When it comes to emailing your list, does any of this sound familiar?
"I don’t wanna be sleazy, spammy, or annoying”
“I’m not good at copywriting and I don’t have the energy to write super long emails”
“I can create content but when it comes to email, I get major writer’s block”
“I don’t have time to consistently send out emails every day”
“My list is tiny, so what’s the point?”
I get it, and I got you. Email marketing is magic for your business–and if you wanna learn how to use email to sell your offers, make your marketing more sustainable (and less of a grind), then Hella Delicious Emails is the podcast for you!
I’ll be diving into how to sell your offers in email (without sounding like a bug a boo), effective yet easeful email strategies (even if you have a tiny email list), and how to attract YOUR people who want to work with you onto your email list (without spending a dolla on ads).
I’m Allison Carpio, author, marketing consultant, and copywriter. I’ve helped marketers and business owners of all flavors from service providers and coaches all the way to B2B software businesses sell their offers with email. If you’re hungry for more growth and sustainability in your marketing, come into my kitchen and let’s cook up some Hella Delicious Emails!