
  • V novi epizodi se je voditelj Zoran Potič pogovarjal z uglednim ameriškim profesorjem na področju komuniciranja in javne diplomacije Nicholasom J. Cullom. Govorila sta o zgodovini dezinformacij, značilnosti dezinformacij dandanes ter izzivih, ki jih za demokracijo prinašajo sodobne tehnologije in vse večje količine (dez)informacij.

    »Sovražnik pravzaprav ni več ideologija, temveč resnica sama. Demokracija je napadena, zato moramo zgraditi informirano družbo, ki se bo zavedala nevarnosti dezinformacij in umetne inteligence,« je med drugim povedal gost, ki je eden vodilnih učenjakov na področju mednarodnih odnosov in tako imenovane mehke moči.

    Nicholas J. Cull je zgodovinar, katerega raziskave se osredotočajo na vpliv javne diplomacije ter na to, kako države uporabljajo kulturo in medijske strategije, da oblikujejo svojo globalno podobo. Je avtor številnih vplivnih knjig, med drugim Javna diplomacija: Nauki iz preteklosti (angleško: Public Diplomacy: Lessons from the Past) ter Javna diplomacija: Temelji za globalno udejstvovanje v digitalni dobi (angleško: Foundations for Global Engagement in the Digital Age). Je ustanovni direktor programa javne diplomacije na Univerzi Južne Kalifornije, kjer poučuje še danes.

    Vabljeni k poslušanju in ogledu podkasta.

    GOVSI Podcast: »Democracy is under attack«

    In the latest episode, Zoran Potič hosted distinguished American professor in the field of communication and public diplomacy, Nicholas J. Cull. They discussed the history of disinformation, the characteristics of disinformation today, and the challenges modern technologies and the increasing amounts of (dis)information pose to democracy.

    »The enemy is no longer really an ideology, but the truth itself. Democracy is under attack, so we must build an informed society that is aware of the dangers of disinformation and artificial intelligence,« said the guest, who is one of the leading scholars in the field of international relations and so-called soft power.

    Nicholas J. Cull is a historian whose research focuses on the impact of public diplomacy and how countries use culture and media strategies to shape their global image. He is the author of several influential books, including Public Diplomacy: Lessons from the Past and Public Diplomacy: Foundations for Global Engagement in the Digital Age. He is the founding director of the public diplomacy program at the University of Southern California, where he still teaches today.

    You are invited to watch and listen.

  • Te dni mineva eno leto od katastrofalnih poplav, ki so lanskega avgusta prizadele velik del Slovenije. Država se je hitro odzvala na dogodek izrednih razsežnosti, uspešno izpeljala intervencijo in kasneje tudi sprejela številne ukrepe za odpravljanje posledic poplav. Eden ključnih ljudi, ki so v tistih dneh vodili intervencijo in reševali življenja ljudi, je poveljnik Civilne zaščite Srečko Šestan.

    Srečko Šestan je že vrsto let najprepoznavnejši obraz Civilne zaščite in eden od prvih, ki pomiri zaskrbljene ljudi, ko nastopijo krize. Od leta 1996 je zaposlen na Ministrstvu za obrambo, na področju varstva pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami pa je bil aktiven že pred tem. V 12 letih, odkar opravlja naloge poveljnika Civilne zaščite, je za spopadanje z nepredvidljivo naravo in drugimi nesrečami 16-krat aktiviral državne načrte zaščite in reševanja. V teh letih si je skozi številna vodenja intervencij pridobil zaupanje in spoštovanje ljudi. Je premišljen, strokoven, požrtvovalen, s čutom za pripadnost, solidarnost in humanitarnost.

    Vabljeni k poslušanju in ogledu epizode.

    GOVSI Podcast: A well-designed system of protection and rescue is essential for a successful first response.

    It has been one year since the catastrophic floods affected a large part of Slovenia. The Government promptly responded to this extreme event and did much to ameliorate the immediate effects. Later, it also adopted many measures for flood recovery. One of the key people who led the first response and saved lives was Civil Protection Commander Srečko Šestan.

    Srečko Šestan has been the best-known representative of Civil Protection for many years and is one of the first to reassure worried people when a crisis arises. He has been employed at the Ministry of Defence since 1996, but was involved in protection against natural and other disasters even before that. In the 12 years of his service as the Civil Protection Commander, he activated the National Emergency Response Plan 16 times to fight the unpredictable effects of natural and other disasters. In leading many crisis responses over these years, he has earned people's trust and respect. He is thoughtful, professional, dedicated and has a sense of belonging, solidarity and humanitarianism.

    You are invited to listen and watch the episode.

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  • Z novo epizodo GOVSI podkasta odštevamo še zadnje dni do olimpijskih iger v Parizu. V studiu smo gostili predsednika Olimpijskega komiteja Slovenija Franja Bobinca. Z njim se je pogovarjala direktorica Urada RS za komuniciranje Petra Bezjak Cirman.

    Slovenijo bo v Parizu zastopala najštevilnejša reprezentanca doslej, saj šteje kar 90 članov. Čeprav bi si posebno omembo zaslužil prav vsak med njimi, naj tokrat posebej izpostavimo žensko rokometno reprezentanco, saj gre za prvo uvrstitev na OI za kateri koli ženski ekipni šport pri nas.

    Pariz je tokrat že tretjič prizorišče olimpijskih iger. Tiste pred natanko sto leti, leta 1924, so za nas še posebej znamenite, saj je olimpionik Leon Štukelj tam postal prvi Slovenec z osvojeno zlato medaljo.

    Če boste med 26. julijem in 11. avgustom med navijači, priporočamo, da si preberete informacije, namenjene slovenskim državljanom. Sicer pa - kot v podkastu poudari tokratni gost – kjer koli že boste, verjamemo, da bo od 26. julija dalje vsa Slovenija dihala z našimi športnicami in športniki kot eno.

    Pariz, prihajamo!

    Vabljeni k poslušanju in ogledu epizode.

    GOVSI Podcast: Paris, here we come!

    With the new episode of the GOVSI podcast, we are counting down the last days until the Olympic Games in Paris. In the studio, we hosted the president of the Olympic Committee of Slovenia, Franjo Bobinac. Petra Bezjak Cirman, director of the Office of Communications of the Republic of Slovenia, spoke with him.

    Slovenia will be represented in Paris by the largest national team ever, with as many as 90 members. Although each of them deserves a special mention, let's single out the women's handball national team this time, as it is the first placement at the OI for any women's team sport in our country.

    Paris is the venue of the Olympic Games for the third time. Those exactly one hundred years ago, in 1924, are particularly famous for us, as Olympian Leon Štukelj became the first Slovenian to win a gold medal there.

    If you will be among the fans between July 26 and August 11, we recommend that you read the information intended for Slovenian citizens. Otherwise - as this time's guest points out in the podcast - wherever you are, we believe that from July 26, all of Slovenia will breathe with our athletes as one.

    Paris, here we come!

    You are invited to listen and watch the episode.

  • GOVSI Podkast: Društvo za opazovanje in preučevanje ptic prvi prejemnik državne nagrade Rada Smerduja

    V novi epizodi GOVSI podkasta je voditelj Zoran Potič imel ob sebi sogovornici, ki prihajata iz javnega in nevladnega sektorja: direktorico Direktorata za naravo na Ministrstvu za naravne vire in prostor dr. Katarino Groznik Zeiler in predsednico Društva za opazovanje in proučevanje ptic Slovenije (DOPPS). Povod za pogovor je bila namreč podelitev nove državne nagrade, nagrade Radeta Smerduja, ki za prispevek k razvoju stroke na področju ohranjanja narave in k ohranjanju narave.

    Društvo za opazovanje in proučevanje ptic Slovenije je ena večjih nevladnih organizacij na področju varstva narave in okolja v Sloveniji in član globalne organizacije BirdLife International. Društvo je s svojim delovanjem prispevalo k izvedbi konkretnih aktivnosti na terenu, ki so potrjeno že izboljšale stanje vrst ptic in njihovih življenjskih okolij, s tem pa tudi širše stanje naravnih vrednot in biotske raznovrstnosti. Sodelovali so pri ustanovitvi treh zavarovanih območij in predstavljajo središče razvoja stroke na področju varstva ptic in širše naravovarstvene stroke pri nas.

    Nagrada je poimenovana po biologu in naravovarstvenik Rado Smerdu (1949 – 1984), ki je s svojim delom pomembno prispeval k oblikovanju metod varstva narave ter k izdaji Inventarja najpomembnejše naravne dediščine leta 1976. Eden njegovih ključnih strokovnih prispevkov je predstavitev in preskus metode vrednotenja naravne dediščine na Planinskem polju. Sodeloval je pri nastajanju strokovnih revij in posnel več filmov z naravoslovno, jamarsko in naravovarstveno vsebino.

    Vabljeni k poslušanju in tudi ogledu.


    GOVSI Podkast: Society for the observation and study of birds, the first recipient of the Rada Smerduja state award

    In the new episode of the GOVSI podcast, host Zoran Potič had interlocutors with him from the public and non-governmental sectors: the director of the Directorate for Nature at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Space, dr. Katarina Groznik Zeiler and president of the Society for the Observation and Study of Birds of Slovenia (DOPPS). The reason for the conversation was the awarding of a new state award, the Radet Smerdu award.

    The first recipient of the award is the Society for Observation and Study of Birds of Slovenia (BirdLife Slovenia (DOPPS)), one of the largest non-governmental organisations specialising in nature and environmental conservation in Slovenia and a member of the global organisation BirdLife. Through its activities, the association has contributed to the implementation of concrete activities in the field, which have already been confirmed to improve the condition of bird species and their living environments, and thus also the wider condition of natural values ​​and biodiversity. They participated in the establishment of three protected areas and represent the center of professional development in the field of bird protection and the broader nature conservation profession in our country.

    The award is named after the biologist and conservationist Rado Smerd (1949 – 1984), who with his work made a significant contribution to the creation of nature conservation methods and to the publication of the Inventory of the Most Important Natural Heritage in 1976. One of his key professional contributions is the presentation and testing of the natural heritage valuation method in Planinské polje. He participated in the creation of professional magazines and made several films with natural history, caving and nature conservation content.

    You are invited to watch and listen.

  • Ob začetku kampanje Ustavimo dezinformacije – preBERI, preMISLI, PREVERI to temo podrobneje osvetljujemo tudi v novi epizodi GOVSI podkasta.

    Naš gost je vodja skupine za politiko, strategijo in globalna prednostna vprašanja v oddelku za strateško komuniciranje Evropske službe za zunanje delovanje (ESZD) Siim Kumpas. Preden se je pridružil ESZD, je Kumpas oblikoval in izvajal pristop Estonije k izgradnji odpornosti proti manipulaciji z informacijami s strani tujih držav. Je tudi gostujoči predavatelj na Estonski akademiji za varnostne vede, kjer predava o strateškem komuniciranju in psihološki obrambi.

    Kaj so dezinformacije?

    Dezinformacije so zavajajoče ali nepravilne informacije, ki jih širijo posamezniki, organizacije in države z namenom zavajanja ali manipuliranja s posamezniki in javnim mnenjem.

    Največji učinek imajo v obdobju kriz, negotovosti in splošnega nezadovoljstva, ker delujejo na čustveni ravni in vplivajo na mnenje in odločitve ljudi. Njihov namen je ustvariti zmedo, vzbuditi jezo, strah, škodovati ugledu posameznikov, organizacij ali institucij in držav. Težava širjenja lažnih informacij je najizrazitejša v kriznih razmerah, kakršna je bila na primer pandemija novega koronavirusa.

    Vse evropske institucije nas opozarjajo, da lahko nov val dezinformacijskih kampanj pričakujemo tudi pred prihajajočimi evropskimi volitvami. Tudi zato želimo javnost čim bolj ozavestiti, da je kritično sprejemanje informacij in preverjanje zanesljivosti virov v današnjem času nujno.

    Pogovor vodi Zoran Potič.

    Vabljeni k ogledu in poslušanju.


    To mark the launch of the 'Stop Disinformation - READ, THINK, CHECK' campaign, we're taking a closer look at this topic in a new episode of the GOVSI Podcast.

    Our guest is Siim Kumpas, Head of the Policy, Strategy and Global Priorities Group in the Strategic Communication Department of the European External Action Service (EEAS). Prior to joining the EEAS, Kumpas designed and implemented Estonia's approach to building resilience against information manipulation by foreign states. He is also a guest lecturer at the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, where he lectures on strategic communication and psychological defence.

    What is disinformation?

    Disinformation is misleading or inaccurate information disseminated by individuals, organisations, and states with the intention of misleading or manipulating individuals and public opinion.

    They are most effective in times of crisis, uncertainty, and general dissatisfaction because they operate at an emotional level and influence people's opinions and decisions. They aim to create confusion, anger, fear, damage the reputation of individuals, organisations or institutions and countries. The problem of the spread of false information is most pronounced in crisis situations, such as the new coronavirus pandemic.

    All European institutions are warning us to expect a new wave of disinformation campaigns ahead of the upcoming European elections. All European institutions are warning us to expect a new wave of disinformation campaigns ahead of the upcoming European elections. This is one of the reasons why we want to make the public as aware as possible of the need to critically accept information and to check the reliability of sources nowadays.

    Moderated by Zoran Potič.

    You are invited to watch and listen.

  • Gost nove epizode GOVSI podkasta je Romano Prodi. Z voditeljico Natašo Čepar smo ga povabili k pogovoru ob praznovanju 20. obletnice vstopa Slovenije v Evropsko unijo, spregovorila pa sta tudi o odnosih med Slovenijo in Italijo in aktualnih dogodkih v svetovni politiki.

    Romano Prodi (1939) je italijanski politik, dvakratni nekdanji predsednik italijanske vlade in nekdanji predsednik Evropske komisije v obdobju med letoma 1999 in 2004 – ravno v času slovenskih pogajanj za vstop v EU.

    Med njegovim mandatom na čelu Evropske komisije se je EU intenzivno pripravljala na največjo širitev v njeni zgodovini in sprejetje nove Evropske ustave. Prodi je spodbujal povezovanja med članicami in krepitev vloge EU v mednarodnih zadevah. Med njegovim predsedovanjem so bili doseženi nekatere pomembni dogovori, kot je na primer sprejetje evra kot uradne denarne enote v državah območja evro. Prav tako se je trudil za izboljšanje gospodarske konkurenčnosti Evropske unije in je spodbujal socialno kohezijo med članicami.

    Kot vsak politik je bil tudi Prodi deležen kritik in polemik, vendar je njegov mandat pustil precejšen pečat na nadaljnjem razvoju evropske integracije.

    Tokratna epizoda je bila posneta 9. maja v Novi Gorici v sodelovanju z medijsko hišo Delo.

    Vabljeni k poslušanju in gledanju.

    Romano Prodi: Nova Gorica and Gorizia as symbols of European unity

    The guest of the new episode of the GOVSI podcast is Romano Prodi. We invited him to talk to host Nataša Čepar on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Slovenia's accession to the EU. They also discussed relations between Slovenia and Italy and current events in world politics.

    Romano Prodi (1939) is an Italian politician, a former two-time Prime Minister of Italy, and the former President of the European Commission from 1999 to 2004 – precisely during Slovenia's negotiations for EU accession. During his tenure at the helm of the European Commission, the European Union was actively preparing for its largest expansion in history and the adoption of a new European Constitution. Prodi encouraged integration among member states and strengthened the EU's role in international affairs. Some significant agreements were reached during his presidency, such as the adoption of the euro as the official currency in the euro area countries. He also worked to improve the European Union's economic competitiveness and promoted social cohesion among its members.

    Like any politician, Prodi faced criticism and controversies, but his tenure left a significant mark on the further development of European integration.

    This episode was recorded on May 9th in Nova Gorica in collaboration with the media company Delo.

    You are invited to listen and watch.

  • Tema nove oddaje podkasta so migracije. Gostja Zorana Potiča je izvršna direktorica Evropske agencije za azil Nina Gregori, ki se s tem področjem ukvarja že vso svojo kariero.

    Nina Gregori je bila pred kratkim že drugič imenovana na mesto izvršne direktorice Evropske agencije za azil (angleško European Union Agency for Asylum - EUAA). Pred odhodom v Bruselj je bila dolga leta direktorica direktorata na ministrstvu za notranje zadeve, ki je zadolžen za državljanstva, urejanje statusov prebivalstva in migracije. Je odlična poznavalka tega področja, zato je enourni pogovor z voditeljem Zoranom Potičem kar prekratek, da bi lahko načela številne aktualne vidike te problematike.

    Pogovarjala sta se predvsem o pravkar sprejetem paktu o migracijah in azilu in posledicah, ki jih bo imel za upravljanje migracij v EU in delovanje EUAA, dotaknila pa sta se tudi vzrok za migracije in možnega razvoja tega področja v prihodnosti.

    Vabljeni k poslušanju in tudi ogledu.

    Nina Gregori: I hope that the EU will always remain a safe haven

    The topic of the new podcast show is migration. Zorana Potič's guest is the executive director of the European Asylum Agency, Nina Gregori, who has been working in this field for her entire career.

    Nina Gregori was recently appointed for the second time as Executive Director of the European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA). Before going to Brussels, she was for many years the director of the directorate at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is in charge of citizenships, regulation of population statuses and migration. She is an excellent expert in this field, which is why the one-hour conversation with host Zoran Potič is too short to cover many current aspects of this issue.

    They focused on recently adopted pact on migration and asylum and the consequences it will have for the management of migration in the EU and the operation of the EUAA, and they also touched on the cause of migration and the possible development of this area in the future.

    You are invited to watch and listen.

  • Ob bližajoči se 20. obletnici vstopa Slovenije v EU smo v novi epizodi podkasta gostili agrarnega ekonomista dr. Emila Erjavca. Med pogajanji za vstop v EU je bil član ožje pogajalske skupine za področje kmetijstva in ribištva, »strokovni motor« pogajanj za kmetijstvo. Je zelo priljubljen profesor na Biotehniški fakulteti in predvsem velik poznavalec kmetijske politike.

    Voditeljica tokratne epizode direktorica Urada vlade za komuniciranje (Ukom) Petra Bezjak Cirman je v pogovoru z njim obudila spomin na pogajanja, spregovorila pa sta tudi o trenutnem stanju slovenskega kmetijstva. Dr. Erjavec je kritičen do nevzajemnega delovanja naših agroživilskih verig in meni, da je vladni ukrep spremljanja cen po celotni verigi pravi, a 30 let prepozno sprejet. Opozori na mlade, ki vse bolj iščejo alternativni način življenja na podeželju – pojav, ki ga imenuje 'renesansa podeželja', a ob tem ga skrbi razkol z mladimi kmetovalci. Povezovanje med njimi je nujno, je prepričan dr. Erjavec.

    Vabljeni tudi k ogledu videopodkasta.

    Dr Erjavec: Challenges exist, but in Slovenia, we are experiencing a rural renaissance

    As the 20th anniversary of Slovenia's accession to the EU approaches, in a new episode of the podcast, we hosted agricultural economist Dr Emil Erjavec. During the negotiations for EU accession, he was a member of the core negotiating team for agriculture and fisheries, the "expert engine" of the negotiations for agriculture. He is a highly popular professor at the Biotechnical Faculty and above all, a great expert in agricultural policy.

    The host of this episode, Petra Bezjak Cirman, director of Government Communication Office (Ukom), in conversation with him, recalled the negotiations and also discussed the current state of Slovenian agriculture. Dr Erjavec is critical of the lack of mutual cooperation in our agri-food chains and believes that the government's measure of monitoring prices throughout the chain is right but 30 years too late in adoption. He highlights the trend of young people increasingly seeking alternative ways of life in rural areas — a phenomenon he calls the 'renaissance of the countryside.' However, he is concerned about the gap with young farmers. Dr Erjavec is convinced that cooperation between them is essential.

    You are also invited to watch the video podcast.

  • Osnovnošolci bodo jeseni vstopili v nekoliko prenovljeno šolo. Kot poudarja tokratna gostja GOVSI podkasta, državna sekretarka z ministrstva za vzgojo in izobraževanje Janja Zupančič, je šola živa skupnost, ki se mora prilagajati dogajanju v okolju. Nedavno sprejeta novela zakona o osnovni šoli je eden od odzivov na te prilagoditve.

    Janja Zupančič je pristojna za predšolsko vzgojo, osnovno in glasbeno šolstvo ter izobraževanje otrok in mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami. Ima bogate pedagoške izkušnje na različnih ravneh izobraževanja – od dolgoletnega poučevanja na osnovni in srednji šoli do opravljanja ravnateljske funkcije. Svoje dolgoletne izkušnje v izobraževalnem sistemu pogosto deli na različnih strokovnih dogodkih, so pa tudi odločno izhodišče pri oblikovanju sistemskih novosti na področju osnovnošolskega izobraževanja, s čimer se ukvarja na sedanji funkciji.

    Izhodišče pogovora v tokratni epizodi GOVSI poskasta, ki ga je vodila Vesna Žarkovič z Urada Vlade za komuniciranje, je bila nedavno sprejeta novela zakona o osnovni šoli, ki prinaša pomembne spremembe na področju učenja tujih jezikov, izvajanja nacionalnega preverjanja znanja (NPZ), spreminja pa tudi zasnovo razširjenega programa.

    Vabljeni tudi k ogledu videopodkasta.

    "The school is a living community that adapts to its environment"

    Elementary school students will enter a slightly renovated school in the fall. As the latest GOVSI podcast guest, State Secretary from the Ministry of Education, Janja Zupančič, emphasizes, the school is a living community that must adapt to what is happening in the environment. The recently adopted amendment to the Act on Elementary School is one of the responses to these adjustments.

    Janja Zupančič oversees preschool education, primary and music schooling, as well as the education of children and adolescents with special needs. She boasts rich pedagogical experience across various levels of education – from years of teaching at primary and secondary schools to serving in the role of a principal. Her extensive background in the educational system is frequently shared at various professional events and serves as a firm foundation for shaping systemic innovations in primary education, a task she currently undertakes.

    The starting point of the conversation in this episode of GOVSI, hosted by Vesna Žarkovič from the Government Communication Office, was the recently adopted amendment to the Elementary School Act, which brings significant changes to the learning of foreign languages, the implementation of the national assessment of knowledge (NAK), and also alters the framework of the extended program.

    You are also invited to watch the video podcast.

  • Gost nove epizode vladnega podkasta GOVSI je dr. Janez Potočnik: med pripravami na vstop Slovenije v EU vodja ožje pogajalske skupine za vstop v EU, nato dva mandata evropski komisar, danes pa član in sopredsedujoči Mednarodnemu panelu za vire pri OZN. Pogovor je vodila direktorica Urada Vlade Republike Slovenije za komuniciranje Petra Bezjak Cirman.

    Letos obeležujemo 20 let od vstopa Slovenije v Evropsko unijo. Da smo se lahko včlanili, je bilo treba imeti jasen cilj in vložiti ogromno naporov v spremembe pravnega, gospodarskega in še kakšnega sistema, da smo bili kot država in družba pripravljeni na članstvo v EU. Zakaj smo bili tako uspešni v procesu pogajanj? Kakšna je vloga EU v svetu danes? Kakšna je vloga Slovenije v EU? Se dobro soočata s številnimi globalnimi izzivi, še posebej s prehodom na bolj trajnostni način življenja? Kako izpeljati tako imenovani zeleni prehod, da bo pravičen za vse? Dr. Janez Potočnik že desetletja sooblikuje javne politike v slovenskem in zadnja leta predvsem v mednarodnem prostoru. Je strateg z vizijo in izjemno zanimiv sogovornik.

    Vabljeni tudi k ogledu videopodkasta.

    Dr Janez Potočnik: Without socially acceptable social conditions, the green transition will not happen

    The guest of the 2nd episode of the GOVSI government podcast is Dr Janez Potočnik: during the preparations for Slovenia's accession to the EU, he was the head of the EU Accession Negotiating Group, then European Commissioner for two terms, and today he is a member and co-chair of the UN's International Panel on Resources. The discussion was moderated by Petra Bezjak Cirman, Director of the Government Communications Office.

    This year marks the 20th anniversary of Slovenia's accession to the European Union. In order to join, it was necessary to have a clear goal and to put a lot of effort into changing the legal, economic and other systems so that we as a country and a society were ready for EU membership. Why have we been so successful in the negotiation process? What is the EU's role in the world today? What is Slovenia's role in the EU? Are we coping well with the many global challenges, especially the transition to a more sustainable way of life? How can we make the so-called green transition fair for all? Dr Janez Potočnik has been shaping public policies in Slovenia for decades and, in recent years, especially internationally. He is a strategist with a vision and an extremely interesting interlocutor.

    You are also invited to watch the video podcast.

  • Gosta prve epizode GOVSI podkasta sta ministrica za zunanje in evropske zadeve Tanja Fajon ter minister za obrambo Marjan Šarec. Letos obeležujemo 20 let od vstopa Slovenije v Evropsko unijo in zvezo NATO, s 1. januarjem letos pa je Slovenija še drugič v zgodovini postala nestalna članica Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov (VS ZN).

    Leta 2004 smo torej dosegli dva ključna cilja slovenske politike po osamosvojitvi. Pričakovanja so bila velika, kakšna pa je bila prehojena pot? Kako je 20 let članstva v EU in NATU vplivalo na razvoj Slovenije? Kakšna bo vloga obeh integracij v spreminjajočem se globalnem svetu in kaj si lahko Slovenija obeta od nestalnega članstva v VS ZN? Na ta in še druga vprašanja odgovore išče voditelj tokratne epizode Boštjan Lajovic.

    Vabljeni tudi k ogledu videopodkasta.


    UN Security Council non-permanent membership also a result of responsible engagement in the EU and NATO

    The guests of the first episode of the GOVSI podcast were Tanja Fajon, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, and Marjan Šarec, Minister of Defence. This year marks 20 years since Slovenia’s accession to the European Union and the NATO Alliance. On 1 January 2024, Slovenia also became a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the second time in history.

    In 2004, we achieved two crucial objectives of Slovenian policy following independence. The expectations were great, but what was the path travelled like? How did 20 years of memberships in the EU and NATO impact Slovenia’s development? What will be the role of both organisations in the changing global world and what can Slovenia expect from its non-permanent membership in the UN Security Council? The host of this episode, Boštjan Lajovic, will seek answers to these and other questions.

    You are also invited to watch the video podcast.