We are what we believe we are. Trust your intuition and you will become wise. Trust the universe and it will be on you side. Know that energy can not be recreated or destroyed and you are energy. You are wise and so am I. The universe loves you and so do I.
You are incredibly intelligent. We all are as bright as we believe. We have been given the gift of thought and if we focus on the things that matter most we can do incredible things. You are brilliant, the universe is brilliant and we shine as bright as we let ourselves shine. Believe and know that you are a genius in your own right. The universe loves you and so do I.
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To be brave is to conquer our lives and choose our direction regardless of what could happen. To go against our fears leads to a fulfilled life without regret. Know that you can be as brave as you choose and the universe supports you. Let this recording help you on that journey of finding the strength to be brave.
Know that it is true, that what you claim is real. What you believe about yourself is the real you. Therefore know that you are what you think you are. Tell the universe that you are powerful, know that you are strong. This makes it so! The universe loves you and so do I.
Money is energy, you are energy. Align yourself with the right mindset and you can have it all. We all tell ourselves affirmations all day weather positive or not. Why not retrain the mind to focus on the positive possibilities? We are much more likely to attain that upon which we focus on and believe than the opposite. Besides, the universe wants you to expand and grow the same way it does. The universe loves you and so do I.
Happiness is what we all want and it is attainable. With practice we can increase our happiness by choosing to see the positive. By telling ourselves that we are happy we reprogram our unconscious mind to believe it and with time we will see real results. What we focus on is what we will ultimately get. The universe loves you and so do I.
There is only one of you, that is amazing. Therefore you are amazing. We all are incredible. When we realize this we will flourish. Believe it and it becomes true. The universe loves you and so do I.
There is only one of you. We are all unique and we are all beautiful. Believe in these words because they are true. The universe loves you and so do I.
The best road to success is through gratitude. You can not be negative and grateful at the same time. The universe resonates with whatever frequency you are on. Get with gratitude and harmonies with your creator. This will bring great fortune in your life. Remember, the universe loves you and so do I.
Money is energy and so are you. Believe in these words, feel them, trust them and you will become aligned with money. You will be on the same energy level as money. You are worthy of all the abundance you want. The universe loves you and so do I.
The universe has more than enough for all your desires. There is enough money and happiness for us all. Trust that you too are worthy of all the happiness you wish for and it will come true. The universe loves you and so do I.
We are blessed with the gift to choose how we interpret the world. If we focus on spreading peace we will be greeted with peace. If we have faith that peace is possible we will act peacefully. The universe loves you and wants you to live in peace and abundance.
This episode encourages you to trust that the universe is loving. Believe it in your soul that this universe is made of pure love. We are created from a loving universe, therefore we are in essence love. We choose to believe in Love because that is what we are made of.
Know that you are strong and able to handle whatever comes your way. The universe loves you and so do I.
Believe in these words for they are true. You are intelligent and worth all the love and success in the world!
Money is a form of energy. If we tune in to that energy we can attract it. Believe in the power of your thoughts and attract all that you wish for. Tune into the frequency of abundance. The universe loves you and so do I.
We can not be upset and grateful at the same time. Therefore it is great practice to count our blessings. There is no easier way than to focus on the senses we have. Take some time to reflect on the simple but profound joy of being able to see, hear, taste, touch and balance. Trust that the universe is on your side.
Since I started doing affirmations, my life has changed drastically for the better. Therefore I have decided to share them with the world. I hope these help you to manifest everything you want in this life. Believe in yourself and the universe is yours. May all your wishes come true. All my love /Joshua
Listen to these every morning and night and see for yourself how they will change your life be redirecting your thoughts to the positive. The universe loves you and so do I.
When you listen, try to internalize it as if it is your subconscious saying this to yourself. Believe in these words because they are true. There is only one of you on this planet and you can never be replaced. Know that you are special and loved. You will prosper if you believe it. Practice gratitude everyday and you will live a happy life.
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