Healing From The Holy Land
Polen · Devorah Harow
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In this podcast series I explore various aspects of holistic healing, as an Intuitive Healer experiencing the world and the healing energies around us.
We will touch on, and go in-depth about, many topics - including Meridians, Chakras, Yin Yang energy, self-healing techniques, Flower Essences, Meditations, Guided Imagery, Color Healing, and the effect of the cosmos on individuals and the world via zodiac signs and other cosmic events (moon phases, eclipses, meteor showers and the like). Content is intuitively guided and so what comes up is what I will be talking about!
Often, if not always, content reflects what is going on in my own personal healing journey, or what I see coming up for those around me, or both.
Here's a bit about me and my background:
I was born in America and lived there for just over two decades before I moved to Israel with my family over 20 years ago.
I am a Holistic Healer with over ten years of experience practicing CranioBalance Therapy, have a thriving range of Flower Essences (Beit Roga Gardens*) made from flowers, trees, and elements in my home community in Israel, as well as from the Dead Sea, and run a private practice called Beit Roga* (House of Tranquility). I have learned many other holistic healing techniques along the way, and all my healing is done on an intuitive level. (*Check out more at beitroga.com and beitroga.com/shop)
I started out as a Physical Therapist and quickly learned that I was healing via intuitive feedback. I also recognized that simply dealing with the physical aspect of a client's pain or dysfunction was not dealing with the whole picture.
Over the years I have trusted my inner knowing and followed my intuitive guidance to learning more and more about holistic healing, and most importantly, to trusting the information that comes to me intuitively. It all links back together and each time I learn another aspect of healing I am amazed anew at all the inter-connections. It all comes from one Source, and that is made clear over and over again.
We are living in exciting, magical times when more and more healing is coming up to the surface. Old healing practices coming back to modern day use, intuitive guidance on the rise in peoples' awareness, holistic healing becoming more and more popular with the general population, and a greater forum expanding globally for all this information to come to light.
If you have found me, then there is magic here for you to explore. I look forward to reading your comments about how this information resonates for you.
Devorah Harow
Alchemist and Intuitive Healer
Healing from the Holy Land