
  • Thinking of putting up a fence, installing a shed, seedingyour lawn? Many home improvementprojects require knowing where your property lines are (sometimesexactly).

    Knowing where your property lines are before undertakingmany projects will help protect your property rights and reduce disputes withneighbors.

    To find your property lines, you have several options:

    1. Check Your Deed or Survey

    • Deed:Your property deed often includes a legal description of your property, whichdefines its boundaries. It might describe the property in relation to landmarksor coordinates.

    • Survey:If you have a property survey, it provides precise measurements and a detailedmap of your property lines. You might have received this document when youpurchased the property.

    2. Look for Physical Markers

    • PropertyMarkers: Surveyors often place iron pins or concrete markers at the corners ofyour property. You can locate these markers with a metal detector or bymeasuring distances from known landmarks (like roads or utility poles) asdescribed in your deed.

    3. Visit Your Local Government Office

    • CountyAssessor or Recorder's Office: You can obtain property maps, records, andsometimes surveys from the local county office. Many counties offer access toonline Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which allow you to view propertyboundaries.

    4. Use an Online GIS Mapping Tool

    • CountyGIS: Many counties provide online tools that allow you to view property lineson a map. Most GIS system that lets you search by address and view propertyboundaries.

    5. Hire a Professional Surveyor

    • If youneed precise property lines for legal purposes or construction, hiring aprofessional surveyor is the most accurate method. They will use equipment andofficial records to mark your property boundaries.

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  • Here are five tips for buying real estate:

    1. InspectThoroughly: Before making an offer, conduct a thorough inspection of theproperty. This includes structural elements, plumbing, electrical systems, andany potential issues that could affect the value or safety of the home.

    2. Researchthe Market: Drive the Neighborhood. Understand the current market conditions in the area where you want tobuy. Look at trends in property values, average selling prices, and the overalleconomic outlook.

    3. LocalGovernmental Issues: Check local codes, districts, and public services. Are you potentially in any special district(historic, etc). Are the public servicesreasonable in cost (don’t assume)? Electricity, water, gas, check them out.

    4. OtherLegal Issues: Easements and contractual arrangements

    5. ConsiderFuture Resale: Even if you plan to live in the home long-term, think about itsresale potential. Factors like location, neighborhood amenities, and thecondition of the property can impact its value over time.

    These tips can help you navigate the real estate market moreeffectively and make informed decisions when buying a property.

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  • In this episode the Handyman Pros have a discussion and dispel some common beliefsabout Home Improvement.

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  • Before doing anything drastic (like replacing an entiresystem), you should call out a tech to give your system a quick tune-up.

    a. This willinvolve assessing your system’s indoor and outdoor components, including ductsand dirty filters.

    b. You’llwant to make sure that the area around your HVAC system is clear. Your air conditioner condenser cannot work atits peak capacity if plants or dirt and weeds restrict its airflow. For maximum output, clear an area of fourfeet around the condenser.

    Troublesome airflow might come from your home’s ductwork.

    c. Therecould be design issues or leaks causing uneven cooling, especially in olderhomes with HVAC systems that haven’t been maintained in a while.

    d. As aresult, cool air can struggle to reach the upstairs, because it’s eithergetting lost due to leaks or warming as it travels.

    Placing portable fans or adding ceiling fans could do thetrick. Fans can boost air circulationand make a noticeable difference. Theair from the fan creates a cooling effect and can help give your A/C a boost.”

    Keep Interior doors open: Let the air flow, minimizes “hot spots”

    Close your blinds, curtains, or add window film! Blocking the light keeps homes cooler.

    Turn off the lights. Unless you are all LED, lightbulbs add significant heat.

    Consider a window AC unit

    Check your attic. Isthe floor properly insulated? Is theattic vented properly?

    Check to see if you have Zoned AC. Consider adding a unit (mini splits workgreat).

    Live in the downstairs for the summer!

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  • Here are five natural weed killers you can use:

    1. Vinegar:White vinegar contains acetic acid, which is effective at killing weeds. It'sbest used on young, small weeds. Be careful as it can also harm other plants.

    2. RubbingAlcohol: Alcohol dehydrates plants, making it effective at killing weeds.Sprinkle it directly on weeds or mix it with water for a spray solution.

    3. BoilingWater: Pouring boiling water directly onto weeds can kill them by scalding.This method works best for weeds growing in cracks in sidewalks or driveways.

    4. Pull theweeds: The old fashioned way!

    5. Mulch:Applying a thick layer of mulch around plants can block sunlight, preventingweed seeds from germinating. Organic mulches like straw, wood chips, or grassclippings also improve soil health as they decompose.

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  • Regular monthly maintenance can help keep your home in goodcondition and prevent larger issues from developing. Here’s a list of tasks youshould consider doing each month:

    1. HVACFilters:

    a. Check andreplace the HVAC filters as needed to ensure your system runs efficiently andmaintains good air quality.

    2. KitchenSink Disposal:

    . Clean the garbage disposal byrunning a mixture of vinegar and baking soda through it or using ice cubes andlemon slices to sharpen and deodorize the blades.

    3. Range HoodFilters:

    . Clean or replace the range hoodfilters to remove grease and improve ventilation.

    4. Smoke andCarbon Monoxide Detectors:

    . Test smoke and carbon monoxidedetectors to ensure they are working properly. Replace batteries if needed.

    5. Faucetsand Showerheads:

    . Check for leaks and ensure there isno buildup of mineral deposits. Clean the aerators on faucets to maintain goodwater flow.

    6. Toilets:

    . Check for leaks and ensure they areflushing properly. You can use food coloring in the tank to see if it leaksinto the bowl.

    7. Drains:

    . Clean drains with a mixture ofbaking soda and vinegar to prevent clogs and maintain good drainage.

    8. FireExtinguishers:

    . Ensure they are easily accessibleand check the pressure gauge to make sure they are fully charged.

    9. Refrigerator:

    . Clean the coils and check thetemperature settings to ensure efficient operation. Dispose of expired fooditems.

    10. Dishwasher:

    . Run a cleaning cycle with vinegaror a commercial dishwasher cleaner to remove buildup and ensure it operatesefficiently.

    11. Windows andDoors:

    . Check for drafts and inspect theweatherstripping. Lubricate hinges and locks if necessary.

    12. WaterSoftener:

    . Check the salt levels and add saltif necessary to keep the system functioning properly.

    13. Exterior:

    . Inspect the exterior of your homefor any signs of damage, such as cracks or peeling paint. Clean gutters anddownspouts if necessary.

    14. Yard andLandscaping:

    . Trim shrubs and trees as needed,check irrigation systems, and remove debris from the lawn.

    15. SafetyEquipment:

    . Check first aid kits to ensure theyare fully stocked and accessible.

    By keeping up with these monthly maintenance tasks, you canhelp prolong the life of your home's systems and appliances and maintain a safeand comfortable living environment.

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  • What is a Renocation, you might ask? Well, a Renocation is combining a vacationwith a renovation, thought we would give a few tips on taking a Renocation.

    • Wouldn’tit be nice to go on vacation and come home to a new Kitchen, Bath or some otherhome improvement you want?

    o You’renot there during messy, noisy, potentially dangerous demolition.

    o You skipthe chaos of workers going in and out of your house all day, drilling,hammering and creating fumes.

    o You don’thave to deal with the inconvenience of not having a working kitchen, havingwater shut off periodically or entire rooms not being usable.

    o Workerscan start work earlier and work later in the day, knowing they’re notdisturbing homeowners.

    o You avoidthe urge to micromanage the project and constantly look over the shoulders ofcontractors.

    o Someprojects, like a roof replacement, may be so disruptive that it’s best tovacate the house anyway.

    o You comehome to a finished project, and get the “Wow!” moment of seeing your renovatedhome for the first time.


    • Reasonswhy you might not want to take a Renocation. Here are some potential downsides to being away while the work is done:

    • You’llcome home to a mess, especially if there’s no project manager supervising onyour behalf. Your contractor isn’t going to dust, sweep and vacuum for you.

    • Workerswill make themselves at home in the owner’s absence. Your bathroom willdefinitely get used and abused. Leaveplenty of toilet paper behind!

    • You’renever really “away” from the job site. While out of town, your phone will ringand ping constantly, with calls and messages concerning the work at your house.

    • Thingscan go wrong. Sheetrock went up before a few electrical outlets were in place.They had to add them after the fact and it delayed the completion time.

    • You mightnot get what you asked for. That gorgeous sage green paint you picked out forthe guest bathroom might be mis-ordered, and you’ll come home to chartreusewalls!

    • Vacationsare expensive, and so are renovations. Combining the two may stretch yourrenovation budget beyond its limits.


    • Tips fora Renocation.

    o Notapplicable to all projects,

    o GoodContractors love when clients go on Renocation!

    o Find aGood Contractor

    o Bespecific and have a strong plan

    o Have theability to be contacted

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  • Summer always brings out the mosquitoes. There are some simple things you can do toreduce the number of mosquitoes around your home.

    • WearLight Colored Clothing: Turns out, mosquitoes are attracted to dark coloredclothing

    • Run Fansat Ground Level: The chemicals human bodies put off hang in the air around usand allow mosquitoes to hone in on us — and that’s when the biting starts.Rapid air movement confuses mosquitoes, and dissipating these telltale humansigns makes us harder to find. So setfans on the ground and turn them on to break up the scent patterns. This simplesolution is surprisingly effective for spur-of-the-moment events or gatheringsin your yard. Because they are so light, mosquitoes are weak flyers. The breezefrom the fans makes it difficult for them to fly, keeping them out of yourentertainment area. If you don’t have repellent on hand, then this is the bestway to get rid of mosquitoes for the moment.

    • EliminateStanding Water: Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, so empty any containersthat collect water regularly, such as flower pots, buckets, and bird baths.

    • MaintainGutters and Drains: Clean out gutters and ensure they are not clogged, asclogged gutters can hold water and become breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

    • Keep YardClean: Remove any debris or leaf piles where water can collect. Trim overgrownvegetation where mosquitoes like to rest during the day.

    • UseMosquito Repellents: Use mosquito repellents on your skin or clothing whenoutdoors, especially during dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active. DEET, Clove Spray, Citronella oil,Peppermint, NEEM, Lavender, Eucalyptus.

    • InstallScreens: Ensure windows and doors have screens without holes to preventmosquitoes from entering your home.

    • ConsiderMosquito Traps: There are various types of traps available that can help reducemosquito populations around your property.

    • NaturalPredators: Encourage natural predators of mosquitoes, such as dragonflies, byadding plants and water features that attract them.

    • Mosquito-RepellingPlants: Plant mosquito-repelling plants like citronella, lavender, marigolds,and basil around your yard.

    • ProfessionalHelp: In severe cases, consider contacting a pest control professional who canprovide more targeted solutions.

    Implementing these strategies can significantly reduce themosquito population around your home and make your outdoor spaces moreenjoyable.

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  • We are in the middle of the AC season. Thought we would go over some of the simplefixes that you can DIY before you call the service technician (and pay the bigbucks!).

    Understand how an AC Unit works

    o Ambienttemperature differential

    o Settingtemperature to a lower setting does not mean your unit will cool faster

    o Is yourhome well insulated?

    There are a few simple things you can check to see if yourair conditioning is working properly:

    1. ThermostatSettings: Ensure your thermostat is set to "cool" and the temperatureis set lower than the current room temperature.

    2. AirFilter: Check and replace your air filter if it's dirty. A clogged filter canrestrict airflow and reduce the efficiency of your AC.

    3. PowerSupply: Make sure your AC unit is receiving power. Check the circuit breakerand ensure it hasn't tripped. Also, check if the outdoor unit is plugged in.

    4. Vents andRegisters: Ensure all vents and registers are open and not blocked by furnitureor other objects.

    5. OutdoorUnit: Inspect the outdoor unit to make sure it's not obstructed by debris,leaves, or other objects. Clear any debris around the unit to ensure properairflow.

    6. CondenserCoils: Check the condenser coils for dirt or debris. If they are dirty, you canclean them with a garden hose, but make sure the unit is turned off first.

    7. BlowerMotor: Listen for the sound of the blower motor. If it's not running, theremight be an issue with the motor or a related component.

    8. DrainLine: Check the condensate drain line to ensure it's not clogged. A cloggeddrain line can cause water to back up and damage the system.

    If you've checked these things and your AC is still notworking properly, it might be time to call a professional technician todiagnose and fix the issue.

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  • I was at a client's home and noticed that she had a timerswitch on the bathroom fan. This is notthe old turn the dial timer switch, but an attractive electronic version thatgives you several choices. John and Idiscussed, and we decided to do a show on some of the options for switches andoutlets

    • What weare not talking about

    o 3 or 4way switches

    o Duplex orsquare outlets

    o GFCI

    o SmartSwitches

    • MultipleSwitches

    • DimmerSwitches

    o Manydifferent styles

     Rotary

     Slide

     Slidewith switch

     Touch toslide

     Fade

    o Make surethey are LED capable

    • MotionSensor

    • 24 hourprogrammable

    • Timerswitches

    • IlluminatedSwitches

    • In WallHumidity Fan Control Switch

    • Outlets

    o USB

    o NightLight

    o Switchable

    o SurgeSuppressor

    o recessed

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  • This show is all about saving you time, money andaggravation. These tips can help youavoid plumbing emergencies.

    • Monitoryour water bill

    o Look forincreased billing, can indicate a problem

    • WatchWhat you put in your Drains and Toilets

    o Justbecause the packaging says it’s flushable does not mean it’s flushable

    o Watch theFOG (fats, oils and greases), hard items, chemicals

    o Avoidharsh drain cleaning chemicals, corrode and melt pipes, damage septic systems

    • Doregular inspections

    o Look fordrain leaks under sinks, washing machine hoses, sink connections, ice makerconnections, toilet connections

    o Checkyour PRV Valve

    o Waterfilter maintenance

    o Wateraround toilet (toilet seal)

    • Test youremergency systems

    o Hot waterrelief valve

    o Sump pump

    o Mainwater shut off valve

    • Checkyour water heater

    o Drainregularly

    o Changethe anode rod

    • Preventfrozen pipes

    o Wrapexposed pipes with insulation or heat tape

    o Flowwater on extremely cold nights

    • Turn offmain water shut off valve when traveling

  • The Handyman Pros give some tips on using the technology (mostly your phone) to enhance your ability to stay organized, be professional, and help you savetime, money, and aggravation!

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  • Addressing the items that annoy you first (your “Bug List”)in home maintenance is important for several reasons:

    1. ImprovedQuality of Life: Annoying issues, even if minor, can significantly impact yourdaily comfort and satisfaction. Fixing these problems can lead to a morepleasant and stress-free living environment.

    2. IncreasedMotivation: Tackling and resolving small, annoying issues can create a sense ofaccomplishment and motivate you to take on more significant maintenance tasks.It sets a positive momentum for ongoing home upkeep.

    3. Preventionof Larger Problems: Annoying issues often indicate underlying problems thatcould escalate if ignored. Addressing them early can prevent more severe andcostly repairs down the line.

    4. EnhancedHome Value: Regularly addressing and fixing minor issues helps maintain theoverall condition of your home, which can preserve or even increase its marketvalue. Potential buyers are more likely to be interested in a well-maintainedproperty.

    5. Safety andHealth: Some annoying issues might pose safety or health risks. For example, aleaky faucet might lead to mold growth, or a loose handrail could cause falls.Promptly addressing these problems ensures a safer living environment.

    6. Peace ofMind: Knowing that your home is well-maintained and free of nagging issuesprovides peace of mind. You can relax and enjoy your space without beingconstantly reminded of things that need fixing.

    In summary, addressing annoying maintenance issues firstleads to a more comfortable, safe, and well-maintained home, ultimatelyenhancing your overall quality of life and home value.

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  • Having absolute opinions on home maintenance topics can haveboth positive and negative implications. Here’s a detailed analysis of the prosand cons:


    1. Consistencyin Approach:

    o EfficientPlanning: Absolute opinions can lead to a consistent approach in handling homemaintenance tasks. This can streamline decision-making and planning.

    o Reliability:A consistent method ensures that maintenance tasks are performed in a reliablemanner, potentially leading to better long-term results.

    2. Confidencein Decision-Making:

    o QuickDecisions: Absolute opinions can facilitate quicker decision-making, as there'sless deliberation over different methods.

    o ReducedStress: Knowing exactly how to handle maintenance issues can reduce the stressand uncertainty that comes with home repairs and upkeep.

    3. ExpertiseDevelopment:

    o Specialization:Holding strong opinions can be indicative of a deep understanding orspecialization in certain areas of home maintenance.

    o SkillImprovement: Consistently applying the same methods can lead to skillrefinement and mastery over time.

    4. SimplifiedCommunication:

    o ClearInstructions: For those hiring contractors or communicating with familymembers, absolute opinions can lead to clear and straightforward instructions.


    1. Lack ofFlexibility:

    o Resistanceto New Methods: Absolute opinions can make one resistant to new or potentiallybetter methods and technologies.

    o AdaptabilityIssues: Home maintenance challenges can vary; a rigid approach might not besuitable for all situations.

    2. Potentialfor Conflict:

    o Disagreements:Strong opinions can lead to conflicts with others who have different views onhow maintenance should be handled.

    o ContractorRelations: If hiring professionals, inflexible opinions might lead to strainedrelationships with contractors who have their own preferred methods.

    3. Risk ofOutdated Practices:

    o Obsolescence:Techniques and materials evolve. Absolute opinions might anchor someone tooutdated practices, leading to inefficiencies or suboptimal results.

    o MissedInnovations: Being open to new ideas can lead to discovering innovativesolutions that improve maintenance quality and efficiency.

    4. Potentialfor Overconfidence:

    o IgnoringExpertise: Homeowners with absolute opinions might overlook the advice ofexperts, leading to improper maintenance or repairs.

    o Misjudgment:Overconfidence in one's methods can result in misjudging the complexity of aproblem and applying inadequate solutions.


    While having absolute opinions on home maintenance topicscan provide consistency, confidence, and clear communication, it also posesrisks such as inflexibility, potential conflicts, and the danger of outdatedpractices. Balancing strong opinions with an openness to new information andapproaches is crucial for effective and efficient home maintenance.

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  • Maintaining your home during the summer can prevent costly repairs and keep your living environment comfortable and safe. Here are some essential summer home maintenance tips:

    Exterior Maintenance

    1. Inspect and Clean Gutters and Downspouts

    o Remove leaves and debris to ensure proper drainage.

    o Check for leaks or loose sections and repair them.

    2. Examinethe Roof

    o Look formissing or damaged shingles and repair them to prevent leaks.

    o Check forsigns of mold, algae, or moss.

    3. Paint andSeal Exterior Surfaces

    o Repaintareas where paint is peeling or fading.

    o Sealwooden decks, fences, and doors to protect against moisture and sun damage.

    4. CheckWindows and Doors

    o Inspectweather stripping and caulking for gaps or deterioration.

    o Clean andlubricate window tracks and door hinges.

    5. Servicethe Air Conditioning System

    o Change orclean the air filter.

    o Have aprofessional check the system and perform necessary maintenance.

    6. Inspectthe Foundation

    o Look forcracks or signs of settling.

    o Ensureproper drainage around the foundation to prevent water damage.

    Interior Maintenance

    1. Clean andCheck Ceiling Fans

    o Dust andclean fan blades.

    o Ensurefans are set to rotate counterclockwise to create a cooling breeze.

    2. InspectPlumbing

    o Check forleaks in faucets, toilets, and under sinks.

    o Inspecthoses on washing machines and dishwashers for signs of wear.

    3. Test Smokeand Carbon Monoxide Detectors

    o Replacebatteries if necessary.

    o Test eachunit to ensure it is functioning properly.

    4. Clean andOrganize Storage Areas

    o Declutterbasements, garages, and attics.

    o Storeitems in sealed containers to prevent pest infestations.

    5. Check forMold and Mildew

    o Inspectareas with high humidity like bathrooms and basements.

    o Clean andtreat any mold or mildew spots promptly.

    Outdoor Maintenance

    1. Lawn andGarden Care

    o Mow thelawn regularly and water deeply in the early morning or evening.

    o Trimbushes and trees away from the house to prevent pests and improve aircirculation.

    2. MaintainOutdoor Furniture and Equipment

    o Clean andrepair outdoor furniture.

    o Store orcover items when not in use to protect them from the elements.

    3. Inspectand Repair Driveways and Walkways

    o Look forcracks and repair them to prevent further damage.

    o Clean andreseal surfaces if necessary.

    4. CheckSprinkler Systems

    o Inspectfor leaks or broken sprinkler heads.

    o Adjustsettings to ensure even watering and avoid water waste.

    5. Preparefor Pests

    o Sealcracks and gaps where insects can enter the home.

    o Useappropriate pest control methods to keep bugs at bay.

    Energy Efficiency

    1. UpgradeInsulation

    o Addinsulation to attic spaces and walls if needed.

    o Installenergy-efficient windows or apply window film to reduce heat gain.

    2. UseEnergy-efficient Lighting

    o Replaceincandescent bulbs with LED or CFL bulbs.

    o Installoutdoor lighting with motion sensors or timers.

    By following these summer home maintenance tips, you canensure your home stays in good condition, remains comfortable, and operatesefficiently throughout the hot months.

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  • Working as a handyman on the road can be both exciting andchallenging. Here are some concerns you might want to consider:

    1. Where willyou stay: Working from the road does require accommodations, sleeping in thetruck is generally not the best option!

    2. What is inthe area you are working: Where can you obtain food, supplies, lumber, etc.

    3. Tools andEquipment: Transporting tools and equipment can be cumbersome, especially ifyou're constantly on the move. Ensuring you have the right tools for the joband keeping them organized and secure while traveling is essential.

    4. Logistics:Managing logistics such as scheduling appointments, coordinating with clients,and navigating to different job sites can be complicated when you're constantlyon the road. Utilizing scheduling software and mapping apps can help streamlinethese processes.

    5. Work-LifeBalance: Being on the road for extended periods can take a toll on yourpersonal life and relationships. It's essential to find a balance between workand leisure time to avoid burnout and maintain your well-being.

    6. Safety:Safety should always be a top priority. Working in unfamiliar environments oron job sites with potentially hazardous conditions can increase the risk ofaccidents. Make sure you have the necessary safety gear and knowledge to handleany situation that may arise.

    7. Legal andLicensing Requirements: Depending on the areas you work in, you may need tocomply with different legal and licensing requirements for each location. Makesure you're familiar with local regulations and obtain any necessary permits orlicenses to operate legally.

    8. Insurance:As a handyman working on the road, you'll need to ensure you have adequateinsurance coverage for both yourself and your business. This may includeliability insurance, vehicle insurance, and health insurance.

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  • When embarking on building a new home or a significantremodel, there are several "nice to haves" that can enhance both thefunctionality and enjoyment of your living space. Here are some ideas toconsider:

    1. It’s abouttiming! The time is when the walls areexposed.

    2. Somethings can’t be added (without insane cost)

    3. Thinkabout what your rooms / garage / basement might be used for in the future

    4. Thinkabout outdoor activities and yard work

    5. Hose bibbs

    6. Electricaloutlet

    7. Extrawindow or door

    8. Ceilingfan ready rooms - dual switches

    9. Additionallight fixtures

    10. Other

    Remember, while these "nice to haves" can enhanceyour living experience, it's essential to prioritize your needs and budgetaccordingly during the planning and construction process.

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  • In this episode the Handyman Pros have a discussion about gloves.

    In construction, gloves are essential for protecting handsfrom various hazards such as cuts, abrasions, punctures, chemicals, and extremetemperatures. Here are some common types of gloves used in construction:

    1. LeatherGloves: These gloves are durable and provide good protection against abrasions,cuts, and punctures. They are often used for general construction work,handling rough materials, and operating heavy machinery.

    2. Cut-ResistantGloves: Constructed from materials like Kevlar or high-performancepolyethylene, these gloves offer protection against cuts and lacerations fromsharp objects such as glass, metal, or blades. They are particularly useful fortasks involving handling sharp materials or using cutting tools.

    3. Chemical-ResistantGloves: Designed to protect against exposure to chemicals, these gloves aremade from materials such as neoprene, nitrile, or PVC. They are used whenhandling corrosive substances, solvents, or other hazardous chemicals commonlyfound on construction sites.

    4. InsulatedGloves: These gloves are insulated to protect against extreme temperatures,making them suitable for work in cold or hot environments. Insulated gloves areoften worn by construction workers who work outdoors or in environments withtemperature extremes.

    5. Impact-ResistantGloves: Constructed with padding or specialized materials, these gloves provideprotection against impact injuries from heavy objects or machinery. They arecommonly used by workers who handle pneumatic tools, jackhammers, or work inenvironments where there is a risk of being struck by falling objects.

    6. WaterproofGloves: These gloves are designed to keep hands dry in wet conditions. They arecommonly used for tasks that involve working with water or in rainyenvironments.

    7. High-DexterityGloves: These gloves are made from lightweight materials and provide excellentdexterity and flexibility, allowing workers to perform intricate tasks whilestill protecting their hands. They are often used for tasks that require finemotor skills, such as handling small components or operating machinery withprecision.

    8. DisposableGloves: Made from latex, nitrile, or vinyl, disposable gloves are used toprotect against contamination from dirt, chemicals, or other substances. Theyare commonly used for tasks that require frequent glove changes to maintainhygiene standards, such as handling hazardous materials or food.

    Choosing the right type of glove depends on the specifichazards present in the construction environment and the tasks being performed.It's important for workers to select gloves that provide adequate protectionwhile allowing them to perform their job effectively.

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  • We interviewed Joel Camassar with Chapman Tools. Chapman is an American manufacturing company that specializes in high quality screwdriver sets.

    Chapman tools and parts are American made and assembled from American made materials.Everything from the gear inside our famous midget ratchet, to our steel and paper brochures are made in America, the way it has been since 1936.

    The code HandyMan takes 15% off the price of master sets (all the colors!).It works out to about $17 and it’ll apply to every master set ordered, so if someone orders a few sets, they’ll save 15% off each set. For more informationgo to https://chapmanmfg.com/.

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    Send us an email, [email protected].

  • The Handyman Pros talk about their hobby (RC Airplanes) and a recent event, the Southeastern Electric Flight Festival (SEFF).

    Included are highlights from the event including special guest appearances by Cleetus McFarland and Tyler Perry.

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