Today John and I are doing something new for the show– We’re both interviewing each other for our own podcasts, at the same time! We jam on how breakups create the perfect conditions for reflection, how high-functioning codependency interferes with healthy relationships, and the ultimate purpose of love. Plus, I share some details about how I turned to the web to help more people over a decade ago!
Read the show notes for today's episode at terricole.com/679
Are you tired of being the one doing all the things for all the people?
Are you the point person for everything in your family life?
Does it feel like you’re the only one who can reliably get things done?
Then this episode is for you because I am talking about a common relational dynamic I see in high-functioning codependents (HFCs): how one person over-functioning causes the other to under-function.
To illustrate this dynamic, I’m sharing an excerpt and case study from my newest book, Too Much: A Guide to Breaking the Cycle of High-Functioning Codependency. You’ll learn how this dynamic impacts us, examples of how it shows up in our relationships, and how you can stop over-functioning.
Read the show notes for today's episode at terricole.com/678
Saknas det avsnitt?
Today, I’m sharing a chat with Katie Bramlett about her perfectionism, self-acceptance, and rejecting messages from society that harm our mental wellness. She tells us how questioning the toxic nature of the fitness industry led her to co-found WeShape, a fitness app focused on emotional safety and self-acceptance. Plus, how listening to and reconnecting with your body can help your mental health!
Read the show notes for today's episode at terricole.com/677
How do you relate to time?
Are you someone who’s always late or meticulously early? Do you schedule yourself within an inch of your life? Do discrepancies in your relationship with time ever create conflict with others?
If you’re nodding your head, then this episode is for you, my friend. I’m breaking down time boundaries and how they can become disordered. You’ll also learn how to better negotiate time boundaries with yourself and others for a more harmonious relationship with time (seeing as how it IS just a construct in our minds!)
Read the show notes for today's episode at terricole.com/676
On today’s episode, I’m chatting with Andrea Owen to explore the journey of self-discovery, the nuances of personal growth, and the vital role of vulnerability in relationships. Andrea shares how the re-release of her book, 52 Ways to Life a Kick-Ass Life, addresses personal growth, toxic positivity, and the role of shame in our unwanted behavior patterns. Plus, she tells us how we can use genuine vulnerability to get the help and connection we need!
Read the show notes for today's episode at terricole.com/675
Physical and verbal abuse are not the only kinds of childhood trauma that can impact us in our adult lives. Though often overlooked, childhood emotional neglect from parents who were overbearing, overly lax, absent, or dismissive can lead to adult difficulties with self-esteem, emotional literacy, and boundaries. Today I am helping you determine whether you might have experienced childhood neglect and guiding you through some steps you can take to heal now that you are grown up.
Read the show notes for today's episode at terricole.com/674
On today’s episode, I’m so stoked to talk to Dr. Sara Gottfried, a medical doctor and hormone expert whose work I really connect with. We talk about one of my favorite subjects: The gender gap in healthcare and how we can help women navigate big hormonal changes like menopause. She also shares a more holistic and effective perspective on treatment for autoimmune disease, and tells us about her own personal boundary struggles!
Read the show notes for today's episode at terricole.com/673
Is the way you care for people in your life more like codependency than real, authentic love? It’s scary to think about, I know. But if you are codependent, recognizing that fact is the first step toward expressing the healthy, reciprocated care you really want to share with the people in your life.
In this episode I will guide you through the signs and symptoms that might indicate codependency in all different types of relationships: romantic, work, parent-child, and friendship. I also share what it looks like to be in recovery from codependency, so you know what to look forward to if you do think you might be codependent and you want that to change.
Read the show notes for today's episode at terricole.com/672
Today, I’m sharing a chat with my new-old friend Britt Frank– We met so recently, but it feels like we’ve known each other forever!
We talk about getting unstuck, the importance of mind-body connection in personal growth, and how anxiety can act as a map for navigating stuckness.
Plus, Britt shares some tips and tools for overcoming fear and doubt from her new Getting Unstuck Workbook.
Read the show notes for today's episode at terricole.com/671
When you have a rough interaction with someone, a disappointing outcome, or you get bad news, what do you do to help yourself feel better?
Do you have a couple of drinks? Maybe smoke a little weed? Or eat a tub of ice cream? No judgment here, but I want to invite you to think about it because many of us confuse self-numbing with self-soothing.
In this episode, you’ll learn my favorite self-soothing tips, healthy ways to support your nervous system and emotional wellbeing, plus how to create your own self-soothing and stress relief toolkit.
Learning how to effectively self-soothe can be life-changing!
Read the show notes for today's episode at terricole.com/670
I am thrilled to welcome my pal, author, podcaster, and teacher, Cathy Heller, to the show to talk about her new book, Abundant Ever After: Tools for Creating a Life of Prosperity and Ease, because who doesn't want that?!
We talk about creating what you want and the resistance we feel toward that, abundance, being afraid and putting things out in the world anyway, our inherent oneness, and feeling unworthy of ease and prosperity.
Cathy breaks all of this down in an accessible and practical way, and I know many of you will resonate with what she shares here.
Read the show notes for terricole.com/669
How much anxiety and fear are you walking around with on a daily basis?
If you struggle with worry, fear, or anxiety consistently thrumming in the backdrop of your mind, it is worth it for you to take a look at where the roots of these thought patterns lie.
In this episode, you’ll learn simple shifts you can make to better manage anxiety so you can have less stress and more joy in your life!
Read the show notes for today's episode at terricole.com/668
I am so excited to have my new pal, Cheryl Burke, on the show to talk all about why she's passionate about mental health and what got her here.
You might be familiar with Cheryl if you're a Dancing With the Stars fan, as she appeared on 26 seasons of the show and retired two years ago.
In this conversation, she shares beautifully and candidly about the difficulties of her career, the freedom she's found in being single, and what she has learned in her six years of sobriety.
This was such a heartfelt (new) girlfriend jam and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
*TW: sexual abuse and abuse in relationships is mentioned throughout the conversation. Please skip if these are sensitive topics for you!*
Read the show notes for today's episode at terricole.com/667
Do you find yourself doomscrolling more than ever?
Does the news of what’s happening in the world negatively impact your mental state?
Do you focus more on what’s wrong, making you feel like nothing is right?
Whether you’re looking at the whole world or your corner of it, if the answer is yes, this episode is for you.
I’m talking all about the transformative power of gratitude, how it can impact what happens in your life, and some strategies you can use to create more of it.
Read the show notes for today's episode at terricole.com/666
I am so excited to welcome psychotherapist and author Israa Nasir to the show to talk about her new book, Toxic Productivity: Reclaim Your Time and Emotional Energy in a World That Always Demands More. If you're a high-functioning codependent, tune in, because I think we tend to struggle with this!
Israa shares practical strategies we can use to stop feeling like we need to do it all. We also touch on what healthy productivity looks like, signs you might be falling into toxic productivity, the dangers of running on autopilot, and feeling like you have to prove yourself.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
Read the show notes for today's episode at terricole.com/665
Do your friendships feel unbalanced?
Are certain friendships draining?
Do your friends disrespect or trample on your boundaries?
Or do your friends bring you down rather than lift you up?
If the answer is yes, this episode is for you because it’s all about assessing friendships: why we stay in unhealthy dynamics, what unhealthy friendships look like, and how to figure out what you want from friendships and what you can change.
Read the show notes for today's episode at terricole.com/664
Have financial boundaries been hard for you?
Do you tend to spend more than you make?
Does "budgeting" sound unappealing?
Then you're in the right place, because I am talking with Jill Sirianni, co-author of Buy What You Love Without Going Broke: Transform Your Spending and Get More of What Money Can’t Buy and co-host of the @FrugalFriends podcast.
The book is all about connecting with your values and ensuring your financial life aligns with them. Jill is also a licensed clinical social worker and speaks to how finances affect ALL areas of our life.
I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.
Read the show notes for today's episode at terricole.com/663
When something good happens for you, do you ever think, “Wow, I hope I don't get found out!” or, “I don’t deserve this”?
Do you start doubting yourself? Do you think it must have been a mistake?
If you’re nodding your head, this episode is for you because I’m talking about imposter syndrome, how to navigate it, and how to boost your confidence.
Imposter syndrome is fresh in my mind as I ran into it writing my newest book, Too Much: A Guide to High-Functioning Codependency. I hope hearing about my experience can normalize it for you and give you some ideas on how to deal with it.Read the show notes for today's episode at terricole.com/662
Do you ever get so close to achieving a goal, and then something stops you from achieving it?
Do you find yourself getting in your own way and self-sabotaging?
Then you'll want to tune in because I have Dr. Sophie Mort on the show talking about her newest book, (Un)Stuck: Five Steps to Break Bad Habits and Get Out of Your Own Way, which I think we could all use!
We talk about all the ways you can get unstuck and shift from feeling disempowered to empowered, the reasons why changing habits is hard, the compulsion to repeat our past, and the drama triangle (which can explain a lot about the ways we relate to others).
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Read the show notes for today's episode at terricole.com/661
Do you feel heard in your relationships with your spouse, kids, colleagues, friends, and family?
Do you find you get the results you’re seeking when talking to people?
Do you feel understood?
If the answer is no or sometimes, this episode is for you. I’m covering what effective communication is, what it looks like, how to get better at it, and giving you scripts to use to be more accurately understood.
Read the show notes for today's episode at terricole.com/660
- Visa fler