When they write the history of her reign, sweet listener, they will say it began tonight.
The day is finally here: We embark on the POV of a big part of the heart of ASOIAF, the Daenerys Targaryen chapters.
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetricEliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girlEliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarborChloe's blog: liesandarborgold.comIntro by Anton Langhage
This episode comes to you thanks to the generosity of our patrons. It was originally released for patrons only in December 2023 and is now available for the public.
Join us as we venture in the Lost Lands with Gray Alys for a job. Coming soon as a movie—and maybe even a cinematic series—we dig into this older GRRM short story.
George's Not A Blog posts about the upcoming film:
Announcement: "Gray Alys on the Silver Screen" Post-production update: "Lost and Found"---
Intro by Kevin MacLeod, "Fairytale Waltz"
Saknas det avsnitt?
Walk Cersei home. Alisha from Direwolf City joins us to watch the queen lose her crown but not her pride in this final published chapter.
(As a quick reminder, GGC will be taking a break after this episode before resuming our next POV at the end of February.)
Where to find Alisha
Twitter — https://x.com/totesnotalice
Bluesky — https://app.bsky.cz/profile/stillnotalice.bsky.social
Direwolf City — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVUTAOYvXNEU3zc3-G_uifA
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetricEliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girlEliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarborChloe's blog: liesandarborgold.comIntro by Anton Langhage
New year, new book, same old Cersei (pretending to be #New for the High Septon). Margo helps us retrace the steps of Cersei's life and unpack the complexities of her familial and romantic relationships (which are kind of one and the same at times).
Where to find Margo
References from Lo
Essay: A MOST UNCOMMON WOMAN: Cersei Lannister’s Gender Trouble
Essay: Maidens, maidenheads, and the patriarchy- Virginity norms in ASOIAF
Lo and Virginie's podcast, Ragman's Harbour
Mentioned Quotes
Susan Stryker definition: "I use [transgender] in this book to refer to people who move away from the gender they were assigned at birth, people who cross (trans-) the boundaries constructed by their culture to define and contain that gender. Some people move away from their birth-assigned gender because they feel strongly that they properly belong to another gender in which it would be better for them to live; others want to strike out toward some new location, some space not yet clearly defined or concretely occupied; still others simply feel the need to get away from the conventional expectations bound up with the gender that was initially put upon them. In any case, it is the movement across a socially imposed boundary away from an unchosen starting place- rather than any particular destination or mode of transition- that best characterizes the concept of ‘transgender’ that I want to develop here."
From Leslie Feinberg's Transgender Warriors: “Didn’t Joan of Arc wear men’s clothes?” I asked a friend over coffee in 1975. She had a graduate degree in history; I had barely squeaked through high school. I waited for her answer with great anticipation, but she dismissed my question with a wave of her hand. ”It was just armor.” She seemed so sure, but I couldn’t let my question go. Joan of Arc was the only person associated with cross-dressing in history I’d grown up hearing about. I thought a great deal about my friend’s answer. Was the story of Joan of Arc dressing in men’s clothing merely legend? Was wearing armor significant? If a society strictly mandates only men can be warriors, isn’t a woman military leader dressed in armor an example of cross-gendered expression?"
ibid. : "No wonder you’ve passed as a man! This is such an anti-woman society,” a lesbian friend told me. To her, females passing as males are simply trying to escape women’s oppression – period. She believes that once true equality is achieved in society, humankind will be genderless. I don’t have a crystal ball, so I can’t predict human behavior in a distant future. But I know what she’s thinking – if we can build a more just society, people like me will cease to exist. She assumes that I am simply a product of oppression. Gee, thanks so much."
From Alica Spencer-Hall and Spencer Gutt's Trans and Genderqueer Subjects in Medieval Hagiography: "Marginalised identities are often written out of the historical record by those with the privilege of formulating “historical truth”. The Middle Ages is frequently viewed as a time “where men were men, women were women, everyone was the same race and practised the same faith, and no one was corrupted by technology, sexuality or democracy”. This is not how any medievalist worth their salt would put it.
Disingenuous interrogation of the presence of trans people in history is rarely about the factual specifics of the past alone. If talking about trans lives is “anachronistic”, then “trans-ness [is] not an inextricable part of humanity or human diversity”. The transphobe’s dream is an imaginary medieval past in which everyone knows their (gendered) place. Similar themes emerge in the usage of the Middle Ages by the alt-right and beyond: those who fantasize a past in which everyone who mattered was straight, cisgender, white, and Christian. White supremacists and fascists weaponize the Middle Ages to justify their hatred.
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetricEliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girlEliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarborChloe's blog: liesandarborgold.comIntro by Anton Langhage
A special gift from our Patrons, originally released December 2023.
The girls ended 2024 (and now, apparently 2024) by embarking on a new series by time traveling to the year 2013. In this first episode, we cover the world building that happens in the first few chapters of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, and some of the inspiration behind it.
Spoilers all The Hunger Games trilogy; hints to The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Want more coverage about The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, the prequel book? Check out Arah's YouTube channel, ieatzebra: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGu9dGopzdFfXUhoMP2BNAchBWIkx0AGX
Intro by Kevin MacLeod, "Fairytale Waltz"
And so we close our coverage of A Feast for Crows for good... with a diva down.
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetricEliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girlEliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarborChloe's blog: liesandarborgold.comIntro by Anton Langhage
Whether this diva is up or down, one thing's for sure: The Blue Bard won't be playing in any of this diva's backing tracks.
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetric
Eliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girl
Eliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/
Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarbor
Chloe's blog: liesandarborgold.com
Intro by Anton Langhage
Cersei ate. (So did Chloe.)
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetricEliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girlEliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarborChloe's blog: liesandarborgold.comIntro by Anton Langhage
"Ten thousand of your children perished in my palm, Your Grace, she thought, slipping a third finger into Myr. Whilst you snored, I would lick your sons off my face and fingers one by one, all those pale sticky princes. You claimed your rights, my lord, but in the darkness I would eat your heirs."
Professor of Cerseiology at the University of Lesbos, Rohanne, joins us to do a deep dive about Cersei, queerness, and the importance of complex narratives.
Where to find Rohanne:
https://x.com/cyrilwoodcock and https://bsky.app/profile/cyrilwoodcock.bsky.social
Essays and resources mentioned in the episode:
A Most Uncommon Woman: Cersei Lannister’s Gender Trouble by Rohanne and Lo the Lynx https://lothelynx.wordpress.com/2021/10/17/a-most-uncommon-woman-cersei-lannisters-gender-trouble/
Rohanne’s psychoanalytic analysis of Jaime and Cersei’s relationship: https://www.youtube.com/live/vLi47CKhFPA?si=tJL7BpchfyqTXY4Q
Rohanne on Melisandre and PTSD on NotACast: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0VPklta6R9p7JLxVfoRQj1?si=2f98e700206745b6
Scholarly works mentioned in this episode-
The Traffic in Women by Gayle Rubin https://summermeetings2013.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/rubin-traffic.pdf
This Sex Which Is Not One by Luce Irigaray https://www.columbia.edu/itc/architecture/ockman/pdfs/feminism/Irigaray.pdf
Tori Amos being Cersei- https://youtu.be/a9zAE3qL-sU?si=rtxQExndYDxKZDBu and https://youtu.be/tQ9mpu-t-7Y?si=mz83A5W2kXfMA4E6
Rohanne's Cersei playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5Vqe6prPlLf54kdP0iYX2W
Music credits:
"Spring Thaw" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 Licensehttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetricEliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girlEliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarborChloe's blog: liesandarborgold.comIntro by Anton Langhage
Get on your knees: The queen is visiting the Great Sept of Baelor and giving new rights to the Faith. Special guest Maddy breaks down the historical influences and parallels (particularly from the history of the Catholic Church) for the outcomes of Cersei's meeting with the new High Septon.
Where to find Maddy:
Recommended by Maddy: https://twitter.com/hightowerfunk
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetricEliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girlEliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarborChloe's blog: liesandarborgold.comIntro by Anton Langhage
It's hard to juggle work-life balance when you're Cersei.
Where to find Maddy:
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetricEliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girlEliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarborChloe's blog: liesandarborgold.comIntro by Anton Langhage
Cersei finally gets to join and lead a Small Council meeting made up of mostly unqualified people with newfangled titles.
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetricEliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girlEliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarborChloe's blog: liesandarborgold.comIntro by Anton Langhage
There's a wedding (again) where no one dies except Cersei's patience. Ghosts of weddings haunt her (and the reader).
Bonus: Listen to a developing, ongoing B plot where the "B" stands for baseball.
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetricEliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girlEliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarborChloe's blog: liesandarborgold.comIntro by Anton Langhage
It's a fitting day for rain at Tywin's funeral. It's not a very comforting one for the family, though, as Cersei bats away the grasping mourners and tries to keep the pack—er, lion's pride—together. (They do not wish to be together.)
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetricEliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girlEliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarborChloe's blog: liesandarborgold.comIntro by Anton Langhage
Okay, it's real this time: We're starting the Cersei chapters. The King's Hand is dead but long live the queen. Cersei Lannister. An icon.
Background music:
Drums of the Deep · Kevin MacLeod Drums of the Deep ℗ Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
"Unease" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 Licensehttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetricEliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girlEliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarborChloe's blog: liesandarborgold.comIntro by Anton Langhage
The last published chapter of A Song of Ice and Fire, brought to you by a spider, little birds... AND STEF LYONESS of the Kissed by Fire Podcast!
Join us for the heralding of winter: A lion roars his last as the spider's web comes into focus.
Where to find Stef Lyoness
Twitter — https://x.com/KissedPodcast
Stef's Twitter — https://x.com/Stef_Lyoness
Patreon — https://www.patreon.com/user?u=80234533
Threadless — https://kissedbyfire.threadless.com/
Background music
"Tenebrous Brothers Carnival - Mermaid" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 Licensehttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetricEliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girlEliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarborChloe's blog: liesandarborgold.comIntro by Anton Langhage
She don't speak, but she remember... AND SO DOES OUR SPECIAL GUEST, PAT, who joins us to remember pretty much every single thing about the Freys that you didn't know you missed about their family!
Come hang with us and our special guest for one of the best and mind-blowing chapters of ASOIAF
Where to find Pat
Pat's Reddit account and essays: https://www.reddit.com/user/ClankingDragonInn/
Sanrixian's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sanrixian
Sanrixian's Twitter: https://x.com/sanrixian
Sanrixian's Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sanrixian
Kissed by Fire Podcast: https://x.com/kissedpodcast
Background music:
"Right Behind You" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 Licensehttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetricEliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girlEliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarborChloe's blog: liesandarborgold.comIntro by Anton Langhage
Doctor Professor Joseph Magician joins us to talk about Magic in HOTD.Tune in for the SEASON FINALE of Unleash the D. The critically acclaimed, yadda yadda, yadda🧙Subscribe to JoeMagician: http://bit.ly/2EBHniX⚗️JoeMagician Patreon: https://bit.ly/2HQ6cVd👕JoeMagician Threadless Shop: https://joemagician.threadless.com/🎧JoeMagician Podcast Feed: https://apple.co/2XQ8kH5🐦Twitter: / thejoemagician
Welcome back to the final two episodes of S2 UNLEASH THE D, the hit primer series critics are saying serves major [REDACTED VAGINAL TERM].
It's post-season of House of the Dragon. Seamstress, costumer, and all around brilliant mind Meghan (Birdie Dee Costuming) has joined us to talk about everything costuming in the world of Westeros. Let us take you on color journeys, talk about who wore it best, and discuss both real-world and Westeros-world influences.
We have released a PATREON EXCLUSIVE video version of this episode that includes visual aids to help you better follow the conversation. We highly recommend checking that out over at: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unleash-d-s2e4-111408996
A special thank you to our patrons at patreon.com/girlsgonecanon for sponsoring every episode that we produce.
You can check out several other visuals below, as well as find Meghan's costuming online at........
Costuming by MeghanInstagramX (formerly Twitter)Chloe's CostumingFound around the internet in an unorganized fashion, also atChloeandthehawk DeviantArtScreenshots from HBO SeriesGame of ThronesHouse of the Dragon(Various episodes and scenes)Rosalia CuloraHair, Wigs, HairpiecesInstagramStephanie MilesHeadwear, Hats, TiarasInstagramClaire KitchenerEmbroideryInstagramGame of Thrones EmbroideryMichele Carragher EmbroideryHouse of the Dragon CostumesSeason OneJany TemimeHouse of the Dragon CostumesSeason TwoCaroline McCallFrench Meadows18th Century StaysThe DreamtressTextile SchoolHand Stitch TypesHellosewing.comMindy MakesThe Graphics FairyRegency DressesMakeup FXHand Knotting WigsYouTube VideoFashion Through Herstory“A Green Medieval Cote”WebsiteThe Consolation of PhilosophyPhilosophy Presenting the Seven Liberal Arts to Boethius(Manuscript)Treasury.comDreamfyre Art by SanrixianSanrixian Threadless
Chloe and Eliana talk about the casting of the upcoming series, 'A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms' and some things we're excited to see
Intro by Anton Langhage, "Cup of Coffee"
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