
  • Who were the sons of God and the nephilim? What about the giants? The earliest views up to the human/Sethite view in historical interpretation, with a special focus on allegory and what it is and how we might look at it. (Skipping Augustine because he needs his own episode!)

    **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com

    My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot

    Pilgrims in a Holy Land -
    The Epistle of Barnabas: Allegorical Interpretation and the Church: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvU6kRikkWA

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genesismarksthespot/

    Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
    Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
    Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan

  • Who were the sons of God and the nephilim? What about the giants? What is the earliest interpretation of Genesis 6:1-4? When do we get the human/Sethite view? Historical interpretation and its development up to the first couple of centuries A.D.

    **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com

    My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genesismarksthespot/

    Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
    Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
    Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan

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  • Continuing the conversation about singleness--this time with Mike Chu. What does the message of singleness as eschatological tell us about marriage and childlessness and how to value and interact within our relationships? A fantastic conversation that opens the doors to listening to one another and seeing how we reflect Jesus in our midst.

    **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com

    My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot

    Resurrection Year: https://www.amazon.com/Resurrection-Year-Turning-Broken-Beginnings/dp/0849964806/ref=sr_1_1?crid=31I31J9HTQBHZ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.wY1avy4hKsyMGX8_gCyam6uu6P3quBrQor5hPY4mEi2RgvwhJIDHlMRL3EAXxSDQojoCkR4zEI4m88_GEpW-rY75Q78oym_bRMpg3Ao6R8O8UzFZsY0At0zFNviH7SUabJy8SFfp4ebHZn2q93ZizDGDXO7VXVDolS2LA8mHCC9Y3MoI-qhYkomEQ0TjRApkQ7X79uVvRXkq0DQ-zL0rKltalnCvVJocNd8KSzk1NhM.IUtzuSUECdda6ojXLtMaRuHat5xlqehdMzrHh1b89OA&dib_tag=se&keywords=resurrection+year&qid=1731616711&sprefix=resurrection+ye%2Caps%2C268&sr=8-1

    The Making of Us: https://www.amazon.com/Making-Us-Become-Doesnt-Planned-ebook/dp/B07DT956GN/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=hxlJv&content-id=amzn1.sym.05575cf6-d484-437c-b7e0-42887775cf30&pf_rd_p=05575cf6-d484-437c-b7e0-42887775cf30&pf_rd_r=135-0557468-6927815&pd_rd_wg=kayqC&pd_rd_r=7f042134-251c-4a81-be61-d5b95564fa08&ref_=aufs_ap_sc_dsk

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genesismarksthespot/

    Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
    Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
    Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan

  • A comparison of LDS theology with biblical theology, especially focused on the divine council worldview. A recounting of the LDS story of creation and salvation (otherwise known as "exaltation") and looking at how these display the differences between Christianity and "Mormonism."

    **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com

    My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genesismarksthespot/

    Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
    Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
    Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan

  • Jesus says that angels in heaven don't marry, so how could the sons of God in Genesis 6 be spirit beings? How many generations does it take for "Nephilim DNA" to be diluted? How do we get Nephilim after the flood? Modern DNA vs. ancient bloodlines--what's the difference? And what does Calvinball have to do with any of that?

    **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com

    My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genesismarksthespot/

    Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
    Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
    Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan

  • Is singleness what we all have to look forward to in the eschaton? Reviewing Danielle Treweek's book, The Meaning of Singleness: Retrieving an Eschatological Vision for the Contemporary Church. The church has traditionally seen singleness to be THE "eschatological" view, but more recent history has flipped this on its head and now marriage is often elevated in ways that are potentially problematic. Perhaps there's a third way of seeing the eschaton's imagery rather than a battle between singleness OR marriage.

    **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com

    My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genesismarksthespot/

    The Meaning of Singleness: https://www.amazon.com/Meaning-Singleness-Retrieving-Eschatological-Contemporary/dp/1514004852/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3O7I48NPC0UP3&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.YXEpVQQ-V5QUCrn3I_qmqA.TmatIccOtPiAxgArStrdgTqjvnEoliAni1zZQygUbyQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=danielle+treweek&qid=1729798176&sprefix=danielle+treweek%2Caps%2C231&sr=8-1

    Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
    Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
    Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan

  • Answering the question begun in episode 92 about homosexuality and the kingdom of God. While there are differences in sexuality between the ancient world and today, let's encourage the development of a biblical imagination and the continual turning to Christ, our King.

    **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com

    My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genesismarksthespot/

    Mark Ward on Homosexuality in the NT (language warning and adult themes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcnWOgoYfsU&t=5s&ab_channel=MarkWard

    Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
    Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
    Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan

  • Marriage according the Bible: Continuity between the Old Testament to the New Testament to the church to today. Are we actually "thinking biblically"? Do our ideas about sex and marriage reflect what the Bible says? Inheritance, virginity, the divine council worldview, and the idea that Jesus expanded the Torah.

    **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com

    My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genesismarksthespot/

    Jason Staples and Matt. 5:27-28: https://www.jasonstaples.com/bible/most-misinterpreted-bible-passages-1-matthew-527-28/

    Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
    Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
    Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan

  • Marriage according to the Bible: What was adultery in the Old Testament? Why is it only for women?

    **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com

    My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genesismarksthespot/

    Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
    Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
    Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan

  • Marriage according to the Bible. Beginning a survey of passages about marriage and defining marriage in the ancient Near East: what is a concubine and how did marriage "happen"? What's inheritance got to do with it? Why are polygamy and other "unsavory" practices in the Torah?

    **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com

    My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genesismarksthespot/

    Marriage as Covenant: https://www.amazon.com/Marriage-Covenant-Biblical-Developed-Malachi/dp/1620324563/ref=sr_1_1?crid=326QZJ7E4KXN1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.2VI_JoGMAM15Uncw5k4sJS-hmOkmatHID5o8OZxfpNg.vERNi8IIY233ESckoVK-wgA63eQTbcLLIFifw_vzPhM&dib_tag=se&keywords=marriage+as+covenant+hugenberger&qid=1727381819&sprefix=marriage+as+covenant+hugenberge%2Caps%2C277&sr=8-1

    Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
    Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
    Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan

  • Continuing the conversation about sexuality with a detour into the topic of physical embodiment as seen from Jesus, the gospel, sacrament, and community. Do you see creation as cursed? Are the sacraments "just" symbolic? Two connected questions that with the message of the gospel can help us address our discomforts with our bodies.

    **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com

    My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot

    The Genesis of Gender by Abigail Favale: https://www.amazon.com/Genesis-Gender-Christian-Theory-ebook/dp/B0B788FF4P/ref=sr_1_1?crid=ZGFZ2I8ZMQCK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.j1LrLhnaMWMJu3WjdTEGlB3UVYx9h4HoH58TsSXYfQTkHO9FN87x7HTCwtdkxODFnjylTt4LAmPTk8NiRdU26W8RwfPwgoFua5pOsLJUh8aOfYlcnAWvbA3a2ggvmi7FNxgBrEtMFguSn2RiODZQAAr0BczXD7oUTF3BSkkH-vQM9Y-C2dcUGWr5UuXnBL-6b1Qv7IsXYDKQMR2dvvCSi43y3LQWFqJlPd181RQ02yY.mUGQ-bHZL2moVXEI-3j5Iq6zX0zW3DUr2kpCMf0Y6MA&dib_tag=se&keywords=genesis+of+gender&qid=1726187422&sprefix=genesis+of+gende%2Caps%2C413&sr=8-1

    Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: https://www.amazon.com/Rise-Triumph-Modern-Self-Individualism-ebook/dp/B089DNYCDY/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3JEO4LXC43NL8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.n7ClJSV_Ak5yIAAOfQjcZbTbWGEAai2Zs3V-T1OjaMQkNAAKwHG4O8z7t-S0sT6UWnN24LEVuXwVgsfDhDGeFqXgvpo88nhNf3hsx6kg0TR7yeh5z4A0qbDZOovf2T2_zRTOad6N7jh2NIPXK03M69bVL9owaZDmcTjbPCOL--C0DqD9YEHaZo_8ZPhBhhpJ.TvWT7w7_mCC4bJS0fSd2PsohBqEQ9OHOSXRdRC_WQq8&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+rise+and+triumph+of+the+modern+self&qid=1726803170&sprefix=rise+and+triump%2Caps%2C248&sr=8-1

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genesismarksthespot/

    Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
    Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
    Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan

  • How do we understand gender identity from a biblical perspective?

    Focusing on the topic of gender and how it came to be today, I discuss the book the Genesis of Gender by Abigail Favale. She explains the "gender paradigm" and encourages us to see a "Genesis paradigm" in relation to how we see ourselves and our bodies.

    **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com

    My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot

    The Genesis of Gender by Abigail Favale: https://www.amazon.com/Genesis-Gender-Christian-Theory-ebook/dp/B0B788FF4P/ref=sr_1_1?crid=ZGFZ2I8ZMQCK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.j1LrLhnaMWMJu3WjdTEGlB3UVYx9h4HoH58TsSXYfQTkHO9FN87x7HTCwtdkxODFnjylTt4LAmPTk8NiRdU26W8RwfPwgoFua5pOsLJUh8aOfYlcnAWvbA3a2ggvmi7FNxgBrEtMFguSn2RiODZQAAr0BczXD7oUTF3BSkkH-vQM9Y-C2dcUGWr5UuXnBL-6b1Qv7IsXYDKQMR2dvvCSi43y3LQWFqJlPd181RQ02yY.mUGQ-bHZL2moVXEI-3j5Iq6zX0zW3DUr2kpCMf0Y6MA&dib_tag=se&keywords=genesis+of+gender&qid=1726187422&sprefix=genesis+of+gende%2Caps%2C413&sr=8-1

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genesismarksthespot/

    Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
    Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
    Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan

  • Seeing the cosmos as an interconnected whole does not come naturally to us today. This is a source of many of our struggles with understanding the divine council worldview, the image of God, and the deep meaning of ritual. A discussion on science, its nature and uses, and kicking some ideas around to stir up our minds to get that ancient context in our heads as we read Scripture. The raqia, thresholds, boundaries, and carrying our biblical imaginations from today into yesterday.

    **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com

    My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genesismarksthespot/

    Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
    Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
    Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan

  • Responding to Doreen Virtue's critique of Dr. Michael Heiser. Definitions, definitions, definitions. Elohim, polytheism, divine....what do they mean? What did Dr. Heiser mean by them? Can a functional view of these terms help clear the waters?

    **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com

    My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot

    Previous Critique Review on Faith Unaltered: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmO60IOeUXg

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genesismarksthespot/

    Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
    Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
    Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan

  • The giant questions: what is the seed of the serpent, who are the Nephilim, and how is it that the flood didn't wipe them out?

    Intersecting with the concepts of the divine council worldview and the identity of the sons of God (are they different from Genesis 6 to Genesis 11/Deuteronomy 32, and were they always rebellious?), and how all this fits in with the gospel of Jesus Christ and the body of Christ!

    Come listen to some answers in Genesis from TJ Steadman.

    **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com

    My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot

    Answers to Giant Questions: https://giantanswers.com/index.html

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genesismarksthespot/

    Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
    Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
    Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan

  • Couldn't resist another episode about notetaking, highlighting, and Bible translations!

    Find some fun recommendations below! (No, I don't get kickbacks from the links, they are just there for you to check out what we're talking about!)

    **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com

    My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genesismarksthespot/

    Bible Brights Accu-Dry: https://tinyurl.com/biblebrights

    Zebra Mildliners: https://tinyurl.com/zebramildlinerhighlighterss

    Prismacolors: https://tinyurl.com/prismacolorcolors

    Ink Joy pens: https://tinyurl.com/inkjoyballpoint

    Every Man's Study Bible: https://tinyurl.com/everymansstudybible

    ESV Scripture Journal, Illuminated (full set): https://tinyurl.com/ESVscripturejournal

    Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
    Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
    Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan

  • Should Christians read the book of Enoch? What use could it have? Can a book not in our canon of Scripture contain the gospel?

    A conversation with Anthony Delgado ranging from the exile to the end of time.

    **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com

    My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot

    Anthony Delgado's website: https://www.anthonydelgado.net/

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genesismarksthespot/

    Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
    Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
    Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan

  • Genesis interpretation in the Dead Sea Scrolls: the "Words of the Luminaries": (4Q504) and a "Paraphrase of Genesis and Exodus" (4Q422).

    The Words of the Luminaries is a set of weekly liturgical prayers and the Paraphrase of Genesis and Exodus is in the genre of "rewritten Bible," perhaps used as or with a homily. These are excellent texts to investigate how the people of Qumran and other Jews were thinking about the creation account. What aspects were they bringing out for use and application outside Scripture? Some of the points might surprise us, and they can lead to some interesting conversation.

    Bonus topic for this week: an encouragement for liturgical prayer!

    **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com

    My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genesismarksthespot/

    Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
    Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
    Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan

  • The Dead Sea Scrolls were an amazing find for the study of the Bible and understanding the context of Jesus' time. They can also help shed light on the ways that the biblical text is used through time by different communities. This can help us understand this strange time we are in today, where we have so much information about the context of the Bible and we discover that historical interpretation is often quite different from interpretation at the time of the final form of the text.

    Do you want to help others learn about the context of the Bible, and why that's important for our understanding of this ancient text? The people in our churches who might feel like this is a threat to their faith might actually have a kind of point that we need to acknowledge, so maybe there's a better way we can help curb our tendencies to be too forceful and to understand where others are in their views. By understanding people better, we can then communicate to them better, and better communication is the key to better community. I hope this episode is a blessing to you as you try to teach and communicate the truths of Scripture to others.

    **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com

    My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genesismarksthespot/

    Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
    Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
    Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan

  • What is the role of the human in inspiration? Are the Scriptures the "inspired word of God" via dictation or "holy download" to the human writer? Is there room for editing and compiling?

    Discussing the dictation view, the verbal plenary view, and the dynamic view of inspiration. Each view holds God in high regard, but how do they portray humanity?

    AND! Exciting news from the AWKNG School of Theology! Tune in to the end to hear all about it!

    **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com

    My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot

    AWKNG School of Theology: https://awkngschooloftheology.com/

    Donald Bloesch: https://tinyurl.com/Bloesh-Holy-Scripture

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot

    Genesis Marks the Spot on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genesismarksthespot/

    Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
    Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
    Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan