
  • In this episode of The TRU Leader Podcast, Tracy and Michelle discuss the rising issue of workplace burnout, emphasizing that both individuals and organizations share the responsibility for alleviating it. They highlight the mental health crisis among workers, citing factors like unsustainable workloads and lack of support, with 76% of US workers experiencing mental health symptoms and 84% attributing these challenges to workplace conditions. The discussion references the Surgeon General’s framework for workplace well-being, which includes protection from harm, connection and community, work-life harmony, mattering at work, and opportunities for growth. These elements address safety, social support, autonomy, dignity, and learning. The episode also stresses the need for leaders to create supportive workplace cultures that prioritize employee well-being, addressing the historical shift from individual to organizational responsibility in maintaining mental health.

    The episode highlights societal norms that glorify busyness and overworking, contributing to burnout, and suggests the need to differentiate between problems and polarities, emphasizing systemic changes alongside individual responsibility. Leaders and organizations are key players in addressing burnout, supported by reports from the US Surgeon General and National Academies of Medicine. Balancing individual well-being and organizational support is crucial for a healthy workforce, with positive outcomes like environmental changes, leadership commitment, and a well-being culture. Individuals must also take ownership of their actions to prevent burnout by managing energy between work and home, creating new norms, and developing healthy habits. Leaders should model healthy behaviors and foster a supportive culture by examining work demands, providing flexibility, and involving workers in decisions.

    Tracy and Michelle recommend leveraging polarities to combat burnout, mentioning the book “Polarity Intelligence: The Missing Logic in Leadership” as a resource, and concludes with an invitation to a free webinar titled “From Stress to Success: The Formula for Leader to Excel Professionally and Personally” which you can join by registering here: https://www.trainingmissinglogic.com/from-stress-to-success-webinar-1

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  • This episode of The TRU Leader Podcast highlights Teri Sholder, a former healthcare leader who transitioned to starting her own consulting company focused on performance improvement, emphasizing the importance of maintaining successful processes and understanding the drivers of desired outcomes for sustainability.

    Her company assists with strategy implementation for long-term success, and she introduces her book, “Ascent to Excellence, A Blueprint for Health Care Board and Leadership Success,” which offers evidence-based strategies for healthcare board members and leaders to achieve and maintain excellence. The discussion highlights the challenges faced by leaders in sustaining success through leadership changes, emphasizing the need for continuous reinforcement of successful systems and the balance between cost and quality. Leadership commitment, clear communication, and alignment with organizational goals are essential for inspiring trust and success.

    The episode outlines five critical elements for effective leadership: commitment and vocalization, data integrity, clinical documentation improvement, workforce engagement, and process optimization. It emphasizes accountability with clear goals aligned with organizational objectives and the necessity of engaging board members in governance. Adequate orientation for board members is crucial, with a simplified approach to presenting information using scorecards to understand goals, metrics, and benchmarks. Understanding polarities such as mission & margin and cost & quality is vital for effective decision-making.

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  • In this episode of The TRU Leader Podcast, Tracy and Michelle delves into the national crisis of burnout and mental health issues in the workplace, citing a 2022 US Surgeon General report and a Microsoft survey showing high levels of burnout among managers. The pandemic has shifted expectations around work-life balance, with workers seeking more support to avoid overwork. The discussion highlights the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) environment’s demands on staff and the need for empathetic leadership. Traditional leadership norms often involve overworking and sacrificing personal time, which can lead to burnout. Personal anecdotes illustrate the detrimental effects of such norms, emphasizing the need for new leadership practices that prioritize well-being.

    The podcast advocates for changing leadership norms to prevent burnout by fostering healthy work cultures and effective priority management. Leaders are encouraged to balance professional and personal lives, leveraging the tension between opposing forces like activity and rest. It stresses the importance of shifting limiting beliefs to more empowering ones and redefining success to include balance and fulfillment. Habit formation, supported by tools like fitness trackers and morning routines, is suggested to make these new norms sustainable.

    Tracy and Michelle invite listeners to join their FREE webinar “From Stress to Success, The Formula for Leaders to Excel Professionally and Personally” to help leaders adopt these new norms. The episode concludes by encouraging engagement through sharing, social media interaction, podcast subscriptions, and reviews.

    Join our FREE webinar by registering here: https://www.trainingmissinglogic.com/from-stress-to-success-webinar-1

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    We would love to have you contribute to this podcast by submitting a question that we can feature in a future episode. All you must do is email your question to  [email protected].


  • This episode of The TRU Leader Podcast follows Christy Pretzinger’s journey from freelancing to becoming the CEO of WG Content. It details her transition to building WriterGirl and her focus on the healthcare sector. Pretzinger emphasizes the importance of kindness in business and creating a positive work culture, drawing from her past experiences in unkind environments. The narrative underscores the significance of company culture, personal development, and self-awareness, highlighting the use of tools like the Enneagram personality typing system to encourage empathy and understanding among employees.

    Christy discusses personal experiences related to understanding accounting language and the impact of interpersonal dynamics on professional relationships. She reflects on the importance of setting boundaries to maintain healthy cultures, prevent negative behaviors, and avoid burnout. Additionally, she mentions the upcoming release of a book titled “Your Cultural Balance Sheet,” which focuses on the importance of company culture alongside financial considerations. Christy emphasizes that maintaining a positive work culture is crucial for employee satisfaction and organizational success. The text also touches on investments in technology and their effects on relationships within the business, stressing that enriching employees’ lives is a privilege and a driver of revenue.

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  • This episode of The TRU Leader Podcast explores the various challenges leaders encounter when managing their time and energy in the face of increasing demands and expectations. It emphasizes the crucial importance of effective time management, prioritizing tasks, and maintaining a balance between work and personal life to avoid burnout and perform at one's best. The discussion highlights the deep-rooted fears and beliefs that can obstruct leaders, resulting in persistent feelings of inadequacy and overwhelming pressure to sacrifice personal time for professional success.

    Effective leadership involves shifting perceptions about time, prioritizing self-care, and questioning ingrained norms to focus on high-priority tasks. The episode advocates for a balance of structure and flexibility to create habits and adapt to changes, highlighting the role of candor and diplomacy in relationships and productivity. Delegating, automating, or eliminating tasks to preserve energy and focusing on engaging activities are recommended. Additionally, the episode stresses taking control of one’s choices, avoiding a victim mindset, and practicing self-care techniques such as time blocking for reflection and mindfulness.

    Effective time management strategies, including planning ahead, maintaining a conducive work environment, and using organizational tools, are crucial for productivity. The episode also encourages sharing time management strategies to enhance collective productivity and energy management, recognizing individual preferences and signs of ineffective time management systems. To help improve time management, listeners can download our FREE Time Mastery Worksheet HERE. 
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  • This episode of The TRU Leader Podcast revolves around the importance of authenticity and work-life balance in effective leadership. Our dynamic duo, Tracy and Michelle, and special guest Dr. John Chuck, discuss themes emphasizing personal growth, spiritual connection, and the need for relatable and sustainable leaders who promote work-life balance. This episode highlights Dr. John's book, “Pearls from the Practice of Life”, offering wellness insights and reflections on burnout through 69 chapters.

    Dr. John Chuck shares his personal stories and explores concepts like making pretend decisions to avoid regret and seeking diverse perspectives before making crucial choices. The discussion also features Rita Ng as an exemplary leader who fosters inclusivity by being open about vulnerabilities, thereby creating psychological safety and inspiring others. The conversation covers various topics, including defining personal values, introspection among physicians, childhood memories, resilience, humor, and plans for collaboration. The episode concludes with encouragement for listeners to spread laughter and wisdom, emphasizing authenticity and self-compassion over projecting perfection.

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  • In this week's episode of The TRU Leader Podcast, Tracy and Michelle delve into adaptive leadership, a crucial concept in our rapidly changing world. They emphasize diagnosing organizational challenges, experimenting, and embracing continuous learning to improve performance and relationships across industries, advocating for a shift towards adaptable decision-making approaches. Particularly relevant to healthcare, the discussion stresses the need to avoid rigid thinking, engage in dialogue, and manage human resource challenges effectively amid chaos and post-COVID uncertainties.

    Reflecting on past experiences and current challenges, the podcast highlights the importance of adaptive leadership in navigating complexities. Encouraging listeners to share experiences, the hosts promote broader understanding and application of these principles to effectively address today's volatile environment.

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  • In this week's episode of The TRU Leader Podcast, special guest Dr. Chris Fuzie, a former law enforcement officer turned leadership expert, shares his journey from poor leadership experiences to earning organizational leadership degrees and teaching nationally post-retirement. He emphasizes preparing individuals for leadership and criticizes promotions solely based on technical skills. His book aims to redefine leadership and followership, advocating for collaborative efforts toward common goals. He introduces "liminal leaders," or individuals who balance leading and following through adaptability, communication, and shared accountability, promoting continuous learning and practical application.

    Chris metaphorically employs tessellations to illustrate organizational behaviors, correlating them with leadership principles and consistency. He discussed defining behavior expectations, categorizing behaviors by strategic importance, and fostering respectful communication. Advocating for innovative leadership approaches, Chris proposed using shapes to delineate organizational behaviors and culture.

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  • In this episode of The TRU Leader Podcast, Tracy and Michelle emphasize the importance of aligning different work styles within teams by recognizing and harmonizing approaches, preferences, goals, and personalities. They advocate for leaders to build foundational relationships. Embracing diverse perspectives is seen as a growth opportunity, and conflicts should be reframed as natural tensions for understanding rather than resolving through conflict management.

    Tools like DISC, Enneagram, and their downloadable Healthy Relationships Partnership Agreement Tool are recommended to understand individual strengths and personalities in team settings, leveraging differences to achieve higher productivity. The episode highlights appreciating strengths and preferences in relationships and productivity, with a focus on reassessing team dynamics for better outcomes. Effective communication, candor, and alignment in partnerships are crucial, supported by a partnership agreement tool to navigate differences. Continuous growth, ongoing dialogue, and connection foster strong relationships, with an emphasis on spending quality time together outside of work.

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  • In this week's episode of The TRU Leader Podcast, hosts Tracy and Michelle are joined by guest Lizzy Cangro where she discusses her book “Reclaiming the Witch”. Lizzy's book aims to empower women by redefining the term “witch” as a symbol of personal power. She highlights the importance of intuition, manifestation, and balancing feminine and masculine energies in leadership roles. The conversation underscores personal empowerment, authenticity, and the significance of aligning beliefs with actions to achieve desired outcomes and recognize incremental growth.

    Tracy, Michelle, and Lizzy stress the role of personal development, mindful speech, and intentionality in shaping reality. They advocate for replacing negative language patterns with positive affirmations to enhance well-being and experiences. Decision-making for personal happiness is emphasized, focusing on self-awareness rather than others’ choices. The dialogue also explores the complementary nature of science and magic, evolving understanding, and the importance of communication and trust in relationships, highlighting intuitive elements in human evolution.

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  • In this episode of The TRU Leader Podcast, Tracy and Michelle discuss the critical nature of maintaining effective relationships with superiors, or “one-up” relationships, drawing from personal experiences of reporting to different individuals. They underscore the importance of mutual understanding and shared purpose in these relationships to ensure smooth workflows and success. They critique and challenge common leadership norms, such as emotional restraint and maintaining professional distance, suggesting these can hinder genuine connections.

    Authenticity, mutual respect, and compassion are highlighted as essential for healthy leadership and relationships. Additionally, they address the challenges some face when promoted without adequate leadership skills, emphasizing the need for continuous development and avoiding people-pleasing behaviors. Finally, the discussion touches on personal tendencies in hierarchical relationships, noting the potential pitfalls of passivity and assumptions. It stresses the importance of clear communication, seeking guidance, and understanding one’s impact to prevent misunderstandings and promote effective collaboration.

    With this, Tracy and Michelle introduced the Partnership Agreement Tool which will help you enhance your relationships with your colleagues and leaders at work. DOWNLOAD IT HERE TODAY! 
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  • Tracy Christopherson and Michelle Troseth, hosts of The TRU Leader Podcast, dissect the challenges of time management in today's volatile, unpredictable, complex, and ambiguous world. They delve into the concept of micro-stressors and their cumulative impact on feelings of overwhelm, emphasizing the role of ingrained beliefs about time in shaping emotions, behaviors, and decisions. By mastering time and priority management, individuals can conquer the illusion of time scarcity and bolster productivity, focusing on energizing tasks to minimize stress.

    The discussion emphasizes the art of asking insightful questions to enhance life quality, particularly for leaders navigating work overload and professional growth pressures. It stresses the importance of finding balance between "being" and "doing," advocating for self-care, boundary-setting, and handling leadership polarities. Practical time management strategies like proactive planning, task chunking, and optimizing peak energy times are proposed, along with a tool called the Time Mastery Worksheet to aid implementation. You can DOWNLOAD THE WORKSHEET HERE. The episode closes with a call for feedback, content sharing, and podcast subscription, fostering ongoing engagement with their audience.

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  • In The TRU Leader Podcast, Matt Hollingsworth, co-founder of Carta Healthcare, shares his journey and insights into leveraging AI to revolutionize healthcare processes, inspired by his mother’s cancer battle. With an MBA from Stanford, Hollingsworth aims to improve healthcare data practices and patient care efficiency, drawing from personal experiences, including enhancing outcomes for congenital heart patients. The discussion also covers the significance of registries and the challenges in documentation processes.
    It proposes AI as a solution to streamline data collection, emphasizing the need for a balance between AI and human intelligence due to the complexity of medical systems and the variations in documentation practices. The conversation acknowledges the potential of AI to boost productivity while maintaining human roles, focusing on creative aspects of work.
    Additionally, it stresses responsible AI use, the importance of continuous learning, and the gradual development of AI technology, dispelling fears associated with it.

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  • The TRU Leader Podcast, hosted by Dr. Tracy Christopherson and Michelle Troseth, delves into the evolving nature of leadership, work, and life, advocating for breaking through traditional norms to boost productivity, effectiveness, and overall well-being. With nearly four decades of combined experience, the hosts explore how the pandemic has shifted perceptions of work-life balance and discuss findings from the HP Work Relationship Index survey, revealing a concerning disconnect between knowledge workers and their sense of value, respect, and work-life balance. The discussion underscores the critical need for purpose, passion, and employee recognition in the workplace, emphasizing that many individuals prioritize happiness and meaningful work over monetary compensation.

    The conversation further highlights the necessity of rethinking productivity, evolving company culture, and leveraging technology to enhance employee satisfaction and organizational success. It addresses the risks of burnout, particularly in professions driven by passion and purpose, and stresses the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between professional and personal life for effective leadership. The episode also touches on the challenges of remote work, including building trust and engaging employees without face-to-face interaction, and the importance of aligning work with personal values and goals.

    In conclusion, The TRU Leader Podcast emphasizes the significance of personal and organizational change in fostering a fulfilling work environment and life. It promotes the TRU leader Mentorship Program as a tool for individuals seeking to align their work with their values and aspirations, encouraging listeners to take proactive steps towards achieving a healthier work-life balance and meaningful employment.

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  • In this TRU Leader Podcast episode, guest Dr. Tracy Brower, along with hosts Dr. Tracy Christopherson and Michelle Troseth, explore the concept of work-life fulfillment and the pursuit of happiness. The conversation addresses the delicate balance between work and personal life, underscoring the need for effective management of passion and energy to prevent overextension while remaining energized by our pursuits. The hosts advocate for organizational support in achieving this balance through meaningful work, flexible schedules, and empowering employees with choice and control. They highlight the importance of aligning organizational support with individual needs, encouraging actions that resonate with personal beliefs, and making mindful decisions for greater happiness and contentment. Contrary to the belief that happiness emerges from overcoming challenges alone, the discussion promotes actively creating conditions conducive to joy and elevating happiness levels.

    The dialogue further delves into finding joy in life’s journey, embracing challenges as growth opportunities, and the power of intentional decision-making in aligning with one’s passions. It stresses the value of a supportive work culture that honors both personal and professional aspects of life and acknowledges the dignity of all work contributions.

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  • The TRU Leader Podcast episode, featuring Dr. Tracy Christopherson and Michelle Troseth, tackles the critical issue of CEO burnout and the essential pursuit of work-life balance for high-achieving leaders. It sheds light on the rising trend of CEO turnover due to burnout, emphasizing the negative effects on both individuals and their organizations. The hosts offer practical strategies for enhancing productivity and well-being, such as setting priorities, learning to decline unnecessary commitments, delegating tasks, and emphasizing self-care. They underscore the importance of integrating personal well-being with professional duties, adopting a flexible mindset, and seeking support when necessary.

    The conversation also covers the value of establishing micro habits like exercise, mental resilience, positivity, and adequate sleep, alongside managing relationships and stress. Further, it discusses the significance of balancing personal growth and professional success through mindfulness, meditation, reflection, and prioritization. Strategies including weekly check-ins, employing systems like EOS, setting boundaries, celebrating achievements, and adopting dynamic approaches for achieving work-life balance are explored. Ultimately, the episode advocates for seeking help, making intentional choices, leveraging polarities, and aligning actions with one’s greater purpose to cultivate thriving leadership.

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  • On The TRU Leader Podcast, former professional baseball player and leadership coach Matt Phillips shares insights into leadership development and mental toughness with hosts Tracy Christopherson and Michelle Troseth. Phillips emphasizes the importance of mental resilience, mindset, and self-motivation for sales leaders to overcome personal and professional challenges and achieve high performance. He discusses the necessity of understanding customer motivations, risk tolerances, and learning styles for effective influence, alongside crafting a vision, setting clear expectations, and fostering consistency in personal growth to enhance leadership skills and team performance.

    The conversation also covers a leadership development program that focuses on continuous personal growth through regular training, group coaching, reflection, and embracing change. Key practices include daily journaling, envisioning future selves, evolving leadership styles, clear communication, and making concepts tangible through documentation and setting clear expectations. The significance of risk-taking, quick pivoting, establishing partnership agreements, and consistent leadership reflection are underscored as essential for creating a positive work environment and optimizing team dynamics.

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  • Karen Seltz shares her transformative journey on The TRU Leader Podcast, from experiencing spiritual shame and personal challenges, including her child’s health issues and her own struggles with addiction, to finding solace in spirituality after a period of atheism. She emphasizes the significance of self-acceptance, inner strength, and the continuous evolution of one’s spiritual journey for personal and leadership growth.

    Seltz discusses the importance of addressing unresolved trauma as a root cause of addiction, explaining how subconscious programming and emotions tied to past experiences can lead to maladaptive behaviors. She highlights how understanding the subconscious mind is crucial for setting effective goals and overcoming stress responses triggered by past traumas.

    Through sharing her experiences and insights, including starting the “Irresistible You” show on the Win Win Women Network, Seltz offers advice on trauma release, meditation, and working with the subconscious mind to empower individuals, especially women, to trust themselves and pursue personal growth by gradually sharing their truths in safe spaces and addressing subconscious beliefs.

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  • In this podcast episode from the TRU leader Series hosted by Dr. Christopherson and Michelle Troseth, the discussion centers on the critical role of personal alignment in becoming a TRU Leader, especially during challenging times. The hosts aim to guide high achieving leaders towards breaking conventional norms that lead to suffering at work and home, providing new ways of thinking and strategies for thriving both professionally and personally. They emphasize the importance of resilience, empowerment, and living intentionally, linking leadership effectiveness and overall well-being to the quality of one’s personal alignment.

    The narrative underscores that individuals aligned with their purpose tend to report higher levels of well-being, especially noted during the pandemic. Personal alignment involves staying connected with one’s inner self, values, and what truly matters, which is essential for leading a fulfilling life and being an effective leader. It is pointed out that growth and stepping out of comfort zones, when done in alignment with one’s true self, lead to increased confidence, energy, and a sense of ease.

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  • In their podcast episode, Tracy and Michelle explore the essence of TRU leadership, highlighting the significance of resilience, empowerment, living intentionally, and strategic foresight. They stress that authentic leaders are deeply rooted in their values, capable of making mindful decisions with ease, and operate from a position of strength. A critical aspect of leadership discussed is the shift from limiting to empowering beliefs. The conversation delves into the detrimental mindset of waiting for perfect conditions before acting, termed as operating from a default system, which leads to missed opportunities and stagnation. Instead, they advocate for a proactive approach to life and leadership, emphasizing the importance of embodying leadership qualities before taking action. This inside-out approach underlines the symbiotic relationship between being and doing, suggesting that effective leadership actions stem from a genuine embodiment of leadership traits.

    The podcast also introduces the TRU Leader Mentorship Program, designed to assist leaders in embracing and practicing these principles. The dialogue covers the concept of balancing “being” and “doing” to achieve greater outcomes, encouraging listeners to move away from default settings towards a more intentional and empowered stance. This balance, they argue, can lead to a virtuous cycle of personal growth and success. By sharing real-life transformations that highlight the power of aligning one’s essence with their actions, Tracy and Michelle aim to inspire their audience to embrace TRU leadership.

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