Byť šťastný, po tom túži každý z nás. Ale ako to urobiť?
Ako mať radosť zo života? Ako si svoj život maximálne každý deň vychutnať? Ako žiť život svojich snov a žiť ho s ľahkosťou a maximálnou spokojnosťou? Ako nájsť riešenia na životné výzvy a vnímať súlad vo všetkých oblastiach?
To sú otázky, na ktoré Ti prinášame odpovede v podcaste Život na maximum.
V rozhovoroch s odborníkmi a inšpiratívnymi ľuďmi nájdeš myšlienky, ktoré ti dajú odpovede na tvoje otázky.
Vďaka rôznym uhlom pohľadu možno nájdeš tie správne kľúče k vlastnému šťastiu. Spoznáš to, kým si, pochopíš svoje tienisté a začneš si vážiť svoje svetlé stránky. Objavíš v sebe to, čo tebe dáva energiu žiariť a žiť.
Naučíš sa vychutnať si svoj život na maximum.
Podcast Život Na Maximum Ti prináša autorka bestsellerov a inšpirátorka Daniela Rau, NLP master kouč a mentor Jerguš Holéczy, v spolupráci s PODCAST_house, Panta Rhei a
Už teraz buď tým človekom, akým sa túžiš stať.
Neodkladaj svoj život na neskôr. Začni žiť tu a teraz. -
Tabuthemen gibt es nicht: Ob Sexualität, Mental Health, Beziehungsprobleme oder Diskriminierung – im gofeminin Podcast "Echt & Unzensiert" beleuchtet Host Tino Amaral in jeder Folge ein neues, spannendes und vorurteilsbehaftetes Thema. Gemeinsam mit Expert*innen und Betroffenen räumt er mit Vorurteilen auf und gibt Hörer*innen neue Impulse an die Hand.
Welcome to GET HAPPIER.
We would all like to be a bit happier, right?
Join Paul Dolan, author of a couple best-selling books about happiness plus a Professor of Behavioural Science at the LSE in this 10 x 10 series where he seeks to explain what the science of happiness tells us about how to be happy.
Each episode is 10 minutes and the series is entitled 'Get Happier' - each letter of those two words is the first letter of the title of each episode.
GET HAPPIER is a not self-help series. It’s a guide through the evidence on the causes and consequences of happiness that will help you navigate your own way towards being happier. Remember, there is no one size fits all approach to being happier but there are some important lessons we can all learn about happiness.
Pauls ambition in creating GET HAPPIER goes well beyond simply offering a free copy and ending it there. He intends to foster a community of individuals who can make society happier using rigorous and relevant evidence with minimal effort. Subscribe to Paul's Substack, where he'll share resources and insights so that – as individuals and citizens, employees and employers, parents and policy-makers – we can all GET HAPPIER.
Subscribe here:
The series is brought to you with the support of the LSE. -
The Success in Black and White ® podcast brings you a variety of topics from the lens of an interracial couple. Our ultimate focus is on bridging the gap between racial boundaries; which we discuss through practical topics such as leadership and management strategies, relationship tactics, and the process of personal development.
Budeme tu dve. Nika a Veronika.
A budeme hovoriť o živote, o láske, aj o tej seba-láske, o deťoch, ale to iba tak trošku, o práci, aj o vzťahoch v práci... vlastne budeme najviac hovoriť o vzťahoch a vzťahovosti. A bodka.
Nika pomáha ženám ŽIŤ cez svoje knihy, počas osobných mentoringových stretnutí so ženami. Je príkladom toho, že žiť život v plnosti sa oplatí.
Veronika je žena, ktorá sa rozhodla spoznať samú seba preto, aby bola zdravšia, aby sa viac usmievala a ponúkla sebe a svojmu okoliu naplnený život. -
Pauer Krisztina vagyok a Lélek Koffein Blog alapítója, írója. 2016-ban megálmodtam magamnak egy víziót azzal kapcsolatosan, hogy hogyan és miként szeretnék segíteni az embereknek. A blogom napról-napra egyre népszerűbbé vált és hosszú események sorozata után úgy döntöttem más platformon is megszeretném szólítani az olvasóimat. Szószólója szeretnék lenni az önfejlesztésnek, hiszem, hogy a tanulás, önmagunk folyamatos fejlesztése a legrosszabb helyzetből is képes kihúzni minket.Inspirációt éreztem magamban, hogy egyfajta utat tudjak mutatni olyan elakadt lelkű nőtársaimnak, akik egy-egy életválságuk/ krízisük/ élethelyzetük után nem tudják hova is fordulhatnak.Több platformon szeretném hirdetni a pszichológia, a coaching, a lélektan, a mentális egészség karbantartásának varázslatos erejét.Minden héten hétfő reggel várunk benneteket egy meghívott vendégemmel. Olyan inspiráló nőkkel fogok beszélgetni, akik segíteni tudnak az önismereti utunk megtalálásában. Olvasd a blogom!Hallgasd a Podcastem!Törődj magaddal!Törödj a lelkeddel!Találd meg magad!Várlak benneteket!
Comedians and best friends, Zoe Lyons & Stephen Bailey have so much in common: they’re in the same line of work, both gay and neither have a high tolerance for morons! But, when it comes to culture, they are a class apart. When Zoe starts to quote the arts section of the Guardian, Stephen thinks she may as well be speaking Chinese and when Stephen harps on about Vanderpump Rules, Zoe thinks he is talking about his farts (again). We can all learn something from each other and this podcast is proof.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Mercury is a #1 NY Times Bestselling author of
(Safe & Sound: A Renter-Friendly Guide to Home Repair)
Known widely as The Trans Handy Ma'am, Mercury shares information geared towards renters who need help fixing their homes, moving into their first apartments, and navigating the complexities of dealing with landlords. With over 2 million followers on TikTok and 1 million followers on Instagram, Mercury's brand of compassionate education has warmed hearts across the globe. Her expertise includes rental maintenance, landlord negotiations, clogs, drywall, painting, minor electrical repairs, caulking, and more.
The Handy Ma'am Hotline is now hosted on Mercury's Substack
Get the After Show Preshow Show Show on Patreon!Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
V Podcastoch Pre človeka vám chceme priblížiť príbehy ľudí, ktorí to v živote majú o čosi ťažšie ako väčšina z nás. Budeme sa rozprávať aj s ľuďmi, ktorí sa snažia byť im nápomocní. Podcasty vznikajú v ramci projektu “Filmom búrame predsudky", ktory je podporený z programu ACF - Slovakia, ktorý je financovaný z Finančného mechanizmu EHP 2014-2021. Správcom programu je Nadácia Ekopolis v partnerstve s Nadáciou otvorenej spoločnosti Bratislava a Karpatskou nadáciou.
Počúvam Ťa je koncept rešpektujúcich diskusií na témy polarizujúce spoločnosť. Našou ambíciou je meniť naratív diskusií na neútočné, nepolarizujúce, rešpektujúce a hľadajúce stred.
Projekt realizuje odčianske združenie Presahy a je podporený z Active Citizen Fund Slovakia. Správcom programu je Nadácia Ekopolis v partnerstve s Nadáciou otvorenej spoločnosti Bratislava a Karpatskou nadáciou. Vydanie príručky rešpektujúcej diskusie bolo podporené Férovou nadáciou O2 v rámci výzvy Nájdime znovu spoločnú reč. -
The Successful Relationship Coach podcast is all about becoming wildly successful without having to work 24/7 so you can prosper, have the relationship you want and make an impact in the world.
In every episode I’ll share from the heart about how I’ve helped hundreds of relationship coaches become wildly successful. Every show highlights common mistakes Relationship Coaches make that will keep you from having the impact you desire and show you exactly what to do instead.
Listen as I interview successful relationship coaches about what they did to get unstuck and become wildly successful so you can do the same thing.
Whether you’re a new relationship coach who wants more clients, a seasoned relationship coach who feels stuck, or you want to become a relationship coach, this podcast will help you be successful at work, playful and passionate at home, and empower others to have lasting, thriving relationships.
Listen and subscribe to the Successful Relationship Coach podcast with Master Coach Kathy Murray, the world's best Relationship Coach, so you can stop feeling frustrated, unsuccessful and exhausted and start feeling empowered, fulfilled and authentic. -
Explore the inner workings of the mind body system with neuroscientists, yoga instructors, and through the first hand experiences of those who have been impacted by trauma. Discover how to shift your patterns, begin to heal yourself, and make changes which promote the wellbeing of those around you.
My unique perspective, of life experiences, with the intent of seeking out a compatible Male Heart to mine. Through lessons learned Via Dating apps, Sex, Bars, Clubs, Social media in the LGBTQ+ community. While Offering insight on challenging, life altering obstacles & facts about our health and mental well being. Join me on this entertaining journey of self discovery, from age 16 facing Challenges & navigating Virtual dating life now in my 40's! Boy, do I have some stories to tell. Grab your beverage of choice, get comfortable. Each episode, we'll discuss topics you won't want to miss out on. Support this podcast: