V kanáli Denníka E o ekonomike od Denníka N nájdete Ekonomický newsfilter, Zelený newsfilter a pravidelné diskusie o ekonomických témach eNkonomika.
Ekonomický newsfilter vo forme podcastu nájdete každé ráno o 8:00 na webe a v aplikáciách Denníka N a o 12:00 kdekoľvek počúvate svoje podcasty.
Ak chcete podporiť podcasty Denník N, prosíme, staňte sa predplatitelmi na K článkom Denníka E získate prístup pri kúpe balíčka Štandard. -
Join Marion's co-founders (Evelyn, John, and Andrew) in discussing investing and money.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this podcast is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation. You should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs, and where appropriate, seek professional advice from a financial adviser. Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the information contained in this video, Marion, its officers, employees and agents disclaim all liability for any error, inaccuracy in, or omission from the information contained in this podcast or any loss or damage suffered by any person directly or indirectly through relying on this information.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Do you lie awake at night wondering how traders and investors do what they do?
On Taylor Made Macro, we uncover how our guests navigate the complex contours of the markets and dig deep into their inspiration, processes, tools, and failures. If you are a curious, truth-seeking person, join us for the investing discussion, and stay for the humor and humility we approach these topics with.
We’ll let others “stay on top of markets” while we “get to the bottom of markets”. Together we’ll learn how great investors have developed their investing style and what they’ve learned about themselves on their journey. -
Braňo Bezák číta Newsfilter, komentovaný súhrn politického a spoločenského diania Denníka N. Vychádza každý deň okrem soboty do 20:00 na webe ako článok a najneskôr nasledujúce ráno do 6:00 ako podcast v aplikácii Denníka N alebo kdekoľvek počúvate podcasty.
Ak chcete podporiť podcasty Denník N, prosíme, staňte sa predplatitelmi na -
From the team at Encyclopedia Geopolitica, “How to get on a Watchlist” is a podcast about dangerous acts, organizations, and people. In each episode, we sit down with leading experts to discuss the risks they pose, and how to stop them. From assassinations and airliner shootdowns, through to kidnappings and coups, we’ll examine each of these threats through the lenses of both the dangerous actors behind them, and the agencies around the world seeking to stop them.
In the interest of operational security and public safety, certain tactical details will be omitted from these discussions, however the cases and threats which we discuss are very real.
DEBATA o Polsce to nowy cykl publicystyczny Super Expressu. W naszym studio ścierają się przedstawiciele wszystkich frakcji w Sejmie. To dyskusje o Polsce i najważniejszych problemach Polaków, opinie oraz analizy.
Niedziela godz.18:00 na żywo na youtube Super Expressu – najważniejsze tematy BEZ CENZURY!
Więcej na ten temat przeczytasz na stronie
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