly I didn't really do anything to you to deserve that. If you don't like it you can just hit pause and never hit play again. Then tell your friends that it wasn't for you but they should check it out anyways just to see if its potentially their cup of tea, because you never know. Thanks and blessings.

    -PT & CP

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    Picture the following dream scenario: You are cornered in an alley with a switchblade. And I already know what you are thinking "how is this a dream scenario?", simple answer to that: you also have a switchblade. Your wildest fantasy come to life. Play with that idea for a bit then give this episode a listen. Thank me later.

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iwasntaskingu/

    Also if you are reading this you should consider leaving a rating! Nobody has left a 1 star review yet - so If you want to be the first you could. I say that's pretty mean spirited and honestly I didn't really do anything to you to deserve that. If you don't like it you can just hit pause and never hit play again. Then tell your friends that it wasn't for you but they should check it out anyways just to see if its potentially their cup of tea, because you never know. Thanks and blessings.

    -PT & CP

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    It's sort of like dropping the mitts but more accidental. This weeks theme is roommates. Me and Conner are like two non-parallels lines, we are due to intersect as roomies at some point. And lets just say the water is starting to simmer my friend. Will it be the end of our friendship? Potentially, id give it a 40% chance personally. But that is a risk we must take if we really want to make this coffee shack a reality. The bigger they are the harder they fall. Have a nice Wednesday.

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iwasntaskingu/

    Also if you are reading this you should consider leaving a rating! Nobody has left a 1 star review yet - so If you want to be the first you could. I say that's pretty mean spirited and honestly I didn't really do anything to you to deserve that. If you don't like it you can just hit pause and never hit play again. Then tell your friends that it wasn't for you but they should check it out anyways just to see if its potentially their cup of tea, because you never know. Thanks and blessings.

    -PT & CP

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    BUGS! Can't live with them and can't live without them. Well honestly it does feel like I could live without them. Though I do understand they are wholly necessary for the ecosystem/food chain to thrive. Isn't life funny like that. Wow. Makes you think. Huh... Anyways I'm gonna slap my airpods back in and scroll tik tok thats enough thinking for now. Toodle Loo!

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iwasntaskingu/

    Also if you are reading this you should consider leaving a rating! Nobody has left a 1 star review yet - so If you want to be the first you could. I say that's pretty mean spirited and honestly I didn't really do anything to you to deserve that. If you don't like it you can just hit pause and never hit play again. Then tell your friends that it wasn't for you but they should check it out anyways just to see if its potentially their cup of tea, because you never know. Thanks and blessings.

    -PT & CP

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    This week Conner is delving deep into the nooks and crannies of his brain trying to come up with a better way to gain cash flow straight into his bank account. Many financial experts speculate this is because he overextended on a brand new vehicle lately and is looking to fill the gaps. Only he knows the truth. I do my best to rattle it out of him. Please enjoy this entrepaneurial episode.

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iwasntaskingu/

    Also if you are reading this you should consider leaving a rating! Nobody has left a 1 star review yet - so If you want to be the first you could. I say that's pretty mean spirited and honestly I didn't really do anything to you to deserve that. If you don't like it you can just hit pause and never hit play again. Then tell your friends that it wasn't for you but they should check it out anyways just to see if its potentially their cup of tea, because you never know. Thanks and blessings.

    -PT & CP

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    I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, this episode is about taxes and how to "evade" them. If you are holding your horses waiting to hear the section where we reference the title, lets just say you'll be waiting a while. And when I say a while I mean 99.99% of the episode will be over before irish goodbyes are referenced. But don't fast forward all right, this is a pretty darn good episode. I'd give it a solid 9.0/10.0 easy. Surely not our best work ever but pretty above par good chat. Nawmean? Anyways I am gonna hop back on RuneScape, thanks for listening.

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iwasntaskingu/

    Also if you are reading this you should consider leaving a rating! Nobody has left a 1 star review yet - so If you want to be the first you could. I say that's pretty mean spirited and honestly I didn't really do anything to you to deserve that. If you don't like it you can just hit pause and never hit play again. Then tell your friends that it wasn't for you but they should check it out anyways just to see if its potentially their cup of tea, because you never know. Thanks and blessings.

    -PT & CP

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    In this episode we reflect on the long road behind us and the longer one in front. We all have a place to be yet there is no such thing as wasted time; for time itself is just an illusion of the human mind trying to comprehend a 4D world with 3D tools. In fact now that we are on the subject I have a few YouTube videos you should check out that will blow your absolute socks off when it comes to visualizing time and space. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwSzpaTHyS8&t=602s

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iwasntaskingu/

    Also if you are reading this you should consider leaving a rating! Nobody has left a 1 star review yet - so If you want to be the first you could. I say that's pretty mean spirited and honestly I didn't really do anything to you to deserve that. If you don't like it you can just hit pause and never hit play again. Then tell your friends that it wasn't for you but they should check it out anyways just to see if its potentially their cup of tea, because you never know. Thanks and blessings.

    -PT & CP

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    I'll give you 50+ minutes of content in exchange for nothing at all. That right there is called negotiation. Here you think it costs you nothing to listen to this and that you are getting away with highway robbery listening to this free of charge, but in reality I am stealing your most valuable asset, your time. And there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.


    Can't get enough? Want to skip the show entirely and just watch highlights?
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iwasntaskingu/

    Also if you are reading this you should consider leaving a rating! Nobody has left a 1 star review yet - so If you want to be the first you could. I say that's pretty mean spirited and honestly I didn't really do anything to you to deserve that. If you don't like it you can just hit pause and never hit play again. Then tell your friends that it wasn't for you but they should check it out anyways just to see if its potentially their cup of tea, because you never know. Thanks and blessings.

    -PT & CP

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    Don't listen to this.

    Can't get enough? Want to skip the show entirely and just watch highlights?
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iwasntaskingu/

    Also if you are reading this you should consider leaving a rating! Nobody has left a 1 star review yet - so If you want to be the first you could. I say that's pretty mean spirited and honestly I didn't really do anything to you to deserve that. If you don't like it you can just hit pause and never hit play again. Then tell your friends that it wasn't for you but they should check it out anyways just to see if its potentially their cup of tea, because you never know. Thanks and blessings.

    -PT & CP

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    Don't you just love trail mix? Conner does. This weeks theme is cooking! All of the questions we found were barely related so its a fun little game to piece together why they are indeed on theme. Our weeks were so bright this week it took over the podcast and somehow made it shorter than usual. Please enjoy this bite sized episode of goodness.

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iwasntaskingu/

    Also if you are reading this you should consider leaving a rating! Nobody has left a 1 star review yet - so If you want to be the first you could. I say that's pretty mean spirited and honestly I didn't really do anything to you to deserve that. If you don't like it you can just hit pause and never hit play again. Then tell your friends that it wasn't for you but they should check it out anyways just to see if its potentially their cup of tea, because you never know. Thanks and blessings.

    -PT & CP

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    Check and Mate. You guessed it, this episode is all about chess and cash. Mainly chess though. A GM makes 150k a year according to some sources and we want to know how can we do that. The best part of the podcast was the wildcards at the end, and I am not just saying that to get you to listen to the whole thing. Although that would be nice. Though if I were you I would not trust a guy in my shoes either. You know what, just so you know I am legit on this one go ahead and skip the first 34 mins of this podcast...... but actually don't thought I was bluffing. I would prefer you listen to the whole thing. And if you do skip ahead to enjoy the fruits of the wildcard, at least rewind. Thank you and enjoy.

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iwasntaskingu/

    Also if you are reading this you should consider leaving a rating! Nobody has left a 1 star review yet - so If you want to be the first you could. I say that's pretty mean spirited and honestly I didn't really do anything to you to deserve that. If you don't like it you can just hit pause and never hit play again. Then tell your friends that it wasn't for you but they should check it out anyways just to see if its potentially their cup of tea, because you never know. Thanks and blessings.

    -PT & CP

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    "Expect the worst and hope to expect the best" -CP
    This episode we finally get down to some down to earth questions about CP's favorite topic: Running. I have emerged from my cocoon to re-enter the world of athletics. As I embark in this journey we seek out those would benefit from the life experience I have gained from doing so. Also the title is a little bit of a carrot-on-a-stick as we dive into some "running away from dogs" material. Which I think you will agree falls into the category of running.

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iwasntaskingu/

    Also if you are reading this you should consider leaving a rating! Nobody has left a 1 star review yet - so If you want to be the first you could. I say that's pretty mean spirited and honestly I didn't really do anything to you to deserve that. If you don't like it you can just hit pause and never hit play again. Then tell your friends that it wasn't for you but they should check it out anyways just to see if its potentially their cup of tea, because you never know. Thanks and blessings.

    -PT & CP

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    Picture this: it is 2050 and all cars are autonomous. You are cruising home from a work lunch and someone has to die. Will it be you or the teens? If you need more information please listen to the podcast we dive deep on this one; even adding a few more options.

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iwasntaskingu/

    Also if you are reading this you should consider leaving a rating! Nobody has left a 1 star review yet - so If you want to be the first you could. I say that's pretty mean spirited and honestly I didn't really do anything to you to deserve that. If you don't like it you can just hit pause and never hit play again. Then tell your friends that it wasn't for you but they should check it out anyways just to see if its potentially their cup of tea, because you never know. Thanks and blessings.

    -PT & CP

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    This episode has a little to do with ghost stories and the spookyness of finding out you recorded with a webcam mic 45 mins into a podcast. In other news crypto is back up in the market and we didn't even mention it on this epsiode. Not once. So if you were hoping for that, RIP I guess. No crypto talk here. Might have been a good idea, right? People like that kinda stuff and we do too trust me. We have lost our (metaphorical) booties on every crypto scam out of the northwest known to man, but that is besides the point. Honestly there is no point here as these descriptions serve as a train-of-thought outburst more than anything. I could sit here and type all day for all I care. Frankly I have nothing better to do. But alas, I will vanish for now. And come to think of it we all will with time, the ultimate destroyer.

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iwasntaskingu/

    Also if you are reading this you should consider leaving a rating! Nobody has left a 1 star review yet - so If you want to be the first you could. I say that's pretty mean spirited and honestly I didn't really do anything to you to deserve that. If you don't like it you can just hit pause and never hit play again. Then tell your friends that it wasn't for you but they should check it out anyways just to see if its potentially their cup of tea, because you never know. Thanks and blessings.

    -PT & CP