Have you ever thought about the fact that most early childhood teaching topics are nouns? Join Cindy and Alison as they discuss how using verbs for teaching topics opens up more possibilities for the curiosity and exploration of young children.
Being good with your own company or solitude is beneficial to everyone, including young children. Some children want the spotlight and others do not. Join Cindy and Alison for a discussion about the children who stand out by not being in the spotlight.
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It can be challenging to set screen time limits, but it is worth it! Cindy and Alison talk about the life lessons that come from teaching children that they have the power to limit their actions.
Family Child Care providers are early educators! Join Cindy and Alison to learn more about these nurturing home settings and what a quality family child care environment values and provides for children and families.
In prior generations, many children were taught to hide their feelings. We aren't going to do that anymore! In this episode, Cindy and Alison talk about the hows and whys of granting permission and making room for children's many emotions, from joy to anger to sadness.
Picture books and naming objects is important for teaching vocabulary, but there is so much more we can do when we read aloud with infants and toddlers. Join Cindy and Alison to learn more about reading with our youngest children.
When children are upset or in need in any way, we should avoid assuming how we can help. Join Cindy and Alison for a discussion about assuming nothing and getting children used to thinking about and expressing their own needs.
Today's children don't see coins, paper money, stamps, and other items or experiences that were part of our childhoods. Everyone is swiping, tapping, and hitting send instead. Even learning to use cursive writing is still being debated. Join Cindy and Alison for a discussion about if it is valuable to still teach about these disappearing items and actions.
Think about how you played as a child. Do you see connections to who you are today? For some people, it may be obvious. For others, it may not be as apparent. Join Cindy and Alison to learn more about the predictive nature of play.
Is it wise to tell children not to say no to teachers or families? For generations, saying no to adults was seen as disrespectful. Cindy and Alison discuss the generational belief that children should not say no to adults and the potential consequences of that practice.
Doll play may be more symbolic than you think! Cindy and Alison discuss how children use playing with dolls to figure out not only others but also themselves.
Children benefit from visuals of all types, and making connections between ideas is no different. Using paper in the shape of hexagons, we can make a visual representation of how their ideas connect. We might even discover connections in their conversations we hadn't considered before! Join Cindy and Alison for this lively conversation about hexagonal thinking.
Nursery rhymes are fun for children to learn and have life lessons that we can introduce to children. Cindy and Alison have a great time reciting nursery rhymes and discovering the messages they teach. You will never look at some nursery rhymes the same way again!
When we talk with children about their behavior, it is important to remember that different families and cultures may have their own values, priorities, and ways they teach respect. Join Cindy and Alison as they consider differences between how cultures treat eye contact, use tone of voice, and more.
If we use morning large group time to allow children to plan their time during free play, will they build more skills and allow us to better understand their creative thinking? Cindy and Alison discuss the benefits of children planning their time and how we can facilitate that.
You don't need a kitchen to cook with young children. Cooking activities should be done with early learners all the time! They build many skills, and it has great value; yet, people are hesitant to facilitate the experiences. Join Cindy and Alison to learn how this can be possible with all children, including those with allergies.
Sibling rivalry is common and part of typical development for many children. Join Cindy and Alison to learn one of the main reasons for sibling rivalry (and it isn't always attention!).
There are reasons why early childhood staff members may be attending training with different facilitators or on different days. The same is true for families who watch information about raising children. Join Cindy and Alison for a discussion about what to do because separate trainings aren't always equal.
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